[IMP] runbot: add websocket support

This commit is contained in:
Xavier-Do 2022-08-23 14:53:27 +02:00 committed by Christophe Monniez
parent e91611b0f8
commit 70e8b15690
5 changed files with 41 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ def now():
def findall(filename, pattern):
return set(re.findall(pattern, open(filename).read()))
def grep(filename, string):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return find(filename, string) != -1

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import subprocess
import time
import datetime
import hashlib
from ..common import dt2time, fqdn, now, grep, local_pgadmin_cursor, s2human, dest_reg, os, list_local_dbs, pseudo_markdown, RunbotException
from ..common import dt2time, fqdn, now, grep, local_pgadmin_cursor, s2human, dest_reg, os, list_local_dbs, pseudo_markdown, RunbotException, findall
from ..container import docker_stop, docker_state, Command, docker_run
from ..fields import JsonDictField
from odoo import models, fields, api
@ -1171,3 +1171,6 @@ class BuildResult(models.Model):
commit = build_commit.commit_id
if 'base_' not in build_commit.match_type and commit.repo_id in trigger.repo_ids:
commit._github_status(build, trigger.ci_context, state, target_url, desc)
def parse_config(self):
return set(findall(self._server("tools/config.py"), '--[\w-]+', ))

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@ -343,13 +343,21 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
build._log('run', 'Start running build %s' % build.dest)
# run server
cmd = build._cmd(local_only=False)
if os.path.exists(build._get_server_commit()._source_path('addons/im_livechat')):
available_options = build.parse_config()
if "--workers" in available_options:
cmd += ["--workers", "2"]
if "--gevent-port" in available_options:
cmd += ["--gevent-port", "8070"]
elif "--longpolling-port" in available_options:
cmd += ["--longpolling-port", "8070"]
if "--max-cron-threads" in available_options:
cmd += ["--max-cron-threads", "1"]
# not sure, to avoid old server to check other dbs
cmd += ["--max-cron-threads", "0"]
install_steps = [step.db_name for step in build.params_id.config_id.step_ids() if step.job_type == 'install_odoo']
db_name = build.params_id.config_data.get('db_name') or 'all' in install_steps and 'all' or install_steps[0]
@ -357,15 +365,16 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
cmd += ['-d', '%s-%s' % (build.dest, db_name)]
icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
if grep(build._server("tools/config.py"), "proxy-mode"):
if "--proxy-mode" in available_options:
cmd += ["--proxy-mode"]
if grep(build._server("tools/config.py"), "db-filter"):
if "--db-filter" in available_options:
cmd += ['--db-filter', '%d.*$']
smtp_host = docker_get_gateway_ip()
if smtp_host:
cmd += ['--smtp', smtp_host]
if "--smtp" in available_options:
smtp_host = docker_get_gateway_ip()
if smtp_host:
cmd += ['--smtp', smtp_host]
extra_params = self.extra_params or ''
if extra_params:
@ -406,14 +415,16 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
if mods and '-i' not in extra_params:
cmd += ['-i', mods]
config_path = build._server("tools/config.py")
available_options = build.parse_config()
if self.test_enable:
if grep(config_path, "test-enable"):
if "--test-enable" in available_options:
build._log('test_all', 'Installing modules without testing', level='WARNING')
test_tags_in_extra = '--test-tags' in extra_params
if self.test_tags or test_tags_in_extra:
if grep(config_path, "test-tags"):
if "--test-tags" in available_options:
if not test_tags_in_extra:
test_tags = self.test_tags.replace(' ', '')
if self.enable_auto_tags:
@ -429,10 +440,10 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
test_tags = ','.join(auto_tags)
cmd.extend(['--test-tags', test_tags])
if grep(config_path, "--screenshots"):
if "--screenshots" in available_options:
cmd.add_config_tuple('screenshots', '/data/build/tests')
if grep(config_path, "--screencasts") and self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('runbot.enable_screencast', False):
if "--screencasts" in available_options and self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('runbot.enable_screencast', False):
cmd.add_config_tuple('screencasts', '/data/build/tests')
cmd.append('--stop-after-init') # install job should always finish

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@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ server {
server_name ~^<t t-out="re_escape(build.dest)"/>(-[a-z0-9_]+)?\.<t t-esc="re_escape(build.host)"/>$;
location / { proxy_pass<t t-esc="build.port"/>; }
location /longpolling { proxy_pass<t t-esc="build.port + 1"/>; }
location /websocket {
proxy_pass<t t-esc="build.port + 1"/>;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $real_scheme;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
server {

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class TestBuildConfigStep(RunbotCase):
'params_id': self.base_params.copy({'commit_link_ids': [(0, 0, {'commit_id': server_commit.id})]}).id,
self.start_patcher('find_patcher', 'odoo.addons.runbot.common.find', 0)
self.start_patcher('findall_patcher', 'odoo.addons.runbot.models.build.BuildResult.parse_config', {})
def test_config_step_create_results(self):
""" Test child builds are taken into account"""