mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 23:45:44 +07:00
[MOV] runbot_merge: all the staging creation code to a separate module
Move *almost* all the staging code to free functions, in a separate module, and extensively typed. The only bits which didn't move are: - the entry point (the cron hook), because it has to be a model method in order to be called - the `_build_merge_message` method, because it needs to be overridable There's also a bit of an import mess, because the cron & `_build_merge_message` need to call into the new module, but the new module wants the types they belong to, so it's a bit circular.
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from odoo.tools.sql import reverse_order
from odoo.tools.appdirs import user_cache_dir
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge import git, utils
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.models.pull_requests import RPLUS
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.models.stagings_create import Message
footer = '\nMore info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port\n'
@ -1064,7 +1065,7 @@ stderr:
def _make_fp_message(self, commit):
cmap = json.loads(self.commits_map)
msg = self._parse_commit_message(commit['commit']['message'])
msg = Message.from_message(commit['commit']['message'])
# write the *merged* commit as "original", not the PR's
msg.headers['x-original-commit'] = cmap.get(commit['sha'], commit['sha'])
# don't stringify so caller can still perform alterations
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import pathlib
import pprint
import time
import unicodedata
from typing import Iterable, List, TypedDict, Literal
import requests
import werkzeug.urls
@ -47,6 +48,42 @@ def _init_gh_logger():
if odoo.netsvc._logger_init:
SimpleUser = TypedDict('SimpleUser', {
'login': str,
'url': str,
'type': Literal['User', 'Organization'],
Authorship = TypedDict('Authorship', {
'name': str,
'email': str,
Commit = TypedDict('Commit', {
'tree': str,
'url': str,
'message': str,
# optional when creating a commit
'author': Authorship,
'committer': Authorship,
'comments_count': int,
CommitLink = TypedDict('CommitLink', {
'html_url': str,
'sha': str,
'url': str,
PrCommit = TypedDict('PrCommit', {
'url': str,
'sha': str,
'commit': Commit,
# optional when creating a commit (in which case it uses the current user)
'author': SimpleUser,
'committer': SimpleUser,
'parents': List[CommitLink],
# not actually true but we're smuggling stuff via that key
'new_tree': str,
GH_LOG_PATTERN = """=> {method} {path}{qs}{body}
<= {r.status_code} {r.reason}
@ -137,7 +174,7 @@ class GH(object):
return r.json()
def head(self, branch):
def head(self, branch: str) -> str:
d = utils.backoff(
lambda: self('get', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch)).json(),
@ -383,14 +420,14 @@ class GH(object):
if not r.links.get('next'):
def commits_lazy(self, pr):
def commits_lazy(self, pr: int) -> Iterable[PrCommit]:
for page in itertools.count(1):
r = self('get', 'pulls/{}/commits'.format(pr), params={'page': page})
r = self('get', f'pulls/{pr}/commits', params={'page': page})
yield from r.json()
if not r.links.get('next'):
def commits(self, pr):
def commits(self, pr: int) -> List[PrCommit]:
""" Returns a PR's commits oldest first (that's what GH does &
is what we want)
@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ from . import res_partner
from . import project
from . import pull_requests
from . import project_freeze
from . import stagings_create
from . import staging_cancel
from . import crons
@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ class Project(models.Model):
default="hanson", # mergebot du bot du bot du~
help="Prefix (~bot name) used when sending commands from PR "
"comments e.g. [hanson retry] or [hanson r+ p=1]"
"comments e.g. [hanson retry] or [hanson r+ p=1]",
github_name = fields.Char(related='github_prefix')
batch_limit = fields.Integer(
default=8, group_operator=None, help="Maximum number of PRs staged together")
@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ class Project(models.Model):
def _create_stagings(self, commit=False):
from .stagings_create import try_staging
# look up branches which can be staged on and have no active staging
for branch in self.env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([
('active_staging_id', '=', False),
@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ class Project(models.Model):
with self.env.cr.savepoint(), \
sentry_sdk.start_span(description=f'create staging {branch.name}') as span:
span.set_tag('branch', branch.name)
except Exception:
_logger.exception("Failed to create staging for branch %r", branch.name)
@ -1,37 +1,24 @@
# coding: utf-8
import ast
import base64
import collections
import contextlib
import datetime
import io
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import time
from typing import Optional, Union
from difflib import Differ
from itertools import takewhile
from typing import Optional
import requests
import sentry_sdk
import werkzeug
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import OrderedSet
from .. import github, exceptions, controllers, utils
WAIT_FOR_VISIBILITY = [10, 10, 10, 10]
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -67,6 +54,8 @@ class Repository(models.Model):
_name = _description = 'runbot_merge.repository'
_order = 'sequence, id'
id: int
sequence = fields.Integer(default=50, group_operator=None)
name = fields.Char(required=True)
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project', required=True, index=True)
@ -98,7 +87,7 @@ All substitutions are tentatively applied sequentially to the input.
vals['status_ids'] = [(5, 0, {})] + [(0, 0, {'context': c}) for c in st.split(',')]
return super().write(vals)
def github(self, token_field='github_token'):
def github(self, token_field='github_token') -> github.GH:
return github.GH(self.project_id[token_field], self.name)
def _auto_init(self):
@ -245,6 +234,8 @@ class Branch(models.Model):
_name = _description = 'runbot_merge.branch'
_order = 'sequence, name'
id: int
name = fields.Char(required=True)
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project', required=True, index=True)
@ -298,235 +289,6 @@ class Branch(models.Model):
for b in self:
b.active_staging_id = b.with_context(active_test=True).staging_ids
def _ready(self):
min(pr.priority) as priority,
array_agg(pr.id) AS match
FROM runbot_merge_pull_requests pr
WHERE pr.target = any(%s)
-- exclude terminal states (so there's no issue when
-- deleting branches & reusing labels)
AND pr.state != 'merged'
AND pr.state != 'closed'
WHEN pr.label SIMILAR TO '%%:patch-[[:digit:]]+'
THEN pr.id::text
ELSE pr.label
bool_or(pr.state = 'ready') or bool_or(pr.priority = 0)
ORDER BY min(pr.priority), min(pr.id)
""", [self.ids])
browse = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].browse
return [(p, browse(ids)) for p, ids in self.env.cr.fetchall()]
def _stageable(self):
return [
(p, prs)
for p, prs in self._ready()
if not any(prs.mapped('blocked'))
def try_staging(self):
""" Tries to create a staging if the current branch does not already
have one. Returns None if the branch already has a staging or there
is nothing to stage, the newly created staging otherwise.
logger = _logger.getChild('cron')
"Checking %s (%s) for staging: %s, skip? %s",
self, self.name,
if self.active_staging_id:
rows = self._stageable()
priority = rows[0][0] if rows else -1
if priority == 0 or priority == 1:
# p=0 take precedence over all else
# p=1 allows merging a fix inside / ahead of a split (e.g. branch
# is broken or widespread false positive) without having to cancel
# the existing staging
batched_prs = [pr_ids for _, pr_ids in takewhile(lambda r: r[0] == priority, rows)]
elif self.split_ids:
split_ids = self.split_ids[0]
logger.info("Found split of PRs %s, re-staging", split_ids.mapped('batch_ids.prs'))
batched_prs = [batch.prs for batch in split_ids.batch_ids]
else: # p=2
batched_prs = [pr_ids for _, pr_ids in takewhile(lambda r: r[0] == priority, rows)]
if not batched_prs:
Batch = self.env['runbot_merge.batch']
staged = Batch
original_heads = {}
meta = {repo: {} for repo in self.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(self)}
for repo, it in meta.items():
gh = it['gh'] = repo.github()
it['head'] = original_heads[repo] = gh.head(self.name)
# create tmp staging branch
gh.set_ref('tmp.{}'.format(self.name), it['head'])
batch_limit = self.project_id.batch_limit
first = True
for batch in batched_prs:
if len(staged) >= batch_limit:
staged |= Batch.stage(meta, batch)
except exceptions.MergeError as e:
pr = e.args[0]
_logger.exception("Failed to merge %s into staging branch", pr.display_name)
if first or isinstance(e, exceptions.Unmergeable):
if len(e.args) > 1 and e.args[1]:
reason = e.args[1]
reason = e.__cause__ or e.__context__
# if the reason is a json document, assume it's a github
# error and try to extract the error message to give it to
# the user
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
reason = json.loads(str(reason))['message'].lower()
pr.state = 'error'
format_args= {'pr': pr, 'reason': reason, 'exc': e},
first = False
if not staged:
heads = []
heads_map = {}
commits = []
for repo, it in meta.items():
tree = it['gh'].commit(it['head'])['tree']
# ensures staging branches are unique and always
# rebuilt
r = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(12)).decode('ascii')
trailer = ''
if heads_map:
trailer = '\n'.join(
'Runbot-dependency: %s:%s' % (repo, h)
for repo, h in heads_map.items()
dummy_head = {'sha': it['head']}
if it['head'] == original_heads[repo]:
# if the repo has not been updated by the staging, create a
# dummy commit to force rebuild
dummy_head = it['gh']('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': '''force rebuild
uniquifier: %s
For-Commit-Id: %s
%s''' % (r, it['head'], trailer),
'tree': tree['sha'],
'parents': [it['head']],
# special case if the two commits are identical because otherwise
# postgres raises error "ensure that no rows proposed for insertion
# within the same command have duplicate constained values"
if it['head'] == dummy_head['sha']:
"INSERT INTO runbot_merge_commit (sha, to_check, statuses) "
"VALUES (%s, true, '{}') "
"ON CONFLICT (sha) DO UPDATE SET to_check=true "
[commit] = [head] = self.env.cr.fetchone()
"INSERT INTO runbot_merge_commit (sha, to_check, statuses) "
"VALUES (%s, false, '{}'), (%s, true, '{}') "
"ON CONFLICT (sha) DO UPDATE SET to_check=true "
[it['head'], dummy_head['sha']]
([commit], [head]) = self.env.cr.fetchall()
heads_map[repo.name] = dummy_head['sha']
'repository_id': repo.id,
'commit_id': head,
'repository_id': repo.id,
'commit_id': commit,
# create actual staging object
st = self.env['runbot_merge.stagings'].create({
'target': self.id,
'batch_ids': [(4, batch.id, 0) for batch in staged],
'heads': heads,
'commits': commits,
# create staging branch from tmp
token = self.project_id.github_token
for r in self.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(self):
it = meta[r]
staging_head = heads_map[r.name]
"%s: create staging for %s:%s at %s",
self.project_id.name, r.name, self.name,
refname = 'staging.{}'.format(self.name)
it['gh'].set_ref(refname, staging_head)
i = itertools.count()
@utils.backoff(delays=WAIT_FOR_VISIBILITY, exc=TimeoutError)
def wait_for_visibility():
if self._check_visibility(r, refname, staging_head, token):
"[repo] updated %s:%s to %s: ok (at %d/%d)",
r.name, refname, staging_head,
"[repo] updated %s:%s to %s: failed (at %d/%d)",
r.name, refname, staging_head,
raise TimeoutError("Staged head not updated after %d seconds" % sum(WAIT_FOR_VISIBILITY))
logger.info("Created staging %s (%s) to %s", st, ', '.join(
'%s[%s]' % (batch, batch.prs)
for batch in staged
), st.target.name)
return st
def _check_visibility(self, repo, branch_name, expected_head, token):
""" Checks the repository actual to see if the new / expected head is
now visible
# v1 protocol provides URL for ref discovery: https://github.com/git/git/blob/6e0cc6776106079ed4efa0cc9abace4107657abf/Documentation/technical/http-protocol.txt#L187
# for more complete client this is also the capabilities discovery and
# the "entry point" for the service
url = 'https://github.com/{}.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack'.format(repo.name)
with requests.get(url, stream=True, auth=(token, '')) as resp:
if not resp.ok:
return False
for head, ref in parse_refs_smart(resp.raw.read):
if ref != ('refs/heads/' + branch_name):
return head == expected_head
return False
ACL = collections.namedtuple('ACL', 'is_admin is_reviewer is_author')
class PullRequests(models.Model):
@ -534,6 +296,9 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
_order = 'number desc'
_rec_name = 'number'
id: int
display_name: str
target = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', required=True, index=True)
repository = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', required=True)
# NB: check that target & repo have same project & provide project related?
@ -1265,35 +1030,14 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
if commit:
def _parse_commit_message(self, message):
""" Parses a commit message to split out the pseudo-headers (which
should be at the end) from the body, and serialises back with a
predefined pseudo-headers ordering.
return Message.from_message(message)
def _is_mentioned(self, message, *, full_reference=False):
"""Returns whether ``self`` is mentioned in ``message```
:param str | PullRequest message:
:param bool full_reference: whether the repository name must be present
:rtype: bool
if full_reference:
pattern = fr'\b{re.escape(self.display_name)}\b'
repository = self.repository.name # .replace('/', '\\/')
pattern = fr'( |\b{repository})#{self.number}\b'
return bool(re.search(pattern, message if isinstance(message, str) else message.message))
def _build_merge_message(self, message, related_prs=()):
def _build_merge_message(self, message: Union['PullRequests', str], related_prs=()) -> 'Message':
# handle co-authored commits (https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-commit-with-multiple-authors/)
m = self._parse_commit_message(message)
if not self._is_mentioned(message):
m.body += '\n\ncloses {pr.display_name}'.format(pr=self)
m = Message.from_message(message)
if not is_mentioned(message, self):
m.body += f'\n\ncloses {self.display_name}'
for r in related_prs:
if not r._is_mentioned(message, full_reference=True):
if not is_mentioned(message, r, full_reference=True):
m.headers.add('Related', r.display_name)
if self.reviewed_by:
@ -1301,190 +1045,6 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
return m
def _add_self_references(self, commits):
"""Adds a footer reference to ``self`` to all ``commits`` if they don't
already refer to the PR.
for c in (c['commit'] for c in commits):
if not self._is_mentioned(c['message']):
m = self._parse_commit_message(c['message'])
m.headers.pop('Part-Of', None)
m.headers.add('Part-Of', self.display_name)
c['message'] = str(m)
def _stage(self, gh, target, related_prs=()):
# nb: pr_commits is oldest to newest so pr.head is pr_commits[-1]
_, prdict = gh.pr(self.number)
commits = prdict['commits']
method = self.merge_method or ('rebase-ff' if commits == 1 else None)
if commits > 50 and method.startswith('rebase'):
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(self, "Rebasing 50 commits is too much.")
if commits > 250:
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(
self, "Merging PRs of 250 or more commits is not supported "
pr_commits = gh.commits(self.number)
for c in pr_commits:
if not (c['commit']['author']['email'] and c['commit']['committer']['email']):
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(
f"All commits must have author and committer email, "
f"missing email on {c['sha']} indicates the authorship is "
f"most likely incorrect."
# sync and signal possibly missed updates
invalid = {}
diff = []
pr_head = pr_commits[-1]['sha']
if self.head != pr_head:
invalid['head'] = pr_head
diff.append(('Head', self.head, pr_head))
if self.target.name != prdict['base']['ref']:
branch = self.env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('name', '=', prdict['base']['ref']),
('project_id', '=', self.repository.project_id.id),
if not branch:
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(self, "While staging, found this PR had been retargeted to an un-managed branch.")
invalid['target'] = branch.id
diff.append(('Target branch', self.target.name, branch.name))
if self.squash != commits == 1:
invalid['squash'] = commits == 1
diff.append(('Single commit', self.squash, commits == 1))
msg = utils.make_message(prdict)
if self.message != msg:
invalid['message'] = msg
diff.append(('Message', self.message, msg))
if invalid:
self.write({**invalid, 'state': 'opened', 'head': pr_head})
raise exceptions.Mismatch(invalid, diff)
if self.reviewed_by and self.reviewed_by.name == self.reviewed_by.github_login:
# XXX: find other trigger(s) to sync github name?
gh_name = gh.user(self.reviewed_by.github_login)['name']
if gh_name:
self.reviewed_by.name = gh_name
# NOTE: lost merge v merge/copy distinction (head being
# a merge commit reused instead of being re-merged)
return method, getattr(self, '_stage_' + method.replace('-', '_'))(
gh, target, pr_commits, related_prs=related_prs)
def _stage_squash(self, gh, target, commits, related_prs=()):
msg = self._build_merge_message(self, related_prs=related_prs)
authorship = {}
authors = {
(c['commit']['author']['name'], c['commit']['author']['email'])
for c in commits
if len(authors) == 1:
name, email = authors.pop()
authorship['author'] = {'name': name, 'email': email}
('Co-Authored-By', "%s <%s>" % author)
for author in authors
committers = {
(c['commit']['committer']['name'], c['commit']['committer']['email'])
for c in commits
if len(committers) == 1:
name, email = committers.pop()
authorship['committer'] = {'name': name, 'email': email}
# should committers also be added to co-authors?
original_head = gh.head(target)
merge_tree = gh.merge(self.head, target, 'temp merge')['tree']['sha']
head = gh('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': str(msg),
'tree': merge_tree,
'parents': [original_head],
gh.set_ref(target, head)
commits_map = {c['sha']: head for c in commits}
commits_map[''] = head
self.commits_map = json.dumps(commits_map)
return head
def _stage_rebase_ff(self, gh, target, commits, related_prs=()):
# updates head commit with PR number (if necessary) then rebases
# on top of target
msg = self._build_merge_message(commits[-1]['commit']['message'], related_prs=related_prs)
commits[-1]['commit']['message'] = str(msg)
head, mapping = gh.rebase(self.number, target, commits=commits)
self.commits_map = json.dumps({**mapping, '': head})
return head
def _stage_rebase_merge(self, gh, target, commits, related_prs=()):
h, mapping = gh.rebase(self.number, target, reset=True, commits=commits)
msg = self._build_merge_message(self, related_prs=related_prs)
merge_head = gh.merge(h, target, str(msg))['sha']
self.commits_map = json.dumps({**mapping, '': merge_head})
return merge_head
def _stage_merge(self, gh, target, commits, related_prs=()):
pr_head = commits[-1] # oldest to newest
base_commit = None
head_parents = {p['sha'] for p in pr_head['parents']}
if len(head_parents) > 1:
# look for parent(s?) of pr_head not in PR, means it's
# from target (so we merged target in pr)
merge = head_parents - {c['sha'] for c in commits}
external_parents = len(merge)
if external_parents > 1:
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(
"The PR head can only have one parent from the base branch "
"(not part of the PR itself), found %d: %s" % (
', '.join(merge)
if external_parents == 1:
[base_commit] = merge
commits_map = {c['sha']: c['sha'] for c in commits}
if base_commit:
# replicate pr_head with base_commit replaced by
# the current head
original_head = gh.head(target)
merge_tree = gh.merge(pr_head['sha'], target, 'temp merge')['tree']['sha']
new_parents = [original_head] + list(head_parents - {base_commit})
msg = self._build_merge_message(pr_head['commit']['message'], related_prs=related_prs)
copy = gh('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': str(msg),
'tree': merge_tree,
'author': pr_head['commit']['author'],
'committer': pr_head['commit']['committer'],
'parents': new_parents,
gh.set_ref(target, copy['sha'])
# merge commit *and old PR head* map to the pr head replica
commits_map[''] = commits_map[pr_head['sha']] = copy['sha']
self.commits_map = json.dumps(commits_map)
return copy['sha']
# otherwise do a regular merge
msg = self._build_merge_message(self)
merge_head = gh.merge(self.head, target, str(msg))['sha']
# and the merge commit is the normal merge head
commits_map[''] = merge_head
self.commits_map = json.dumps(commits_map)
return merge_head
def unstage(self, reason, *args):
""" If the PR is staged, cancel the staging. If the PR is split and
waiting, remove it from the split (possibly delete the split entirely)
@ -2241,82 +1801,6 @@ class Batch(models.Model):
raise ValidationError("All prs of a batch must have different target repositories, got a duplicate %s on %s" % (pr.repository, pr))
repos |= pr.repository
def stage(self, meta, prs):
Updates meta[*][head] on success
:return: () or Batch object (if all prs successfully staged)
new_heads = {}
pr_fields = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._fields
for pr in prs:
gh = meta[pr.repository]['gh']
"Staging pr %s for target %s; method=%s",
pr.display_name, pr.target.name,
pr.merge_method or (pr.squash and 'single') or None
target = 'tmp.{}'.format(pr.target.name)
original_head = gh.head(target)
method, new_heads[pr] = pr._stage(gh, target, related_prs=(prs - pr))
"Staged pr %s to %s by %s: %s -> %s",
pr.display_name, pr.target.name, method,
original_head, new_heads[pr]
except Exception:
# reset the head which failed, as rebase() may have partially
# updated it (despite later steps failing)
gh.set_ref(target, original_head)
# then reset every previous update
for to_revert in new_heads.keys():
it = meta[to_revert.repository]
it['gh'].set_ref('tmp.{}'.format(to_revert.target.name), it['head'])
except github.MergeError as e:
raise exceptions.MergeError(pr) from e
except exceptions.Mismatch as e:
def format_items(items):
""" Bit of a pain in the ass because difflib really wants
all lines to be newline-terminated, but not all values are
actual lines, and also needs to split multiline values.
for name, value in items:
yield name + ':\n'
if not value.endswith('\n'):
value += '\n'
yield from value.splitlines(keepends=True)
yield '\n'
old = list(format_items((n, str(v)) for n, v, _ in e.args[1]))
new = list(format_items((n, str(v)) for n, _, v in e.args[1]))
diff = ''.join(Differ().compare(old, new))
_logger.info("data mismatch on %s:\n%s", pr.display_name, diff)
'pr': pr,
'mismatch': ', '.join(pr_fields[f].string for f in e.args[0]),
'diff': diff,
'unchecked': ', '.join(pr_fields[f].string for f in UNCHECKABLE)
return self.env['runbot_merge.batch']
# update meta to new heads
for pr, head in new_heads.items():
meta[pr.repository]['head'] = head
return self.create({
'target': prs[0].target.id,
'prs': [(4, pr.id, 0) for pr in prs],
UNCHECKABLE = ['merge_method', 'overrides', 'draft']
class FetchJob(models.Model):
_name = _description = 'runbot_merge.fetch_job'
@ -2372,134 +1856,4 @@ def to_status(v):
return v
return {'state': v, 'target_url': None, 'description': None}
refline = re.compile(rb'([\da-f]{40}) ([^\0\n]+)(\0.*)?\n?$')
ZERO_REF = b'0'*40
def parse_refs_smart(read):
""" yields pkt-line data (bytes), or None for flush lines """
def read_line():
length = int(read(4), 16)
if length == 0:
return None
return read(length - 4)
header = read_line()
assert header.rstrip() == b'# service=git-upload-pack', header
assert read_line() is None, "failed to find first flush line"
# read lines until second delimiter
for line in iter(read_line, None):
if line.startswith(ZERO_REF):
break # empty list (no refs)
m = refline.match(line)
yield m[1].decode(), m[2].decode()
BREAK = re.compile(r'''
[ ]{0,3} # 0-3 spaces of indentation
# followed by a sequence of three or more matching -, _, or * characters,
# each followed optionally by any number of spaces or tabs
# so needs to start with a _, - or *, then have at least 2 more such
# interspersed with any number of spaces or tabs
([ \t]*\1){2,}
[ \t]*
''', flags=re.VERBOSE)
SETEX_UNDERLINE = re.compile(r'''
[ ]{0,3} # no more than 3 spaces indentation
[-=]+ # a sequence of = characters or a sequence of - characters
[ ]* # any number of trailing spaces
# we don't care about "a line containing a single -" because we want to
# disambiguate SETEX headings from thematic breaks, and thematic breaks have
# 3+ -. Doesn't look like GH interprets `- - -` as a line so yay...
''', flags=re.VERBOSE)
HEADER = re.compile('^([A-Za-z-]+): (.*)$')
class Message:
def from_message(cls, msg):
in_headers = True
maybe_setex = None
# creating from PR message -> remove content following break
msg, handle_break = (msg, False) if isinstance(msg, str) else (msg.message, True)
headers = []
body = []
# don't process the title (first line) of the commit message
msg = msg.splitlines()
for line in reversed(msg[1:]):
if maybe_setex:
# NOTE: actually slightly more complicated: it's a SETEX heading
# only if preceding line(s) can be interpreted as a
# paragraph so e.g. a title followed by a line of dashes
# would indeed be a break, but this should be good enough
# for now, if we need more we'll need a full-blown
# markdown parser probably
if line: # actually a SETEX title -> add underline to body then process current
else: # actually break, remove body then process current
body = []
maybe_setex = None
if not line:
if not in_headers and body and body[-1]:
if handle_break and BREAK.match(line):
if SETEX_UNDERLINE.match(line):
maybe_setex = line
body = []
h = HEADER.match(line)
if h:
# c-a-b = special case from an existing test, not sure if actually useful?
if in_headers or h.group(1).lower() == 'co-authored-by':
in_headers = False
# if there are non-title body lines, add a separation after the title
if body and body[-1]:
return cls('\n'.join(reversed(body)), Headers(reversed(headers)))
def __init__(self, body, headers=None):
self.body = body
self.headers = headers or Headers()
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
# make sure stored body is always stripped
if name == 'body':
value = value and value.strip()
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def __str__(self):
if not self.headers:
return self.body + '\n'
with io.StringIO(self.body) as msg:
# https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/CommitMessageConventions
# seems to mostly use capitalised names (rather than title-cased)
keys = list(OrderedSet(k.capitalize() for k in self.headers.keys()))
# c-a-b must be at the very end otherwise github doesn't see it
keys.sort(key=lambda k: k == 'Co-authored-by')
for k in keys:
for v in self.headers.getlist(k):
msg.write(': ')
return msg.getvalue()
def sub(self, pattern, repl, *, flags):
""" Performs in-place replacements on the body
self.body = re.sub(pattern, repl, self.body, flags=flags)
from .stagings_create import is_mentioned, Message
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
import base64
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import tempfile
from difflib import Differ
from itertools import count, takewhile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Union, Optional, Literal, Callable, Iterator, Tuple, List, TypeAlias
import requests
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from odoo import api, models, fields
from odoo.tools import OrderedSet
from odoo.tools.appdirs import user_cache_dir
from .pull_requests import Branch, Stagings, PullRequests, Repository, Batch
from .. import exceptions, utils, github, git
WAIT_FOR_VISIBILITY = [10, 10, 10, 10]
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Project(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.project'
class StagingSlice:
"""Staging state for a single repository:
- gh is a cache for the github proxy object (contains a session for reusing
- head is the current staging head for the branch of that repo
- working_copy is the local working copy for the staging for that repo
gh: github.GH
head: str
working_copy: git.Repo
StagingState: TypeAlias = Dict[Repository, StagingSlice]
def try_staging(branch: Branch) -> Optional[Stagings]:
""" Tries to create a staging if the current branch does not already
have one. Returns None if the branch already has a staging or there
is nothing to stage, the newly created staging otherwise.
"Checking %s (%s) for staging: %s, skip? %s",
branch, branch.name,
if branch.active_staging_id:
return None
rows = [
(p, prs)
for p, prs in ready_prs(for_branch=branch)
if not any(prs.mapped('blocked'))
if not rows:
priority = rows[0][0]
if priority == 0 or priority == 1:
# p=0 take precedence over all else
# p=1 allows merging a fix inside / ahead of a split (e.g. branch
# is broken or widespread false positive) without having to cancel
# the existing staging
batched_prs = [pr_ids for _, pr_ids in takewhile(lambda r: r[0] == priority, rows)]
elif branch.split_ids:
split_ids = branch.split_ids[0]
_logger.info("Found split of PRs %s, re-staging", split_ids.mapped('batch_ids.prs'))
batched_prs = [batch.prs for batch in split_ids.batch_ids]
else: # p=2
batched_prs = [pr_ids for _, pr_ids in takewhile(lambda r: r[0] == priority, rows)]
with contextlib.ExitStack() as cleanup:
return stage_into(branch, batched_prs, cleanup)
def ready_prs(for_branch: Branch) -> List[Tuple[int, PullRequests]]:
env = for_branch.env
min(pr.priority) as priority,
array_agg(pr.id) AS match
FROM runbot_merge_pull_requests pr
WHERE pr.target = any(%s)
-- exclude terminal states (so there's no issue when
-- deleting branches & reusing labels)
AND pr.state != 'merged'
AND pr.state != 'closed'
WHEN pr.label SIMILAR TO '%%:patch-[[:digit:]]+'
THEN pr.id::text
ELSE pr.label
bool_or(pr.state = 'ready') or bool_or(pr.priority = 0)
ORDER BY min(pr.priority), min(pr.id)
""", [for_branch.ids])
browse = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].browse
return [(p, browse(ids)) for p, ids in env.cr.fetchall()]
def stage_into(
branch: Branch,
batched_prs: List[PullRequests],
cleanup: contextlib.ExitStack,
) -> Optional[Stagings]:
original_heads, staging_state = staging_setup(branch, batched_prs, cleanup)
staged = stage_batches(branch, batched_prs, staging_state)
if not staged:
return None
env = branch.env
heads = []
commits = []
for repo, it in staging_state.items():
if it.head != original_heads[repo]:
# if we staged something for that repo, just create a record for
# that commit, or flag existing one as to-recheck in case there are
# already statuses we want to propagate to the staging or something
"INSERT INTO runbot_merge_commit (sha, to_check, statuses) "
"VALUES (%s, true, '{}') "
"ON CONFLICT (sha) DO UPDATE SET to_check=true "
[commit] = [head] = env.cr.fetchone()
# if we didn't stage anything for that repo, create a dummy commit
# (with a uniquifier to ensure we don't hit a previous version of
# the same) to ensure the staging head is new and we're building
# everything
tree = it.gh.commit(it.head)['tree']
uniquifier = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(12)).decode('ascii')
dummy_head = it.gh('post', 'git/commits', json={
'tree': tree['sha'],
'parents': [it.head],
'message': f'''\
force rebuild
uniquifier: {uniquifier}
For-Commit-Id: {it.head}
# see above, ideally we don't need to mark the real head as
# `to_check` because it's an old commit but `DO UPDATE` is necessary
# for `RETURNING` to work, and it doesn't really hurt (maybe)
"INSERT INTO runbot_merge_commit (sha, to_check, statuses) "
"VALUES (%s, false, '{}'), (%s, true, '{}') "
"ON CONFLICT (sha) DO UPDATE SET to_check=true "
[it.head, dummy_head]
([commit], [head]) = env.cr.fetchall()
it.head = dummy_head
'repository_id': repo.id,
'commit_id': head,
'repository_id': repo.id,
'commit_id': commit,
# create actual staging object
st: Stagings = env['runbot_merge.stagings'].create({
'target': branch.id,
'batch_ids': [(4, batch.id, 0) for batch in staged],
'heads': heads,
'commits': commits,
# create staging branch from tmp
token = branch.project_id.github_token
for repo in branch.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(branch):
it = staging_state[repo]
"%s: create staging for %s:%s at %s",
branch.project_id.name, repo.name, branch.name,
refname = 'staging.{}'.format(branch.name)
it.gh.set_ref(refname, it.head)
i = count()
@utils.backoff(delays=WAIT_FOR_VISIBILITY, exc=TimeoutError)
def wait_for_visibility():
if check_visibility(repo, refname, it.head, token):
"[repo] updated %s:%s to %s: ok (at %d/%d)",
repo.name, refname, it.head,
"[repo] updated %s:%s to %s: failed (at %d/%d)",
repo.name, refname, it.head,
raise TimeoutError("Staged head not updated after %d seconds" % sum(WAIT_FOR_VISIBILITY))
_logger.info("Created staging %s (%s) to %s", st, ', '.join(
'%s[%s]' % (batch, batch.prs)
for batch in staged
), st.target.name)
return st
def staging_setup(
target: Branch,
batched_prs: List[PullRequests],
cleanup: contextlib.ExitStack
) -> Tuple[Dict[Repository, str], StagingState]:
"""Sets up the staging:
- stores baseline info
- creates tmp branch via gh API (to remove)
- generates working copy for each repository with the target branch
all_prs: PullRequests = target.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].concat(*batched_prs)
cache_dir = user_cache_dir('mergebot')
staging_state = {}
original_heads = {}
for repo in target.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(target):
gh = repo.github()
head = gh.head(target.name)
# create tmp staging branch
gh.set_ref('tmp.{}'.format(target.name), head)
source = git.get_local(repo, 'github')
git.source_url(repo, 'github'),
# a full refspec is necessary to ensure we actually fetch the ref
# (not just the commit it points to) and update it.
# `git fetch $remote $branch` seems to work locally, but it might
# be hooked only to "proper" remote-tracking branches
# (in `refs/remotes`), it doesn't seem to work here
*(pr.head for pr in all_prs if pr.repository == repo)
Path(cache_dir, repo.name).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
d = cleanup.enter_context(tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
working_copy = source.clone(d, branch=target.name)
original_heads[repo] = head
staging_state[repo] = StagingSlice(gh=gh, head=head, working_copy=working_copy)
return original_heads, staging_state
def stage_batches(branch: Branch, batched_prs: List[PullRequests], staging_state: StagingState) -> Stagings:
batch_limit = branch.project_id.batch_limit
env = branch.env
staged = env['runbot_merge.batch']
for batch in batched_prs:
if len(staged) >= batch_limit:
staged |= stage_batch(env, batch, staging_state)
except exceptions.MergeError as e:
pr = e.args[0]
_logger.info("Failed to stage %s into %s", pr.display_name, branch.name, exc_info=True)
if not staged or isinstance(e, exceptions.Unmergeable):
if len(e.args) > 1 and e.args[1]:
reason = e.args[1]
reason = e.__cause__ or e.__context__
# if the reason is a json document, assume it's a github error
# and try to extract the error message to give it to the user
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
reason = json.loads(str(reason))['message'].lower()
pr.state = 'error'
format_args={'pr': pr, 'reason': reason, 'exc': e},
return staged
def check_visibility(repo: Repository, branch_name: str, expected_head: str, token: str):
""" Checks the repository actual to see if the new / expected head is
now visible
# v1 protocol provides URL for ref discovery: https://github.com/git/git/blob/6e0cc6776106079ed4efa0cc9abace4107657abf/Documentation/technical/http-protocol.txt#L187
# for more complete client this is also the capabilities discovery and
# the "entry point" for the service
url = 'https://github.com/{}.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack'.format(repo.name)
with requests.get(url, stream=True, auth=(token, '')) as resp:
if not resp.ok:
return False
for head, ref in parse_refs_smart(resp.raw.read):
if ref != ('refs/heads/' + branch_name):
return head == expected_head
return False
refline = re.compile(rb'([\da-f]{40}) ([^\0\n]+)(\0.*)?\n?')
ZERO_REF = b'0'*40
def parse_refs_smart(read: Callable[[int], bytes]) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]:
""" yields pkt-line data (bytes), or None for flush lines """
def read_line() -> Optional[bytes]:
length = int(read(4), 16)
if length == 0:
return None
return read(length - 4)
header = read_line()
assert header and header.rstrip() == b'# service=git-upload-pack', header
assert read_line() is None, "failed to find first flush line"
# read lines until second delimiter
for line in iter(read_line, None):
if line.startswith(ZERO_REF):
break # empty list (no refs)
m = refline.fullmatch(line)
assert m
yield m[1].decode(), m[2].decode()
UNCHECKABLE = ['merge_method', 'overrides', 'draft']
def stage_batch(env: api.Environment, prs: PullRequests, staging: StagingState) -> Batch:
Updates meta[*][head] on success
new_heads: Dict[PullRequests, str] = {}
pr_fields = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._fields
for pr in prs:
gh = staging[pr.repository].gh
"Staging pr %s for target %s; method=%s",
pr.display_name, pr.target.name,
pr.merge_method or (pr.squash and 'single') or None
target = 'tmp.{}'.format(pr.target.name)
original_head = gh.head(target)
method, new_heads[pr] = stage(pr, gh, target, related_prs=(prs - pr))
"Staged pr %s to %s by %s: %s -> %s",
pr.display_name, pr.target.name, method,
original_head, new_heads[pr]
except Exception:
# reset the head which failed, as rebase() may have partially
# updated it (despite later steps failing)
gh.set_ref(target, original_head)
# then reset every previous update
for to_revert in new_heads.keys():
it = staging[to_revert.repository]
it.gh.set_ref('tmp.{}'.format(to_revert.target.name), it.head)
except github.MergeError as e:
raise exceptions.MergeError(pr) from e
except exceptions.Mismatch as e:
diff = ''.join(Differ().compare(
list(format_for_difflib((n, v) for n, v, _ in e.args[1])),
list(format_for_difflib((n, v) for n, _, v in e.args[1])),
_logger.info("data mismatch on %s:\n%s", pr.display_name, diff)
'pr': pr,
'mismatch': ', '.join(pr_fields[f].string for f in e.args[0]),
'diff': diff,
'unchecked': ', '.join(pr_fields[f].string for f in UNCHECKABLE)
return env['runbot_merge.batch']
# update meta to new heads
for pr, head in new_heads.items():
staging[pr.repository].head = head
return env['runbot_merge.batch'].create({
'target': prs[0].target.id,
'prs': [(4, pr.id, 0) for pr in prs],
def format_for_difflib(items: Iterator[Tuple[str, object]]) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Bit of a pain in the ass because difflib really wants
all lines to be newline-terminated, but not all values are
actual lines, and also needs to split multiline values.
for name, value in items:
yield name + ':\n'
value = str(value)
if not value.endswith('\n'):
value += '\n'
yield from value.splitlines(keepends=True)
yield '\n'
Method = Literal['merge', 'rebase-merge', 'rebase-ff', 'squash']
def stage(pr: PullRequests, gh: github.GH, target: str, related_prs: PullRequests) -> Tuple[Method, str]:
# nb: pr_commits is oldest to newest so pr.head is pr_commits[-1]
_, prdict = gh.pr(pr.number)
commits = prdict['commits']
method: Method = pr.merge_method or ('rebase-ff' if commits == 1 else None)
if commits > 50 and method.startswith('rebase'):
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(pr, "Rebasing 50 commits is too much.")
if commits > 250:
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(
pr, "Merging PRs of 250 or more commits is not supported "
pr_commits = gh.commits(pr.number)
for c in pr_commits:
if not (c['commit']['author']['email'] and c['commit']['committer']['email']):
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(
f"All commits must have author and committer email, "
f"missing email on {c['sha']} indicates the authorship is "
f"most likely incorrect."
# sync and signal possibly missed updates
invalid = {}
diff = []
pr_head = pr_commits[-1]['sha']
if pr.head != pr_head:
invalid['head'] = pr_head
diff.append(('Head', pr.head, pr_head))
if pr.target.name != prdict['base']['ref']:
branch = pr.env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('name', '=', prdict['base']['ref']),
('project_id', '=', pr.repository.project_id.id),
if not branch:
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(pr, "While staging, found this PR had been retargeted to an un-managed branch.")
invalid['target'] = branch.id
diff.append(('Target branch', pr.target.name, branch.name))
if pr.squash != commits == 1:
invalid['squash'] = commits == 1
diff.append(('Single commit', pr.squash, commits == 1))
msg = utils.make_message(prdict)
if pr.message != msg:
invalid['message'] = msg
diff.append(('Message', pr.message, msg))
if invalid:
pr.write({**invalid, 'state': 'opened', 'head': pr_head})
raise exceptions.Mismatch(invalid, diff)
if pr.reviewed_by and pr.reviewed_by.name == pr.reviewed_by.github_login:
# XXX: find other trigger(s) to sync github name?
gh_name = gh.user(pr.reviewed_by.github_login)['name']
if gh_name:
pr.reviewed_by.name = gh_name
match method:
case 'merge':
fn = stage_merge
case 'rebase-merge':
fn = stage_rebase_merge
case 'rebase-ff':
fn = stage_rebase_ff
case 'squash':
fn = stage_squash
return method, fn(pr, gh, target, pr_commits, related_prs=related_prs)
def stage_squash(pr: PullRequests, gh: github.GH, target: str, commits: List[github.PrCommit], related_prs: PullRequests) -> str:
msg = pr._build_merge_message(pr, related_prs=related_prs)
authorship = {}
authors = {
(c['commit']['author']['name'], c['commit']['author']['email'])
for c in commits
if len(authors) == 1:
name, email = authors.pop()
authorship['author'] = {'name': name, 'email': email}
('Co-Authored-By', "%s <%s>" % author)
for author in authors
committers = {
(c['commit']['committer']['name'], c['commit']['committer']['email'])
for c in commits
if len(committers) == 1:
name, email = committers.pop()
authorship['committer'] = {'name': name, 'email': email}
# should committers also be added to co-authors?
original_head = gh.head(target)
merge_tree = gh.merge(pr.head, target, 'temp merge')['tree']['sha']
head = gh('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': str(msg),
'tree': merge_tree,
'parents': [original_head],
gh.set_ref(target, head)
commits_map = {c['sha']: head for c in commits}
commits_map[''] = head
pr.commits_map = json.dumps(commits_map)
return head
def stage_rebase_ff(pr: PullRequests, gh: github.GH, target: str, commits: List[github.PrCommit], related_prs: PullRequests) -> str:
# updates head commit with PR number (if necessary) then rebases
# on top of target
msg = pr._build_merge_message(commits[-1]['commit']['message'], related_prs=related_prs)
commits[-1]['commit']['message'] = str(msg)
add_self_references(pr, commits[:-1])
head, mapping = gh.rebase(pr.number, target, commits=commits)
pr.commits_map = json.dumps({**mapping, '': head})
return head
def stage_rebase_merge(pr: PullRequests, gh: github.GH, target: str, commits: List[github.PrCommit], related_prs: PullRequests) -> str :
add_self_references(pr, commits)
h, mapping = gh.rebase(pr.number, target, reset=True, commits=commits)
msg = pr._build_merge_message(pr, related_prs=related_prs)
merge_head = gh.merge(h, target, str(msg))['sha']
pr.commits_map = json.dumps({**mapping, '': merge_head})
return merge_head
def stage_merge(pr: PullRequests, gh: github.GH, target: str, commits: List[github.PrCommit], related_prs: PullRequests) -> str:
pr_head = commits[-1] # oldest to newest
base_commit = None
head_parents = {p['sha'] for p in pr_head['parents']}
if len(head_parents) > 1:
# look for parent(s?) of pr_head not in PR, means it's
# from target (so we merged target in pr)
merge = head_parents - {c['sha'] for c in commits}
external_parents = len(merge)
if external_parents > 1:
raise exceptions.Unmergeable(
"The PR head can only have one parent from the base branch "
"(not part of the PR itself), found %d: %s" % (
', '.join(merge)
if external_parents == 1:
[base_commit] = merge
commits_map = {c['sha']: c['sha'] for c in commits}
if base_commit:
# replicate pr_head with base_commit replaced by
# the current head
original_head = gh.head(target)
merge_tree = gh.merge(pr_head['sha'], target, 'temp merge')['tree']['sha']
new_parents = [original_head] + list(head_parents - {base_commit})
msg = pr._build_merge_message(pr_head['commit']['message'], related_prs=related_prs)
copy = gh('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': str(msg),
'tree': merge_tree,
'author': pr_head['commit']['author'],
'committer': pr_head['commit']['committer'],
'parents': new_parents,
gh.set_ref(target, copy['sha'])
# merge commit *and old PR head* map to the pr head replica
commits_map[''] = commits_map[pr_head['sha']] = copy['sha']
pr.commits_map = json.dumps(commits_map)
return copy['sha']
# otherwise do a regular merge
msg = pr._build_merge_message(pr)
merge_head = gh.merge(pr.head, target, str(msg))['sha']
# and the merge commit is the normal merge head
commits_map[''] = merge_head
pr.commits_map = json.dumps(commits_map)
return merge_head
def is_mentioned(message: Union[PullRequests, str], pr: PullRequests, *, full_reference: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Returns whether ``pr`` is mentioned in ``message```
if full_reference:
pattern = fr'\b{re.escape(pr.display_name)}\b'
repository = pr.repository.name # .replace('/', '\\/')
pattern = fr'( |\b{repository})#{pr.number}\b'
return bool(re.search(pattern, message if isinstance(message, str) else message.message))
def add_self_references(pr: PullRequests, commits: List[github.PrCommit]):
"""Adds a footer reference to ``self`` to all ``commits`` if they don't
already refer to the PR.
for c in (c['commit'] for c in commits):
if not is_mentioned(c['message'], pr):
message = c['message']
m = Message.from_message(message)
m.headers.pop('Part-Of', None)
m.headers.add('Part-Of', pr.display_name)
c['message'] = str(m)
BREAK = re.compile(r'''
[ ]{0,3} # 0-3 spaces of indentation
# followed by a sequence of three or more matching -, _, or * characters,
# each followed optionally by any number of spaces or tabs
# so needs to start with a _, - or *, then have at least 2 more such
# interspersed with any number of spaces or tabs
([ \t]*\1){2,}
[ \t]*
''', flags=re.VERBOSE)
SETEX_UNDERLINE = re.compile(r'''
[ ]{0,3} # no more than 3 spaces indentation
[-=]+ # a sequence of = characters or a sequence of - characters
[ ]* # any number of trailing spaces
# we don't care about "a line containing a single -" because we want to
# disambiguate SETEX headings from thematic breaks, and thematic breaks have
# 3+ -. Doesn't look like GH interprets `- - -` as a line so yay...
''', flags=re.VERBOSE)
HEADER = re.compile('([A-Za-z-]+): (.*)')
class Message:
def from_message(cls, msg: Union[PullRequests, str]) -> 'Message':
in_headers = True
maybe_setex = None
# creating from PR message -> remove content following break
if isinstance(msg, str):
message, handle_break = (msg, False)
message, handle_break = (msg.message, True)
headers = []
body: List[str] = []
# don't process the title (first line) of the commit message
lines = message.splitlines()
for line in reversed(lines[1:]):
if maybe_setex:
# NOTE: actually slightly more complicated: it's a SETEX heading
# only if preceding line(s) can be interpreted as a
# paragraph so e.g. a title followed by a line of dashes
# would indeed be a break, but this should be good enough
# for now, if we need more we'll need a full-blown
# markdown parser probably
if line: # actually a SETEX title -> add underline to body then process current
else: # actually break, remove body then process current
body = []
maybe_setex = None
if not line:
if not in_headers and body and body[-1]:
if handle_break and BREAK.fullmatch(line):
if SETEX_UNDERLINE.fullmatch(line):
maybe_setex = line
body = []
h = HEADER.fullmatch(line)
if h:
# c-a-b = special case from an existing test, not sure if actually useful?
if in_headers or h[1].lower() == 'co-authored-by':
in_headers = False
# if there are non-title body lines, add a separation after the title
if body and body[-1]:
return cls('\n'.join(reversed(body)), Headers(reversed(headers)))
def __init__(self, body: str, headers: Optional[Headers] = None):
self.body = body
self.headers = headers or Headers()
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
# make sure stored body is always stripped
if name == 'body':
value = value and value.strip()
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def __str__(self):
if not self.headers:
return self.body + '\n'
with io.StringIO(self.body) as msg:
# https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/CommitMessageConventions
# seems to mostly use capitalised names (rather than title-cased)
keys = list(OrderedSet(k.capitalize() for k in self.headers.keys()))
# c-a-b must be at the very end otherwise github doesn't see it
keys.sort(key=lambda k: k == 'Co-authored-by')
for k in keys:
for v in self.headers.getlist(k):
msg.write(': ')
return msg.getvalue()
@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ def test_stage_match(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, config, page):
assert 'Related: {}'.format(pr_b.display_name) in repo_a.commit('master').message
assert 'Related: {}'.format(pr_a.display_name) in repo_b.commit('master').message
print(pr_a.batch_ids.read(['staging_id', 'prs']))
# check that related PRs *still* link to one another after merge
assert get_related_pr_labels(pr_page(page, prx_a)) == [pr_b.display_name]
assert get_related_pr_labels(pr_page(page, prx_b)) == [pr_a.display_name]
@ -1093,13 +1092,6 @@ def test_multi_project(env, make_repo, setreviewers, users, config,
pr1_id = to_pr(env, pr1)
pr2_id = to_pr(env, pr2)
pr1.repo.name, pr1.number, pr1_id.display_name, pr1_id.label,
pr2.repo.name, pr2.number, pr2_id.display_name, pr2_id.label,
assert pr1_id.state == 'ready' and not pr1_id.blocked
assert pr2_id.state == 'validated'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user