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synced 2025-03-15 23:45:44 +07:00
[IMP] runbot: status management
The status are currently sent by leader when build are created and by workers on post_commit. If the leader fails during the preparing of a batch (while creating builds) the transaction is rollbacked and the status are send again. The number of status to send makes it quite slow, making the transaction longuer, and the retry even more expensive. This leads to preparing time being quite important, sometimes ten minutes after many retries. This commit proposes to send status in another dedicated transaction. Since status are sent in batch, we can also try to use a unique session, and uniquify commit+context status. This allows to remove the postcommit logic A further improvement would be to wait before sending status in order to skip the pending status if the build is verry fast. An option is also added on the remote to skip the status: if the remote is a fork, sending the satus on the main remote should be enough.
This commit is contained in:
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class Batch(models.Model):
build.host = self.bundle_id.host_id.name
build.keep_host = True
return link_type, build
def _prepare(self, auto_rebase=False):
@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ class BuildResult(models.Model):
if self.global_result in ('skipped', 'killed', 'manually_killed'):
return 'killed'
def _github_status(self, post_commit=True):
def _github_status(self):
"""Notify github of failed/successful builds"""
for build in self:
# TODO maybe avoid to send status if build is killable (another new build exist and will send the status)
@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ class BuildResult(models.Model):
if build.orphan_result:
_logger.info('Skipping result for orphan build %s', self.id)
trigger = self.params_id.trigger_id
if not trigger.ci_context:
@ -1170,4 +1170,4 @@ class BuildResult(models.Model):
for build_commit in self.params_id.commit_link_ids:
commit = build_commit.commit_id
if 'base_' not in build_commit.match_type and commit.repo_id in trigger.repo_ids:
commit._github_status(build, trigger.ci_context, state, target_url, desc, post_commit)
commit._github_status(build, trigger.ci_context, state, target_url, desc)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class Commit(models.Model):
for commit in self:
commit.dname = '%s:%s' % (commit.repo_id.name, commit.name[:8])
def _github_status(self, build, context, state, target_url, description=None, post_commit=True):
def _github_status(self, build, context, state, target_url, description=None):
Status = self.env['runbot.commit.status']
last_status = Status.search([('commit_id', '=', self.id), ('context', '=', context)], order='id desc', limit=1)
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ class Commit(models.Model):
'state': state,
'target_url': target_url,
'description': description or context,
'to_process': True,
class CommitLink(models.Model):
@ -184,51 +184,48 @@ class CommitStatus(models.Model):
target_url = fields.Char('Url')
description = fields.Char('Description')
sent_date = fields.Datetime('Sent Date')
to_process = fields.Boolean('Status was not processed yet', index=True)
def _send(self, post_commit=True):
user_id = self.env.user.id
_dbname = self.env.cr.dbname
_context = self.env.context
def _send_to_process(self):
commits_status = self.search([('to_process', '=', True)], order='create_date DESC, id DESC')
if commits_status:
_logger.info('Sending %s commit status', len(commits_status))
status_id = self.id
commit = self.commit_id
all_remote = commit.repo_id.remote_ids
remotes = all_remote.filtered(lambda remote: remote.token)
no_token_remote = all_remote-remotes
if no_token_remote:
_logger.warning('No token on remote %s, skipping status', no_token_remote.mapped("name"))
remote_ids = remotes.ids
commit_name = commit.name
status = {
'context': self.context,
'state': self.state,
'target_url': self.target_url,
'description': self.description,
if remote_ids:
def send_github_status(env):
for remote in env['runbot.remote'].browse(remote_ids):
"github updating %s status %s to %s in repo %s",
status['context'], commit_name, status['state'], remote.name)
remote._github('/repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/%s' % commit_name, status, ignore_errors=True)
env['runbot.commit.status'].browse(status_id).sent_date = fields.Datetime.now()
def send_github_status_async():
db_registry = registry(_dbname)
with api.Environment.manage(), db_registry.cursor() as cr:
env = api.Environment(cr, user_id, _context)
_logger.exception('Something went wrong sending notification for %s', commit_name)
if post_commit:
def _send(self):
session_cache = {}
processed = set()
for commit_status in self.sorted(lambda cs: (cs.create_date, cs.id), reverse=True): # ensure most recent are processed first
commit_status.to_process = False
# only send the last status for each commit+context
key = (commit_status.context, commit_status.commit_id.name)
if key not in processed:
status = {
'context': commit_status.context,
'state': commit_status.state,
'target_url': commit_status.target_url,
'description': commit_status.description,
for remote in commit_status.commit_id.repo_id.remote_ids.filtered('send_status'):
if not remote.token:
_logger.warning('No token on remote %s, skipping status', remote.mapped("name"))
if remote.token not in session_cache:
session_cache[remote.token] = remote._make_github_session()
session = session_cache[remote.token]
"github updating %s status %s to %s in repo %s",
status['context'], commit_status.commit_id.name, status['state'], remote.name)
remote._github('/repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/%s' % commit_status.commit_id.name,
commit_status.sent_date = fields.Datetime.now()
_logger.info('Skipping outdated status for %s %s', commit_status.context, commit_status.commit_id.name)
class CommitExport(models.Model):
@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ class Remote(models.Model):
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', tracking=True)
fetch_heads = fields.Boolean('Fetch branches', default=True, tracking=True)
fetch_pull = fields.Boolean('Fetch PR', default=False, tracking=True)
send_status = fields.Boolean('Send status', default=True, tracking=True)
token = fields.Char("Github token", groups="runbot.group_runbot_admin")
@ -155,24 +156,28 @@ class Remote(models.Model):
return res
def _github(self, url, payload=None, ignore_errors=False, nb_tries=2, recursive=False):
generator = self.sudo()._github_generator(url, payload=payload, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, nb_tries=nb_tries, recursive=recursive)
def _make_github_session(self):
session = requests.Session()
if self.token:
session.auth = (self.token, 'x-oauth-basic')
session.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.she-hulk-preview+json'})
return session
def _github(self, url, payload=None, ignore_errors=False, nb_tries=2, recursive=False, session=None):
generator = self.sudo()._github_generator(url, payload=payload, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, nb_tries=nb_tries, recursive=recursive, session=session)
if recursive:
return generator
result = list(generator)
return result[0] if result else False
def _github_generator(self, url, payload=None, ignore_errors=False, nb_tries=2, recursive=False):
def _github_generator(self, url, payload=None, ignore_errors=False, nb_tries=2, recursive=False, session=None):
"""Return a http request to be sent to github"""
for remote in self:
if remote.owner and remote.repo_name and remote.repo_domain:
url = url.replace(':owner', remote.owner)
url = url.replace(':repo', remote.repo_name)
url = 'https://api.%s%s' % (remote.repo_domain, url)
session = requests.Session()
if remote.token:
session.auth = (remote.token, 'x-oauth-basic')
session.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.she-hulk-preview+json'})
session = session or remote._make_github_session()
while url:
if recursive:
_logger.info('Getting page %s', url)
@ -260,12 +260,16 @@ class Runbot(models.AbstractModel):
# cleanup old pull_info_failures
for pr_number, t in pull_info_failures.items():
if t + 15*60 < time.time():
_logger.warning('Removing %s from pull_info_failures', pr_number)
del pull_info_failures[pr_number]
return manager.get('sleep', default_sleep)
def _scheduler_loop_turn(self, host, default_sleep=1):
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
<field name="sequence"/>
<field name="fetch_heads" string="Branch"/>
<field name="fetch_pull" string="PR"/>
<field name="send_status"/>
<field name="token"/>
@ -118,6 +119,7 @@
<field name="token"/>
<field name="fetch_pull"/>
<field name="fetch_heads"/>
<field name="send_status"/>
@ -133,6 +135,7 @@
<field name="repo_id"/>
<field name="fetch_pull"/>
<field name="fetch_heads"/>
<field name="send_status"/>
Reference in New Issue
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