2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
import logging
import json
from odoo.http import Controller, request, route
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MergebotController(Controller):
@route('/runbot_merge/hooks', auth='none', type='json', csrf=False, methods=['POST'])
def index(self):
event = request.httprequest.headers['X-Github-Event']
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return EVENTS.get(event, lambda _: "Unknown event {}".format(event))(request.jsonrequest)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
def handle_pr(event):
if event['action'] in [
'assigned', 'unassigned', 'review_requested', 'review_request_removed',
'labeled', 'unlabeled'
'Ignoring pull_request[%s] on %s:%s',
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Ignoring'
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
env = request.env(user=1)
pr = event['pull_request']
r = pr['base']['repo']['full_name']
b = pr['base']['ref']
repo = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', r)])
if not repo:
_logger.warning("Received a PR for %s but not configured to handle that repo", r)
# sadly shit's retarded so odoo json endpoints really mean
# ACTUAL RAW HTTP RESPONSES and thus not possible to
# report actual errors to the webhooks listing thing on
# github (not that we'd be looking at them but it'd be
# useful for tests)
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Not configured to handle {}".format(r)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
# PRs to unmanaged branches are not necessarily abnormal and
# we don't care
branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([
('name', '=', b),
('project_id', '=', repo.project_id.id),
def find(target):
return env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository', '=', repo.id),
('number', '=', pr['number']),
('target', '=', target.id),
# edition difficulty: pr['base']['ref] is the *new* target, the old one
# is at event['change']['base']['ref'] (if the target changed), so edition
# handling must occur before the rest of the steps
if event['action'] == 'edited':
source = event['changes'].get('base', {'from': pr['base']})['from']['ref']
source_branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([
('name', '=', source),
('project_id', '=', repo.project_id.id),
# retargeting to un-managed => delete
if not branch:
pr = find(source_branch)
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Retargeted {} to un-managed branch {}, deleted'.format(pr.id, b)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
# retargeting from un-managed => create
if not source_branch:
return handle_pr(dict(event, action='opened'))
updates = {}
if source_branch != branch:
updates['target'] = branch.id
if event['changes'].keys() & {'title', 'body'}:
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
updates['message'] = "{}\n\n{}".format(pr['title'].strip(), pr['body'].strip())
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
if updates:
pr_obj = find(source_branch)
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Updated {}'.format(pr_obj.id)
return "Nothing to update ({})".format(event['changes'].keys())
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
if not branch:
_logger.info("Ignoring PR for un-managed branch %s:%s", r, b)
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Not set up to care about {}:{}".format(r, b)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
author_name = pr['user']['login']
author = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', author_name)], limit=1)
if not author:
author = env['res.partner'].create({
'name': author_name,
'github_login': author_name,
_logger.info("%s: %s:%s (%s)", event['action'], repo.name, pr['number'], author.github_login)
if event['action'] == 'opened':
# some PRs have leading/trailing newlines in body/title (resp)
title = pr['title'].strip()
body = pr['body'].strip()
pr_obj = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].create({
'number': pr['number'],
'label': pr['head']['label'],
'author': author.id,
'target': branch.id,
'repository': repo.id,
'head': pr['head']['sha'],
'squash': pr['commits'] == 1,
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
'message': '{}\n\n{}'.format(title, body),
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Tracking PR as {}".format(pr_obj.id)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
pr_obj = find(branch)
if not pr_obj:
_logger.warn("webhook %s on unknown PR %s:%s", event['action'], repo.name, pr['number'])
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Unknown PR {}:{}".format(repo.name, pr['number'])
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
if event['action'] == 'synchronize':
if pr_obj.head == pr['head']['sha']:
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'No update to pr head'
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
if pr_obj.state in ('closed', 'merged'):
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
pr_obj.number, "This pull request is closed, ignoring the update to {}".format(pr['head']['sha']))
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
# actually still update the head of closed (but not merged) PRs
if pr_obj.state == 'merged':
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Ignoring update to {}'.format(pr_obj.id)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
if pr_obj.state == 'validated':
pr_obj.state = 'opened'
elif pr_obj.state == 'ready':
pr_obj.state = 'approved'
if pr_obj.staging_id:
"Updated PR %s:%s, removing staging %s",
pr_obj.repository.name, pr_obj.number,
# immediately cancel the staging?
staging = pr_obj.staging_id
# TODO: should we update squash as well? What of explicit squash commands?
pr_obj.head = pr['head']['sha']
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Updated {} to {}'.format(pr_obj.id, pr_obj.head)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
# don't marked merged PRs as closed (!!!)
if event['action'] == 'closed' and pr_obj.state != 'merged':
pr_obj.state = 'closed'
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Closed {}'.format(pr_obj.id)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
if event['action'] == 'reopened' and pr_obj.state == 'closed':
pr_obj.state = 'opened'
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return 'Reopened {}'.format(pr_obj.id)
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
_logger.info("Ignoring event %s on PR %s", event['action'], pr['number'])
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
return "Not handling {} yet".format(event['action'])
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
def handle_status(event):
'status %s:%s on commit %s',
event['context'], event['state'],
Commits = request.env(user=1)['runbot_merge.commit']
c = Commits.search([('sha', '=', event['sha'])])
if c:
c.statuses = json.dumps({
event['context']: event['state']
'sha': event['sha'],
'statuses': json.dumps({event['context']: event['state']})
return 'ok'
def handle_comment(event):
if 'pull_request' not in event['issue']:
return "issue comment, ignoring"
env = request.env(user=1)
partner = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', event['sender']['login']),])
pr = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('number', '=', event['issue']['number']),
('repository.name', '=', event['repository']['full_name']),
if not partner:
_logger.info("ignoring comment from %s: not in system", event['sender']['login'])
return 'ignored'
return pr._parse_commands(partner, event['comment']['body'])
def handle_ping(event):
2018-03-26 18:08:49 +07:00
print("Got ping! {}".format(event['zen']))
2018-03-14 16:37:46 +07:00
return "pong"
# TODO: add review?
'pull_request': handle_pr,
'status': handle_status,
'issue_comment': handle_comment,
'ping': handle_ping,