[IMP] *: freeze wizard v3, freezer and wizarder

Stop *staging* release PRs: they are normally fairly simple and should
not fail their staging outside of unreliable tests (or possibly a few
edge cases e.g. forgot one version change thing), however staging them
creates the possibility of a "version hole" on the release branch
which is undesirable.

Instead, immediately and unconditionally push the release commits onto
the newly created branches, if there are things which don't work they
can be fixed afterwards (and the process refined, maybe).

Also add the same feature for *bump* PRs, with the difference that the
bump PRs are not created / requested by default (they have to be opted
in individually).

For convenience, add a feature which automatically finds the PRs via
inputting the label (not really tested yet).

Closes #603
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2022-07-11 08:17:04 +02:00
parent 7eeee99735
commit b86092de83
9 changed files with 449 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -20,13 +20,3 @@ class FreezeWizard(models.Model):
if not self.search_count([]):
self.env.ref('forwardport.port_forward').active = True
return r
def action_freeze(self):
# have to store wizard content as it's removed during freeze
project = self.project_id
branches_before = project.branch_ids
prs = self.mapped('release_pr_ids.pr_id')
r = super().action_freeze()
new_branch = project.branch_ids - branches_before
prs.write({'limit_id': new_branch.id})
return r

View File

@ -801,10 +801,9 @@ def test_freeze(env, config, make_repo, users):
assert not w_id.errors
env.run_crons() # stage freeze PRs
with prod:
prod.post_status('staging.post-b', 'success', 'ci/runbot')
prod.post_status('staging.post-b', 'success', 'legal/cla')
# run crons to process the feedback, run a second time in case of e.g.
# forward porting
assert release_id.state == 'merged'

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@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class GH(object):
head = '<Response [%s]: %s)>' % (r.status_code, r.json() if _is_json(r) else r.text)
if head == to:
_logger.info("Sanity check ref update of %s to %s: ok", branch, to)
_logger.debug("Sanity check ref update of %s to %s: ok", branch, to)
_logger.warning("Sanity check ref update of %s, expected %s got %s", branch, to, head)
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class GH(object):
status0 = r.status_code
'set_ref(update, %s, %s, %s -> %s (%s)',
'ref_set(%s, %s, %s -> %s (%s)',
self._repo, branch, sha, status0,
'OK' if status0 == 200 else r.text or r.reason
@ -240,30 +240,35 @@ class GH(object):
# 422 makes no sense but that's what github returns, leaving 404 just
# in case
status1 = None
if status0 in (404, 422):
# fallback: create ref
r = self('post', 'git/refs', json={
'ref': 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch),
'sha': sha,
}, check=False)
status1 = r.status_code
'set_ref(create, %s, %s, %s) -> %s (%s)',
self._repo, branch, sha, status1,
'OK' if status1 == 201 else r.text or r.reason
status1 = self.create_ref(branch, sha)
if status1 == 201:
def _wait_for_update():
head = self._check_updated(branch, sha)
assert not head, "Sanity check ref update of %s, expected %s got %s" % (
branch, sha, head
status1 = None
raise AssertionError("set_ref failed(%s, %s)" % (status0, status1))
def create_ref(self, branch, sha):
r = self('post', 'git/refs', json={
'ref': 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch),
'sha': sha,
}, check=False)
status = r.status_code
'ref_create(%s, %s, %s) -> %s (%s)',
self._repo, branch, sha, status,
'OK' if status == 201 else r.text or r.reason
if status == 201:
def _wait_for_update():
head = self._check_updated(branch, sha)
assert not head, \
f"Sanity check ref update of {branch}, expected {sha} got {head}"
return status
def merge(self, sha, dest, message):
r = self('post', 'merges', json={
'base': dest,

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@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import contextlib
import enum
import itertools
import json
import logging
import time
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.exceptions import FastForwardError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FreezeWizard(models.Model):
@ -12,36 +15,90 @@ class FreezeWizard(models.Model):
_description = "Wizard for freezing a project('s master)"
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project', required=True)
errors = fields.Text(compute='_compute_errors')
branch_name = fields.Char(required=True, help="Name of the new branches to create")
release_pr_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.project.freeze.prs', 'wizard_id',
string="Release pull requests",
help="Pull requests used as tips for the freeze branches, one per repository"
required_pr_ids = fields.Many2many(
'runbot_merge.pull_requests', string="Required Pull Requests",
domain="[('state', 'not in', ('closed', 'merged'))]",
help="Pull requests which must have been merged before the freeze is allowed",
errors = fields.Text(compute='_compute_errors')
release_label = fields.Char()
release_pr_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.project.freeze.prs', 'wizard_id',
string="Release pull requests",
help="Pull requests used as tips for the freeze branches, "
"one per repository"
bump_label = fields.Char()
bump_pr_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.project.freeze.bumps', 'wizard_id',
string="Bump pull requests",
help="Pull requests used as tips of the frozen-off branches, "
"one per repository"
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_per_project', 'unique (project_id)',
"There should be only one ongoing freeze per project"),
def _onchange_release_label(self):
prs = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('label', '=', self.release_label)
for release_pr in self.release_pr_ids:
release_pr.pd_id = next((
p.id for p in prs
if p.repository == release_pr.repository_id
), False)
def _onchange_release_prs(self):
labels = {p.pr_id.label for p in self.release_pr_ids}
self.release_label = len(labels) == 1 and labels.pop()
def _onchange_bump_label(self):
prs = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('label', '=', self.bump_label)
for bump_pr in self.bump_pr_ids:
bump_pr.pd_id = next((
p.id for p in prs
if p.repository == bump_pr.repository_id
), False)
def _onchange_bump_prs(self):
labels = {p.pr_id.label for p in self.bump_pr_ids}
self.bump_label = len(labels) == 1 and labels.pop()
@api.depends('release_pr_ids.pr_id.label', 'required_pr_ids.state')
def _compute_errors(self):
errors = []
without = self.release_pr_ids.filtered(lambda p: not p.pr_id)
if without:
errors.append("* Every repository must have a release PR, missing release PRs for %s." % ', '.join(
p.repository_id.name for p in without
labels = set(self.mapped('release_pr_ids.pr_id.label'))
if len(labels) != 1:
errors.append("* All release PRs must have the same label, found %r." % ', '.join(sorted(labels)))
non_squash = self.mapped('release_pr_ids.pr_id').filtered(lambda p: not p.squash)
if non_squash:
errors.append("* Release PRs should have a single commit, found more in %s." % ', '.join(p.display_name for p in non_squash))
bump_labels = set(self.mapped('bump_pr_ids.pr_id.label'))
if len(bump_labels) > 1:
errors.append("* All bump PRs must have the same label, found %r" % ', '.join(sorted(bump_labels)))
non_squash = self.mapped('bump_pr_ids.pr_id').filtered(lambda p: not p.squash)
if non_squash:
errors.append("* Bump PRs should have a single commit, found more in %s." % ', '.join(p.display_name for p in non_squash))
unready = sum(p.state not in ('closed', 'merged') for p in self.required_pr_ids)
if unready:
@ -73,6 +130,14 @@ class FreezeWizard(models.Model):
if self.errors:
return self.action_open()
conflict_crons = self.env.ref('runbot_merge.merge_cron') | self.env.ref('runbot_merge.staging_cron')
# we don't want to run concurrently to the crons above, though we
# don't need to prevent read access to them
project_id = self.project_id
# need to create the new branch, but at the same time resequence
# everything so the new branch is the second one, just after the branch
@ -86,47 +151,136 @@ class FreezeWizard(models.Model):
'sequence': next(seq),
for s, b in zip(seq, rest):
commands.append((1, b.id, {'sequence': s}))
commands.extend((1, b.id, {'sequence': s}) for s, b in zip(seq, rest))
project_id.branch_ids = commands
master_name = master.name
# update release PRs to get merged on the newly created branch
new_branch = project_id.branch_ids - master - rest
self.release_pr_ids.mapped('pr_id').write({'target': new_branch.id, 'priority': 0})
gh_sessions = {r: r.github() for r in self.project_id.repo_ids}
# create new branch on every repository
errors = []
repository = None
# prep new branch (via tmp refs) on every repo
rel_heads = {}
# store for master heads as odds are high the bump pr(s) will be on the
# same repo as one of the release PRs
prevs = {}
for rel in self.release_pr_ids:
repository = rel.repository_id
gh = repository.github()
# annoyance: can't directly alias a ref to an other ref, need to
# resolve the "old" branch explicitely
prev = gh('GET', f'git/refs/heads/{master.name}')
if not prev.ok:
errors.append(f"Unable to resolve branch {master.name} of repository {repository.name} to a commit.")
new_branch = gh('POST', 'git/refs', json={
'ref': 'refs/heads/' + self.branch_name,
'sha': prev.json()['object']['sha'],
}, check=False)
if not new_branch.ok:
err = new_branch.json()['message']
errors.append(f"Unable to create branch {master.name} of repository {repository.name}: {err}.")
repo_id = rel.repository_id
gh = gh_sessions[repo_id]
prev = prevs[repo_id] = gh.head(master_name)
except Exception:
raise UserError(f"Unable to resolve branch {master_name} of repository {repo_id.name} to a commit.")
# create the tmp branch to merge the PR into
tmp_branch = f'tmp.{self.branch_name}'
gh.set_ref(tmp_branch, prev)
except Exception as err:
raise UserError(f"Unable to create branch {self.branch_name} of repository {repo_id.name}: {err}.")
rel_heads[repo_id], _ = gh.rebase(rel.pr_id.number, tmp_branch)
# if an error occurred during creation, try to clean up then raise error
if errors:
for r in self.release_pr_ids:
if r.repository_id == repository:
# prep bump
bump_heads = {}
for bump in self.bump_pr_ids:
repo_id = bump.repository_id
gh = gh_sessions[repo_id]
prev = prevs[repo_id] = prevs.get(repo_id) or gh.head(master_name)
except Exception:
raise UserError(f"Unable to resolve branch {master_name} of repository {repo_id.name} to a commit.")
# create the tmp branch to merge the PR into
tmp_branch = f'tmp.{master_name}'
gh.set_ref(tmp_branch, prev)
except Exception as err:
raise UserError(f"Unable to create branch {master_name} of repository {repo_id.name}: {err}.")
bump_heads[repo_id], _ = gh.rebase(bump.pr_id.number, tmp_branch)
deployed = {}
# at this point we've got a bunch of tmp branches with merged release
# and bump PRs, it's time to update the corresponding targets
to_delete = [] # release prs go on new branches which we try to delete on failure
to_revert = [] # bump prs go on new branch which we try to revert on failure
failure = None
for rel in self.release_pr_ids:
repo_id = rel.repository_id
# helper API currently has no API to ensure we're just creating a
# new branch (as cheaply as possible) so do it by hand
status = None
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
status = gh_sessions[repo_id].create_ref(self.branch_name, rel_heads[repo_id])
deployed[rel.pr_id.id] = rel_heads[repo_id]
if status != 201:
failure = ('create', repo_id.name, self.branch_name)
else: # all release deployments succeeded
for bump in self.bump_pr_ids:
repo_id = bump.repository_id
gh_sessions[repo_id].fast_forward(master_name, bump_heads[repo_id])
deployed[bump.pr_id.id] = bump_heads[repo_id]
except FastForwardError:
failure = ('fast-forward', repo_id.name, master_name)
deletion = r.repository_id.github().delete(f'git/refs/heads/{self.branch_name}')
if failure:
addendums = []
# creating the branch failed, try to delete all previous branches
failures = []
for prev_id in to_revert:
revert = gh_sessions[prev_id]('PATCH', f'git/refs/heads/{master_name}', json={
'sha': prevs[prev_id],
'force': True
}, check=False)
if not revert.ok:
if failures:
"Subsequently unable to revert branches created in %s." % \
', '.join(failures)
for prev_id in to_delete:
deletion = gh_sessions[prev_id]('DELETE', f'git/refs/heads/{self.branch_name}', check=False)
if not deletion.ok:
errors.append(f"Consequently unable to delete branch {self.branch_name} of repository {r.name}.")
raise UserError('\n'.join(errors))
if failures:
"Subsequently unable to delete branches created in %s." % \
", ".join(failures)
if addendums:
addendum = '\n\n' + '\n'.join(addendums)
addendum = ''
reason, repo, branch = failure
raise UserError(
f"Unable to {reason} branch {repo}:{branch}.{addendum}"
all_prs = self.release_pr_ids.pr_id | self.bump_pr_ids.pr_id
all_prs.state = 'merged'
'repository': pr.repository.id,
'pull_request': pr.number,
'close': True,
'message': json.dumps({
'sha': deployed[pr.id],
'base': self.branch_name if pr in self.release_pr_ids.pr_id else None
} for pr in all_prs])
# delete wizard
@ -155,6 +309,31 @@ class ReleasePullRequest(models.Model):
domain='[("repository", "=", repository_id), ("state", "not in", ("closed", "merged"))]',
string="Release Pull Request",
label = fields.Char(related='pr_id.label')
def write(self, vals):
# only the pr should be writeable after initial creation
assert 'wizard_id' not in vals
assert 'repository_id' not in vals
# and if the PR gets set, it should match the requested repository
if 'pr_id' in vals:
assert self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].browse(vals['pr_id'])\
.repository == self.repository_id
return super().write(vals)
class BumpPullRequest(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.project.freeze.bumps'
_description = "links to pull requests used to \"bump\" the development branches"
wizard_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project.freeze', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade')
repository_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', required=True)
pr_id = fields.Many2one(
domain='[("repository", "=", repository_id), ("state", "not in", ("closed", "merged"))]',
string="Release Pull Request",
label = fields.Char(related='pr_id.label')
def write(self, vals):
# only the pr should be writeable after initial creation

View File

@ -23,12 +23,42 @@
<group colspan="2">
<group colspan="2" string="Release">
Release (freeze) PRs, provide the first commit
of the new branches. Each PR must have a single
<p class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
These PRs will be merged directly, not staged.
<field name="release_label"/>
<field name="release_pr_ids" nolabel="1">
<tree editable="bottom" create="false">
<field name="repository_id" readonly="1"/>
<field name="pr_id" options="{'no_create': True}"
context="{'pr_include_title': 1}"/>
<field name="label"/>
<group colspan="2" string="Bump">
Bump PRs, provide the first commit of the source
branches after the release has been cut.
<p class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
These PRs will be merged directly, not staged.
<field name="bump_label"/>
<field name="bump_pr_ids" nolabel="1">
<tree editable="bottom" create="false">
<field name="repository_id" readonly="1"/>
<field name="pr_id" options="{'no_create': True}"
context="{'pr_include_title': 1}"/>
<field name="label"/>

View File

@ -1542,20 +1542,24 @@ class Feedback(models.Model):
message = f.message
if f.close:
data = json.loads(message or '')
except json.JSONDecodeError:
with contextlib.suppress(json.JSONDecodeError):
data = json.loads(message or '')
message = data.get('message')
if data.get('base'):
gh('PATCH', f'pulls/{f.pull_request}', json={'base': data['base']})
if f.close:
pr_to_notify = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('repository', '=', repo.id),
('number', '=', f.pull_request),
if pr_to_notify:
pr_to_notify._notify_merged(gh, data)
message = None
if f.close:
if message:
gh.comment(f.pull_request, message)
except Exception:
@ -2150,9 +2154,8 @@ def parse_refs_smart(read):
return read(length - 4)
header = read_line()
assert header == b'# service=git-upload-pack\n', header
sep = read_line()
assert sep is None, sep
assert header.rstrip() == b'# service=git-upload-pack', header
assert read_line() is None, "failed to find first flush line"
# read lines until second delimiter
for line in iter(read_line, None):
if line.startswith(ZERO_REF):

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
access_runbot_merge_project_admin,Admin access to project,model_runbot_merge_project,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_project_freeze,Admin access to freeze wizard,model_runbot_merge_project_freeze,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,0,0
access_runbot_merge_project_freeze_prs,Admin access to freeze wizard prs,model_runbot_merge_project_freeze_prs,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,0,1
access_runbot_merge_project_freeze_prs,Admin access to freeze wizard release prs,model_runbot_merge_project_freeze_prs,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,0,1
access_runbot_merge_project_freeze_bumps,Admin access to freeze wizard bump prs,model_runbot_merge_project_freeze_bumps,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_repository_admin,Admin access to repo,model_runbot_merge_repository,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_repository_status_admin,Admin access to repo statuses,model_runbot_merge_repository_status,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1
access_runbot_merge_branch_admin,Admin access to branches,model_runbot_merge_branch,runbot_merge.group_admin,1,1,1,1

1 id name model_id:id group_id:id perm_read perm_write perm_create perm_unlink
2 access_runbot_merge_project_admin Admin access to project model_runbot_merge_project runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
3 access_runbot_merge_project_freeze Admin access to freeze wizard model_runbot_merge_project_freeze runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 0 0
4 access_runbot_merge_project_freeze_prs Admin access to freeze wizard prs Admin access to freeze wizard release prs model_runbot_merge_project_freeze_prs runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 0 1
5 access_runbot_merge_project_freeze_bumps Admin access to freeze wizard bump prs model_runbot_merge_project_freeze_bumps runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
6 access_runbot_merge_repository_admin Admin access to repo model_runbot_merge_repository runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
7 access_runbot_merge_repository_status_admin Admin access to repo statuses model_runbot_merge_repository_status runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1
8 access_runbot_merge_branch_admin Admin access to branches model_runbot_merge_branch runbot_merge.group_admin 1 1 1 1

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@ -3620,6 +3620,7 @@ class TestFeedback:
class TestInfrastructure:
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Don't want to implement")
def test_protection(self, repo):
""" force-pushing on a protected ref should fail

View File

@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ are staged concurrently in all repos
import json
import time
import xmlrpc.client
import pytest
import requests
from lxml.etree import XPath, tostring
from lxml.etree import XPath
from utils import seen, re_matches, get_partner, pr_page, to_pr, Commit
from utils import seen, get_partner, pr_page, to_pr, Commit
@ -1104,6 +1105,7 @@ def test_freeze_complete(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
* have a project with 3 repos, and two branches (1.0 and master) each
* have 2 PRs required for the freeze
* prep 3 freeze PRs
* prep 1 bump PR
* trigger the freeze wizard
* trigger it again (check that the same object is returned, there should
only be one freeze per project at a time)
@ -1122,49 +1124,13 @@ def test_freeze_complete(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
(0, 0, {'name': '1.0', 'sequence': 2}),
masters = []
for r in [repo_a, repo_b, repo_c]:
with r:
[root, _] = r.make_commits(
Commit('base', tree={'version': '', 'f': '0'}),
Commit('release 1.0', tree={'version': '1.0'} if r is repo_a else None),
masters.extend(r.make_commits(root, Commit('other', tree={'f': '1'}), ref='heads/master'))
# have 2 PRs required for the freeze
with repo_a:
repo_a.make_commits(masters[0], Commit('super important file', tree={'g': 'x'}), ref='heads/apr')
pr_required_a = repo_a.make_pr(target='master', head='apr')
with repo_c:
repo_c.make_commits(masters[2], Commit('update thing', tree={'f': '2'}), ref='heads/cpr')
pr_required_c = repo_c.make_pr(target='master', head='cpr')
# have 3 release PRs, only the first one updates the tree (version file)
with repo_a:
Commit('Release 1.1 (A)', tree={'version': '1.1'}),
pr_rel_a = repo_a.make_pr(target='master', head='release-1.1')
with repo_b:
Commit('Release 1.1 (B)', tree=None),
pr_rel_b = repo_b.make_pr(target='master', head='release-1.1')
with repo_c:
repo_c.make_commits(masters[2], Commit("Some change", tree={'a': '1'}), ref='heads/whocares')
pr_other = repo_c.make_pr(target='master', head='whocares')
Commit('Release 1.1 (C)', tree=None),
pr_rel_c = repo_c.make_pr(target='master', head='release-1.1')
(master_head_a, master_head_b, master_head_c),
(pr_required_a, _, pr_required_c),
(pr_rel_a, pr_rel_b, pr_rel_c),
] = setup_mess(repo_a, repo_b, repo_c)
env.run_crons() # process the PRs
release_prs = {
@ -1172,6 +1138,7 @@ def test_freeze_complete(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
repo_b.name: to_pr(env, pr_rel_b),
repo_c.name: to_pr(env, pr_rel_c),
pr_bump_id = to_pr(env, pr_bump_a)
# trigger the ~~tree~~ freeze wizard
w = project.action_prepare_freeze()
w2 = project.action_prepare_freeze()
@ -1189,6 +1156,11 @@ def test_freeze_complete(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
for r in w_id.release_pr_ids:
r.pr_id = release_prs[r.repository_id.name].id
w_id.release_pr_ids[-1].pr_id = to_pr(env, pr_other).id
# configure bump
assert not w_id.bump_pr_ids, "there is no bump pr by default"
w_id.write({'bump_pr_ids': [
(0, 0, {'repository_id': pr_bump_id.repository.id, 'pr_id': pr_bump_id.id})
r = w_id.action_freeze()
assert r == w, "the freeze is not ready so the wizard should redirect to itself"
owner = repo_c.owner
@ -1233,15 +1205,34 @@ def test_freeze_complete(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
assert r['res_model'] == 'runbot_merge.project'
assert r['res_id'] == project.id
env.run_crons() # stage the release prs
for repo in [repo_a, repo_b, repo_c]:
with repo:
repo.post_status('staging.1.1', 'success', 'ci/runbot')
repo.post_status('staging.1.1', 'success', 'legal/cla')
env.run_crons() # get the release prs merged
# stuff that's done directly
for pr_id in release_prs.values():
assert pr_id.state == 'merged'
assert pr_bump_id.state == 'merged'
# stuff that's behind a cron
assert pr_rel_a.state == "closed"
assert pr_rel_a.base['ref'] == '1.1'
assert pr_rel_b.state == "closed"
assert pr_rel_b.base['ref'] == '1.1'
assert pr_rel_c.state == "closed"
assert pr_rel_c.base['ref'] == '1.1'
for pr_id in release_prs.values():
assert pr_id.target.name == '1.1'
assert pr_id.state == 'merged'
assert pr_bump_a.state == 'closed'
assert pr_bump_a.base['ref'] == 'master'
assert pr_bump_id.target.name == 'master'
m_a = repo_a.commit('master')
assert m_a.message.startswith('Bump A')
assert repo_a.read_tree(m_a) == {
'f': '1', # from master
'g': 'x', # from required PR (merged into master before forking)
'version': '1.2-alpha', # from bump PR
c_a = repo_a.commit('1.1')
assert c_a.message.startswith('Release 1.1 (A)')
@ -1252,19 +1243,71 @@ def test_freeze_complete(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
c_a_parent = repo_a.commit(c_a.parents[0])
assert c_a_parent.message.startswith('super important file')
assert c_a_parent.parents[0] == masters[0]
assert c_a_parent.parents[0] == master_head_a
c_b = repo_b.commit('1.1')
assert c_b.message.startswith('Release 1.1 (B)')
assert repo_b.read_tree(c_b) == {'f': '1', 'version': ''}
assert c_b.parents[0] == masters[1]
assert c_b.parents[0] == master_head_b
c_c = repo_c.commit('1.1')
assert c_c.message.startswith('Release 1.1 (C)')
assert repo_c.read_tree(c_c) == {'f': '2', 'version': ''}
assert repo_c.commit(c_c.parents[0]).parents[0] == masters[2]
assert repo_c.commit(c_c.parents[0]).parents[0] == master_head_c
def setup_mess(repo_a, repo_b, repo_c):
master_heads = []
for r in [repo_a, repo_b, repo_c]:
with r:
[root, _] = r.make_commits(
Commit('base', tree={'version': '', 'f': '0'}),
Commit('release 1.0', tree={'version': '1.0'} if r is repo_a else None),
master_heads.extend(r.make_commits(root, Commit('other', tree={'f': '1'}), ref='heads/master'))
# have 2 PRs required for the freeze
with repo_a:
repo_a.make_commits(master_heads[0], Commit('super important file', tree={'g': 'x'}), ref='heads/apr')
pr_required_a = repo_a.make_pr(target='master', head='apr')
with repo_c:
repo_c.make_commits(master_heads[2], Commit('update thing', tree={'f': '2'}), ref='heads/cpr')
pr_required_c = repo_c.make_pr(target='master', head='cpr')
# have 3 release PRs, only the first one updates the tree (version file)
with repo_a:
Commit('Release 1.1 (A)', tree={'version': '1.1'}),
pr_rel_a = repo_a.make_pr(target='master', head='release-1.1')
with repo_b:
Commit('Release 1.1 (B)', tree=None),
pr_rel_b = repo_b.make_pr(target='master', head='release-1.1')
with repo_c:
repo_c.make_commits(master_heads[2], Commit("Some change", tree={'a': '1'}), ref='heads/whocares')
pr_other = repo_c.make_pr(target='master', head='whocares')
Commit('Release 1.1 (C)', tree=None),
pr_rel_c = repo_c.make_pr(target='master', head='release-1.1')
# have one bump PR on repo A
with repo_a:
Commit("Bump A", tree={'version': '1.2-alpha'}),
pr_bump_a = repo_a.make_pr(target='master', head='bump-1.1')
return master_heads, (pr_required_a, None, pr_required_c), (pr_rel_a, pr_rel_b, pr_rel_c), pr_bump_a, pr_other
def test_freeze_subset(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
"""It should be possible to only freeze a subset of a project when e.g. one
of the repository is managed differently than the rest and has
@ -1335,3 +1378,61 @@ def test_freeze_subset(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
except AssertionError:
# can't stage because we (wilfully) don't have branches 1.1 in repos B and C
@pytest.mark.skip("env's session is not thread-safe sadface")
def test_race_conditions():
"""need the ability to dup the env in order to send concurrent requests to
the inner odoo
- try to run the action_freeze during a cron (merge or staging), should
error (recover and return nice message?)
- somehow get ahead of the action and update master's commit between moment
where it is fetched and moment where the bump pr is fast-forwarded,
there's actually a bit of time thanks to the rate limiting (fetch of base,
update of tmp to base, rebase of commits on tmp, wait 1s, for each release
and bump PR, then the release branches are created, and finally the bump
def test_freeze_conflict(env, project, repo_a, repo_b, repo_c, users, config):
"""If one of the branches we're trying to create already exists, the wizard
project.branch_ids = [
(1, project.branch_ids.id, {'sequence': 1}),
(0, 0, {'name': '1.0', 'sequence': 2}),
heads, _, (pr_rel_a, pr_rel_b, pr_rel_c), bump, other = \
setup_mess(repo_a, repo_b, repo_c)
release_prs = {
repo_a.name: to_pr(env, pr_rel_a),
repo_b.name: to_pr(env, pr_rel_b),
repo_c.name: to_pr(env, pr_rel_c),
w = project.action_prepare_freeze()
w_id = env[w['res_model']].browse([w['res_id']])
for repo, release_pr in release_prs.items():
.filtered(lambda r: r.repository_id.name == repo)\
.pr_id = release_pr.id
# create conflicting branch
with repo_c:
repo_c.make_ref('heads/1.1', heads[2])
# actually perform the freeze
with pytest.raises(xmlrpc.client.Fault) as e:
assert f"Unable to create branch {repo_c.name}:1.1" in e.value.faultString
# branches a and b should have been deleted
with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
assert e.value.args[0].startswith("Not Found")
with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
assert e.value.args[0].startswith("Not Found")