These mixins were used in the old doc and were kept "just in case". The
`valid-radius` mixin already exists in the bootstrap library.
X-original-commit: 9a2e8eefef
94 lines
3.1 KiB
94 lines
3.1 KiB
// ================================================
// ================ Mixins =======================
// ================================================
// Utilities
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
@mixin o-position-absolute($top: auto, $right: auto, $bottom: auto, $left: auto){
position: absolute;
top: $top;
left: $left;
bottom: $bottom;
right: $right;
@mixin o-transform-origin($x: 50%, $y: 50%, $z: 0){
-ms-transform-origin: $x $y $z;
-webkit-transform-origin: $x $y $z;
-moz-transform-origin: $x $y $z;
transform-origin: $x $y $z;
@mixin o-transition($property: all, $duration: 0s, $timing-function: ease, $transition-delay: 0s){
-webkit-transition: $property $duration $timing-function $transition-delay;
-moz-transition: $property $duration $timing-function $transition-delay;
-o-transition: $property $duration $timing-function $transition-delay;
transition: $property $duration $timing-function $transition-delay;
// Backgrounds
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
@mixin o-gradient($deg: 99deg , $startColor: $o-violet, $endColor: #62495B, $startOffset: 10%, $endOffset: 90%){
background: mix($startColor, $endColor);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor $startOffset, $endColor $endOffset);
background: -moz-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor $startOffset, $endColor $endOffset);
background: -ms-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor $startOffset, $endColor $endOffset);
background: -o-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor $startOffset, $endColor $endOffset);
background: linear-gradient($deg, $startColor $startOffset, $endColor $endOffset);
@mixin o-transform($args){
-webkit-transform : $args;
-moz-transform : $args;
-ms-transform : $args;
-o-transform : $args;
transform : $args;
//-- add icon
@mixin o-inline-icon($icon-content, $margin, $v-align: middle, $font-size: 1.5rem, $font-weight: $fw_regular) {
content: '#{$icon-content}';
font-family: 'icomoon' !important;
@include font-size($font-size);
font-weight: $font-weight;
vertical-align: $v-align;
margin: $margin;
//-- fix scroll issue
@mixin o-scroll-padding() {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
padding-top: calc(#{$o-headers-height} + 10px);
margin-top: -$o-headers-height - 10px;
@mixin o-easter-egg($width: 100%, $height: 100%, $img: 'img/poule.svg' ){
position: relative;
// Easter Egg on hover 5s
&:after {
content: '';
display: block;
width: $width;
height: $height;
@include o-position-absolute(auto, 0, 0, 0);
background-image: url('#{$img}');
background-color: $white;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
opacity: 0;
visibility: hidden;
@include o-transition(all, .5s, ease-out, .5s);
&:hover:after {
opacity: 1;
visibility: visible;
@include o-transition(all, .5s, ease-in, 5s);