[IMP] runbot_merge: reject review without email

If a reviewer doesn't have an email set, the Signed-Off-By is an
`@users.noreply.github.com` address which just looks weird in the
final result.

Initially the thinking was that emails would be required for users to
*be* reviewers or self-reviewers, but since those are now o2ms / m2ms
it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

Instead, provide an action to easily try and fetch the public email of
a user from github.

Fixes #531
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2021-10-06 13:06:53 +02:00
parent d32ca9a1b3
commit a7808425e3
7 changed files with 95 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Configuration:
``role_reviewer``, ``role_self_reviewer`` and ``role_other``
- name (optional, used as partner name when creating that, otherwise github
login gets used)
- email (optional, used as partner email when creating that, otherwise
github email gets used, reviewer and self-reviewer must have an email)
- token, a personal access token with the ``public_repo`` scope (otherwise
the API can't leave comments), maybe eventually delete_repo (for personal
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ import collections
import configparser
import contextlib
import copy
import functools
import http.client
import itertools
import os
@ -136,14 +139,16 @@ def rolemap(request, config):
def partners(env, config, rolemap):
m = dict.fromkeys(rolemap.keys(), env['res.partner'])
m = {}
for role, u in rolemap.items():
if role in ('user', 'other'):
login = u['login']
conf = config['role_' + role]
m[role] = env['res.partner'].create({
'name': config['role_' + role].get('name', login),
'name': conf.get('name', login),
'email': conf.get('email') or u['email'] or False,
'github_login': login,
return m

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def test_straightforward_flow(env, config, make_repo, users):
assert prod.read_tree(p_1_merged) == {
'f': 'e',
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ More info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port
headers='X-original-commit: {}\n'.format(p_1_merged.id),
old_b = prod.read_tree(b_head)
@ -397,8 +397,6 @@ def test_partially_empty(env, config, make_repo):
'y': '0',
# reviewer = of the FP sequence, the original PR is always reviewed by `user`
# set as reviewer
Case = collections.namedtuple('Case', 'author reviewer delegate success')
ACL = [
Case('reviewer', 'reviewer', None, True),
@ -418,6 +416,9 @@ ACL = [
@pytest.mark.parametrize(Case._fields, ACL)
def test_access_rights(env, config, make_repo, users, author, reviewer, delegate, success):
"""Validates the review rights *for the forward-port sequence*, the original
PR is always reviewed by `user`.
prod, other = make_basic(env, config, make_repo)
project = env['runbot_merge.project'].search([])
@ -425,6 +426,7 @@ def test_access_rights(env, config, make_repo, users, author, reviewer, delegate
c = env['res.partner'].create({
'name': users['user'],
'github_login': users['user'],
'email': 'user@example.org',
'review_rights': [
@ -432,6 +434,12 @@ def test_access_rights(env, config, make_repo, users, author, reviewer, delegate
for repo in project.repo_ids
# create a partner for `other` so we can put an email on it
'name': users['other'],
'github_login': users['other'],
'email': 'other@example.org',
author_token = config['role_' + author]['token']
fork = prod.fork(token=author_token)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = """{message}
closes {repo}#{number}
{headers}Signed-off-by: {name} <{login}@users.noreply.github.com>"""
{headers}Signed-off-by: {name} <{email}>"""
# target branch '-' source branch '-' base64 unique '-fw'
REF_PATTERN = r'{target}-{source}-[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{{4}}-fw'

View File

@ -1005,12 +1005,14 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
elif param and is_reviewer:
oldstate = self.state
newstate = RPLUS.get(self.state)
if newstate:
if not author.email:
msg = "I must know your email before you can review PRs. Please contact an administrator."
elif not newstate:
msg = "This PR is already reviewed, reviewing it again is useless."
self.state = newstate
self.reviewed_by = author
ok = True
msg = "This PR is already reviewed, reviewing it again is useless."
"r+ on %s by %s (%s->%s) status=%s message? %s",
self.display_name, author.github_login,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
import random
from email.utils import parseaddr
from odoo import fields, models, tools, api
from .. import github
class CIText(fields.Char):
type = 'char'
column_type = ('citext', 'citext')
@ -32,6 +36,14 @@ class Partner(models.Model):
email = ''
partner.formatted_email = '%s <%s>' % (partner.name, email)
def fetch_github_email(self):
# this requires a token in order to fetch the email field, otherwise
# it's just not returned, select a random project to fetch
gh = github.GH(random.choice(self.env['runbot_merge.project'].search([])).github_token, None)
for p in self.filtered(lambda p: p.github_login and p.email is False):
p.email = gh.user(p.github_login)['email'] or False
return False
class PartnerMerge(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'base.partner.merge.automatic.wizard'

View File

@ -216,6 +216,11 @@ class TestCommitMessage:
def test_commit_delegate(self, env, repo, users, config):
""" verify 'signed-off-by ...' is correctly added in the commit message for delegated review
'name': users['other'],
'github_login': users['other'],
'email': users['other'] + '@example.org'
with repo:
c1 = repo.make_commit(None, 'first!', None, tree={'f': 'm1'})
repo.make_ref('heads/master', c1)
@ -2810,6 +2815,11 @@ class TestReviewing(object):
"""Users should be able to delegate review to either the creator of
the PR or an other user without review rights
'name': users['user'],
'github_login': users['user'],
'email': users['user'] + '@example.org',
with repo:
m = repo.make_commit(None, 'initial', None, tree={'m': 'm'})
m2 = repo.make_commit(m, 'second', None, tree={'m': 'm', 'm2': 'm2'})
@ -2824,10 +2834,7 @@ class TestReviewing(object):
assert prx.user == users['user']
assert env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository.name', '=', repo.name),
('number', '=', prx.number)
]).state == 'ready'
assert to_pr(env, prx).state == 'ready'
def test_delegate_review_thirdparty(self, env, repo, users, config):
"""Users should be able to delegate review to either the creator of
@ -2846,23 +2853,19 @@ class TestReviewing(object):
other = ''.join(c.lower() if c.isupper() else c.upper() for c in users['other'])
prx.post_comment('hansen delegate=%s' % other, config['role_reviewer']['token'])
env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', other)]).email = f'{other}@example.org'
with repo:
# check this is ignored
prx.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_user']['token'])
assert prx.user == users['user']
assert env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository.name', '=', repo.name),
('number', '=', prx.number)
]).state == 'validated'
prx_id = to_pr(env, prx)
assert prx_id.state == 'validated'
with repo:
# check this works
prx.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_other']['token'])
assert env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository.name', '=', repo.name),
('number', '=', prx.number)
]).state == 'ready'
assert prx_id.state == 'ready'
def test_delegate_prefixes(self, env, repo, config):
with repo:
@ -2880,7 +2883,6 @@ class TestReviewing(object):
assert {d.github_login for d in pr.delegates} == {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}
def test_actual_review(self, env, repo, config):
""" treat github reviews as regular comments
@ -2916,6 +2918,41 @@ class TestReviewing(object):
assert pr.priority == 1
assert pr.state == 'approved'
def test_no_email(self, env, repo, users, config, partners):
"""A review should be rejected if the reviewer doesn't have an email
configured, otherwise the email address will show up
@users.noreply.github.com which is *weird*.
with repo:
[m] = repo.make_commits(
Commit('initial', tree={'m': '1'}),
[c] = repo.make_commits(m, Commit('first', tree={'m': '2'}))
pr = repo.make_pr(target='master', head=c)
with repo:
pr.post_comment('hansen delegate+', config['role_reviewer']['token'])
pr.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_user']['token'])
user_partner = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', users['user'])])
assert user_partner.email is False
assert pr.comments == [
seen(env, pr, users),
(users['reviewer'], 'hansen delegate+'),
(users['user'], 'hansen r+'),
(users['user'], f"I'm sorry, @{users['user']}. I must know your email before you can review PRs. Please contact an administrator."),
assert user_partner.email
with repo:
pr.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_user']['token'])
assert to_pr(env, pr).state == 'approved'
class TestUnknownPR:
""" Sync PRs initially looked excellent but aside from the v4 API not
being stable yet, it seems to have greatly regressed in performances to

View File

@ -18,6 +18,14 @@
<field name="model">res.partner</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_partner_form"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//sheet" position="before">
<button type="object" name="fetch_github_email"
string="Fetch Github Email" class="oe_highlight"
attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('email', '!=', False), ('github_login', '=', False)]}"
<xpath expr="//notebook" position="inside">
<page string="Mergebot" groups="runbot_merge.group_admin">