[ADD] runbot_merge

Does not change anything in runbot itself, so if there's things which
don't work or we need to change we can probably fix them in master
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2018-09-03 13:23:27 +02:00
commit 5c4018b91e
24 changed files with 5414 additions and 0 deletions

runbot_merge/README.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
Merge Bot
* Setup a project with relevant repositories and branches the bot
should manage (e.g. odoo/odoo and 10.0).
* Set up reviewers (github_login + boolean flag on partners).
* Add "Issue comments", "Pull request reviews", "Pull requests" and
"Statuses" webhooks to managed repositories.
* If applicable, add "Statuses" webhook to the *source* repositories.
Github does not seem to send statuses cross-repository when commits
get transmigrated so if a user creates a branch in odoo-dev/odoo,
waits for CI to run then creates a PR targeted to odoo/odoo the PR
will never get status-checked (unless we modify runbot to re-send
statuses on pull_request webhook).
Working Principles
Useful information (new PRs, CI, comments, ...) is pushed to the MB
via webhooks. Most of the staging work is performed via a cron job:
1. for each active staging, check if their are done
1. if successful
* ``push --ff`` to target branches
* close PRs
2. if only one batch, mark as failed
for batches of multiple PRs, the MB attempts to infer which
specific PR failed
3. otherwise split staging in 2 (bisection search of problematic
2. for each branch with no active staging
* if there are inactive stagings, stage one of them
* otherwise look for batches targered to that PR (PRs grouped by
label with branch as target)
* attempt staging
1. reset temp branches (one per repo) to corresponding targets
2. merge each batch's PR into the relevant temp branch
* on merge failure, mark PRs as failed
3. once no more batch or limit reached, reset staging branches to
4. mark staging as active
A command string is a line starting with the mergebot's name and
followed by various commands. Self-reviewers count as reviewers for
the purpose of their own PRs, but delegate reviewers don't.
resets a PR in error mode to ready for staging
can be used by a reviewer or the PR author to re-stage the PR after
it's been updated or the target has been updated & fixed.
approves a PR, can be used by a reviewer or delegate reviewer
submitting an "approve" review implicitly r+'s the PR
removes approval from a PR, allows un-reviewing a PR in error (staging
failed) so it can be updated and re-submitted
.. squash+/squash-
.. marks the PR as squash or merge, can override squash inference or a
.. previous squash command, can only be used by reviewers
adds either PR author or the specified (github) users as authorised
reviewers for this PR. ``<users>`` is a comma-separated list of
github usernames (no @), can be used by reviewers
sets the priority to normal (2), pressing (1) or urgent (0),
lower-priority PRs are selected first and batched together, can be
used by reviewers
the default merge mode is to rebase and merge the PR into the
target, however for some situations this is not suitable and
a regular merge is necessary; this command toggles rebasing
mode off (and thus back to a regular merge)
A *project* is used to manage multiple *repositories* across many
Each *PR* targets a specific branch in a specific repository.
A *batch* is a number of co-dependent PRs, PRs which are assumed to
depend on one another (the exact relationship is irrelevant) and thus
always need to be batched together. Batches are normally created on
the fly during staging.
A *staging* is a number of batches (up to 8 by default) which will be
tested together, and split if CI fails. Each staging applies to a
single *branch* the target) across all managed repositories. Stagings
can be active (currently live on the various staging branches) or
inactive (to be staged later, generally as a result of splitting a
failed staging).
* When looking for stageable batches, priority is taken in account and
isolating e.g. if there's a single high-priority PR, low-priority
PRs are ignored completely and only that will be staged on its own
* Reviewers are set up on partners so we can e.g. have author-tracking
& delegate reviewers without needing to create proper users for
every contributor.
* MB collates statuses on commits independently from other objects, so
a commit getting CI'd in odoo-dev/odoo then made into a PR on
odoo/odoo should be correctly interpreted assuming odoo-dev/odoo
sent its statuses to the MB.
* Github does not support transactional sequences of API calls, so
it's possible that "intermediate" staging states are visible & have
to be rollbacked e.g. a staging succeeds in a 2-repo scenario,
A.{target} is ff-d to A.{staging}, then B.{target}'s ff to
B.{staging} fails, we have to rollback A.{target}.
* Co-dependence is currently inferred through *labels*, which is a
pair of ``{repo}:{branchname}`` e.g. odoo-dev:11.0-pr-flanker-jke.
If this label is present in a PR to A and a PR to B, these two
PRs will be collected into a single batch to ensure they always
get batched (and failed) together.
Previous Work
* r+: accept (only for trusted reviewers)
* r-: unaccept
* r=users...: accept on behalf of users
* delegate+: allows author to self-review
* delegate=users...: allow non-reviewers users to review
* try: stage build (to separate branch) but don't merge on succes
Why not bors-ng
* no concurrent staging (can only stage one target at a time)
* can't do co-dependent repositories/multi-repo staging
* cancels/forgets r+'d branches on FF failure (emergency pushes)
instead of re-staging
Additionally to bors-ng's:
* SHA option on r+/r=, guards
* p=NUMBER: set priority (unclear if best = low/high)
* rollup/rollup-: should be default
* retry: re-attempt PR (flaky?)
* delegate-: remove delegate+/delegate=
* force: ???
* clean: ???

runbot_merge/__init__.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
from . import models, controllers

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
'name': 'merge bot',
'depends': ['contacts', 'website'],
'data': [

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@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
import hashlib
import hmac
import logging
import json
import werkzeug.exceptions
from odoo.http import Controller, request, route
from . import dashboard
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MergebotController(Controller):
@route('/runbot_merge/hooks', auth='none', type='json', csrf=False, methods=['POST'])
def index(self):
req = request.httprequest
event = req.headers['X-Github-Event']
c = EVENTS.get(event)
if not c:
_logger.warn('Unknown event %s', event)
return 'Unknown event {}'.format(event)
repo = request.jsonrequest['repository']['full_name']
env = request.env(user=1)
secret = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([
('name', '=', repo),
if secret:
signature = 'sha1=' + hmac.new(secret.encode('ascii'), req.get_data(), hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
if not hmac.compare_digest(signature, req.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature', '')):
_logger.warn("Ignored hook with incorrect signature %s",
return werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden()
return c(env, request.jsonrequest)
def handle_pr(env, event):
if event['action'] in [
'assigned', 'unassigned', 'review_requested', 'review_request_removed',
'labeled', 'unlabeled'
'Ignoring pull_request[%s] on %s:%s',
return 'Ignoring'
pr = event['pull_request']
r = pr['base']['repo']['full_name']
b = pr['base']['ref']
repo = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', r)])
if not repo:
_logger.warning("Received a PR for %s but not configured to handle that repo", r)
# sadly shit's retarded so odoo json endpoints really mean
# ACTUAL RAW HTTP RESPONSES and thus not possible to
# report actual errors to the webhooks listing thing on
# github (not that we'd be looking at them but it'd be
# useful for tests)
return "Not configured to handle {}".format(r)
# PRs to unmanaged branches are not necessarily abnormal and
# we don't care
branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([
('name', '=', b),
('project_id', '=', repo.project_id.id),
def find(target):
return env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository', '=', repo.id),
('number', '=', pr['number']),
('target', '=', target.id),
# edition difficulty: pr['base']['ref] is the *new* target, the old one
# is at event['change']['base']['ref'] (if the target changed), so edition
# handling must occur before the rest of the steps
if event['action'] == 'edited':
source = event['changes'].get('base', {'ref': {'from': b}})['ref']['from']
source_branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([
('name', '=', source),
('project_id', '=', repo.project_id.id),
# retargeting to un-managed => delete
if not branch:
pr = find(source_branch)
return 'Retargeted {} to un-managed branch {}, deleted'.format(pr.id, b)
# retargeting from un-managed => create
if not source_branch:
return handle_pr(env, dict(event, action='opened'))
updates = {}
if source_branch != branch:
updates['target'] = branch.id
if event['changes'].keys() & {'title', 'body'}:
updates['message'] = "{}\n\n{}".format(pr['title'].strip(), pr['body'].strip())
if updates:
pr_obj = find(source_branch)
return 'Updated {}'.format(pr_obj.id)
return "Nothing to update ({})".format(event['changes'].keys())
if not branch:
_logger.info("Ignoring PR for un-managed branch %s:%s", r, b)
return "Not set up to care about {}:{}".format(r, b)
author_name = pr['user']['login']
author = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', author_name)], limit=1)
if not author:
author = env['res.partner'].create({
'name': author_name,
'github_login': author_name,
_logger.info("%s: %s:%s (%s) (%s)", event['action'], repo.name, pr['number'], pr['title'].strip(), author.github_login)
if event['action'] == 'opened':
# some PRs have leading/trailing newlines in body/title (resp)
title = pr['title'].strip()
body = pr['body'].strip()
pr_obj = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].create({
'number': pr['number'],
'label': pr['head']['label'],
'author': author.id,
'target': branch.id,
'repository': repo.id,
'head': pr['head']['sha'],
'squash': pr['commits'] == 1,
'message': '{}\n\n{}'.format(title, body),
return "Tracking PR as {}".format(pr_obj.id)
pr_obj = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._get_or_schedule(r, pr['number'])
if not pr_obj:
_logger.warn("webhook %s on unknown PR %s:%s, scheduled fetch", event['action'], repo.name, pr['number'])
return "Unknown PR {}:{}, scheduling fetch".format(repo.name, pr['number'])
if event['action'] == 'synchronize':
if pr_obj.head == pr['head']['sha']:
return 'No update to pr head'
if pr_obj.state in ('closed', 'merged'):
_logger.error("Tentative sync to closed PR %s:%s", repo.name, pr['number'])
return "It's my understanding that closed/merged PRs don't get sync'd"
if pr_obj.state == 'validated':
pr_obj.state = 'opened'
elif pr_obj.state == 'ready':
pr_obj.state = 'approved'
"Updated PR %s:%s, removing staging %s",
pr_obj.repository.name, pr_obj.number,
pr_obj.head = pr['head']['sha']
pr_obj.squash = pr['commits'] == 1
return 'Updated {} to {}'.format(pr_obj.id, pr_obj.head)
# don't marked merged PRs as closed (!!!)
if event['action'] == 'closed' and pr_obj.state != 'merged':
pr_obj.state = 'closed'
"Closed PR %s:%s, removing staging %s",
pr_obj.repository.name, pr_obj.number,
return 'Closed {}'.format(pr_obj.id)
if event['action'] == 'reopened' and pr_obj.state == 'closed':
pr_obj.state = 'opened'
return 'Reopened {}'.format(pr_obj.id)
_logger.info("Ignoring event %s on PR %s", event['action'], pr['number'])
return "Not handling {} yet".format(event['action'])
def handle_status(env, event):
'status %s:%s on commit %s',
event['context'], event['state'],
Commits = env['runbot_merge.commit']
c = Commits.search([('sha', '=', event['sha'])])
if c:
c.statuses = json.dumps({
event['context']: event['state']
'sha': event['sha'],
'statuses': json.dumps({event['context']: event['state']})
return 'ok'
def handle_comment(env, event):
if 'pull_request' not in event['issue']:
return "issue comment, ignoring"
repo = event['repository']['full_name']
issue = event['issue']['number']
author = event['sender']['login']
comment = event['comment']['body']
_logger.info('comment: %s %s:%s "%s"', author, repo, issue, comment)
partner = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', author), ])
if not partner:
_logger.info("ignoring comment from %s: not in system", author)
return 'ignored'
repository = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', repo)])
if not repository.project_id._find_commands(comment):
return "No commands, ignoring"
pr = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._get_or_schedule(repo, issue)
if not pr:
return "Unknown PR, scheduling fetch"
return pr._parse_commands(partner, comment)
def handle_review(env, event):
partner = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', event['review']['user']['login'])])
if not partner:
_logger.info('ignoring comment from %s: not in system', event['review']['user']['login'])
return 'ignored'
pr = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._get_or_schedule(
if not pr:
return "Unknown PR, scheduling fetch"
firstline = ''
state = event['review']['state'].lower()
if state == 'approved':
firstline = pr.repository.project_id.github_prefix + ' r+\n'
elif state == 'request_changes':
firstline = pr.repository.project_id.github_prefix + ' r-\n'
return pr._parse_commands(partner, firstline + event['review']['body'])
def handle_ping(env, event):
print("Got ping! {}".format(event['zen']))
return "pong"
'pull_request': handle_pr,
'status': handle_status,
'issue_comment': handle_comment,
'pull_request_review': handle_review,
'ping': handle_ping,

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo.http import Controller, route, request
class MergebotDashboard(Controller):
@route('/runbot_merge', auth="public", type="http", website=True)
def dashboard(self):
return request.render('runbot_merge.dashboard', {
'projects': request.env['runbot_merge.project'].sudo().search([]),

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<record model="ir.cron" id="merge_cron">
<field name="name">Check for progress of PRs &amp; Stagings</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="model_runbot_merge_project"/>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="code">model._check_progress()</field>
<field name="interval_number">1</field>
<field name="interval_type">minutes</field>
<field name="numbercall">-1</field>
<field name="doall" eval="False"/>
<record model="ir.cron" id="fetch_prs_cron">
<field name="name">Check for PRs to fetch</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="model_runbot_merge_project"/>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="code">model._check_fetch(True)</field>
<field name="interval_number">1</field>
<field name="interval_type">minutes</field>
<field name="numbercall">-1</field>
<field name="doall" eval="False"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
class MergeError(Exception):
class FastForwardError(Exception):

runbot_merge/github.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
import collections
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import requests
from . import exceptions
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GH(object):
def __init__(self, token, repo):
self._url = 'https://api.github.com'
self._repo = repo
session = self._session = requests.Session()
session.headers['Authorization'] = 'token {}'.format(token)
def __call__(self, method, path, params=None, json=None, check=True):
:type check: bool | dict[int:Exception]
r = self._session.request(
'{}/repos/{}/{}'.format(self._url, self._repo, path),
if check:
if isinstance(check, collections.Mapping):
exc = check.get(r.status_code)
if exc:
raise exc(r.content)
return r
def head(self, branch):
d = self('get', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch)).json()
assert d['ref'] == 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch)
assert d['object']['type'] == 'commit'
return d['object']['sha']
def commit(self, sha):
return self('GET', 'git/commits/{}'.format(sha)).json()
def comment(self, pr, message):
self('POST', 'issues/{}/comments'.format(pr), json={'body': message})
def close(self, pr, message):
self.comment(pr, message)
self('PATCH', 'pulls/{}'.format(pr), json={'state': 'closed'})
def change_tags(self, pr, from_, to_):
to_add, to_remove = to_ - from_, from_ - to_
for t in to_remove:
r = self('DELETE', 'issues/{}/labels/{}'.format(pr, t), check=False)
# successful deletion or attempt to delete a tag which isn't there
# is fine, otherwise trigger an error
if r.status_code not in (200, 404):
if to_add:
self('POST', 'issues/{}/labels'.format(pr), json=list(to_add))
def fast_forward(self, branch, sha):
self('patch', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), json={'sha': sha})
except requests.HTTPError:
raise exceptions.FastForwardError()
def set_ref(self, branch, sha):
# force-update ref
r = self('patch', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), json={
'sha': sha,
'force': True,
}, check=False)
if r.status_code == 200:
# 422 makes no sense but that's what github returns, leaving 404 just
# in case
if r.status_code in (404, 422):
# fallback: create ref
r = self('post', 'git/refs', json={
'ref': 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch),
'sha': sha,
}, check=False)
if r.status_code == 201:
raise AssertionError("{}: {}".format(r.status_code, r.json()))
def merge(self, sha, dest, message):
r = self('post', 'merges', json={
'base': dest,
'head': sha,
'commit_message': message,
}, check={409: exceptions.MergeError})
r = r.json()
return dict(r['commit'], sha=r['sha'])
def rebase(self, pr, dest, reset=False, commits=None):
""" Rebase pr's commits on top of dest, updates dest unless ``reset``
is set.
Returns the hash of the rebased head.
original_head = self.head(dest)
if commits is None:
commits = self.commits(pr)
assert commits, "can't rebase a PR with no commits"
for c in commits:
assert len(c['parents']) == 1, "can't rebase commits with more than one parent"
tmp_msg = 'temp rebasing PR %s (%s)' % (pr, c['sha'])
c['new_tree'] = self.merge(c['sha'], dest, tmp_msg)['tree']['sha']
self.set_ref(dest, original_head)
prev = original_head
for c in commits:
copy = self('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': c['commit']['message'],
'tree': c['new_tree'],
'parents': [prev],
'author': c['commit']['author'],
'committer': c['commit']['committer'],
}, check={409: exceptions.MergeError}).json()
prev = copy['sha']
if reset:
self.set_ref(dest, original_head)
# prev is updated after each copy so it's the rebased PR head
return prev
# fetch various bits of issues / prs to load them
def pr(self, number):
return (
self('get', 'issues/{}'.format(number)).json(),
self('get', 'pulls/{}'.format(number)).json()
def comments(self, number):
for page in itertools.count(1):
r = self('get', 'issues/{}/comments'.format(number), params={'page': page})
yield from r.json()
if not r.links.get('next'):
def reviews(self, number):
for page in itertools.count(1):
r = self('get', 'pulls/{}/reviews'.format(number), params={'page': page})
yield from r.json()
if not r.links.get('next'):
def commits(self, pr):
""" Returns a PR's commits oldest first (that's what GH does &
is what we want)
r = self('get', 'pulls/{}/commits'.format(pr), params={'per_page': PR_COMMITS_MAX})
assert not r.links.get('next'), "more than {} commits".format(PR_COMMITS_MAX)
return r.json()
def statuses(self, h):
r = self('get', 'commits/{}/status'.format(h)).json()
return [{
'sha': r['sha'],
'context': s['context'],
'state': s['state'],
} for s in r['statuses']]

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from . import res_partner
from . import pull_requests

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@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
import collections
import datetime
import json
import logging
import pprint
import re
from itertools import takewhile
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from .. import github, exceptions, controllers
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Project(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.project'
name = fields.Char(required=True, index=True)
repo_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.repository', 'project_id',
help="Repos included in that project, they'll be staged together. "\
"*Not* to be used for cross-repo dependencies (that is to be handled by the CI)"
branch_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.branch', 'project_id',
help="Branches of all project's repos which are managed by the merge bot. Also "\
"target branches of PR this project handles."
required_statuses = fields.Char(
help="Comma-separated list of status contexts which must be "\
"`success` for a PR or staging to be valid",
ci_timeout = fields.Integer(
default=60, required=True,
help="Delay (in minutes) before a staging is considered timed out and failed"
github_token = fields.Char("Github Token", required=True)
github_prefix = fields.Char(
default="hanson", # mergebot du bot du bot du~
help="Prefix (~bot name) used when sending commands from PR "
"comments e.g. [hanson retry] or [hanson r+ p=1]"
batch_limit = fields.Integer(
default=8, help="Maximum number of PRs staged together")
secret = fields.Char(
help="Webhook secret. If set, will be checked against the signature "
"of (valid) incoming webhook signatures, failing signatures "
"will lead to webhook rejection. Should only use ASCII."
def _check_progress(self):
logger = _logger.getChild('cron')
Batch = self.env['runbot_merge.batch']
PRs = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']
for project in self.search([]):
gh = {repo.name: repo.github() for repo in project.repo_ids}
# check status of staged PRs
for staging in project.mapped('branch_ids.active_staging_id'):
"Checking active staging %s (state=%s)",
staging, staging.state
if staging.state == 'success':
old_heads = {
n: g.head(staging.target.name)
for n, g in gh.items()
repo_name = None
staging_heads = json.loads(staging.heads)
updated = []
for repo_name, head in staging_heads.items():
except exceptions.FastForwardError:
"Could not fast-forward successful staging on %s:%s, reverting updated repos %s and re-staging",
repo_name, staging.target.name,
', '.join(updated),
for name in reversed(updated):
gh[name].set_ref(staging.target.name, old_heads[name])
prs = staging.mapped('batch_ids.prs')
"%s FF successful, marking %s as merged",
staging, prs
prs.write({'state': 'merged'})
for pr in prs:
# FIXME: this is the staging head rather than the actual merge commit for the PR
gh[pr.repository.name].close(pr.number, 'Merged in {}'.format(staging_heads[pr.repository.name]))
staging.batch_ids.write({'active': False})
staging.write({'active': False})
elif staging.state == 'failure' or project.is_timed_out(staging):
# else let flow
# check for stageable branches/prs
for branch in project.branch_ids:
"Checking %s (%s) for staging: %s, skip? %s",
branch, branch.name,
if branch.active_staging_id:
# noinspection SqlResolve
min(pr.priority) as priority,
array_agg(pr.id) AS match
FROM runbot_merge_pull_requests pr
LEFT JOIN runbot_merge_batch batch ON pr.batch_id = batch.id AND batch.active
WHERE pr.target = %s
-- exclude terminal states (so there's no issue when
-- deleting branches & reusing labels)
AND pr.state != 'merged'
AND pr.state != 'closed'
GROUP BY pr.label
HAVING (bool_or(pr.priority = 0) AND NOT bool_or(pr.state = 'error'))
OR bool_and(pr.state = 'ready')
ORDER BY min(pr.priority), min(pr.id)
""", [branch.id])
# result: [(priority, [(repo_id, pr_id) for repo in repos]
rows = self.env.cr.fetchall()
priority = rows[0][0] if rows else -1
if priority == 0:
# p=0 take precedence over all else
batched_prs = [
for _, pr_ids in takewhile(lambda r: r[0] == priority, rows)
elif branch.split_ids:
split_ids = branch.split_ids[0]
logger.info("Found split of PRs %s, re-staging", split_ids.mapped('batch_ids.prs'))
batched_prs = [batch.prs for batch in split_ids.batch_ids]
elif rows:
# p=1 or p=2
batched_prs = [PRs.browse(pr_ids) for _, pr_ids in takewhile(lambda r: r[0] == priority, rows)]
staged = Batch
meta = {repo: {} for repo in project.repo_ids}
for repo, it in meta.items():
gh = it['gh'] = repo.github()
it['head'] = gh.head(branch.name)
# create tmp staging branch
gh.set_ref('tmp.{}'.format(branch.name), it['head'])
batch_limit = project.batch_limit
for batch in batched_prs:
if len(staged) >= batch_limit:
staged |= Batch.stage(meta, batch)
if staged:
# create actual staging object
st = self.env['runbot_merge.stagings'].create({
'target': branch.id,
'batch_ids': [(4, batch.id, 0) for batch in staged],
'heads': json.dumps({
repo.name: it['head']
for repo, it in meta.items()
# create staging branch from tmp
for r, it in meta.items():
it['gh'].set_ref('staging.{}'.format(branch.name), it['head'])
# creating the staging doesn't trigger a write on the prs
# and thus the ->staging taggings, so do that by hand
Tagging = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests.tagging']
for pr in st.mapped('batch_ids.prs'):
'pull_request': pr.number,
'repository': pr.repository.id,
'state_from': pr._tagstate,
'state_to': 'staged',
logger.info("Created staging %s (%s)", st, staged)
Repos = self.env['runbot_merge.repository']
ghs = {}
# noinspection SqlResolve
t.repository as repo_id,
t.pull_request as pr_number,
array_agg(t.id) as ids,
(array_agg(t.state_from ORDER BY t.id))[1] as state_from,
(array_agg(t.state_to ORDER BY t.id DESC))[1] as state_to
FROM runbot_merge_pull_requests_tagging t
GROUP BY t.repository, t.pull_request
to_remove = []
for repo_id, pr, ids, from_, to_ in self.env.cr.fetchall():
repo = Repos.browse(repo_id)
from_tags = _TAGS[from_ or False]
to_tags = _TAGS[to_ or False]
gh = ghs.get(repo)
if not gh:
gh = ghs[repo] = repo.github()
gh.change_tags(pr, from_tags, to_tags)
except Exception:
"Error while trying to change the tags of %s:%s from %s to %s",
repo.name, pr, from_tags, to_tags,
def is_timed_out(self, staging):
return fields.Datetime.from_string(staging.staged_at) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.ci_timeout) < datetime.datetime.now()
def _check_fetch(self, commit=False):
:param bool commit: commit after each fetch has been executed
while True:
f = self.env['runbot_merge.fetch_job'].search([], limit=1)
if not f:
# commit after each fetched PR
f.active = False
if commit:
def _find_commands(self, comment):
return re.findall(
'^{}:? (.*)$'.format(self.github_prefix),
comment, re.MULTILINE)
def _has_branch(self, name):
SELECT 1 FROM runbot_merge_branch
WHERE project_id = %s AND name = %s
""", (self.id, name))
return bool(self.env.cr.rowcount)
class Repository(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.repository'
name = fields.Char(required=True)
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project', required=True)
def github(self):
return github.GH(self.project_id.github_token, self.name)
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(Repository, self)._auto_init()
self._cr, 'runbot_merge_unique_repo', self._table, ['name'])
return res
def _load_pr(self, number):
gh = self.github()
# fetch PR object and handle as *opened*
issue, pr = gh.pr(number)
if not self.project_id._has_branch(pr['base']['ref']):
_logger.info("Tasked with loading PR %d for un-managed branch %s, ignoring", pr['number'], pr['base']['ref'])
controllers.handle_pr(self.env, {
'action': 'opened',
'pull_request': pr,
for st in gh.statuses(pr['head']['sha']):
controllers.handle_status(self.env, st)
# get and handle all comments
for comment in gh.comments(number):
controllers.handle_comment(self.env, {
'issue': issue,
'sender': comment['user'],
'comment': comment,
'repository': {'full_name': self.name},
# get and handle all reviews
for review in gh.reviews(number):
controllers.handle_review(self.env, {
'review': review,
'pull_request': pr,
'repository': {'full_name': self.name},
class Branch(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.branch'
name = fields.Char(required=True)
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project', required=True)
active_staging_id = fields.Many2one(
'runbot_merge.stagings', compute='_compute_active_staging', store=True,
help="Currently running staging for the branch."
staging_ids = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.stagings', 'target')
split_ids = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.split', 'target')
prs = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.pull_requests', 'target', domain=[
('state', '!=', 'closed'),
('state', '!=', 'merged'),
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(Branch, self)._auto_init()
self._cr, 'runbot_merge_unique_branch_per_repo',
self._table, ['name', 'project_id'])
return res
def _compute_active_staging(self):
for b in self:
b.active_staging_id = b.staging_ids
class PullRequests(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.pull_requests'
_order = 'number desc'
target = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', required=True)
repository = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', required=True)
# NB: check that target & repo have same project & provide project related?
state = fields.Selection([
('opened', 'Opened'),
('closed', 'Closed'),
('validated', 'Validated'),
('approved', 'Approved'),
('ready', 'Ready'),
# staged?
('merged', 'Merged'),
('error', 'Error'),
], default='opened')
number = fields.Integer(required=True, index=True)
author = fields.Many2one('res.partner')
head = fields.Char(required=True)
label = fields.Char(
required=True, index=True,
help="Label of the source branch (owner:branchname), used for "
"cross-repository branch-matching"
message = fields.Text(required=True)
squash = fields.Boolean(default=False)
rebase = fields.Boolean(default=True)
delegates = fields.Many2many('res.partner', help="Delegate reviewers, not intrinsically reviewers but can review this PR")
priority = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Urgent'),
(1, 'Pressing'),
(2, 'Normal'),
], default=2, index=True)
statuses = fields.Text(compute='_compute_statuses')
batch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.batch',compute='_compute_active_batch', store=True)
batch_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot_merge.batch')
staging_id = fields.Many2one(related='batch_id.staging_id', store=True)
def _compute_statuses(self):
Commits = self.env['runbot_merge.commit']
for s in self:
c = Commits.search([('sha', '=', s.head)])
if c and c.statuses:
s.statuses = pprint.pformat(json.loads(c.statuses))
def _compute_active_batch(self):
for r in self:
r.batch_id = r.batch_ids.filtered(lambda b: b.active)[:1]
def _get_or_schedule(self, repo_name, number, target=None):
repo = self.env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', repo_name)])
if not repo:
if target and not repo.project_id._has_branch(target):
pr = self.search([
('repository', '=', repo.id),
('number', '=', number,)
if pr:
return pr
Fetch = self.env['runbot_merge.fetch_job']
if Fetch.search([('repository', '=', repo.id), ('number', '=', number)]):
'repository': repo.id,
'number': number,
def _parse_command(self, commandstring):
m = re.match(r'(\w+)(?:([+-])|=(.*))?', commandstring)
if not m:
return None
name, flag, param = m.groups()
if name == 'retry':
return ('retry', True)
elif name in ('r', 'review'):
if flag == '+':
return ('review', True)
elif flag == '-':
return ('review', False)
elif name == 'delegate':
if flag == '+':
return ('delegate', True)
elif param:
return ('delegate', param.split(','))
elif name in ('p', 'priority'):
if param in ('0', '1', '2'):
return ('priority', int(param))
elif name == 'rebase':
return ('rebase', flag != '-')
return None
def _parse_commands(self, author, comment):
"""Parses a command string prefixed by Project::github_prefix.
A command string can contain any number of space-separated commands:
resets a PR in error mode to ready for staging
approves or disapproves a PR (disapproving just cancels an approval)
adds either PR author or the specified (github) users as
authorised reviewers for this PR. ``<users>`` is a
comma-separated list of github usernames (no @)
sets the priority to normal (2), pressing (1) or urgent (0).
Lower-priority PRs are selected first and batched together.
Whether the PR should be rebased-and-merged (the default) or just
merged normally.
assert self, "parsing commands must be executed in an actual PR"
is_admin = (author.reviewer and self.author != author) or (author.self_reviewer and self.author == author)
is_reviewer = is_admin or self in author.delegate_reviewer
# TODO: should delegate reviewers be able to retry PRs?
is_author = is_reviewer or self.author == author
if not is_author:
# no point even parsing commands
_logger.info("ignoring comment of %s (%s): no ACL to %s:%s",
author.github_login, author.display_name,
self.repository.name, self.number)
return 'ignored'
commands = dict(
for m in self.repository.project_id._find_commands(comment)
for c in m.strip().split()
for ps in [self._parse_command(c)]
if ps is not None
if not commands:
_logger.info("found no commands in comment of %s (%s) (%s%s)", author.github_login, author.display_name,
comment[:50], '...' if len(comment) > 50 else ''
return 'ok'
applied, ignored = [], []
for command, param in commands.items():
ok = False
if command == 'retry':
if is_author and self.state == 'error':
ok = True
self.state = 'ready'
elif command == 'review':
if param and is_reviewer:
if self.state == 'opened':
ok = True
self.state = 'approved'
elif self.state == 'validated':
ok = True
self.state = 'ready'
elif not param and is_author and self.state == 'error':
# TODO: r- on something which isn't in error?
ok = True
self.state = 'validated'
elif command == 'delegate':
if is_reviewer:
ok = True
Partners = delegates = self.env['res.partner']
if param is True:
delegates |= self.author
for login in param:
delegates |= Partners.search([('github_login', '=', login)]) or Partners.create({
'name': login,
'github_login': login,
delegates.write({'delegate_reviewer': [(4, self.id, 0)]})
elif command == 'priority':
if is_admin:
ok = True
self.priority = param
if param == 0:
"P=0 on %s:%s by %s, unstaging %s",
self.repository.name, self.number,
author.github_login, self.target.name,
elif command == 'rebase':
# anyone can rebase- their PR I guess?
self.rebase = param
"%s %s(%s) on %s:%s by %s (%s)",
"applied" if ok else "ignored",
command, param,
self.repository.name, self.number,
author.github_login, author.display_name,
if ok:
applied.append('{}({})'.format(command, param))
ignored.append('{}({})'.format(command, param))
msg = []
if applied:
msg.append('applied ' + ' '.join(applied))
if ignored:
msg.append('ignored ' + ' '.join(ignored))
return '\n'.join(msg)
def _validate(self, statuses):
# could have two PRs (e.g. one open and one closed) at least
# temporarily on the same head, or on the same head with different
# targets
for pr in self:
required = pr.repository.project_id.required_statuses.split(',')
if all(statuses.get(r.strip()) == 'success' for r in required):
oldstate = pr.state
if oldstate == 'opened':
pr.state = 'validated'
elif oldstate == 'approved':
pr.state = 'ready'
# _logger.info("CI+ (%s) for PR %s:%s: %s -> %s",
# statuses, pr.repository.name, pr.number, oldstate, pr.state)
# else:
# _logger.info("CI- (%s) for PR %s:%s", statuses, pr.repository.name, pr.number)
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(PullRequests, self)._auto_init()
self._cr, 'runbot_merge_unique_pr_per_target', self._table, ['number', 'target', 'repository'])
self._cr.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS runbot_merge_pr_head "
"ON runbot_merge_pull_requests "
"USING hash (head)")
return res
def _tagstate(self):
if self.state == 'ready' and self.staging_id.heads:
return 'staged'
return self.state
def create(self, vals):
pr = super().create(vals)
c = self.env['runbot_merge.commit'].search([('sha', '=', pr.head)])
if c and c.statuses:
if pr.state not in ('closed', 'merged'):
'pull_request': pr.number,
'repository': pr.repository.id,
'state_from': False,
'state_to': pr._tagstate,
return pr
def write(self, vals):
oldstate = { pr: pr._tagstate for pr in self }
w = super().write(vals)
for pr in self:
before, after = oldstate[pr], pr._tagstate
if after != before:
'pull_request': pr.number,
'repository': pr.repository.id,
'state_from': oldstate[pr],
'state_to': pr._tagstate,
return w
def unlink(self):
for pr in self:
'pull_request': pr.number,
'repository': pr.repository.id,
'state_from': pr._tagstate,
'state_to': False,
return super().unlink()
_TAGS = {
False: set(),
'opened': {'seen 🙂'},
_TAGS['validated'] = _TAGS['opened'] | {'CI 🤖'}
_TAGS['approved'] = _TAGS['opened'] | {'r+ 👌'}
_TAGS['ready'] = _TAGS['validated'] | _TAGS['approved']
_TAGS['staged'] = _TAGS['ready'] | {'merging 👷'}
_TAGS['merged'] = _TAGS['ready'] | {'merged 🎉'}
_TAGS['error'] = _TAGS['opened'] | {'error 🙅'}
_TAGS['closed'] = _TAGS['opened'] | {'closed 💔'}
class Tagging(models.Model):
Queue of tag changes to make on PRs.
Several PR state changes are driven by webhooks, webhooks should return
quickly, performing calls to the Github API would *probably* get in the
way of that. Instead, queue tagging changes into this table whose
execution can be cron-driven.
_name = 'runbot_merge.pull_requests.tagging'
repository = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', required=True)
# store the PR number (not id) as we need a Tagging for PR objects
# being deleted (retargeted to non-managed branches)
pull_request = fields.Integer()
state_from = fields.Selection([
('opened', 'Opened'),
('closed', 'Closed'),
('validated', 'Validated'),
('approved', 'Approved'),
('ready', 'Ready'),
('staged', 'Staged'),
('merged', 'Merged'),
('error', 'Error'),
state_to = fields.Selection([
('opened', 'Opened'),
('closed', 'Closed'),
('validated', 'Validated'),
('approved', 'Approved'),
('ready', 'Ready'),
('staged', 'Staged'),
('merged', 'Merged'),
('error', 'Error'),
class Commit(models.Model):
"""Represents a commit onto which statuses might be posted,
independent of everything else as commits can be created by
statuses only, by PR pushes, by branch updates, ...
_name = 'runbot_merge.commit'
sha = fields.Char(required=True)
statuses = fields.Char(help="json-encoded mapping of status contexts to states", default="{}")
def create(self, values):
r = super(Commit, self).create(values)
return r
def write(self, values):
r = super(Commit, self).write(values)
return r
# NB: GH recommends doing heavy work asynchronously, may be a good
# idea to defer this to a cron or something
def _notify(self):
Stagings = self.env['runbot_merge.stagings']
PRs = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']
# chances are low that we'll have more than one commit
for c in self:
st = json.loads(c.statuses)
pr = PRs.search([('head', '=', c.sha)])
if pr:
# heads is a json-encoded mapping of reponame:head, so chances
# are if a sha matches a heads it's matching one of the shas
stagings = Stagings.search([('heads', 'ilike', c.sha)])
if stagings:
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_sha', 'unique (sha)', 'no duplicated commit'),
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(Commit, self)._auto_init()
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS runbot_merge_unique_statuses
ON runbot_merge_commit
USING hash (sha)
return res
class Stagings(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.stagings'
target = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', required=True)
batch_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.batch', 'staging_id',
state = fields.Selection([
('success', 'Success'),
('failure', 'Failure'),
('pending', 'Pending'),
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
staged_at = fields.Datetime(default=fields.Datetime.now)
restaged = fields.Integer(default=0)
# seems simpler than adding yet another indirection through a model
heads = fields.Char(required=True, help="JSON-encoded map of heads, one per repo in the project")
def _validate(self):
Commits = self.env['runbot_merge.commit']
for s in self:
heads = list(json.loads(s.heads).values())
commits = Commits.search([
('sha', 'in', heads)
if len(commits) < len(heads):
s.state = 'pending'
reqs = [r.strip() for r in s.target.project_id.required_statuses.split(',')]
st = 'success'
for c in commits:
statuses = json.loads(c.statuses)
for v in map(statuses.get, reqs):
if st == 'failure' or v in ('error', 'failure'):
st = 'failure'
elif v in (None, 'pending'):
st = 'pending'
assert v == 'success'
s.state = st
def cancel(self, reason, *args):
if not self:
_logger.info(reason, *args)
self.batch_ids.write({'active': False})
self.active = False
def fail(self, message, prs=None):
_logger.error("Staging %s failed: %s", self, message)
prs = prs or self.batch_ids.prs
prs.write({'state': 'error'})
for pr in prs:
pr.number, "Staging failed: %s" % message)
self.batch_ids.write({'active': False})
self.active = False
def try_splitting(self):
batches = len(self.batch_ids)
if batches > 1:
midpoint = batches // 2
h, t = self.batch_ids[:midpoint], self.batch_ids[midpoint:]
# NB: batches remain attached to their original staging
sh = self.env['runbot_merge.split'].create({
'target': self.target.id,
'batch_ids': [(4, batch.id, 0) for batch in h],
st = self.env['runbot_merge.split'].create({
'target': self.target.id,
'batch_ids': [(4, batch.id, 0) for batch in t],
_logger.info("Split %s to %s (%s) and %s (%s)",
self, h, sh, t, st)
self.batch_ids.write({'active': False})
self.active = False
return True
# single batch => the staging is an unredeemable failure
if self.state != 'failure':
# timed out, just mark all PRs (wheee)
self.fail('timed out (>{} minutes)'.format(self.target.project_id.ci_timeout))
return False
# try inferring which PR failed and only mark that one
for repo, head in json.loads(self.heads).items():
commit = self.env['runbot_merge.commit'].search([
('sha', '=', head)
reason = next((
ctx for ctx, result in json.loads(commit.statuses).items()
if result in ('error', 'failure')
), None)
if not reason:
pr = next((
pr for pr in self.batch_ids.prs
if pr.repository.name == repo
), None)
if pr:
self.fail(reason, pr)
return False
# the staging failed but we don't have a specific culprit, fail
# everything
self.fail("unknown reason")
return False
class Split(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.split'
target = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', required=True)
batch_ids = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.batch', 'split_id', context={'active_test': False})
class Batch(models.Model):
""" A batch is a "horizontal" grouping of *codependent* PRs: PRs with
the same label & target but for different repositories. These are
assumed to be part of the same "change" smeared over multiple
repositories e.g. change an API in repo1, this breaks use of that API
in repo2 which now needs to be updated.
_name = 'runbot_merge.batch'
target = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', required=True)
staging_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.stagings')
split_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.split')
prs = fields.Many2many('runbot_merge.pull_requests')
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
@api.constrains('target', 'prs')
def _check_prs(self):
for batch in self:
repos = self.env['runbot_merge.repository']
for pr in batch.prs:
if pr.target != batch.target:
raise ValidationError("A batch and its PRs must have the same branch, got %s and %s" % (batch.target, pr.target))
if pr.repository in repos:
raise ValidationError("All prs of a batch must have different target repositories, got a duplicate %s on %s" % (pr.repository, pr))
repos |= pr.repository
def stage(self, meta, prs):
Updates meta[*][head] on success
:return: () or Batch object (if all prs successfully staged)
new_heads = {}
for pr in prs:
gh = meta[pr.repository]['gh']
"Staging pr %s:%s for target %s; squash=%s",
pr.repository.name, pr.number, pr.target.name, pr.squash
target = 'tmp.{}'.format(pr.target.name)
suffix = '\n\ncloses {pr.repository.name}#{pr.number}'.format(pr=pr)
# nb: pr_commits is oldest to newest so pr.head is pr_commits[-1]
pr_commits = gh.commits(pr.number)
rebase_and_merge = pr.rebase
squash = rebase_and_merge and len(pr_commits) == 1
if squash:
pr_commits[0]['commit']['message'] += suffix
new_heads[pr] = gh.rebase(pr.number, target, commits=pr_commits)
elif rebase_and_merge:
msg = pr.message + suffix
h = gh.rebase(pr.number, target, reset=True, commits=pr_commits)
new_heads[pr] = gh.merge(h, target, msg)['sha']
pr_head = pr_commits[-1] # pr_commits is oldest to newest
base_commit = None
head_parents = {p['sha'] for p in pr_head['parents']}
if len(head_parents) > 1:
# look for parent(s?) of pr_head not in PR, means it's
# from target (so we merged target in pr)
merge = head_parents - {c['sha'] for c in pr_commits}
assert len(merge) <= 1, \
">1 parent from base in PR's head is not supported"
if len(merge) == 1:
[base_commit] = merge
if base_commit:
# replicate pr_head with base_commit replaced by
# the current head
original_head = gh.head(target)
merge_tree = gh.merge(pr_head['sha'], target, 'temp merge')['tree']['sha']
new_parents = [original_head] + list(head_parents - {base_commit})
copy = gh('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': pr_head['commit']['message'] + suffix,
'tree': merge_tree,
'author': pr_head['commit']['author'],
'committer': pr_head['commit']['committer'],
'parents': new_parents,
gh.set_ref(target, copy['sha'])
new_heads[pr] = copy['sha']
# otherwise do a regular merge
msg = pr.message + suffix
new_heads[pr] = gh.merge(pr.head, target, msg)['sha']
except (exceptions.MergeError, AssertionError) as e:
_logger.exception("Failed to merge %s:%s into staging branch (error: %s)", pr.repository.name, pr.number, e)
pr.state = 'error'
gh.comment(pr.number, "Unable to stage PR (merge conflict)")
# reset other PRs
for to_revert in new_heads.keys():
it = meta[to_revert.repository]
it['gh'].set_ref('tmp.{}'.format(to_revert.target.name), it['head'])
return self.env['runbot_merge.batch']
# update meta to new heads
for pr, head in new_heads.items():
meta[pr.repository]['head'] = head
if not self.env['runbot_merge.commit'].search([('sha', '=', head)]):
self.env['runbot_merge.commit'].create({'sha': head})
return self.create({
'target': prs[0].target.id,
'prs': [(4, pr.id, 0) for pr in prs],
class FetchJob(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.fetch_job'
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
repository = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', index=True, required=True)
number = fields.Integer(index=True, required=True)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from odoo import fields, models, tools
class Partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
github_login = fields.Char()
reviewer = fields.Boolean(default=False, help="Can review PRs (maybe m2m to repos/branches?)")
self_reviewer = fields.Boolean(default=False, help="Can review own PRs (independent from reviewer)")
delegate_reviewer = fields.Many2many('runbot_merge.pull_requests')
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(Partner, self)._auto_init()
self._cr, 'runbot_merge_unique_gh_login', self._table, ['github_login'])
return res

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
access_runbot_merge_project_admin,Admin access to project,model_runbot_merge_project,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_repository_admin,Admin access to repo,model_runbot_merge_repository,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_branch_admin,Admin access to branches,model_runbot_merge_branch,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_pull_requests_admin,Admin access to PR,model_runbot_merge_pull_requests,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_pull_requests_tagging_admin,Admin access to tagging,model_runbot_merge_pull_requests_tagging,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_commit_admin,Admin access to commits,model_runbot_merge_commit,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_stagings_admin,Admin access to stagings,model_runbot_merge_stagings,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_split_admin,Admin access to splits,model_runbot_merge_split,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_batch_admin,Admin access to batches,model_runbot_merge_batch,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_fetch_job_admin,Admin access to fetch jobs,model_runbot_merge_fetch_job,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_project,User access to project,model_runbot_merge_project,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
access_runbot_merge_repository,User access to repo,model_runbot_merge_repository,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
access_runbot_merge_branch,User access to branches,model_runbot_merge_branch,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
access_runbot_merge_pull_requests,User access to PR,model_runbot_merge_pull_requests,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
1 id name model_id:id group_id:id perm_read perm_write perm_create perm_unlink
2 access_runbot_merge_project_admin Admin access to project model_runbot_merge_project runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
3 access_runbot_merge_repository_admin Admin access to repo model_runbot_merge_repository runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
4 access_runbot_merge_branch_admin Admin access to branches model_runbot_merge_branch runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
5 access_runbot_merge_pull_requests_admin Admin access to PR model_runbot_merge_pull_requests runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
6 access_runbot_merge_pull_requests_tagging_admin Admin access to tagging model_runbot_merge_pull_requests_tagging runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
7 access_runbot_merge_commit_admin Admin access to commits model_runbot_merge_commit runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
8 access_runbot_merge_stagings_admin Admin access to stagings model_runbot_merge_stagings runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
9 access_runbot_merge_split_admin Admin access to splits model_runbot_merge_split runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
10 access_runbot_merge_batch_admin Admin access to batches model_runbot_merge_batch runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
11 access_runbot_merge_fetch_job_admin Admin access to fetch jobs model_runbot_merge_fetch_job runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
12 access_runbot_merge_project User access to project model_runbot_merge_project base.group_user 1 0 0 0
13 access_runbot_merge_repository User access to repo model_runbot_merge_repository base.group_user 1 0 0 0
14 access_runbot_merge_branch User access to branches model_runbot_merge_branch base.group_user 1 0 0 0
15 access_runbot_merge_pull_requests User access to PR model_runbot_merge_pull_requests base.group_user 1 0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<record model="res.groups" id="group_admin">
<field name="name">Mergebot Administrator</field>
<record model="res.groups" id="base.group_system">
<field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('runbot_merge.group_admin'))]"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Execute this test suite using pytest.
The default mode is to run tests locally using a mock github.com.
See the docstring of remote.py for instructions to run against github "actual"
(including remote-specific options) and the end of this file for a sample.
Shared properties running tests, regardless of the github implementation:
* test should be run from the root of the runbot repository providing the
name of this module aka ``pytest runbot_merge`` or
``python -mpytest runbot_merge``
* a database name to use must be provided using ``--db``, the database should
not exist beforehand
* the addons path must be specified using ``--addons-path``, both "runbot" and
the standard addons (odoo/addons) must be provided explicitly
See pytest's documentation for other options, I would recommend ``-rXs``,
``-v`` and ``--showlocals``.
When running "remote" tests as they take a very long time (hours) ``-x``
(aka ``--maxfail=1``) and ``--ff`` (run previously failed first) is also
recommended unless e.g. you run the tests overnight.
``pytest.ini`` sample
.. code:: ini
owner = test-org
token = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
name = Dick Bong
user = loginb
token = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
name = Fanny Chmelar
user = loginc
token = cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
name = Harry Baals
user = logind
token = dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
pytest_plugins = ["local"]
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--db", action="store", help="Odoo DB to run tests with")
parser.addoption('--addons-path', action='store', help="Odoo's addons path")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
import collections
import hashlib
import hmac
import io
import json
import logging
import re
import responses
import werkzeug.urls
import werkzeug.test
import werkzeug.wrappers
from . import git
API_PATTERN = re.compile(
class APIResponse(responses.BaseResponse):
def __init__(self, sim):
super(APIResponse, self).__init__(
self.sim = sim
self.content_type = 'application/json'
self.stream = False
def matches(self, request):
return self._url_matches(self.url, request.url, self.match_querystring)
def get_response(self, request):
m = self.url.match(request.url)
(status, r) = self.sim.repos[m.group('repo')].api(m.group('path'), request)
headers = self.get_headers()
body = io.BytesIO(b'')
if r is not None:
body = io.BytesIO(json.dumps(r).encode('utf-8'))
return responses.HTTPResponse(
reason=r.get('message') if isinstance(r, dict) else "bollocks",
preload_content=False, )
class Github(object):
""" Github simulator
When enabled (by context-managing):
* intercepts all ``requests`` calls & replies to api.github.com
* sends relevant hooks (registered per-repo as pairs of WSGI app and URL)
* stores repo content
def __init__(self):
# {repo: {name, issues, objects, refs, hooks}}
self.repos = {}
def repo(self, name, hooks=()):
r = self.repos[name] = Repo(name)
for hook, events in hooks:
r.hook(hook, events)
return self.repos[name]
def __enter__(self):
# otherwise swallows errors from within the test
self._requests = responses.RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=False).__enter__()
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
return self._requests.__exit__(*args)
class Repo(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.issues = {}
#: we're cheating, instead of storing serialised in-memory
#: objects we're storing the Python stuff directly, Commit
#: objects for commits, {str: hash} for trees and bytes for
#: blobs. We're still indirecting via hashes and storing a
#: h:o map because going through the API probably requires it
self.objects = {}
# branches: refs/heads/*
# PRs: refs/pull/*
self.refs = {}
# {event: (wsgi_app, url)}
self.hooks = collections.defaultdict(list)
def hook(self, hook, events):
for event in events:
def notify(self, event_type, *payload):
for client in self.hooks.get(event_type, []):
getattr(client, event_type)(*payload)
def set_secret(self, secret):
for clients in self.hooks.values():
for client in clients:
client.secret = secret
def issue(self, number):
return self.issues[number]
def make_issue(self, title, body):
return Issue(self, title, body)
def make_pr(self, title, body, target, ctid, user, label=None):
assert 'heads/%s' % target in self.refs
return PR(self, title, body, target, ctid, user=user, label='{}:{}'.format(user, label or target))
def make_ref(self, name, commit, force=False):
assert isinstance(self.objects[commit], Commit)
if not force and name in self.refs:
raise ValueError("ref %s already exists" % name)
self.refs[name] = commit
def commit(self, ref):
sha = self.refs.get(ref) or ref
commit = self.objects[sha]
assert isinstance(commit, Commit)
return commit
def log(self, ref):
commits = [self.commit(ref)]
while commits:
c = commits.pop(0)
commits.extend(self.commit(r) for r in c.parents)
yield c.to_json()
def post_status(self, ref, status, context='default', description=""):
assert status in ('error', 'failure', 'pending', 'success')
c = self.commit(ref)
c.statuses.append((status, context, description))
self.notify('status', self.name, context, status, c.id)
def make_commit(self, ref, message, author, committer=None, tree=None):
assert tree, "a commit must provide either a full tree"
refs = ref or []
if not isinstance(refs, list):
refs = [ref]
pids = [
ref if re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{40}', ref) else self.refs[ref]
for ref in refs
if type(tree) is type(u''):
assert isinstance(self.objects.get(tree), dict)
tid = tree
tid = self._save_tree(tree)
c = Commit(tid, message, author, committer or author, parents=pids)
self.objects[c.id] = c
if refs and refs[0] != pids[0]:
self.refs[refs[0]] = c.id
return c.id
def _save_tree(self, t):
""" t: Dict String (String | Tree)
t = {name: self._make_obj(obj) for name, obj in t.items()}
h, _ = git.make_tree(
self.objects[h] = t
return h
def _make_obj(self, o):
if type(o) is type(u''):
o = o.encode('utf-8')
if type(o) is bytes:
h, b = git.make_blob(o)
self.objects[h] = o
return h
return self._save_tree(o)
def api(self, path, request):
# a better version would be some sort of longest-match?
for method, pattern, handler in sorted(self._handlers, key=lambda t: -len(t[1])):
if method and request.method != method:
# FIXME: remove qs from path & ensure path is entirely matched, maybe finally use proper routing?
m = re.match(pattern, path)
if m:
return handler(self, request, **m.groupdict())
return (404, {'message': "No match for {} {}".format(request.method, path)})
def read_tree(self, commit):
return git.read_object(self.objects, commit.tree)
def is_ancestor(self, sha, of):
assert not git.is_ancestor(self.objects, sha, of=of)
def _read_ref(self, _, ref):
obj = self.refs.get(ref)
if obj is None:
return (404, None)
return (200, {
"ref": "refs/%s" % ref,
"object": {
"type": "commit",
"sha": obj,
def _create_ref(self, r):
body = json.loads(r.body)
ref = body['ref']
# ref must start with refs/ and contain at least two slashes
if not (ref.startswith('refs/') and ref.count('/') >= 2):
return (400, None)
ref = ref[5:]
# if ref already exists conflict?
if ref in self.refs:
return (409, None)
sha = body['sha']
obj = self.objects.get(sha)
# if sha is not in the repo or not a commit, 404
if not isinstance(obj, Commit):
return (404, None)
self.make_ref(ref, sha)
return (201, {
"ref": "refs/%s" % ref,
"object": {
"type": "commit",
"sha": sha,
def _write_ref(self, r, ref):
current = self.refs.get(ref)
if current is None:
return (404, None)
body = json.loads(r.body)
sha = body['sha']
if sha not in self.objects:
return (404, None)
if not body.get('force'):
if not git.is_ancestor(self.objects, current, sha):
return (400, None)
self.make_ref(ref, sha, force=True)
return (200, {
"ref": "refs/%s" % ref,
"object": {
"type": "commit",
"sha": sha,
def _create_commit(self, r):
body = json.loads(r.body)
author = body.get('author') or {'name': 'default', 'email': 'default', 'date': 'Z'}
sha = self.make_commit(
committer=body.get('committer') or author,
except (KeyError, AssertionError):
# either couldn't find the parent or couldn't find the tree
return (404, None)
return (201, {
"sha": sha,
"author": author,
"committer": body.get('committer') or author,
"message": body['message'],
"tree": {"sha": body['tree']},
"parents": [{"sha": sha}],
def _read_commit(self, _, sha):
c = self.objects.get(sha)
if not isinstance(c, Commit):
return (404, None)
return (200, {
"sha": sha,
"author": c.author,
"committer": c.committer,
"message": c.message,
"tree": {"sha": c.tree},
"parents": [{"sha": p} for p in c.parents],
def _read_statuses(self, _, ref):
c = self.commit(ref)
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
return (200, {
'sha': c.id,
'total_count': len(c.statuses),
# TODO: combined?
'statuses': [
{'context': context, 'state': state}
for state, context, _ in reversed(c.statuses)
def _read_issue(self, r, number):
issue = self.issues[int(number)]
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
attr = {'pull_request': True} if isinstance(issue, PR) else {}
return (200, {'number': issue.number, **attr})
def _read_issue_comments(self, r, number):
issue = self.issues[int(number)]
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
return (200, [{
'user': {'login': author},
'body': body,
} for author, body in issue.comments
if not body.startswith('REVIEW')
def _create_issue_comment(self, r, number):
issue = self.issues[int(number)]
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
body = json.loads(r.body)['body']
except KeyError:
return (400, None)
issue.post_comment(body, "user")
return (201, {
'id': 0,
'body': body,
'user': { 'login': "user" },
def _read_pr(self, r, number):
pr = self.issues[int(number)]
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
# FIXME: dedup with Client
return (200, {
'number': pr.number,
'head': {
'sha': pr.head,
'label': pr.label,
'base': {
'ref': pr.base,
'repo': {
'name': self.name.split('/')[1],
'full_name': self.name,
'title': pr.title,
'body': pr.body,
'commits': len(pr.commits),
'user': {'login': pr.user},
def _edit_pr(self, r, number):
pr = self.issues[int(number)]
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
body = json.loads(r.body)
if not body.keys() & {'title', 'body', 'state', 'base'}:
# FIXME: return PR content
return (200, {})
assert body.get('state') in ('open', 'closed', None)
pr.state = body.get('state') or pr.state
if body.get('title'):
pr.title = body.get('title')
if body.get('body'):
pr.body = body.get('body')
if body.get('base'):
pr.base = body.get('base')
if body.get('state') == 'open':
self.notify('pull_request', 'reopened', pr)
elif body.get('state') == 'closed':
self.notify('pull_request', 'closed', pr)
return (200, {})
def _read_pr_reviews(self, _, number):
pr = self.issues.get(int(number))
if not isinstance(pr, PR):
return (404, None)
return (200, [{
'user': {'login': author},
'state': r.group(1),
'body': r.group(2),
for author, body in pr.comments
for r in [re.match(r'REVIEW (\w+)\n\n(.*)', body)]
if r
def _read_pr_commits(self, r, number):
pr = self.issues.get(int(number))
if not isinstance(pr, PR):
return (404, None)
return (200, [c.to_json() for c in pr.commits])
def _add_labels(self, r, number):
pr = self.issues[int(number)]
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
return (200, {})
def _remove_label(self, _, number, label):
pr = self.issues[int(number)]
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
except KeyError:
return (404, None)
return (200, {})
def _do_merge(self, r):
body = json.loads(r.body) # {base, head, commit_message}
if not body.get('commit_message'):
return (400, {'message': "Merges require a commit message"})
base = 'heads/%s' % body['base']
target = self.refs.get(base)
if not target:
return (404, {'message': "Base does not exist"})
# head can be either a branch or a sha
sha = self.refs.get('heads/%s' % body['head']) or body['head']
if sha not in self.objects:
return (404, {'message': "Head does not exist"})
if git.is_ancestor(self.objects, sha, of=target):
return (204, None)
# merging according to read-tree:
# get common ancestor (base) of commits
base = git.merge_base(self.objects, target, sha)
except Exception:
return (400, {'message': "No common ancestor between %(base)s and %(head)s" % body})
tid = git.merge_objects(
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Merge Conflict")
return (409, {'message': 'Merge Conflict %r' % e})
c = Commit(tid, body['commit_message'], author=None, committer=None, parents=[target, sha])
self.objects[c.id] = c
return (201, c.to_json())
_handlers = [
('POST', r'git/refs', _create_ref),
('GET', r'git/refs/(?P<ref>.*)', _read_ref),
('PATCH', r'git/refs/(?P<ref>.*)', _write_ref),
# nb: there's a different commits at /commits with repo-level metadata
('GET', r'git/commits/(?P<sha>[0-9A-Fa-f]{40})', _read_commit),
('POST', r'git/commits', _create_commit),
('GET', r'commits/(?P<ref>[^/]+)/status', _read_statuses),
('GET', r'issues/(?P<number>\d+)', _read_issue),
('GET', r'issues/(?P<number>\d+)/comments', _read_issue_comments),
('POST', r'issues/(?P<number>\d+)/comments', _create_issue_comment),
('POST', r'merges', _do_merge),
('GET', r'pulls/(?P<number>\d+)', _read_pr),
('PATCH', r'pulls/(?P<number>\d+)', _edit_pr),
('GET', r'pulls/(?P<number>\d+)/reviews', _read_pr_reviews),
('GET', r'pulls/(?P<number>\d+)/commits', _read_pr_commits),
('POST', r'issues/(?P<number>\d+)/labels', _add_labels),
('DELETE', r'issues/(?P<number>\d+)/labels/(?P<label>.+)', _remove_label),
class Issue(object):
def __init__(self, repo, title, body):
self.repo = repo
self._title = title
self._body = body
self.number = max(repo.issues or [0]) + 1
self.comments = []
self.labels = set()
repo.issues[self.number] = self
def post_comment(self, body, user):
self.comments.append((user, body))
self.repo.notify('issue_comment', self, user, body)
def title(self):
return self._title
def title(self, value):
self._title = value
def body(self):
return self._body
def body(self, value):
self._body = value
class PR(Issue):
def __init__(self, repo, title, body, target, ctid, user, label):
super(PR, self).__init__(repo, title, body)
assert ctid in repo.objects
repo.refs['pull/%d' % self.number] = ctid
self.head = ctid
self._base = target
self.user = user
self.label = label
self.state = 'open'
repo.notify('pull_request', 'opened', self)
def title(self, value):
old = self.title
Issue.title.fset(self, value)
self.repo.notify('pull_request', 'edited', self, {
'title': {'from': old}
def body(self, value):
old = self.body
Issue.body.fset(self, value)
self.repo.notify('pull_request', 'edited', self, {
'body': {'from': old}
def base(self):
return self._base
def base(self, value):
old, self._base = self._base, value
self.repo.notify('pull_request', 'edited', self, {
'base': {'ref': {'from': old}}
def push(self, sha):
self.head = sha
self.repo.notify('pull_request', 'synchronize', self)
def open(self):
assert self.state == 'closed'
self.state = 'open'
self.repo.notify('pull_request', 'reopened', self)
def close(self):
self.state = 'closed'
self.repo.notify('pull_request', 'closed', self)
def commits(self):
store = self.repo.objects
target = self.repo.commit('heads/%s' % self.base).id
base = {h for h, _ in git.walk_ancestors(store, target, False)}
own = [
h for h, _ in git.walk_ancestors(store, self.head, False)
if h not in base
return list(map(self.repo.commit, reversed(own)))
def post_review(self, state, user, body):
self.comments.append((user, "REVIEW %s\n\n%s " % (state, body)))
self.repo.notify('pull_request_review', state, self, user, body)
class Commit(object):
__slots__ = ['tree', 'message', 'author', 'committer', 'parents', 'statuses']
def __init__(self, tree, message, author, committer, parents):
self.tree = tree
self.message = message
self.author = author
self.committer = committer or author
self.parents = parents
self.statuses = []
def id(self):
return git.make_commit(self.tree, self.message, self.author, self.committer, parents=self.parents)[0]
def to_json(self):
return {
"sha": self.id,
"commit": {
"author": self.author,
"committer": self.committer,
"message": self.message,
"tree": {"sha": self.tree},
"parents": [{"sha": p} for p in self.parents]
def __str__(self):
parents = '\n'.join('parent {}'.format(p) for p in self.parents) + '\n'
return """commit {}
tree {}
{}author {}
committer {}
class Client(werkzeug.test.Client):
def __init__(self, application, path):
self._webhook_path = path
self.secret = None
super(Client, self).__init__(application, werkzeug.wrappers.BaseResponse)
def _make_env(self, event_type, data):
headers = [('X-Github-Event', event_type)]
body = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')
if self.secret:
sig = hmac.new(self.secret.encode('ascii'), body, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
headers.append(('X-Hub-Signature', 'sha1=' + sig))
return werkzeug.test.EnvironBuilder(
def _repo(self, name):
return {
'name': name.split('/')[1],
'full_name': name,
def pull_request(self, action, pr, changes=None):
assert action in ('opened', 'reopened', 'closed', 'synchronize', 'edited')
return self.open(self._make_env(
'pull_request', {
'action': action,
'pull_request': self._pr(pr),
'repository': self._repo(pr.repo.name),
**({'changes': changes} if changes else {})
def pull_request_review(self, action, pr, user, body):
:type pr: PR
:type user: str
:type body: str
assert action in ('APPROVE', 'REQUEST_CHANGES', 'COMMENT')
return self.open(self._make_env(
'pull_request_review', {
'review': {
'state': 'APPROVED' if action == 'APPROVE' else action,
'body': body,
'user': {'login': user},
'pull_request': self._pr(pr),
'repository': self._repo(pr.repo.name),
def status(self, repository, context, state, sha):
assert state in ('success', 'failure', 'pending')
return self.open(self._make_env(
'status', {
'name': repository,
'context': context,
'state': state,
'sha': sha,
'repository': self._repo(repository),
def issue_comment(self, issue, user, body):
contents = {
'action': 'created',
'issue': { 'number': issue.number },
'repository': self._repo(issue.repo.name),
'sender': { 'login': user },
'comment': { 'body': body },
if isinstance(issue, PR):
contents['issue']['pull_request'] = { 'url': 'fake' }
return self.open(self._make_env('issue_comment', contents))
def _pr(self, pr):
:type pr: PR
return {
'number': pr.number,
'head': {
'sha': pr.head,
'label': pr.label,
'base': {
'ref': pr.base,
'repo': self._repo(pr.repo.name),
'title': pr.title,
'body': pr.body,
'commits': len(pr.commits),
'user': {'login': pr.user},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
import collections
import hashlib
def make_obj(t, contents):
assert t in ('blob', 'tree', 'commit')
obj = b'%s %d\0%s' % (t.encode('utf-8'), len(contents), contents)
return hashlib.sha1(obj).hexdigest(), obj
def make_blob(contents):
return make_obj('blob', contents)
def make_tree(store, objs):
""" objs should be a mapping or iterable of (name, object)
if isinstance(objs, collections.Mapping):
objs = objs.items()
return make_obj('tree', b''.join(
b'%s %s\0%s' % (
b'040000' if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping) else b'100644',
for name, h in sorted(objs)
for obj in [store[h]]
# TODO: check that obj is a blob or tree
def make_commit(tree, message, author, committer=None, parents=()):
contents = ['tree %s' % tree]
for parent in parents:
contents.append('parent %s' % parent)
contents.append('author %s' % author)
contents.append('committer %s' % committer or author)
return make_obj('commit', '\n'.join(contents).encode('utf-8'))
def walk_ancestors(store, commit, exclude_self=True):
:param store: mapping of hashes to commit objects (w/ a parents attribute)
:param str commit: starting commit's hash
:param exclude_self: whether the starting commit shoudl be returned as
part of the sequence
:rtype: Iterator[(str, int)]
q = [(commit, 0)]
while q:
node, distance = q.pop()
q.extend((p, distance+1) for p in store[node].parents)
if not (distance == 0 and exclude_self):
yield (node, distance)
def is_ancestor(store, candidate, of):
# could have candidate == of after all
return any(
current == candidate
for current, _ in walk_ancestors(store, of, exclude_self=False)
def merge_base(store, c1, c2):
""" Find LCA between two commits. Brute-force: get all ancestors of A,
all ancestors of B, intersect, and pick the one with the lowest distance
a1 = walk_ancestors(store, c1, exclude_self=False)
# map of sha:distance
a2 = dict(walk_ancestors(store, c2, exclude_self=False))
# find lowest ancestor by distance(ancestor, c1) + distance(ancestor, c2)
_distance, lca = min(
(d1 + d2, a)
for a, d1 in a1
for d2 in [a2.get(a)]
if d2 is not None
return lca
def merge_objects(store, b, o1, o2):
""" Merges trees and blobs.
Store = Mapping<Hash, (Blob | Tree)>
Blob = bytes
Tree = Mapping<Name, Hash>
# FIXME: handle None input (similarly named entry added in two
# branches, or delete in one branch & change in other)
if not (b and o1 or o2):
raise ValueError("Don't know how to merge additions/removals yet")
b, o1, o2 = store[b], store[o1], store[o2]
if any(isinstance(o, bytes) for o in [b, o1, o2]):
raise TypeError("Don't know how to merge blobs")
entries = sorted(set(b).union(o1, o2))
t = {}
for entry in entries:
base = b.get(entry)
e1 = o1.get(entry)
e2 = o2.get(entry)
if e1 == e2:
merged = e1 # either no change or same change on both side
elif base == e1:
merged = e2 # e1 did not change, use e2
elif base == e2:
merged = e1 # e2 did not change, use e1
merged = merge_objects(store, base, e1, e2)
# None => entry removed
if merged is not None:
t[entry] = merged
# FIXME: fix partial redundancy with make_tree
tid, _ = make_tree(store, t)
store[tid] = t
return tid
def read_object(store, tid):
# recursively reads tree of objects
o = store[tid]
if isinstance(o, bytes):
return o
return {
k: read_object(store, v)
for k, v in o.items()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import odoo
import pytest
import fake_github
def gh():
with fake_github.Github() as gh:
yield gh
def registry(request):
""" Set up Odoo & yields a registry to the specified db
db = request.config.getoption('--db')
addons = request.config.getoption('--addons-path')
odoo.tools.config.parse_config(['--addons-path', addons, '-d', db, '--db-filter', db])
except odoo.service.db.DatabaseExists:
with odoo.api.Environment.manage():
# ensure module is installed
r0 = odoo.registry(db)
with r0.cursor() as cr:
env = odoo.api.Environment(cr, 1, {})
[mod] = env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', 'runbot_merge')])
yield odoo.registry(db)
def env(registry):
with registry.cursor() as cr:
env = odoo.api.Environment(cr, odoo.SUPERUSER_ID, {})
ctx = env['res.users'].context_get()
yield env(context=ctx)
def owner():
return 'user'
def users(env):
'name': "Reviewer",
'github_login': 'reviewer',
'reviewer': True,
'name': "Self Reviewer",
'github_login': 'self_reviewer',
'self_reviewer': True,
return {
'reviewer': 'reviewer',
'self_reviewer': 'self_reviewer',
'other': 'other',
'user': 'user',
def project(env):
return env['runbot_merge.project'].create({
'name': 'odoo',
'github_token': 'okokok',
'github_prefix': 'hansen',
'branch_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'master'})],
'required_statuses': 'legal/cla,ci/runbot',
def make_repo(gh, project):
def make_repo(name):
fullname = 'org/' + name
project.write({'repo_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': fullname})]})
return gh.repo(fullname, hooks=[
((odoo.http.root, '/runbot_merge/hooks'), [
'pull_request', 'issue_comment', 'status', 'pull_request_review'
return make_repo
# TODO: project fixture
# TODO: repos (indirect/parameterize?) w/ WS hook
# + repo proxy object

View File

@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
Replaces relevant fixtures to allow running the test suite against github
actual (instead of a mocked version).
To enable this plugin, load it using ``-p runbot_merge.tests.remote``
.. WARNING:: this requires running ``python -mpytest`` from the root of the
runbot repository, running ``pytest`` directly will not pick it
up (as it does not setup ``sys.path``)
* an ``odoo`` binary in the path, which runs the relevant odoo; to ensure a
clean slate odoo is re-started and a new database is created before each
* pytest.ini (at the root of the runbot repo) with the following sections and
- owner, the name of the account (personal or org) under which test repos
will be created & deleted
- token, either personal or oauth, must have the scopes ``public_repo``,
``delete_repo`` and ``admin:repo_hook``, if personal the owner must be
the corresponding user account, not an org
``role_reviewer``, ``role_self_reviewer`` and ``role_other``
- name (optional)
- user, the login of the user for that role
- token, a personal access token with the ``public_repo`` scope (otherwise
the API can't leave comments)
.. warning:: the accounts must *not* be flagged, or the webhooks on
commenting or creating reviews will not trigger, and the
tests will fail
* either ``ngrok`` or ``lt`` (localtunnel) available on the path. ngrok with
a configured account is recommended: ngrok is more reliable than localtunnel
but a free account is necessary to get a high-enough rate limiting for some
of the multi-repo tests to work
Finally the tests aren't 100% reliable as they rely on quite a bit of network
traffic, it's possible that the tests fail due to network issues rather than
logic errors.
import base64
import collections
import configparser
import itertools
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import xmlrpc.client
import pytest
import requests
# Should be pytest_configure, but apparently once a plugin is registered
# its fixtures don't get unloaded even if it's unregistered, so prevent
# registering local entirely. This works because explicit plugins (-p)
# are loaded before conftest and conftest-specified plugins (officially:
# https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/writing_plugins.html#plugin-discovery-order-at-tool-startup).
def pytest_addhooks(pluginmanager):
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--no-delete", action="store_true", help="Don't delete repo after a failed run")
'--tunnel', action="store", type="choice", choices=['ngrok', 'localtunnel'],
help="Which tunneling method to use to expose the local Odoo server "
"to hook up github's webhook. ngrok is more reliable, but "
"creating a free account is necessary to avoid rate-limiting "
"issues (anonymous limiting is rate-limited at 20 incoming "
"queries per minute, free is 40, multi-repo batching tests will "
"blow through the former); localtunnel has no rate-limiting but "
"the servers are way less reliable")
def config(pytestconfig):
conf = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
return {
name: dict(s.items())
for name, s in conf.items()
def wait_for_hook(n=1):
# TODO: find better way to wait for roundtrip of actions which can trigger webhooks
time.sleep(10 * n)
def wait_for_server(db, timeout=120):
""" Polls for server to be response & have installed our module.
Raises socket.timeout on failure
limit = time.time() + timeout
while True:
uid = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(
.authenticate(db, 'admin', 'admin', {})
'http://localhost:{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(PORT)) \
.execute_kw(db, uid, 'admin', 'runbot_merge.batch', 'search',
[[]], {'limit': 1})
except ConnectionRefusedError:
if time.time() > limit:
raise socket.timeout()
def env(request):
creates a db & an environment object as a proxy to xmlrpc calls
db = request.config.getoption('--db')
p = subprocess.Popen([
'odoo', '--http-port', str(PORT),
'--addons-path', request.config.getoption('--addons-path'),
'-d', db, '-i', 'runbot_merge',
'--load', 'base,web,runbot_merge',
'--max-cron-threads', '0', # disable cron threads (we're running crons by hand)
yield Environment(PORT, db)
db_service = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://localhost:{}/xmlrpc/2/db'.format(PORT))
db_service.drop('admin', db)
def tunnel(request):
""" Creates a tunnel to localhost:8069 using ~~ngrok~~ localtunnel, should yield the
publicly routable address & terminate the process at the end of the session
tunnel = request.config.getoption('--tunnel')
if tunnel == 'ngrok':
p = subprocess.Popen(['ngrok', 'http', '--region', 'eu', str(PORT)])
r = requests.get('http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels')
yield next(
for t in r.json()['tunnels']
if t['proto'] == 'https'
elif tunnel == 'localtunnel':
p = subprocess.Popen(['lt', '-p', str(PORT)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
r = p.stdout.readline()
m = re.match(br'your url is: (https://.*\.localtunnel\.me)', r)
assert m, "could not get the localtunnel URL"
yield m.group(1).decode('ascii')
raise ValueError("Unsupported %s tunnel method" % tunnel)
ROLES = ['reviewer', 'self_reviewer', 'other']
def users(env, github, config):
# get github login of "current user"
r = github.get('https://api.github.com/user')
rolemap = {
'user': r.json()['login']
for role in ROLES:
data = config['role_' + role]
username = data['user']
rolemap[role] = username
if role == 'other':
'name': data.get('name', username),
'github_login': username,
'reviewer': role == 'reviewer',
'self_reviewer': role == 'self_reviewer',
return rolemap
def project(env, config):
return env['runbot_merge.project'].create({
'name': 'odoo',
'github_token': config['github']['token'],
'github_prefix': 'hansen',
'branch_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'master'})],
'required_statuses': 'legal/cla,ci/runbot',
def github(config):
s = requests.Session()
s.headers['Authorization'] = 'token {}'.format(config['github']['token'])
return s
def owner(config):
return config['github']['owner']
def make_repo(request, config, project, github, tunnel, users, owner):
# check whether "owner" is a user or an org, as repo-creation endpoint is
# different
q = github.get('https://api.github.com/users/{}'.format(owner))
if q.json().get('type') == 'Organization':
endpoint = 'https://api.github.com/orgs/{}/repos'.format(owner)
# if not creating repos under an org, ensure the token matches the owner
assert users['user'] == owner, "when testing against a user (rather than an organisation) the API token must be the user's"
endpoint = 'https://api.github.com/user/repos'
repos = []
def repomaker(name):
fullname = '{}/{}'.format(owner, name)
# create repo
r = github.post(endpoint, json={
'name': name,
'has_issues': False,
'has_projects': False,
'has_wiki': False,
'auto_init': False,
# at least one merge method must be enabled :(
'allow_squash_merge': False,
# 'allow_merge_commit': False,
'allow_rebase_merge': False,
# unwatch repo
github.put('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/subscription'.format(fullname), json={
'subscribed': False,
'ignored': True,
# create webhook
github.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/hooks'.format(fullname), json={
'name': 'web',
'config': {
'url': '{}/runbot_merge/hooks'.format(tunnel),
'content_type': 'json',
'insecure_ssl': '1',
'events': ['pull_request', 'issue_comment', 'status', 'pull_request_review']
project.write({'repo_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': fullname})]})
tokens = {
r: config['role_' + r]['token']
for r in ROLES
tokens['user'] = config['github']['token']
return Repo(github, fullname, tokens)
yield repomaker
if not request.config.getoption('--no-delete'):
for repo in reversed(repos):
class Environment:
def __init__(self, port, db):
self._uid = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://localhost:{}/xmlrpc/2/common'.format(port)).authenticate(db, 'admin', 'admin', {})
self._object = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://localhost:{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(port))
self._db = db
def __call__(self, model, method, *args, **kwargs):
return self._object.execute_kw(
self._db, self._uid, 'admin',
model, method,
args, kwargs
def __getitem__(self, name):
return Model(self, name)
class Model:
__slots__ = ['_env', '_model', '_ids', '_fields']
def __init__(self, env, model, ids=(), fields=None):
object.__setattr__(self, '_env', env)
object.__setattr__(self, '_model', model)
object.__setattr__(self, '_ids', tuple(ids or ()))
object.__setattr__(self, '_fields', fields or self._env(self._model, 'fields_get', attributes=['type', 'relation']))
def ids(self):
return self._ids
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._ids)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._ids)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Model):
return NotImplemented
return self._model == other._model and self._ids == other._ids
def __repr__(self):
return "{}({})".format(self._model, ', '.join(str(id) for id in self._ids))
def exists(self):
ids = self._env(self._model, 'exists', self._ids)
return Model(self._env, self._model, ids)
def search(self, domain):
ids = self._env(self._model, 'search', domain)
return Model(self._env, self._model, ids)
def create(self, values):
return Model(self._env, self._model, [self._env(self._model, 'create', values)])
def write(self, values):
return self._env(self._model, 'write', self._ids, values)
def read(self, fields):
return self._env(self._model, 'read', self._ids, fields)
def unlink(self):
return self._env(self._model, 'unlink', self._ids)
def _check_progress(self):
assert self._model == 'runbot_merge.project'
def _check_fetch(self):
assert self._model == 'runbot_merge.project'
def _run_cron(self, xid):
_, model, cron_id = self._env('ir.model.data', 'xmlid_lookup', xid)
assert model == 'ir.cron', "Expected {} to be a cron, got {}".format(xid, model)
self._env('ir.cron', 'method_direct_trigger', [cron_id])
# sleep for some time as a lot of crap may have happened (?)
def __getattr__(self, fieldname):
if not self._ids:
return False
assert len(self._ids) == 1
if fieldname == 'id':
return self._ids[0]
val = self.read([fieldname])[0][fieldname]
field_description = self._fields[fieldname]
if field_description['type'] in ('many2one', 'one2many', 'many2many'):
val = val or []
if field_description['type'] == 'many2one':
val = val[:1] # (id, name) => [id]
return Model(self._env, field_description['relation'], val)
return val
def __setattr__(self, fieldname, value):
assert self._fields[fieldname]['type'] not in ('many2one', 'one2many', 'many2many')
self._env(self._model, 'write', self._ids, {fieldname: value})
def __iter__(self):
return (
Model(self._env, self._model, [i], fields=self._fields)
for i in self._ids
def mapped(self, path):
field, *rest = path.split('.', 1)
descr = self._fields[field]
if descr['type'] in ('many2one', 'one2many', 'many2many'):
result = Model(self._env, descr['relation'])
for record in self:
result |= getattr(record, field)
return result.mapped(rest[0]) if rest else result
assert not rest
return [getattr(r, field) for r in self]
def __or__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Model) or self._model != other._model:
return NotImplemented
return Model(self._env, self._model, {*self._ids, *other._ids}, fields=self._fields)
class Repo:
__slots__ = ['name', '_session', '_tokens']
def __init__(self, session, name, user_tokens):
self.name = name
self._session = session
self._tokens = user_tokens
def set_secret(self, secret):
r = self._session.get(
response = r.json()
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, response
[hook] = response
r = self._session.patch('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/hooks/{}'.format(self.name, hook['id']), json={
'config': {**hook['config'], 'secret': secret},
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def get_ref(self, ref):
if re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{40}', ref):
return ref
assert ref.startswith('heads/')
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/refs/{}'.format(self.name, ref))
response = r.json()
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, response
assert isinstance(response, dict), "{} doesn't exist (got {} refs)".format(ref, len(response))
assert response['object']['type'] == 'commit'
return response['object']['sha']
def make_ref(self, name, commit, force=False):
assert name.startswith('heads/')
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/refs'.format(self.name), json={
'ref': 'refs/' + name,
'sha': commit,
if force and r.status_code == 422:
r = self._session.patch('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/refs/{}'.format(self.name, name), json={'sha': commit, 'force': True})
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def update_ref(self, name, commit, force=False):
r = self._session.patch('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/refs/{}'.format(self.name, name), json={'sha': commit, 'force': force})
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def make_commit(self, ref, message, author, committer=None, tree=None):
assert tree, "not supporting changes/updates"
assert not (author or committer)
if not ref: # None / []
# apparently github refuses to create trees/commits in empty repos
# using the regular API...
[(path, contents)] = tree.items()
r = self._session.put('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/contents/{}'.format(self.name, path), json={
'path': path,
'message': message,
'content': base64.b64encode(contents.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii'),
'branch': 'nootherwaytocreateaninitialcommitbutidontwantamasteryet%d' % next(ct)
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
return r.json()['commit']['sha']
if isinstance(ref, list):
refs = ref
refs = [ref]
parents = [self.get_ref(r) for r in refs]
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/trees'.format(self.name), json={
'tree': [
{'path': k, 'mode': '100644', 'type': 'blob', 'content': v}
for k, v in tree.items()
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
h = r.json()['sha']
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/commits'.format(self.name), json={
'parents': parents,
'message': message,
'tree': h,
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
commit_sha = r.json()['sha']
# if the first parent is an actual ref (rather than a hash) update it
if parents[0] != refs[0]:
self.update_ref(refs[0], commit_sha)
return commit_sha
def make_pr(self, title, body, target, ctid, user, label=None):
# github only allows PRs from actual branches, so create an actual branch
ref = label or "temp_trash_because_head_must_be_a_ref_%d" % next(ct)
self.make_ref('heads/' + ref, ctid)
r = self._session.post(
json={'title': title, 'body': body, 'head': ref, 'base': target,},
headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(self._tokens[user])}
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
# wait extra for PRs creating many PRs and relying on their ordering
# (test_batching & test_batching_split)
# would be nice to make the tests more reliable but not quite sure
# how...
return PR(self, 'heads/' + ref, r.json()['number'])
def post_status(self, ref, status, context='default', description=""):
assert status in ('error', 'failure', 'pending', 'success')
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/statuses/{}'.format(self.name, self.get_ref(ref)), json={
'state': status,
'context': context,
'description': description,
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def commit(self, ref):
# apparently heads/<branch> ~ refs/heads/<branch> but are not
# necessarily up to date ??? unlike the git ref system where :ref
# starts at heads/
if ref.startswith('heads/'):
ref = 'refs/' + ref
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/commits/{}'.format(self.name, ref))
response = r.json()
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, response
c = response['commit']
return Commit(
parents=[p['sha'] for p in response['parents']],
def read_tree(self, commit):
# read tree object
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/trees/{}'.format(self.name, commit.tree))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
# read tree's blobs
tree = {}
for t in r.json()['tree']:
assert t['type'] == 'blob', "we're *not* doing recursive trees in test cases"
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/blobs/{}'.format(self.name, t['sha']))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
tree[t['path']] = base64.b64decode(r.json()['content'])
return tree
def is_ancestor(self, sha, of):
return any(c['sha'] == sha for c in self.log(of))
def log(self, ref_or_sha):
for page in itertools.count(1):
r = self._session.get(
params={'sha': ref_or_sha, 'page': page}
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
yield from r.json()
if not r.links.get('next'):
ct = itertools.count()
Commit = collections.namedtuple('Commit', 'id tree message author committer parents')
class PR:
__slots__ = ['number', '_branch', 'repo']
def __init__(self, repo, branch, number):
:type repo: Repo
:type branch: str
:type number: int
self.number = number
self._branch = branch
self.repo = repo
def _session(self):
return self.repo._session
def _pr(self):
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls/{}'.format(self.repo.name, self.number))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
return r.json()
def head(self):
return self._pr['head']['sha']
def user(self):
return self._pr['user']['login']
def state(self):
return self._pr['state']
def labels(self):
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/labels'.format(self.repo.name, self.number))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
return {label['name'] for label in r.json()}
def comments(self):
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/comments'.format(self.repo.name, self.number))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
return [
(c['user']['login'], c['body'])
for c in r.json()
def _set_prop(self, prop, value):
r = self._session.patch('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls/{}'.format(self.repo.name, self.number), json={
prop: value
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def title(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
title = title.setter(lambda self, v: self._set_prop('title', v))
def base(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
base = base.setter(lambda self, v: self._set_prop('base', v))
def post_comment(self, body, user):
r = self._session.post(
'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/comments'.format(self.repo.name, self.number),
json={'body': body},
headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(self.repo._tokens[user])}
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def open(self):
self._set_prop('state', 'open')
def close(self):
self._set_prop('state', 'closed')
def push(self, sha):
self.repo.update_ref(self._branch, sha, force=True)
def post_review(self, state, user, body):
r = self._session.post(
'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls/{}/reviews'.format(self.repo.name, self.number),
json={'body': body, 'event': state,},
headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(self.repo._tokens[user])}
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
""" The mergebot does not work on a dependency basis, rather all
repositories of a project are co-equal and get (on target and
source branches).
When preparing a staging, we simply want to ensure branch-matched PRs
are staged concurrently in all repos
import json
import pytest
def repo_a(make_repo):
return make_repo('a')
def repo_b(make_repo):
return make_repo('b')
def repo_c(make_repo):
return make_repo('c')
def make_pr(repo, prefix, trees, *, target='master', user='user', label=None,
statuses=(('ci/runbot', 'success'), ('legal/cla', 'success')),
:type repo: fake_github.Repo
:type prefix: str
:type trees: list[dict]
:type target: str
:type user: str
:type label: str | None
:type statuses: list[(str, str)]
:type reviewer: str | None
:rtype: fake_github.PR
base = repo.commit('heads/{}'.format(target))
tree = repo.read_tree(base)
c = base.id
for i, t in enumerate(trees):
c = repo.make_commit(c, 'commit_{}_{:02}'.format(prefix, i), None,
pr = repo.make_pr('title {}'.format(prefix), 'body {}'.format(prefix), target=target, ctid=c, user=user, label=label)
for context, result in statuses:
repo.post_status(c, result, context)
if reviewer:
pr.post_comment('hansen r+', reviewer)
return pr
def to_pr(env, pr):
return env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository.name', '=', pr.repo.name),
('number', '=', pr.number),
def test_stage_one(env, project, repo_a, repo_b):
""" First PR is non-matched from A => should not select PR from B
project.batch_limit = 1
repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a_0'})
pr_a = make_pr(repo_a, 'A', [{'a': 'a_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'b_0'})
pr_b = make_pr(repo_b, 'B', [{'a': 'b_1'}], label='do-other-thing')
assert to_pr(env, pr_a).state == 'ready'
assert to_pr(env, pr_a).staging_id
assert to_pr(env, pr_b).state == 'ready'
assert not to_pr(env, pr_b).staging_id
def test_stage_match(env, project, repo_a, repo_b):
""" First PR is matched from A, => should select matched PR from B
project.batch_limit = 1
repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a_0'})
pr_a = make_pr(repo_a, 'A', [{'a': 'a_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'b_0'})
pr_b = make_pr(repo_b, 'B', [{'a': 'b_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
pr_a = to_pr(env, pr_a)
pr_b = to_pr(env, pr_b)
assert pr_a.state == 'ready'
assert pr_a.staging_id
assert pr_b.state == 'ready'
assert pr_b.staging_id
# should be part of the same staging
assert pr_a.staging_id == pr_b.staging_id, \
"branch-matched PRs should be part of the same staging"
def test_sub_match(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c):
""" Branch-matching should work on a subset of repositories
project.batch_limit = 1
repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a_0'})
# no pr here
repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'b_0'})
pr_b = make_pr(repo_b, 'B', [{'a': 'b_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
repo_c.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'c_0'})
pr_c = make_pr(repo_c, 'C', [{'a': 'c_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
pr_b = to_pr(env, pr_b)
pr_c = to_pr(env, pr_c)
assert pr_b.state == 'ready'
assert pr_b.staging_id
assert pr_c.state == 'ready'
assert pr_c.staging_id
# should be part of the same staging
assert pr_c.staging_id == pr_b.staging_id, \
"branch-matched PRs should be part of the same staging"
st = pr_b.staging_id
assert json.loads(st.heads) == {
repo_a.name: repo_a.commit('heads/master').id,
repo_b.name: repo_b.commit('heads/staging.master').id,
repo_c.name: repo_c.commit('heads/staging.master').id,
def test_merge_fail(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, users):
""" In a matched-branch scenario, if merging in one of the linked repos
fails it should revert the corresponding merges
project.batch_limit = 1
root_a = repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a_0'})
repo_a.make_ref('heads/master', root_a)
root_b = repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'b_0'})
repo_b.make_ref('heads/master', root_b)
# first set of matched PRs
pr1a = make_pr(repo_a, 'A', [{'a': 'a_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
pr1b = make_pr(repo_b, 'B', [{'a': 'b_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
# add a conflicting commit to B so the staging fails
repo_b.make_commit('heads/master', 'cn', None, tree={'a': 'cn'})
# and a second set of PRs which should get staged while the first set
# fails
pr2a = make_pr(repo_a, 'A2', [{'b': 'ok'}], label='do-b-thing')
pr2b = make_pr(repo_b, 'B2', [{'b': 'ok'}], label='do-b-thing')
s2 = to_pr(env, pr2a) | to_pr(env, pr2b)
st = env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search([])
assert set(st.batch_ids.prs.ids) == set(s2.ids)
failed = to_pr(env, pr1b)
assert failed.state == 'error'
assert pr1b.comments == [
(users['reviewer'], 'hansen r+'),
(users['user'], 'Unable to stage PR (merge conflict)'),
other = to_pr(env, pr1a)
assert not other.staging_id
assert len(list(repo_a.log('heads/staging.master'))) == 2,\
"root commit + squash-merged PR commit"
def test_ff_fail(env, project, repo_a, repo_b):
""" In a matched-branch scenario, fast-forwarding one of the repos fails
the entire thing should be rolled back
project.batch_limit = 1
root_a = repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a_0'})
repo_a.make_ref('heads/master', root_a)
make_pr(repo_a, 'A', [{'a': 'a_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
root_b = repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'b_0'})
repo_b.make_ref('heads/master', root_b)
make_pr(repo_b, 'B', [{'a': 'b_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
# add second commit blocking FF
cn = repo_b.make_commit('heads/master', 'second', None, tree={'a': 'b_0', 'b': 'other'})
assert repo_b.commit('heads/master').id == cn
repo_a.post_status('heads/staging.master', 'success', 'ci/runbot')
repo_a.post_status('heads/staging.master', 'success', 'legal/cla')
repo_b.post_status('heads/staging.master', 'success', 'ci/runbot')
repo_b.post_status('heads/staging.master', 'success', 'legal/cla')
assert repo_b.commit('heads/master').id == cn,\
"B should still be at the conflicting commit"
assert repo_a.commit('heads/master').id == root_a,\
"FF A should have been rolled back when B failed"
# should be re-staged
st = env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search([])
assert len(st) == 1
assert len(st.batch_ids.prs) == 2
def test_one_failed(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, owner):
""" If the companion of a ready branch-matched PR is not ready,
they should not get staged
project.batch_limit = 1
c_a = repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a_0'})
repo_a.make_ref('heads/master', c_a)
# pr_a is born ready
pr_a = make_pr(repo_a, 'A', [{'a': 'a_1'}], label='do-a-thing')
c_b = repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'b_0'})
repo_b.make_ref('heads/master', c_b)
c_pr = repo_b.make_commit(c_b, 'pr', None, tree={'a': 'b_1'})
pr_b = repo_b.make_pr(
'title', 'body', target='master', ctid=c_pr,
user='user', label='do-a-thing',
repo_b.post_status(c_pr, 'success', 'ci/runbot')
repo_b.post_status(c_pr, 'success', 'legal/cla')
pr_a = to_pr(env, pr_a)
pr_b = to_pr(env, pr_b)
assert pr_a.state == 'ready'
assert pr_b.state == 'validated'
assert pr_a.label == pr_b.label == '{}:do-a-thing'.format(owner)
assert not pr_b.staging_id
assert not pr_a.staging_id, \
"pr_a should not have been staged as companion is not ready"
def test_batching(env, project, repo_a, repo_b):
""" If multiple batches (label groups) are ready they should get batched
together (within the limits of teh project's batch limit)
project.batch_limit = 3
repo_a.make_ref('heads/master', repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a0'}))
repo_b.make_ref('heads/master', repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'b': 'b0'}))
prs = [(
a and to_pr(env, make_pr(repo_a, 'A{}'.format(i), [{'a{}'.format(i): 'a{}'.format(i)}], label='batch{}'.format(i))),
b and to_pr(env, make_pr(repo_b, 'B{}'.format(i), [{'b{}'.format(i): 'b{}'.format(i)}], label='batch{}'.format(i)))
for i, (a, b) in enumerate([(1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)])
st = env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search([])
assert st
assert len(st.batch_ids) == 3,\
"Should have batched the first <batch_limit> batches"
assert st.mapped('batch_ids.prs') == (
prs[0][0] | prs[0][1]
| prs[1][1]
| prs[2][0] | prs[2][1]
assert not prs[3][0].staging_id
assert not prs[3][1].staging_id
assert not prs[4][0].staging_id
def test_batching_split(env, repo_a, repo_b):
""" If a staging fails, it should get split properly across repos
repo_a.make_ref('heads/master', repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a': 'a0'}))
repo_b.make_ref('heads/master', repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'b': 'b0'}))
prs = [(
a and to_pr(env, make_pr(repo_a, 'A{}'.format(i), [{'a{}'.format(i): 'a{}'.format(i)}], label='batch{}'.format(i))),
b and to_pr(env, make_pr(repo_b, 'B{}'.format(i), [{'b{}'.format(i): 'b{}'.format(i)}], label='batch{}'.format(i)))
for i, (a, b) in enumerate([(1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)])
st0 = env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search([])
assert len(st0.batch_ids) == 5
assert len(st0.mapped('batch_ids.prs')) == 8
# mark b.staging as failed -> should create two splits with (0, 1)
# and (2, 3, 4) and stage the first one
repo_b.post_status('heads/staging.master', 'success', 'legal/cla')
repo_b.post_status('heads/staging.master', 'failure', 'ci/runbot')
assert not st0.active
# at this point we have a re-staged split and an unstaged split
st = env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search([])
sp = env['runbot_merge.split'].search([])
assert st
assert sp
assert len(st.batch_ids) == 2
assert st.mapped('batch_ids.prs') == \
prs[0][0] | prs[0][1] | prs[1][1]
assert len(sp.batch_ids) == 3
assert sp.mapped('batch_ids.prs') == \
prs[2][0] | prs[2][1] | prs[3][0] | prs[3][1] | prs[4][0]
def test_urgent(env, repo_a, repo_b):
""" Either PR of a co-dependent pair being p=0 leads to the entire pair
being prioritized
repo_a.make_ref('heads/master', repo_a.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'a0': 'a'}))
repo_b.make_ref('heads/master', repo_b.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'b0': 'b'}))
pr_a = make_pr(repo_a, 'A', [{'a1': 'a'}, {'a2': 'a'}], label='batch', reviewer=None, statuses=[])
pr_b = make_pr(repo_b, 'B', [{'b1': 'b'}, {'b2': 'b'}], label='batch', reviewer=None, statuses=[])
pr_c = make_pr(repo_a, 'C', [{'c1': 'c', 'c2': 'c'}])
pr_b.post_comment('hansen p=0', 'reviewer')
# should have batched pr_a and pr_b despite neither being reviewed or
# approved
p_a, p_b = to_pr(env, pr_a), to_pr(env, pr_b)
p_c = to_pr(env, pr_c)
assert p_a.batch_id and p_b.batch_id and p_a.batch_id == p_b.batch_id,\
"a and b should have been recognised as co-dependent"
assert not p_c.staging_id

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<record id="runbot_merge_form_project" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Project Form</field>
<field name="model">runbot_merge.project</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<div class="oe_button_box" name="button_box">
<button class="oe_stat_button" name="action_see_attachments" type="object" icon="fa-book" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('state', '=', 'confirmed'), ('type', '=', 'routing')]}">
<field string="Attachments" name="mrp_document_count" widget="statinfo"/>
<div class="oe_title">
<h1><field name="name" placeholder="Name"/></h1>
<field name="github_prefix" string="bot name"/>
<field name="required_statuses"/>
<field name="github_token"/>
<field name="ci_timeout"/>
<field name="batch_limit"/>
<field name="repo_ids">
<tree editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="branch_ids">
<tree editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<record id="runbot_merge_action_projects" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Projects</field>
<field name="res_model">runbot_merge.project</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
<record id="runbot_merge_action_prs" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Pull Requests</field>
<field name="res_model">runbot_merge.pull_requests</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
<field name="context">{'search_default_open': True}</field>
<record id="runbot_merge_search_prs" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">PR search</field>
<field name="model">runbot_merge.pull_requests</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
name="open" string="Open"
domain="[('state', 'not in', ['merged', 'closed'])]"
<field name="author"/>
<field name="label"/>
<field name="target"/>
<field name="repository"/>
<field name="state"/>
<filter string="Target" name="target_" context="{'group_by':'target'}"/>
<filter string="Repository" name="repo_" context="{'group_by':'repository'}"/>
<filter string="State" name="state_" context="{'group_by':'state'}"/>
<filter string="Priority" name="priority_" context="{'group_by':'priority'}"/>
<record id="runbot_merge_tree_prs" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">PR tree</field>
<field name="model">runbot_merge.pull_requests</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="repository"/>
<field name="number"/>
<field name="target"/>
<field name="state"/>
<record id="runbot_merge_form_prs" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">PR form</field>
<field name="model">runbot_merge.pull_requests</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<div class="oe_title">
<field name="repository"/>#<field name="number"/>
<field name="target"/>
<field name="state"/>
<field name="author"/>
<field name="priority"/>
<field name="label"/>
<field name="squash"/>
<group colspan="4">
<field name="head"/>
<field name="statuses"/>
<group colspan="4" string="Message">
<field name="message" nolabel="1"/>
<group colspan="4" string="Delegates">
<field name="delegates" nolabel="1">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="github_login"/>
<record id="runbot_merge_action_stagings" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Stagings</field>
<field name="res_model">runbot_merge.stagings</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
<field name="context">{'default_active': True}</field>
<record id="runbot_merge_search_stagings" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Stagings Search</field>
<field name="model">runbot_merge.stagings</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<filter string="Active" name="active"
domain="[('heads', '!=', False)]"/>
<field name="state"/>
<field name="target"/>
<filter string="Target" name="target_" context="{'group_by': 'target'}"/>
<record id="runbot_merge_tree_stagings" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Stagings Tree</field>
<field name="model">runbot_merge.stagings</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="target"/>
<field name="state"/>
<menuitem name="Mergebot" id="runbot_merge_menu"/>
<menuitem name="Projects" id="runbot_merge_menu_project"
<menuitem name="Pull Requests" id="runbot_merge_menu_prs"
<menuitem name="Stagings" id="runbot_merge_menu_stagings"

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<record id="runbot_merge_form_partner" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Add mergebot/GH info to partners form</field>
<field name="model">res.partner</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_form"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//notebook" position="inside">
<page string="Mergebot">
<field name="github_login"/>
<field name="reviewer"/>
<field name="self_reviewer"/>
<group colspan="4" string="Delegate On">
<field name="delegate_reviewer" nolabel="1"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<template id="dashboard" name="mergebot dashboard">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container">
<section t-foreach="projects" t-as="project" class="row">
<h1 class="col-md-12"><t t-esc="project.name"/></h1>
<section t-foreach="project.branch_ids" t-as="branch" class="col-md-12">
<h2><t t-esc="branch.name"/></h2>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.stagings"/>
<template id="stagings" name="mergebot branch stagings">
<ul class="row list-unstyled">
<li t-foreach="branch.staging_ids.sorted(lambda s: not s.heads)"
t-attf-class="col-md-3 {{'bg-info' if staging.heads else ''}}">
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li t-foreach="staging.batch_ids" t-as="batch">
<t t-esc="batch.prs[:1].label"/>
<t t-foreach="batch.prs" t-as="pr">
<a t-attf-href="https://github.com/{{ pr.repository.name }}/pull/{{ pr.number }}"
><t t-esc="pr.repository.name"/>#<t t-esc="pr.number"/></a><t t-if="not pr_last">,</t>
<t t-if="staging.heads">
Staged at: <t t-esc="staging.staged_at" t-options="{'widget': 'datetime'}"/>