diff --git a/forwardport/__manifest__.py b/forwardport/__manifest__.py
index 3ece49af..1f59983e 100644
--- a/forwardport/__manifest__.py
+++ b/forwardport/__manifest__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'name': 'forward port bot',
- 'version': '1.2',
+ 'version': '1.3',
'summary': "A port which forward ports successful PRs.",
'depends': ['runbot_merge'],
'data': [
diff --git a/forwardport/data/crons.xml b/forwardport/data/crons.xml
index 1360914c..02d2be1e 100644
--- a/forwardport/data/crons.xml
+++ b/forwardport/data/crons.xml
@@ -42,17 +42,4 @@
- Maintenance of repo cache
- code
- model._run()
- 1
- weeks
- -1
diff --git a/forwardport/data/security.xml b/forwardport/data/security.xml
index 424e7991..99548e0c 100644
--- a/forwardport/data/security.xml
+++ b/forwardport/data/security.xml
@@ -43,13 +43,4 @@
- Access to maintenance is useless
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
diff --git a/forwardport/migrations/ b/forwardport/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab2fbdd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forwardport/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import pathlib
+from odoo.tools.appdirs import user_cache_dir
+def migrate(_cr, _version):
+ # avoid needing to re-clone our repo unnecessarily
+ pathlib.Path(user_cache_dir('forwardport')).rename(
+ pathlib.Path(user_cache_dir('mergebot')))
diff --git a/forwardport/models/forwardport.py b/forwardport/models/forwardport.py
index 6e3e0c24..3bddf74d 100644
--- a/forwardport/models/forwardport.py
+++ b/forwardport/models/forwardport.py
@@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
-import pathlib
-import sentry_sdk
-import resource
-import subprocess
import uuid
from contextlib import ExitStack
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import sentry_sdk
from dateutil import relativedelta
from odoo import fields, models
+from odoo.addons.runbot_merge import git
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.github import GH
-from odoo.tools.appdirs import user_cache_dir
# how long a merged PR survives
MERGE_AGE = relativedelta.relativedelta(weeks=2)
@@ -177,7 +172,7 @@ class UpdateQueue(models.Model, Queue):
# doesn't propagate revisions fast enough so on the next loop we
# can't find the revision we just pushed
dummy_branch = str(uuid.uuid4())
- ref = previous._get_local_directory()
+ ref = git.get_local(previous.repository, 'fp_github')
working_copy.push(ref._directory, f'{new_head}:refs/heads/{dummy_branch}')
ref.branch('--delete', '--force', dummy_branch)
# then update the child's branch to the new head
@@ -261,46 +256,3 @@ class DeleteBranches(models.Model, Queue):
_deleter.info('✔ deleted branch %s of PR %s', self.pr_id.label, self.pr_id.display_name)
-_gc = _logger.getChild('maintenance')
-def _bypass_limits():
- """Allow git to go beyond the limits set for Odoo.
- On large repositories, git gc can take a *lot* of memory (especially with
- `--aggressive`), if the Odoo limits are too low this can prevent the gc
- from running, leading to a lack of packing and a massive amount of cruft
- accumulating in the working copy.
- """
- resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY))
-class GC(models.TransientModel):
- _name = 'forwardport.maintenance'
- _description = "Weekly maintenance of... cache repos?"
- def _run(self):
- # lock out the forward port cron to avoid concurrency issues while we're
- # GC-ing it: wait until it's available, then SELECT FOR UPDATE it,
- # which should prevent cron workers from running it
- fp_cron = self.env.ref('forwardport.port_forward')
- self.env.cr.execute("""
- SELECT 1 FROM ir_cron
- WHERE id = %s
- """, [fp_cron.id])
- repos_dir = pathlib.Path(user_cache_dir('forwardport'))
- # run on all repos with a forwardport target (~ forwardport enabled)
- for repo in self.env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('fp_remote_target', '!=', False)]):
- repo_dir = repos_dir / repo.name
- if not repo_dir.is_dir():
- continue
- _gc.info('Running maintenance on %s', repo.name)
- r = subprocess.run(
- ['git', '--git-dir', repo_dir, 'gc', '--aggressive', '--prune=now'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- encoding='utf-8',
- preexec_fn = _bypass_limits,
- )
- if r.returncode:
- _gc.warning("Maintenance failure (status=%d):\n%s", r.returncode, r.stdout)
diff --git a/forwardport/models/project.py b/forwardport/models/project.py
index cf60f68a..573d0086 100644
--- a/forwardport/models/project.py
+++ b/forwardport/models/project.py
@@ -20,23 +20,22 @@ import json
import logging
import operator
import os
-import pathlib
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import typing
+from pathlib import Path
import dateutil.relativedelta
import requests
-import resource
from odoo import _, models, fields, api
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tools.misc import topological_sort, groupby
from odoo.tools.sql import reverse_order
from odoo.tools.appdirs import user_cache_dir
-from odoo.addons.runbot_merge import utils
+from odoo.addons.runbot_merge import git, utils
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.models.pull_requests import RPLUS
footer = '\nMore info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port\n'
@@ -838,14 +837,6 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
return b
- @property
- def _source_url(self):
- return 'https://{}:{}@github.com/{}'.format(
- self.repository.project_id.fp_github_name or '',
- self.repository.project_id.fp_github_token,
- self.repository.name,
- )
def _create_fp_branch(self, target_branch, fp_branch_name, cleanup):
""" Creates a forward-port for the current PR to ``target_branch`` under
@@ -865,25 +856,26 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
"Forward-porting %s (%s) to %s",
self.display_name, root.display_name, target_branch.name
- source = self._get_local_directory()
+ source = git.get_local(self.repository, 'fp_github')
r = source.with_config(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).fetch()
logger.info("Updated cache repo %s:\n%s", source._directory, r.stdout.decode())
logger.info("Create working copy...")
+ cache_dir = user_cache_dir('forwardport')
+ # PullRequest.display_name is `owner/repo#number`, so `owner` becomes a
+ # directory, `TemporaryDirectory` only creates the leaf, so we need to
+ # make sure `owner` exists in `cache_dir`.
+ Path(cache_dir, root.repository.name).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
working_copy = source.clone(
- prefix='%s-to-%s-' % (
- root.display_name,
- target_branch.name
- ),
- dir=user_cache_dir('forwardport')
- )),
+ prefix=f'{root.display_name}-to-{target_branch.name}',
+ dir=cache_dir)),
r = working_copy.with_config(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \
- .fetch(self._source_url, root.head)
+ .fetch(git.source_url(self.repository, 'fp_github'), root.head)
"Fetched head of %s into %s:\n%s",
@@ -1078,26 +1070,6 @@ stderr:
# don't stringify so caller can still perform alterations
return msg
- def _get_local_directory(self):
- repos_dir = pathlib.Path(user_cache_dir('forwardport'))
- repos_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- repo_dir = repos_dir / self.repository.name
- if repo_dir.is_dir():
- return git(repo_dir)
- else:
- _logger.info("Cloning out %s to %s", self.repository.name, repo_dir)
- subprocess.run(['git', 'clone', '--bare', self._source_url, str(repo_dir)], check=True)
- # bare repos don't have fetch specs by default, and fetching *into*
- # them is a pain in the ass, configure fetch specs so `git fetch`
- # works properly
- repo = git(repo_dir)
- repo.config('--add', 'remote.origin.fetch', '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*')
- # negative refspecs require git 2.29
- repo.config('--add', 'remote.origin.fetch', '^refs/heads/tmp.*')
- repo.config('--add', 'remote.origin.fetch', '^refs/heads/staging.*')
- return repo
def _outstanding(self, cutoff):
""" Returns "outstanding" (unmerged and unclosed) forward-ports whose
source was merged before ``cutoff`` (all of them if not provided).
@@ -1161,89 +1133,6 @@ class Feedback(models.Model):
token_field = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('fp_github_token', 'Forwardport Bot')])
-ALWAYS = ('gc.auto=0', 'maintenance.auto=0')
-def _bypass_limits():
- resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY))
-def git(directory): return Repo(directory, check=True)
-class Repo:
- def __init__(self, directory, **config):
- self._directory = str(directory)
- config.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
- self._config = config
- self._params = ()
- self._opener = subprocess.run
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return GitCommand(self, name.replace('_', '-'))
- def _run(self, *args, **kwargs):
- opts = {**self._config, **kwargs}
- args = ('git', '-C', self._directory)\
- + tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable(('-c', p) for p in self._params + ALWAYS))\
- + args
- try:
- return self._opener(args, preexec_fn=_bypass_limits, **opts)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- stream = e.stderr if e.stderr else e.stdout
- if stream:
- _logger.error("git call error: %s", stream)
- raise
- def stdout(self, flag=True):
- if flag is True:
- return self.with_config(stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- elif flag is False:
- return self.with_config(stdout=None)
- return self.with_config(stdout=flag)
- def lazy(self):
- r = self.with_config()
- r._config.pop('check', None)
- r._opener = subprocess.Popen
- return r
- def check(self, flag):
- return self.with_config(check=flag)
- def with_config(self, **kw):
- opts = {**self._config, **kw}
- r = Repo(self._directory, **opts)
- r._opener = self._opener
- r._params = self._params
- return r
- def with_params(self, *args):
- r = self.with_config()
- r._params = args
- return r
- def clone(self, to, branch=None):
- self._run(
- 'clone',
- *([] if branch is None else ['-b', branch]),
- self._directory, to,
- )
- return Repo(to)
-class GitCommand:
- def __init__(self, repo, name):
- self._name = name
- self._repo = repo
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._repo._run(self._name, *args, *self._to_options(kwargs))
- def _to_options(self, d):
- for k, v in d.items():
- if len(k) == 1:
- yield '-' + k
- else:
- yield '--' + k.replace('_', '-')
- if v not in (None, True):
- assert v is not False
- yield str(v)
class CherrypickError(Exception):
diff --git a/runbot_merge/__manifest__.py b/runbot_merge/__manifest__.py
index 04c23c7c..1f6ae7f4 100644
--- a/runbot_merge/__manifest__.py
+++ b/runbot_merge/__manifest__.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ 'models/crons/git_maintenance.xml',
diff --git a/runbot_merge/git.py b/runbot_merge/git.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91297f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runbot_merge/git.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import dataclasses
+import itertools
+import logging
+import pathlib
+import resource
+import subprocess
+from typing import Optional, TypeVar
+from odoo.tools.appdirs import user_cache_dir
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def source_url(repository, prefix: str) -> str:
+ return 'https://{}@github.com/{}'.format(
+ repository.project_id[f'{prefix}_token'],
+ repository.name,
+ )
+def get_local(repository, prefix: Optional[str]) -> 'Optional[Repo]':
+ repos_dir = pathlib.Path(user_cache_dir('mergebot'))
+ repos_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ # NB: `repository.name` is `$org/$name` so this will be a subdirectory, probably
+ repo_dir = repos_dir / repository.name
+ if repo_dir.is_dir():
+ return git(repo_dir)
+ elif prefix:
+ _logger.info("Cloning out %s to %s", repository.name, repo_dir)
+ subprocess.run(['git', 'clone', '--bare', source_url(repository, prefix), str(repo_dir)], check=True)
+ # bare repos don't have fetch specs by default, and fetching *into*
+ # them is a pain in the ass, configure fetch specs so `git fetch`
+ # works properly
+ repo = git(repo_dir)
+ repo.config('--add', 'remote.origin.fetch', '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*')
+ # negative refspecs require git 2.29
+ repo.config('--add', 'remote.origin.fetch', '^refs/heads/tmp.*')
+ repo.config('--add', 'remote.origin.fetch', '^refs/heads/staging.*')
+ return repo
+ALWAYS = ('gc.auto=0', 'maintenance.auto=0')
+def _bypass_limits():
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY))
+def git(directory: str) -> 'Repo':
+ return Repo(directory, check=True)
+Self = TypeVar("Self", bound="Repo")
+class Repo:
+ def __init__(self, directory, **config) -> None:
+ self._directory = str(directory)
+ config.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
+ self._config = config
+ self._params = ()
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> 'GitCommand':
+ return GitCommand(self, name.replace('_', '-'))
+ def _run(self, *args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
+ opts = {**self._config, **kwargs}
+ args = ('git', '-C', self._directory)\
+ + tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable(('-c', p) for p in self._params + ALWAYS))\
+ + args
+ try:
+ return subprocess.run(args, preexec_fn=_bypass_limits, **opts)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ stream = e.stderr or e.stdout
+ if stream:
+ _logger.error("git call error: %s", stream)
+ raise
+ def stdout(self, flag: bool = True) -> Self:
+ if flag is True:
+ return self.with_config(stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ elif flag is False:
+ return self.with_config(stdout=None)
+ return self.with_config(stdout=flag)
+ def check(self, flag: bool) -> Self:
+ return self.with_config(check=flag)
+ def with_config(self, **kw) -> Self:
+ opts = {**self._config, **kw}
+ r = Repo(self._directory, **opts)
+ r._params = self._params
+ return r
+ def with_params(self, *args) -> Self:
+ r = self.with_config()
+ r._params = args
+ return r
+ def clone(self, to: str, branch: Optional[str] = None) -> Self:
+ self._run(
+ 'clone',
+ *([] if branch is None else ['-b', branch]),
+ self._directory, to,
+ )
+ return Repo(to)
+class GitCommand:
+ repo: Repo
+ name: str
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
+ return self.repo._run(self.name, *args, *self._to_options(kwargs))
+ def _to_options(self, d):
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ if len(k) == 1:
+ yield '-' + k
+ else:
+ yield '--' + k.replace('_', '-')
+ if v not in (None, True):
+ assert v is not False
+ yield str(v)
diff --git a/runbot_merge/models/__init__.py b/runbot_merge/models/__init__.py
index 5cf276c8..9ca405e4 100644
--- a/runbot_merge/models/__init__.py
+++ b/runbot_merge/models/__init__.py
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ from . import project
from . import pull_requests
from . import project_freeze
from . import staging_cancel
+from . import crons
diff --git a/runbot_merge/models/crons/__init__.py b/runbot_merge/models/crons/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..939a44cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runbot_merge/models/crons/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from . import git_maintenance
diff --git a/runbot_merge/models/crons/git_maintenance.py b/runbot_merge/models/crons/git_maintenance.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33262d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runbot_merge/models/crons/git_maintenance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import logging
+import subprocess
+from odoo import models
+from ...git import get_local
+_gc = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class GC(models.TransientModel):
+ _name = 'runbot_merge.maintenance'
+ _description = "Weekly maintenance of... cache repos?"
+ def _run(self):
+ # lock out crons which use the local repo cache to avoid concurrency
+ # issues while we're GC-ing it
+ Stagings = self.env['runbot_merge.stagings']
+ crons = self.env.ref('runbot_merge.staging_cron', Stagings) | self.env.ref('forwardport.port_forward', Stagings)
+ if crons:
+ self.env.cr.execute("""
+ SELECT 1 FROM ir_cron
+ WHERE id = any(%s)
+ """, [crons.ids])
+ # run on all repos with a forwardport target (~ forwardport enabled)
+ for repo in self.env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([]):
+ repo_git = get_local(repo, prefix=None)
+ if not repo:
+ continue
+ _gc.info('Running maintenance on %s', repo.name)
+ r = repo_git\
+ .stdout(True)\
+ .with_config(stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, check=False)\
+ .gc(aggressive=True, prune='now')
+ if r.returncode:
+ _gc.warning("Maintenance failure (status=%d):\n%s", r.returncode, r.stdout)
diff --git a/runbot_merge/models/crons/git_maintenance.xml b/runbot_merge/models/crons/git_maintenance.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6190834a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runbot_merge/models/crons/git_maintenance.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Access to maintenance is useless
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ Maintenance of repo cache
+ code
+ model._run()
+ 1
+ weeks
+ -1