[IMP] runbot_merge: use native support for tracking messages

odoo/odoo@1341d52 added native support for tracking / overriding
tracking message so we don't need `change-message `anymore. The calls
had to be modified a bit as `_track_set_log_message` has to be invoked
on the records for which the tracking message is being set / updated.

Sadly the same for authors was only added in 16.3 *and* it's
unsuitable for our needs as we want to set the author without knowing
the scope of affected records (at least in the controller).

That way hopefully in 17.0 we can remove the `_message_compute_author`
override and things should work out. And maybe for 19.0 we can get the
ability to set a per-model (or even global) fallback author into
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2024-08-09 10:10:01 +02:00
parent f378689a0d
commit 61b92b2224
4 changed files with 38 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ def handle_pr(env, event):
sender = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', event['sender']['login'])], limit=1)
if not sender:
sender = env['res.partner'].create({'name': event['sender']['login'], 'github_login': event['sender']['login']})
env.cr.precommit.data['change-author'] = sender.id
env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._track_set_author(sender.id, fallback=True)
if event['action'] == 'opened':
author_name = pr['user']['login']

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from . import mail_thread
from . import ir_actions
from . import res_partner
from . import project

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
from collections import ChainMap
from odoo import models
from odoo.tools import ConstantMapping
class MailThread(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'mail.thread'
def _track_set_author(self, author, *, fallback=False):
""" Set the author of the tracking message. """
if not self._track_get_fields():
authors = self.env.cr.precommit.data.setdefault(f'mail.tracking.author.{self._name}', {})
if fallback:
details = authors
if isinstance(authors, ChainMap):
details = authors.maps[0]
self.env.cr.precommit.data[f'mail.tracking.author.{self._name}'] = ChainMap(
for id_ in self.ids:
authors[id_] = author
def _message_compute_author(self, author_id=None, email_from=None, raise_on_email=True):
if author_id is None and self and 'id' in self:
t = self.env.cr.precommit.data.get(f'mail.tracking.author.{self._name}', {})
if len(authors := {t.get(r.id) for r in self}) == 1:
author_id = authors.pop()
return super()._message_compute_author(author_id, email_from, raise_on_email)

View File

@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ For your own safety I've ignored *everything in your entire comment*.
cmdstr = ', '.join(map(str, cmds))
if not rejections:
_logger.info("%s (%s) applied %s", login, name, cmdstr)
self.env.cr.precommit.data['change-author'] = author.id
self._track_set_author(author.id, fallback=True)
return 'applied ' + cmdstr
@ -1121,27 +1121,6 @@ For your own safety I've ignored *everything in your entire comment*.
return None
def message_post(self, **kw):
if author := self.env.cr.precommit.data.get('change-author'):
kw['author_id'] = author
if message := self.env.cr.precommit.data.get('change-message'):
kw['body'] = html_escape(message)
return super().message_post(**kw)
def _message_log(self, **kw):
if author := self.env.cr.precommit.data.get('change-author'):
kw['author_id'] = author
if message := self.env.cr.precommit.data.get('change-message'):
kw['body'] = html_escape(message)
return super()._message_log(**kw)
def _message_log_batch(self, **kw):
if author := self.env.cr.precommit.data.get('change-author'):
kw['author_id'] = author
if message := self.env.cr.precommit.data.get('change-message'):
kw['bodies'] = {p.id: html_escape(message) for p in self}
return super()._message_log_batch(**kw)
def _pr_acl(self, user):
if not self:
return ACL(False, False, False)
@ -1946,6 +1925,7 @@ class Commit(models.Model):
self.flush(['to_check'], c)
if pr:
pr._track_set_log_message(html_escape(f"statuses changed on {sha}"))
if stagings:
@ -1956,8 +1936,6 @@ class Commit(models.Model):
_logger.exception("Failed to apply commit %s (%s)", c, sha)
self.env.cr.precommit.data['change-message'] = \
f"statuses changed on {sha}"
_sql_constraints = [
@ -2199,9 +2177,8 @@ class Stagings(models.Model):
def fail(self, message, prs=None):
_logger.info("Staging %s failed: %s", self, message)
self.env.cr.precommit.data['change-message'] =\
f'staging {self.id} failed: {message}'
prs = prs or self.batch_ids.prs
prs._track_set_log_message(f'staging {self.id} failed: {message}')
prs.error = True
for pr in prs:
@ -2317,9 +2294,8 @@ class Stagings(models.Model):
'reason': str(e.__cause__ or e.__context__ or e)
self.env.cr.precommit.data['change-message'] =\
f'staging {self.id} succeeded'
prs = self.mapped('batch_ids.prs')
prs._track_set_log_message(f'staging {self.id} succeeded')
"%s FF successful, marking %s as merged",
self, prs