diff --git a/runbot/data/runbot_data.xml b/runbot/data/runbot_data.xml
index 7123ca9f..254b2b1d 100644
--- a/runbot/data/runbot_data.xml
+++ b/runbot/data/runbot_data.xml
@@ -97,14 +97,4 @@ admin_passwd=running_master_password
records.write({'no_build': False})
- Runbot
- 10
- seconds
- model._cron()
- code
diff --git a/runbot/models/runbot.py b/runbot/models/runbot.py
index 2e038108..4677c119 100644
--- a/runbot/models/runbot.py
+++ b/runbot/models/runbot.py
@@ -196,53 +196,6 @@ class Runbot(models.AbstractModel):
_logger.warning('failed to start nginx - failed to kill orphan worker - oh well')
- def _get_cron_period(self):
- """ Compute a randomized cron period with a 2 min margin below
- real cron timeout from config.
- """
- cron_limit = config.get('limit_time_real_cron')
- req_limit = config.get('limit_time_real')
- cron_timeout = cron_limit if cron_limit > -1 else req_limit
- return cron_timeout / 2
- def _cron(self):
- """
- This method is the default cron for new commit discovery and build sheduling.
- The cron runs for a long time to avoid spamming logs
- """
- pull_info_failures = {}
- start_time = time.time()
- timeout = self._get_cron_period()
- get_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param
- update_frequency = int(get_param('runbot.runbot_update_frequency', default=10))
- runbot_do_fetch = get_param('runbot.runbot_do_fetch')
- runbot_do_schedule = get_param('runbot.runbot_do_schedule')
- host = self.env['runbot.host']._get_current()
- host._set_psql_conn_count()
- host.last_start_loop = fields.Datetime.now()
- self._commit()
- # Bootstrap
- host._bootstrap()
- if runbot_do_schedule:
- host._docker_update_images()
- self._source_cleanup()
- self.env['runbot.build']._local_cleanup()
- self._docker_cleanup()
- _logger.info('Starting loop')
- if runbot_do_schedule or runbot_do_fetch:
- while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
- if runbot_do_fetch:
- self._fetch_loop_turn(host, pull_info_failures)
- if runbot_do_schedule:
- sleep_time = self._scheduler_loop_turn(host, update_frequency)
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- else:
- time.sleep(update_frequency)
- self._commit()
- host.last_end_loop = fields.Datetime.now()
def _fetch_loop_turn(self, host, pull_info_failures, default_sleep=1):
with self._manage_host_exception(host) as manager:
repos = self.env['runbot.repo'].search([('mode', '!=', 'disabled')])
diff --git a/runbot/templates/dashboard.xml b/runbot/templates/dashboard.xml
index a5d648c8..e894e157 100644
--- a/runbot/templates/dashboard.xml
+++ b/runbot/templates/dashboard.xml
@@ -133,16 +133,16 @@
diff --git a/runbot/tests/__init__.py b/runbot/tests/__init__.py
index e4410f29..3db76a69 100644
--- a/runbot/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/runbot/tests/__init__.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ from . import test_build_error
from . import test_branch
from . import test_build
from . import test_schedule
-from . import test_cron
from . import test_build_config_step
from . import test_event
from . import test_command
diff --git a/runbot/tests/test_cron.py b/runbot/tests/test_cron.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d00d7763..00000000
--- a/runbot/tests/test_cron.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from unittest.mock import patch
-from .common import RunbotCase
-class SleepException(Exception):
- ...
-def sleep(time):
- raise SleepException()
-class TestCron(RunbotCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCron, self).setUp()
- self.start_patcher('list_local_dbs_patcher', 'odoo.addons.runbot.models.host.list_local_dbs', ['runbot_logs'])
- self.start_patcher('_get_cron_period', 'odoo.addons.runbot.models.runbot.Runbot._get_cron_period', 2)
- @patch('time.sleep', side_effect=sleep)
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.Repo._update_batches')
- def test_cron_schedule(self, mock_update_batches, *args):
- """ test that cron_fetch_and_schedule do its work """
- self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param('runbot.runbot_update_frequency', 1)
- self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param('runbot.runbot_do_fetch', True)
- self.env['runbot.repo'].search([('id', '!=', self.repo_server.id)]).write({'mode': 'disabled'}) # disable all other existing repo than repo_server
- try:
- self.Runbot._cron()
- except SleepException:
- pass # sleep raises an exception to avoid to stay stuck in loop
- mock_update_batches.assert_called()
- @patch('time.sleep', side_effect=sleep)
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.host.Host._docker_update_images')
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.host.Host._bootstrap')
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.runbot.Runbot._scheduler')
- def test_cron_build(self, mock_scheduler, mock_host_bootstrap, mock_host_docker_update_images, *args):
- """ test that cron_fetch_and_build do its work """
- hostname = 'cronhost.runbot.com'
- self.patchers['hostname_patcher'].return_value = hostname
- self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param('runbot.runbot_update_frequency', 1)
- self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param('runbot.runbot_do_schedule', True)
- self.env['runbot.repo'].search([('id', '!=', self.repo_server.id)]).write({'mode': 'disabled'}) # disable all other existing repo than repo_server
- try:
- self.Runbot._cron()
- except SleepException:
- pass # sleep raises an exception to avoid to stay stuck in loop
- mock_scheduler.assert_called()
- mock_host_bootstrap.assert_called()
- mock_host_docker_update_images.assert_called()
- host = self.env['runbot.host'].search([('name', '=', hostname)])
- self.assertTrue(host, 'A new host should have been created')
- # self.assertGreater(host.psql_conn_count, 0, 'A least one connection should exist on the current psql batch')