[ADD] runbot_merge: staging reifier

Add experimental support for creating submodule-based commits for
stagings (and batches), and pushing those in ancillary repositories.

Fixes #768
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2024-12-16 09:05:33 +01:00
parent 0fd254b5fe
commit 2ace06957a
6 changed files with 501 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
'models/crons/git_maintenance.xml', 'models/crons/git_maintenance.xml',
'models/crons/cleanup_scratch_branches.xml', 'models/crons/cleanup_scratch_branches.xml',
'models/crons/issues_closer.xml', 'models/crons/issues_closer.xml',
'data/runbot_merge.pull_requests.feedback.template.csv', 'data/runbot_merge.pull_requests.feedback.template.csv',
'views/res_partner.xml', 'views/res_partner.xml',
'views/runbot_merge_project.xml', 'views/runbot_merge_project.xml',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from . import git_maintenance from . import git_maintenance
from . import cleanup_scratch_branches from . import cleanup_scratch_branches
from . import issues_closer from . import issues_closer
from . import staging_reifier

View File

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
""" Implements the reification of stagings into cross-repo git commits
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import datetime
import itertools
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from subprocess import PIPE
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import TypedDict
from odoo import api, fields, models
from ....runbot_merge import git
from ..batch import Batch
from ..pull_requests import Branch, StagingCommits
class Project(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.project'
repo_flat_layout = fields.Char()
repo_pythonpath_layout = fields.Char()
class Stagings(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.stagings'
# can not make these required because we need to have created the staging
# in order to know what its id is (also makes handling of batches easier)
# and NOT NULL can't be deferred
hash_flat_layout = fields.Char()
hash_pythonpath_layout = fields.Char()
id: int
target: Branch
batch_ids: Batch
commits: StagingCommits
staged_at: datetime.datetime
class Repository(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.repository'
name: str
pythonpath_location = fields.Char(
help="Where the submodule should be located in the pythonpath layout, "
"if empty defaults to the root, unless `pythonpath_link_path` is "
"set, then defaults to `.repos`."
"%(fullname)s, %(owner)s, and %(name)s are available as"
"placeholders in the path",
pythonpath_link_path = fields.Char(
help="Where the repository should be symlinked in the pythonpath layout,"
" leave empty to not symlink."
"%(fullname)s, %(owner)s, and %(name)s are available as"
"placeholders in the path",
pythonpath_link_target = fields.Char(
help="Where the symlink should point to inside the repository, "
"leave empty for the root",
class Reifier(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.staging.reifier'
_description = "transcriptor of staging into cross-repo git commits"
_order = 'create_date asc, id asc'
staging_id: Stagings = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.stagings', required=True)
previous_staging_id: Stagings = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.stagings')
def create(self, vals_list):
return super().create(vals_list)
def _run(self):
projects = self.env['runbot_merge.project']
branches = set()
while r := self.search([], limit=1):
reify(r.staging_id, r.previous_staging_id)
projects |= r.staging_id.target.project_id
for project in projects:
if name_flat := project.repo_flat_layout:
)).push('origin', 'refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*')
if name_pythonpath := project.repo_pythonpath_layout:
)).push('origin', 'refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*')
def reify(staging: Stagings, prev: Stagings) -> None:
project = staging.target.project_id
repos = project.repo_ids.having_branch(staging.target)
repo_flat = None
commit_flat = prev.hash_flat_layout
if name_flat := project.repo_flat_layout:
repo_flat = git.get_local(SimpleNamespace(
)).with_config(check=True, encoding="utf-8", stdout=PIPE)
repo_pythonpath = None
commit_pythonpath = prev.hash_pythonpath_layout
if name_pythonpath := project.repo_pythonpath_layout:
repo_pythonpath = git.get_local(SimpleNamespace(
)).with_config(check=True, encoding="utf-8", stdout=PIPE)
if prev:
commits = {c.repository_id.name: c.commit_id.sha for c in prev.commits}
# if there is no `prev` then we need to run the staging in reverse in
# order to get all the "root" commits for the staging, then we need to
# get their parents in order to know what state the repos were in
# before the staging, and *that* lets us figure out the per-batch state
commits = {c.repository_id.name: c.commit_id.sha for c in staging.commits}
# need to work off of the PR commits, because if no PR touches a
# repository then `commits` could hold *the first commit in the
# repository*, in which case we don't want to remove it
pr_commits = {}
for batch in reversed(staging.batch_ids):
# FIXME: broken if the PR has more than one commit and was rebased...
(pr.repository.name, json.loads(pr.commits_map)[''])
for pr in batch.prs
for r, c in pr_commits.items():
repo = git.get_local(SimpleNamespace(
)).with_config(encoding="utf-8", stdout=PIPE)
if parent := repo.rev_parse('--revs-only', c + '~').stdout.strip():
commits[r] = parent
# if a PR's commit has no parent then the PR itself introduced
# the repo (what?) in which case we don't have the repo at the
# staging and should ignore it
del commits[r]
for batch in staging.batch_ids:
(pr.repository.name, json.loads(pr.commits_map)[''])
for pr in batch.prs
prs = batch.prs.sorted('repository').mapped('display_name')
meta = json.dumps({
'staging': staging.id,
'batch': batch.id,
'label': batch.name,
'pull_requests': prs,
'commits': commits,
message = f"{staging.id}.{batch.id}: {batch.name}\n\n- " + "\n- ".join(prs)
if repo_flat:
tree_flat = layout_flat(
repo_flat, {'meta.json': GitBlob(meta)}, repos, commits)
commit_flat = repo_flat.commit_tree(
parents=[commit_flat] if commit_flat else [],
author=(project.github_name, project.github_email, staging.staged_at.isoformat(timespec='seconds')),
committer=(project.github_name, project.github_email, staging.staged_at.isoformat(timespec='seconds')),
if repo_pythonpath:
tree_pythonpath = layout_pythonpath(
{'meta.json': GitBlob(meta)},
commit_pythonpath = repo_pythonpath.commit_tree(
parents=[commit_pythonpath] if commit_pythonpath else [],
author=('robodoo', 'robodoo@odoo.com', staging.staged_at.isoformat(timespec='seconds')),
committer=('robodoo', 'robodoo@odoo.com', staging.staged_at.isoformat(timespec='seconds')),
if repo_flat:
prev.hash_flat_layout or '',
if repo_pythonpath:
prev.hash_pythonpath_layout or '',
'hash_flat_layout': commit_flat,
'hash_pythonpath_layout': commit_pythonpath,
def make_submodule(repo: str, path: str) -> str:
_, n = repo.split('/')
return f"""[submodule.{n}]
path = {path}
url = https://github.com/{repo}
def layout_flat(
repo: git.Repo,
tree_init: dict[str, GitObject],
repos: Repository,
commits: dict[str, str],
) -> str:
gitmodules = "\n".join(
make_submodule(repo.name, repo.name.split('/')[-1])
for repo in repos
if repo.name in commits
return GitTree({
".gitmodules": GitBlob(gitmodules),
repo.name.split('/')[-1]: GitCommit(cc)
for repo in repos
if (cc := commits.get(repo.name))
}).write(repo, 0)
def layout_pythonpath(
repo: git.Repo,
tree_init: dict[str, GitObject],
repos: Repository,
commits: dict[str, str],
) -> str:
gitmodules = []
tree = GitTree(tree_init)
for repo_id in repos:
commit = commits.get(repo_id.name)
if commit is None:
owner, name = repo_id.name.split('/')
tmpl = {'fullname': repo_id.name, 'owner': owner, 'name': name}
if p := repo_id.pythonpath_location:
path = p % tmpl
elif repo_id.pythonpath_link_path:
path = ".repos/%(name)s" % tmpl
path = '%(name)s' % tmpl
link = (repo_id.pythonpath_link_path or '') % tmpl
target = repo_id.pythonpath_link_target or ''
tree.set(path, GitCommit(commit))
gitmodules.append(make_submodule(repo_id.name, path))
if link:
if target:
target = f"{path}/{target}"
target = path
tree.set(link, GitLink(target))
tree.set(".gitmodules", GitBlob("\n".join(gitmodules)))
return tree.write(repo, 0)
class Commit(TypedDict):
staging_id: int
commit_id: int
repository_id: int
class GitObject(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def mode(self) -> str:
def type(self) -> str:
def write(self, repo: git.Repo, depth: int) -> str:
def assert_tree(self) -> GitTree:
assert isinstance(self, GitTree)
return self
class GitCommit(GitObject):
sha: str
mode = "160000"
type = "commit"
def write(self, repo: git.Repo, _: int) -> str:
return self.sha
class GitTree(GitObject):
members: dict[str, GitObject]
mode = "40000"
type = "tree"
def set(self, path: str, obj: GitObject) -> None:
p, _, target = path.rpartition('/')
assert target, f"{path!r} can't be empty"
if p:
for part in p.split('/'):
self = self.members.setdefault(part, GitTree({})).assert_tree()
self.members[target] = obj
def write(self, repo: git.Repo, depth: int) -> str:
assert all(self.members), \
f"One of the tree entries has an empty filename {self.members}"
return repo.with_config(input="".join(
f"{obj.mode} {obj.type} {obj.write(repo, depth+1)}\t{name}\n"
for name, obj in self.members.items()
class GitLink(GitObject):
reference: str
mode = "120000"
type = "blob"
def write(self, repo: git.Repo, depth: int) -> str:
target = "/".join(itertools.repeat("..", depth)) + "/" + self.reference
return repo.with_config(input=target).hash_object("--stdin", "-w").stdout.strip()
class GitBlob(GitObject):
content: str
mode = "100644"
type = "blob"
def write(self, repo: git.Repo, _: int) -> str:
return repo.with_config(input=self.content).hash_object('--stdin', '-w').stdout.strip()

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<record id="access_staging_reifier" model="ir.model.access">
<field name="name">Access to staging reifier is useless</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="model_runbot_merge_staging_reifier"/>
<field name="perm_read">0</field>
<field name="perm_create">0</field>
<field name="perm_write">0</field>
<field name="perm_unlink">0</field>
<record model="ir.cron" id="staging_reifier">
<field name="name">Reifiy stagings to cross-repo commits</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="model_runbot_merge_staging_reifier"/>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="code">model._run()</field>
nota: even though this is only triggered, numbercall has to be
non-zero because the counter is taken in account by cron triggers
<field name="numbercall">-1</field>
<field name="doall" eval="False"/>

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@ -2435,6 +2435,37 @@ class Stagings(models.Model):
}) })
if self.issues_to_close: if self.issues_to_close:
self.env['runbot_merge.issues_closer'].create(self.issues_to_close) self.env['runbot_merge.issues_closer'].create(self.issues_to_close)
# FIXME: error prone, should probably store the previous
# staging on creation instead?
last2 = self.with_context(active_search=False).search([
('state', '=', 'success'),
('target', '=', self.target.id),
], order='id desc', limit=2)
if len(last2) == 2:
_self, previous = last2
elif self.target != project.branch_ids[:1]:
_self = last2
previous = self.search([
('state', '=', 'success'),
('target', '=', project.branch_ids[:1].id),
('active', '=', False),
], order='id desc', limit=1)
# no previous branch
_self = last2
previous = self.browse()
if self == _self:
'previous_staging_id': previous.id,
'staging_id': self.id,
"Got different self (%s) and last success (%s)",
finally: finally:
self.write({'active': False}) self.write({'active': False})
elif self.state == 'failure' or self.is_timed_out(): elif self.state == 'failure' or self.is_timed_out():

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import copy
import pprint
import pytest
from utils import Commit, to_pr
def test_basic(make_repo, project, env, setreviewers, config, users, partners, pytestconfig):
repos = {}
#region project setup
project.repo_pythonpath_layout = make_repo('pythonpath', hooks=False).name
for name, conf in zip('abcd', [
# flat-style repo (odoo/documentation)
# flat repo with symlink into (odoo/odoo)
'pythonpath_location': '%(name)s',
'pythonpath_link_path': 'community/odoo/addons',
'pythonpath_link_target': 'b',
# modules directory style
{'pythonpath_location': '%(name)s/odoo/addons'},
# upgrade style
'pythonpath_link_path': '%(name)s/odoo/upgrade',
'pythonpath_link_target': 'd',
r = repos[name] = make_repo(name)
'project_id': project.id,
'name': r.name,
'required_statuses': 'default',
'group_id': False,
env['runbot_merge.events_sources'].create([{'repository': r.name} for r in project.repo_ids])
#region repos setup
for repo_name, r in repos.items():
with r:
Commit('initial', tree={
'x': '1',
f'{repo_name}/b': '2',
f'{repo_name}/c': '3',
#region setup PR
with (r := repos['b']):
[c] = r.make_commits('master', Commit('second', tree={'b/c': '42'}), ref='heads/other')
pr = r.make_pr(target='master', title='title', head='other')
with (r := repos['b']):
pr.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token'])
r.post_status(c, 'success')
# endregion
pr_id = to_pr(env, pr)
assert not pr_id.blocked
staging = env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search([])
assert staging
for r in repos.values():
with r:
r.post_status('staging.master', 'success')
assert staging.state == 'success'
assert not staging.active
assert staging.hash_pythonpath_layout
repo_pythonpath = copy.copy(repos['a'])
repo_pythonpath.name = project.repo_pythonpath_layout
c = repo_pythonpath.commit('master')
t = repo_pythonpath.read_tree(c, recursive=True)
del t['.gitmodules']
del t['meta.json']
def name(repo_name):
return repos[repo_name].name.split('/')[1]
def ref(repo_name):
return '@' + repos[repo_name].commit('master').id
assert t == {
name('a'): ref('a'),
name('b'): ref('b'),
'community/odoo/addons': f'../../../{name("b")}/b',
f'{name("c")}/odoo/addons': ref('c'),
f'.repos/{name("d")}': ref('d'),
f'{name("d")}/odoo/upgrade': f'../../../.repos/{name("d")}/d',