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Odoo Editor
Odoo Editor is Odoo's own rich text editor. Its sources can be found in the
`odoo-editor directory
The Powerbox is a piece of user interface that contains
:ref:`commands <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/command>` organized
into :ref:`categories <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/category>`. It
appears when typing `/` in the editor. The commands can be filtered when the
user inputs text, and navigated with the arrow keys.
.. image:: odoo_editor/powerbox.png
:align: center
:alt: The Powerbox opened after typing "/".
Modifying the Powerbox
Only one Powerbox should be instantiated at the time, and that job is done by
the editor itself. Its Powerbox instance can be found in its `powerbox` instance
To change the Powerbox's contents and options, change the options passed to the
editor before it gets instantiated.
.. important::
Never instantiate the Powerbox yourself. Always use the current editor's own
instance instead.
.. example::
Say we want to add a new command `Document` to the Powerbox, just for the
`mass_mailing` module. We want to add it to a new category called
`Documentation` and we want it all the way at the top of the Powerbox.
`mass_mailing` `extends
`web_editor`'s `Wysiwyg class
<{GITHUB_PATH}/addons/web_editor/static/src/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.js>`_, which
instantiates the editor in its `start` method. Before doing so, it
calls its own `_getPowerboxOptions` method, which can conveniently be
overridden to add our new commands.
Since `mass_mailing` already overrides `_getPowerboxOptions`, let's just add
our new command to it:
.. code-block:: javascript
_getPowerboxOptions: function () {
const options = this._super();
// (existing code before the return statement)
name: _t('Documentation'),
priority: 300,
name: _t('Document'),
category: _t('Documentation'),
description: _t("Add this text to your mailing's documentation"),
fontawesome: 'fa-book',
priority: 1, // This is the only command in its category anyway.
return options;
.. important::
In order to allow the names and descriptions of your commands and
categories to be translated, make sure to wrap them in the `_t` function.
.. tip::
To avoid out-of-control escalations, don't use random numbers for your
priorities: look at which other priorities already exist and choose your
value accordingly (like you would do for a `z-index`).
Opening a custom Powerbox
It is possible to open the Powerbox with a custom set of categories and
commands, bypassing all pre-existing ones. To do that, call the `open` method of
the Powerbox and pass it your custom commands and categories.
.. image:: odoo_editor/powerbox-custom.png
:align: center
:alt: The Powerbox opened with custom categories and commands when pasting an
image URL.
.. example::
We need the current instance of the Powerbox, which can be found in the
current editor. In the `Wysiwyg class
<{GITHUB_PATH}/addons/web_editor/static/src/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.js>`_, you
will find it as `this.odooEditor.powerbox`.
Now to open it with our custom "Document" command in a custom
"Documentation" category:
.. code-block:: javascript
name: _t('Document'),
category: _t('Documentation'),
description: _t("Add this text to your mailing's documentation"),
fontawesome: 'fa-book',
priority: 1, // This is the only command in its category anyway.
name: _t('Documentation'),
priority: 300,
Filtering commands
There are three ways to filter commands:
#. Via the `powerboxFilters`
:ref:`Powerbox option <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/options>`.
#. Via a given
:ref:`command <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/command>`'s
`isDisabled` entry.
#. The user can filter commands by simply typing text after opening the
Powerbox. It will fuzzy-match that text with the names of the categories and
.. image:: odoo_editor/powerbox-filtered.png
:align: center
:alt: The Powerbox with its commands filtered using the word "head".
.. _reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/category:
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 20 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - `name`
- `string`
- the name of the category
* - `priority`
- `number`
- used to order the category: a category with a higher priority is
displayed higher into the Powerbox (categories with the same priority
are ordered alphabetically)
.. note::
If several categories exist with the same name, they will be grouped into
one. Its priority will be that defined in the version of the category that
was declared last.
.. _reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/command:
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 20 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - `name`
- `string`
- the name of the command
* - `category`
- `string`
- the name of the category the command belongs to
* - `description`
- `string`
- a short text to describe the command
* - `fontawesome`
- `string`
- the name of a *Font Awesome* that will serve as the command's icon
* - `priority`
- `number`
- used to order the command: a command with a higher priority is displayed
higher into the Powerbox (commands with the same priority are ordered
* - `callback`
- `function` (`() => void`)
- the function to execute when the command is picked (can be asynchronous)
* - `isDisabled` (optional)
- `function` (`() => void`)
- a function used to disable the command under certain conditions (when it
returns `true`, the command will be disabled)
.. note::
If the command points to a category that doesn't exist yet, that category
will be created and appended at the end of the Powerbox.
.. _reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/options:
The following options can be passed to OdooEditor, that will then be passed to
the instance of the Powerbox:
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 20 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - `commands`
- `array of commands`
- commands to add to the default defined by the editor
* - `categories`
- `array of categories`
- categories to add to the default defined by the editor
* - `powerboxFilters`
- `array of functions` (`commands => commands`)
- functions used to filter commands displayed in the Powerbox
* - `getContextFromParentRect`
- `function` (`() => DOMRect`)
- a function that returns the `DOMRect` of an ancestor of the editor (can
be useful when the editor is in an iframe)