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import hashlib
import hmac
import logging
import json
import werkzeug.exceptions
from odoo.http import Controller, request, route
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
from . import dashboard
from . import reviewer_provisioning
from .. import utils, github
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MergebotController(Controller):
@route('/runbot_merge/hooks', auth='none', type='json', csrf=False, methods=['POST'])
def index(self):
req = request.httprequest
event = req.headers['X-Github-Event']
c = EVENTS.get(event)
if not c:
_logger.warning('Unknown event %s', event)
return 'Unknown event {}'.format(event)
repo = request.jsonrequest['repository']['full_name']
env = request.env(user=1)
secret = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([
('name', '=', repo),
if secret:
signature = 'sha1=' +'ascii'), req.get_data(), hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
if not hmac.compare_digest(signature, req.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature', '')):
_logger.warning("Ignored hook with incorrect signature %s",
return werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden()
return c(env, request.jsonrequest)
def _format(self, request):
return """<= {r.method} {r.full_path}
'\t%s: %s' % entry for entry in request.headers.items()
body=utils.shorten(request.get_data(as_text=True).strip(), 400)
def handle_pr(env, event):
if event['action'] in [
'assigned', 'unassigned', 'review_requested', 'review_request_removed',
'labeled', 'unlabeled'
'Ignoring pull_request[%s] on %s#%s',
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Ignoring'
pr = event['pull_request']
r = pr['base']['repo']['full_name']
b = pr['base']['ref']
repo = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', r)])
if not repo:
_logger.warning("Received a PR for %s but not configured to handle that repo", r)
# sadly shit's retarded so odoo json endpoints really mean
# ACTUAL RAW HTTP RESPONSES and thus not possible to
# report actual errors to the webhooks listing thing on
# github (not that we'd be looking at them but it'd be
# useful for tests)
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Not configured to handle {}".format(r)
# PRs to unmanaged branches are not necessarily abnormal and
# we don't care
branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('name', '=', b),
('project_id', '=',,
def feedback(**info):
return env[''].create({
'pull_request': pr['number'],
def find(target):
return env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository', '=',,
('number', '=', pr['number']),
('target', '=',,
# edition difficulty: pr['base']['ref] is the *new* target, the old one
# is at event['change']['base']['ref'] (if the target changed), so edition
# handling must occur before the rest of the steps
if event['action'] == 'edited':
source = event['changes'].get('base', {'ref': {'from': b}})['ref']['from']
source_branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('name', '=', source),
('project_id', '=',,
# retargeting to un-managed => delete
if not branch:
pr = find(source_branch)
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Retargeted {} to un-managed branch {}, deleted'.format(, b)
# retargeting from un-managed => create
if not source_branch:
return handle_pr(env, dict(event, action='opened'))
pr_obj = find(source_branch)
updates = {}
if source_branch != branch:
if branch !=
updates['target'] =
updates['squash'] = pr['commits'] == 1
# turns out github doesn't bother sending a change key if the body is
# changing from empty (None), therefore ignore that entirely, just
# generate the message and check if it changed
message = pr['title'].strip()
body = (pr['body'] or '').strip()
if body:
message += f"\n\n{body}"
if message != pr_obj.message:
updates['message'] = message"update: %s#%d = %s (by %s)",, pr['number'], updates, event['sender']['login'])
if updates:
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Updated {}'.format(
return "Nothing to update ({})".format(event['changes'].keys())
message = None
if not branch:
message = f"This PR targets the un-managed branch {r}:{b}, it needs to be retargeted before it can be merged.""Ignoring event %s on PR %s#%d for un-managed branch %s",
event['action'], r, pr['number'], b)
elif not
message = f"This PR targets the disabled branch {r}:{b}, it needs to be retargeted before it can be merged."
if message and event['action'] not in ('synchronize', 'closed'):
if not branch:
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Not set up to care about {}:{}".format(r, b)"%s: %s#%s (%s) (by %s)", event['action'],, pr['number'], pr['title'].strip(), event['sender']['login'])
if event['action'] == 'opened':
author_name = pr['user']['login']
author = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', author_name)], limit=1)
if not author:
env['res.partner'].create({'name': author_name, 'github_login': author_name})
pr_obj = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._from_gh(pr)
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Tracking PR as {}".format(
pr_obj = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._get_or_schedule(r, pr['number'])
if not pr_obj:"webhook %s on unknown PR %s#%s, scheduled fetch", event['action'],, pr['number'])
return "Unknown PR {}:{}, scheduling fetch".format(, pr['number'])
if event['action'] == 'synchronize':
if pr_obj.head == pr['head']['sha']:
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'No update to pr head'
if pr_obj.state in ('closed', 'merged'):
_logger.error("Tentative sync to closed PR %s", pr_obj.display_name)
return "It's my understanding that closed/merged PRs don't get sync'd"
if pr_obj.state == 'ready':
pr_obj.unstage("updated by %s", event['sender']['login'])
"PR %s updated to %s by %s, resetting to 'open' and squash=%s",
pr['head']['sha'], event['sender']['login'],
pr['commits'] == 1
'state': 'opened',
'head': pr['head']['sha'],
'squash': pr['commits'] == 1,
return 'Updated {} to {}'.format(pr_obj.display_name, pr_obj.head)
if event['action'] == 'ready_for_review':
pr_obj.draft = False
return f'Updated {pr_obj.display_name} to ready'
if event['action'] == 'converted_to_draft':
pr_obj.draft = True
return f'Updated {pr_obj.display_name} to draft'
# don't marked merged PRs as closed (!!!)
if event['action'] == 'closed' and pr_obj.state != 'merged':
oldstate = pr_obj.state
if pr_obj._try_closing(event['sender']['login']):
'%s closed %s (state=%s)',
return 'Closed {}'.format(pr_obj.display_name)
'%s tried to close %s (state=%s)',
return 'Ignored: could not lock rows (probably being merged)'
if event['action'] == 'reopened' :
if pr_obj.state == 'merged':
message="@%s ya silly goose you can't reopen a merged PR." % event['sender']['login']
if pr_obj.state == 'closed':'%s reopening %s', event['sender']['login'], pr_obj.display_name)
'state': 'opened',
# updating the head triggers a revalidation
'head': pr['head']['sha'],
'squash': pr['commits'] == 1,
return 'Reopened {}'.format(pr_obj.display_name)"Ignoring event %s on PR %s", event['action'], pr['number'])
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Not handling {} yet".format(event['action'])
def handle_status(env, event):
'status on %(sha)s %(context)s:%(state)s (%(target_url)s) [%(description)r]',
[IMP] runbot_merge: remove unnecessary uniquifier dummy commits "Uniquifier" commits were introduced to ensure branches of a staging on which nothing had been staged would still be rebuilt properly. This means technically the branches on which something had been staged never *needed* a uniquifier, strictly speaking. And those lead to extra building, because once the actually staged PRs get pushed from staging to their final destination it's an unknown commit to the runbot, which needs to rebuild it instead of being able to just use the staging it already has. Thus only add the uniquifier where it *might* be necessary: technically the runbot should not manage this use case much better, however there are still issues like an ancillary build working with the same branch tip (e.g. the "current master") and sending a failure result which would fail the entire staging. The uniquifier guards against this issue. Also update rebase semantics to always update the *commit date* of the rebased commits: this ensures the tip commit is always "recent" in the case of a rebase-ff (which is common as that's what single-commit PRs do), as the runbot may skip commits it considers "old". Also update some of the utility methods around repos / commits to be simpler, and avoid assuming the result is JSON-decodable (sometimes it is not). Also update the handling of commit statuses using postgres' ON CONFLICT and jsonb support, hopefully this improves (or even fixes) the serialization errors. Should be compatible with 9.5 onwards which is *ancient* at this point. Fixes #509
2021-08-09 18:21:24 +07:00
status_value = json.dumps({
event['context']: {
'state': event['state'],
'target_url': event['target_url'],
'description': event['description']
[IMP] runbot_merge: remove unnecessary uniquifier dummy commits "Uniquifier" commits were introduced to ensure branches of a staging on which nothing had been staged would still be rebuilt properly. This means technically the branches on which something had been staged never *needed* a uniquifier, strictly speaking. And those lead to extra building, because once the actually staged PRs get pushed from staging to their final destination it's an unknown commit to the runbot, which needs to rebuild it instead of being able to just use the staging it already has. Thus only add the uniquifier where it *might* be necessary: technically the runbot should not manage this use case much better, however there are still issues like an ancillary build working with the same branch tip (e.g. the "current master") and sending a failure result which would fail the entire staging. The uniquifier guards against this issue. Also update rebase semantics to always update the *commit date* of the rebased commits: this ensures the tip commit is always "recent" in the case of a rebase-ff (which is common as that's what single-commit PRs do), as the runbot may skip commits it considers "old". Also update some of the utility methods around repos / commits to be simpler, and avoid assuming the result is JSON-decodable (sometimes it is not). Also update the handling of commit statuses using postgres' ON CONFLICT and jsonb support, hopefully this improves (or even fixes) the serialization errors. Should be compatible with 9.5 onwards which is *ancient* at this point. Fixes #509
2021-08-09 18:21:24 +07:00
# create status, or merge update into commit *unless* the update is already
# part of the status (dupe status)"""
INSERT INTO runbot_merge_commit AS c (sha, to_check, statuses)
VALUES (%s, true, %s)
SET to_check = true,
statuses = c.statuses::jsonb || EXCLUDED.statuses::jsonb
WHERE NOT c.statuses::jsonb @> EXCLUDED.statuses::jsonb
""", [event['sha'], status_value])
return 'ok'
def handle_comment(env, event):
if 'pull_request' not in event['issue']:
return "issue comment, ignoring"
repo = event['repository']['full_name']
issue = event['issue']['number']
author = event['comment']['user']['login']
comment = event['comment']['body']'comment[%s]: %s %s#%s %r', event['action'], author, repo, issue, comment)
if event['action'] != 'created':
return "Ignored: action (%r) is not 'created'" % event['action']
return _handle_comment(env, repo, issue, event['comment'])
def handle_review(env, event):
repo = event['repository']['full_name']
pr = event['pull_request']['number']
author = event['review']['user']['login']
comment = event['review']['body'] or '''review[%s]: %s %s#%s %r', event['action'], author, repo, pr, comment)
if event['action'] != 'submitted':
return "Ignored: action (%r) is not 'submitted'" % event['action']
return _handle_comment(
env, repo, pr, event['review'],
def handle_ping(env, event):
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
print("Got ping! {}".format(event['zen']))
return "pong"
'pull_request': handle_pr,
'status': handle_status,
'issue_comment': handle_comment,
'pull_request_review': handle_review,
'ping': handle_ping,
def _handle_comment(env, repo, issue, comment, target=None):
repository = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', repo)])
if not repository.project_id._find_commands(comment['body'] or ''):
return "No commands, ignoring"
pr = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._get_or_schedule(repo, issue, target=target)
if not pr:
return "Unknown PR, scheduling fetch"
partner = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', comment['user']['login'])])
return pr._parse_commands(partner, comment, comment['user']['login'])