Since 11.0, the naming scheme changed from `(x.)saas~y` to `saas~x.y`. closes odoo/documentation#1804 Signed-off-by: Antoine Vandevenne (anv) <anv@odoo.com>
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.. _supported_versions:
Supported versions
Odoo provides support and bug fixing **for the 3 last major versions** of Odoo.
.. note::
Odoo releases intermediary versions called **Online versions** on the :doc:`Odoo Online <online>`
hosting every two months. Odoo Online users can then benefit from the latest features of Odoo.
- Admins of Odoo Online databases are invited to :doc:`upgrade <../upgrade>` them regularly.
- Online versions are *not* released for Odoo.sh and On-Premise installations.
- Online versions are listed below as *SaaS*.
What's the support status of my Odoo?
This matrix shows the support status of every version.
**Major releases are in bold type.**
| | Odoo Online | Odoo.sh | On-Premise | Release date | End of support |
| Odoo saas~15.2 | |green| | N/A | N/A | March 2022 | |
| Odoo saas~15.1 | |red| | N/A | N/A | February 2022 | |
| **Odoo 15.0** | |green| | |green| | |green| | October 2021 | October 2024 (planned) |
| **Odoo 14.0** | |green| | |green| | |green| | October 2020 | October 2023 (planned) |
| **Odoo 13.0** | |green| | |green| | |green| | October 2019 | October 2022 (planned) |
| Odoo saas~12.3 | |red| | N/A | N/A | August 2019 | |
| **Odoo 12.0** | |red| | |red| | |red| | October 2018 | October 2021 |
| Odoo saas~11.3 | |red| | N/A | N/A | April 2018 | |
| **Odoo 11.0** | |red| | |red| | |red| | October 2017 | October 2020 |
| Odoo 10.saas~15 | |red| | N/A | N/A | March 2017 | |
| Odoo 10.saas~14 | |red| | N/A | N/A | January 2017 | |
| **Odoo 10.0** | |red| | |red| | |red| | October 2016 | October 2019 |
| Odoo 9.saas~11 | |red| | N/A | N/A | May 2016 | |
| **Odoo 9.0** | |red| | N/A | |red| | October 2015 | October 2018 |
| Odoo 8.saas~6 | |red| | N/A | N/A | February 2015 | |
| **Odoo 8.0** | |red| | N/A | |red| | September 2014 | October 2017 |
.. note::
|green| Supported version
|red| End-of-support
N/A Never released for this platform
🏁 Future version, not released yet
.. This is an awful way to display colored circles but "Large Green Circle Emoji" was only released
in 2019 (see https://unicode-table.com/en/1F7E2/). Let's wait a few more years...
.. |green| image:: 
:width: 15
.. |red| image:: 
:width: 15
I run an older version of Odoo/OpenERP/TinyERP
OpenERP 7.0, 6.1, 6.0 and 5.0 is not supported anymore, on any platform.
TinyERP 4.0, 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0 is not supported anymore, on any platform.
Even though we don't support older versions, you can always `upgrade from any version <https://upgrade.odoo.com/>`_.