[IMP] runbot: show state in favicon
Until now the favicon was handled by the `/favicon.ico` route made available by `website`. This commit adds the different favicons and logic to be able to display the state of the current page through it.
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ def route(routes, **kw):
response.qcontext['nb_build_errors'] = nb_build_errors
response.qcontext['nb_assigned_errors'] = nb_assigned_errors
response.qcontext['nb_team_errors'] = nb_team_errors
if 'page_info_state' not in response.qcontext:
response.qcontext['page_info_state'] = 'ok'
return response
return response_wrap
return decorator
@ -215,6 +217,7 @@ class Runbot(Controller):
'pager': pager,
'project': bundle.project_id,
'title': 'Bundle %s' % bundle.name,
'page_info_state': bundle.last_batch._get_global_result(),
return request.render('runbot.bundle', context)
@ -239,7 +242,8 @@ class Runbot(Controller):
context = {
'batch': batch,
'project': batch.bundle_id.project_id,
'title': 'Batch %s (%s)' % (batch.id, batch.bundle_id.name)
'title': 'Batch %s (%s)' % (batch.id, batch.bundle_id.name),
'page_info_state': batch._get_global_result(),
return request.render('runbot.batch', context)
@ -330,6 +334,7 @@ class Runbot(Controller):
'project': build.params_id.trigger_id.project_id,
'title': 'Build %s' % build.id,
'siblings': siblings,
'page_info_state': build.global_result,
# following logic is not the most efficient but good enough
'prev_ko': next((b for b in reversed(siblings) if b.id < build.id and b.global_result != 'ok'), Build),
'prev_bu': next((b for b in reversed(siblings) if b.id < build.id), Build),
@ -57,6 +57,16 @@ class Batch(models.Model):
def _get_formated_age(self):
return s2human_long(self.age)
def _get_global_result(self):
"""Returns the worst result from the related builds and logs"""
batch_result = 'warn' if any(log.level != 'INFO' for log in self.log_ids) else 'ok'
if self.state == 'skipped':
batch_result = 'skipped'
return self.env['runbot.build']._get_worst_result([
batch_result, *self.slot_ids.build_id.mapped('global_result'),
def _url(self):
return "/runbot/batch/%s" % self.id
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