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"""OpenTelemetry instrumentation
- tries to set up the exporting of traces, metrics, and logs based on otel
- automatically instruments psycopg2 and requests to trace outbound requests
- instruments db preload, server run to create new traces (or inbound from env)
- instruments WSGI, RPC for inbound traces
.. todo:: instrument crons
.. todo:: instrument subprocess (?)
import functools
import json
import os
from opentelemetry import trace, distro
from opentelemetry.environment_variables import OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER, OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER, OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER
from opentelemetry.instrumentation import psycopg2, requests, wsgi
from opentelemetry.propagate import extract
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_VERSION
import odoo.release
import odoo.service
tracer = trace.get_tracer('odoo')
configurator = distro.OpenTelemetryConfigurator()
conf = {
"resource_attributes": {
SERVICE_NAME: odoo.release.product_name,
SERVICE_VERSION: odoo.release.major_version,
# OpenTelemetryDistro only set up trace and metrics, and not well (uses setenv)
"trace_exporter_names": [e] if (e := os.environ.get(OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER, "otlp")) else [],
"metric_exporter_names": [e] if (e := os.environ.get(OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER, "otlp")) else [],
"log_exporter_names": [e] if (e := os.environ.get(OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER, "otlp")) else [],
# open-telemetry/opentelemetry-pythhon#4340 changed the name (and some semantics)
# of the parameters so need to try new and fall back to old
configurator.configure(setup_logging_handler=True, **conf)
except TypeError:
configurator.configure(logging_enabled=True, **conf)
# Breaks server instrumentation when enabled: threads inherit the init context
# instead of creating a per-request / per-job trace, if we want to propagate
# tracing through to one-short workers it should be done by hand (using
# extract/inject)
# ThreadingInstrumentor().instrument()
# adds otel trace/span information to the logrecord which is not what we care about
# LoggingInstrumentor().instrument()
# instrumenter checks for psycopg2, but dev machines may have
# psycopg2-binary, if not present odoo literally can't run so no need to
# check
# FIXME: blacklist /xmlrpc here so it's not duplicated by the instrumentation
# of execute below, the middleware currently does not support blacklisting
# (open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python-contrib#2369)
# - servers which mount `odoo.http.root` (before patched?)
# - `lazy_property.reset_all(odoo.http.root)`
# - `patch('odoo.http.root.get_db_router', ...)`
odoo.http.root = wsgi.OpenTelemetryMiddleware(odoo.http.root)
# because there's code which accesses attributes on `odoo.http.root`
wsgi.OpenTelemetryMiddleware.__getattr__ = lambda self, attr: getattr(self.wsgi, attr)
def wraps(obj: object, attr: str):
""" Wraps the callable ``attr`` of ``obj`` in the decorated callable
in-place (so patches ``obj``).
The wrappee is passed as first argument to the wrapper.
def decorator(fn):
wrapped = getattr(obj, attr)
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
return fn(wrapped, *args, **kw)
setattr(obj, attr, wrapper)
return decorator
# instrument / span the method call side of RPC calls so we don't just have an
# opaque "POST /xmlrpc/2"
@wraps(odoo.service.model, 'execute')
def instrumented_execute(wrapped_execute, db, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw):
with tracer.start_as_current_span( f"{obj}.{method}", attributes={
"db": db,
"uid": uid,
# while attributes can be sequences they can't be map, or nested
"args": json.dumps(args, default=str),
"kwargs": json.dumps(kw, default=str),
return wrapped_execute(db, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw)
# Instrument the server & preload so we know / can trace what happens during
# init. Server instrumentation performs context extraction from environment
# (preload is just nested inside that).
@wraps(odoo.service.server.ThreadedServer, "run")
def instrumented_threaded_start(wrapped_threaded_run, self, preload=None, stop=None):
with tracer.start_as_current_span("server.threaded.run", context=extract(os.environ)):
return wrapped_threaded_run(self, preload=preload, stop=stop)
@wraps(odoo.service.server.PreforkServer, "run")
def instrumented_prefork_run(wrapped_prefork_run, self, preload=None, stop=None):
with tracer.start_as_current_span("server.prefork.run", context=extract(os.environ)):
return wrapped_prefork_run(self, preload=preload, stop=stop)
@wraps(odoo.service.server, "preload_registries")
def instrumented_preload(wrapped_preload, dbnames):
with tracer.start_as_current_span("preload", attributes={
"dbnames": dbnames,
return wrapped_preload(dbnames)