2025-02-27 18:56:07 +07:00

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In this chapter, you will learn how to:
- Create a custom header.
- Create a custom footer.
- Modify a standard template.
- Add a copyright section.
- Improve your website's responsiveness.
An Odoo page combines cross-page and unique elements. Cross-page elements are the same on every
page, while unique elements are only related to a specific page. By default, a page has two
cross-page elements, the header and the footer, and a unique main element that contains the specific
content of that page.
.. code-block:: xml
<div id="wrapwrap">
<div id="wrap" class="oe_structure">
<!-- Page Content -->
Any Odoo XML file starts with encoding specifications. After that, you must write your code inside
an `<odoo>` tag.
.. code-block:: xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
.. note::
Using precise file names is important to find information through all modules quickly. File names
should only contain lowercase alphanumerics and underscores.
Always add an empty line at the end of your file. This can be done automatically by configuring
your IDE.
XPath (XML Path Language) is an expression language that enables you to navigate through elements
and attributes in an XML document easily. XPath is used to extend standard Odoo templates.
A view is coded the following way.
.. code-block:: xml
<template id="..." inherit_id="..." name="...">
<!-- Content -->
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
:widths: 20 80
* - Attribute
- Description
* - id
- ID of the modified view
* - inherited_id
- ID of the standard view
* - name
- Human-readable name of the modified view
For each XPath, you modify two attributes: **expression** and **position**.
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/views/website_templates.xml``
<template id="layout" inherit_id="website.layout" name="Welcome Message">
<xpath expr="//header" position="before">
<!-- Content -->
This XPath adds a welcome message right before the page content.
.. warning::
Be careful when replacing default elements' attributes. As your theme extends the default one,
your changes will take priority over any future Odoo update.
.. note::
- You should update your module every time you create a new template or record.
- *XML IDs* of inheriting views should use the same *ID* as the original record. It helps to find
all inheritance at a glance. As final *XML IDs* are prefixed by the module that creates them,
there is no overlap.
XPath uses path expressions to select nodes in an XML document. Selectors are used inside the
expression to target the right element. The most useful ones are listed below.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
:widths: 20 80
* - Descendent selectors
- Description
* - /
- Selects from the root node.
* - //
- Selects nodes in the document from the current node that matches the selection no matter
where they are.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
:widths: 20 80
* - Attribute selectors
- Description
* - \*
- Selects any XML tag. `*` can be replaced by a specific tag if the selection needs to be
more precise.
* - \*[@id="id"]
- Selects a specific ID.
* - \*[hasclass("class")]
- Selects a specific class.
* - \*[@name="name"]
- Selects a tag with a specific name.
* - \*[@t-call="t-call"]
- Selects a specific t-call.
The position defines where the code is placed inside the template. The possible values are listed
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
:widths: 20 80
* - Position
- Description
* - replace
- Replaces the targeted node with the XPath content.
* - inside
- Adds the XPath content inside the targeted node.
* - before
- Adds the XPath content before the targeted node.
* - after
- Adds the XPath content after the targeted node.
* - attributes
- Adds the XPath content inside an attribute.
.. example::
This XPath adds a `<div>` before the `<nav>` that is a direct child of the `<header>`.
.. code-block:: xml
<xpath expr="//header/nav" position="before">
<div>Some content before the header</div>
This XPath adds `x_airproof_header` in the class attribute of the header. You also need to define
a `separator` attribute to add a space before the class you are adding.
.. code-block:: xml
<xpath expr="//header" position="attributes">
<attribute name="class" add="x_airproof_header" separator=" "/>
This XPath removes `x_airproof_header` in the class attribute of the header. In this case, you
don't need to use the `separator` attribute.
.. code-block:: xml
<xpath expr="//header" position="attributes">
<attribute name="class" remove="x_airproof_header" />
This XPath removes the first element with a `.breadcrumb` class.
.. code-block:: xml
<xpath expr="//*[hasclass('breadcrumb')]" position="replace"/>
This XPath adds an extra `<li>` element after the last child of the `<ul>` element.
.. code-block:: xml
<xpath expr="//ul" position="inside">
<li>Last element of the list</li>
.. seealso::
You can find more information about XPath in this `cheat sheet <>`_.
QWeb is the primary templating engine used by Odoo. It is an XML templating engine mainly used to
generate HTML fragments and pages.
.. seealso::
:doc:`QWeb templates documentation <../../reference/frontend/qweb>`.
You can define a color or an image as the background of your website.
.. code-block:: scss
:caption: ``/website_airproof/static/src/scss/primary_variables.scss``
$o-color-palettes: map-merge($o-color-palettes,
'airproof': (
'o-cc1-bg': 'o-color-5',
'o-cc5-bg': 'o-color-1',
.. code-block:: scss
:caption: ``/website_airproof/static/src/scss/primary_variables.scss``
$o-website-values-palettes: (
'body-image': '/website_airproof/static/src/img/background-lines.svg',
'body-image-type': 'image' or 'pattern'
By default, the header contains a responsive navigation menu and the company's logo. You can easily
add new elements or create your own template.
Enable one of the header default templates.
.. important::
Don't forget that you may need to disable the active header template first.
.. code-block:: scss
:caption: ``/website_airproof/static/src/scss/primary_variables.scss``
$o-website-values-palettes: (
'header-template': 'Contact',
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/data/presets.xml``
<record id="website.template_header_contact" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="active" eval="True"/>
Create your own template and add it to the list.
.. important::
Don't forget that you may need to disable the active header template first.
Use the following code to add an option for your new custom header on the Website Builder.
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/data/presets.xml``
<template id="template_header_opt" inherit_id="website.snippet_options" name="Header Template - Option">
<xpath expr="//we-select[@data-variable='header-template']" position="inside">
<we-button title="airproof"
data-customize-website-variable="'airproof'" data-img="/website_airproof/static/src/img/wbuilder/template_header_opt.svg"/>
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
:widths: 20 80
* - Attribute
- Description
* - data-customize-website-views
- The template to enable
* - data-customize-website-variable
- The name given to the variable
* - data-img
- The thumbnail of the custom template shown in the templates selection on the Website Builder
Now you have to explicitly define that you want to use your custom template in the Odoo SASS
.. code-block:: scss
:caption: ``/website_airproof/static/src/scss/primary_variables.scss``
$o-website-values-palettes: (
'header-template': 'airproof',
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/views/website_templates.xml``
<record id="header" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Airproof Header</field>
<field name="type">qweb</field>
<field name="key">website_airproof.header</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="website.layout"/>
<field name="mode">extension</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//header//nav" position="replace">
<!-- Static Content -->
<!-- Components -->
<!-- Editable areas -->
In your custom header, you can call several sub-templates using the `t-call` directive from QWeb:
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-call="website.placeholder_header_brand">
<t t-set="_link_class" t-valuef="..."/>
Don't forget to record the logo of your website in the database.
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/data/images.xml``
<record id="website.default_website" model="website">
<field name="logo" type="base64" file="website_airproof/static/src/img/content/logo.png"/>
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-foreach="website.menu_id.child_id" t-as="submenu">
<t t-call="website.submenu">
<t t-set="item_class" t-valuef="nav-item"/>
<t t-set="link_class" t-valuef="nav-link"/>
Sign in
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-call="portal.placeholder_user_sign_in">
<t t-set="_item_class" t-valuef="nav-item"/>
<t t-set="_link_class" t-valuef="nav-link"/>
User dropdown
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-call="portal.user_dropdown">
<t t-set="_user_name" t-value="true"/>
<t t-set="_icon" t-value="false"/>
<t t-set="_avatar" t-value="false"/>
<t t-set="_item_class" t-valuef="nav-item dropdown"/>
<t t-set="_link_class" t-valuef="nav-link"/>
<t t-set="_dropdown_menu_class" t-valuef="..."/>
Language selector
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-call="website.placeholder_header_language_selector">
<t t-set="_div_classes" t-valuef="..."/>
Call to action
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-call="website.placeholder_header_call_to_action">
<t t-set="_div_classes" t-valuef="..."/>
Navbar toggler
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-call="website.navbar_toggler">
<t t-set="_toggler_class" t-valuef="..."/>
.. seealso::
You can add a :ref:`header overlay <header_overlay>` to position your header over the content of
your page. It has to be done on each page individually.
By default, the footer contains a section with some static content. You can easily add new elements
or create your own template.
Enable one of the default footer templates. Don't forget that you may need to disable the active
footer template first.
.. code-block:: scss
:caption: ``/website_airproof/static/src/scss/primary_variables.scss``
$o-website-values-palettes: (
'header-template': 'Contact',
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/data/presets.xml``
<record id="website.template_header_contact" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="active" eval="True"/>
Create your own template and add it to the list. Don't forget that you may need to disable the
active footer template first.
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/data/presets.xml``
<template id="template_header_opt" inherit_id="website.snippet_options" name="Footer Template - Option">
<xpath expr="//we-select[@data-variable='footer-template']" position="inside">
<we-button title="airproof"
.. code-block:: scss
:caption: ``/website_airproof/static/src/scss/primary_variables.scss``
$o-website-values-palettes: (
'footer-template': 'airproof',
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/views/website_templates.xml``
<record id="footer" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Airproof Footer</field>
<field name="type">qweb</field>
<field name="key">website_airproof.footer</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="website.layout"/>
<field name="mode">extension</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//div[@id='footer']" position="replace">
<div id="footer" class="oe_structure oe_structure_solo" t-ignore="true" t-if="not no_footer">
<!-- Content -->
There is only one template available at the moment for the copyright bar.
To replace the content or modify its structure, you can add your own code to the following XPath.
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: ``/website_airproof/views/website_templates.xml``
<template id="copyright" inherit_id="website.layout">
<xpath expr="//div[hasclass('o_footer_copyright')]" position="replace">
<div class="o_footer_copyright" data-name="Copyright">
<!-- Content -->
Drop zone
Instead of defining the complete layout of a page, you can create building blocks (snippets) and
let the user choose where to drag and drop them, creating the page layout on their own. We call
this *modular design*.
You can define an empty area that the user can fill with snippets.
.. code-block:: xml
<div id="oe_structure_layout_01" class="oe_structure"/>
.. todo:: Missing description in table ...
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
:widths: 20 80
* - Class
- Description
* - oe_structure
- Define a drag-and-drop area for the user.
* - oe_structure_solo
- Only one snippet can be dropped in this area.
You can also populate an existing drop zone with your content.
.. code-block:: xml
<template id="oe_structure_layout_01" inherit_id="..." name="...">
<xpath expr="//*[@id='oe_structure_layout_01']" position="replace">
<div id="oe_structure_layout_01" class="oe_structure oe_structure_solo">
<!-- Content -->
You can find some hints below to help you make your website responsive.
.. seealso::
- `Bootstrap documentation on responsive breakpoints
- `Bootstrap documentation on display property
**Font size**
As of v4.3.0, Bootstrap ships with the option to enable responsive font sizes, allowing text to
scale more naturally across device and viewport sizes. Enable them by changing the
`$enable-responsive-font-sizes` Sass variable to true.
.. seealso::
`Responsive Font Size GitHub <>`_
Website Builder
Hide a specific `<section>` on mobile.
.. code-block:: xml
<section class="d-none d-md-block">
<!-- Content -->
Hide a `<col>` on mobile.
.. code-block:: xml
<div class="container">
<div class="row d-flex align-items-stretch">
<div class="col-lg-4 d-none d-md-block">
<!-- Content -->