[IMP] runbot_merge: formatting & langage of PR attributes

Replace the unclear "unchecked" and "unreviewed" by "missing statuses"
and "missing r+", which are hopefully clearer as they better match
other lingo.

Also increase font for attributes, as size 10 was a bit small.

And finally add staging state to caching key, to differentiate "ready"
from "staged" pictures in gh's cache. "ready" should not be necessary
as it ought be implied by the label.
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2024-06-12 15:45:27 +02:00
parent a2d7180216
commit 413027ad5b
2 changed files with 10 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def raster_render(pr):
with file_open('web/static/fonts/google/Open_Sans/Open_Sans-Regular.ttf', 'rb') as f:
font = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=16, layout_engine=0)
supfont = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=10, layout_engine=0)
supfont = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=13, layout_engine=0)
with file_open('web/static/fonts/google/Open_Sans/Open_Sans-Bold.ttf', 'rb') as f:
bold = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=16, layout_engine=0)
@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ def raster_render(pr):
# technically label (state + blocked) does not actually impact image
# render (though subcomponents of state do) however blocked is useful
# to force an etag miss so keeping it
# TODO: blocked includes draft & merge method, maybe should change looks?
for p in ps['prs']
@ -214,9 +214,10 @@ def raster_render(pr):
_, _, ww, hh = font.getbbox(f" #{p['number']}")
w += ww + supfont.getbbox(' '.join(filter(None, [
'error' if p['pr'].error else '',
'' if p['checked'] else 'unchecked',
'' if p['reviewed'] else 'unreviewed',
'' if p['checked'] else 'missing statuses',
'' if p['reviewed'] else 'missing r+',
'' if p['attached'] else 'detached',
'staged' if p['pr'].staging_id else 'ready' if p['pr']._ready else '',
h = max(hh, h)
rows[b] = max(rows.get(b, 0), h)
@ -294,8 +295,8 @@ def raster_render(pr):
draw.line([(left, bottom-h), (left+w, bottom-h)], fill=ERROR)
for attribute in filter(None, [
'error' if p['pr'].error else '',
'' if p['checked'] else 'unchecked',
'' if p['reviewed'] else 'unreviewed',
'' if p['checked'] else 'missing statuses',
'' if p['reviewed'] else 'missing r+',
'' if p['attached'] else 'detached',
'staged' if p['pr'].staging_id else 'ready' if p['pr']._ready else ''

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@ -594,8 +594,8 @@ action = batches
t-attf-class="fa fa-external-link"
<sup t-if="not p['checked']" class="text-danger">unchecked</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['reviewed']" class="text-danger">unreviewed</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['checked']" class="text-danger">missing statuses</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['reviewed']" class="text-danger">missing r+</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['attached']"
t-attf-title="detached: {{p['pr'].detach_reason}}"
class="text-warning fa fa-unlink"/>