diff --git a/forwardport/models/project.py b/forwardport/models/project.py
index 71edb676..40c52093 100644
--- a/forwardport/models/project.py
+++ b/forwardport/models/project.py
@@ -642,36 +642,28 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
for pr in self:
owner, _ = pr.repository.fp_remote_target.split('/', 1)
source = pr.source_id or pr
- message = source.message
- if message:
- message += '\n\n'
- else:
- message = ''
root = pr._get_root()
- message += '\n'.join(
+ message = source.message + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(
"Forward-Port-Of: %s" % p.display_name
for p in root | source
title, body = re.match(r'(?P
[^\n]+)\n*(?P.*)', message, flags=re.DOTALL).groups()
- title = '[FW]' + title
- if not body:
- body = None
self.env.cr.execute('LOCK runbot_merge_pull_requests IN SHARE MODE')
- url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls'.format(pr.repository.name)
- pr_data = {
- 'base': target.name, 'head': '%s:%s' % (owner, new_branch),
- 'title': title, 'body': body
- }
- r = gh.post(url, json=pr_data)
+ r = gh.post(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{pr.repository.name}/pulls', json={
+ 'base': target.name,
+ 'head': f'{owner}:{new_branch}',
+ 'title': '[FW]' + title,
+ 'body': body
+ })
if not r.ok:
_logger.warning("Failed to create forward-port PR for %s, deleting branches", pr.display_name)
# delete all the branches this should automatically close the
# PRs if we've created any. Using the API here is probably
# simpler than going through the working copies
for repo in self.mapped('repository'):
- d = gh.delete('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/refs/heads/{}'.format(repo.fp_remote_target, new_branch))
+ d = gh.delete(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{repo.fp_remote_target}/git/refs/heads/{new_branch}')
if d.ok:
_logger.info("Deleting %s:%s=success", repo.fp_remote_target, new_branch)
diff --git a/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py b/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py
index a5e2a0e5..f765bee7 100644
--- a/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py
+++ b/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py
@@ -1418,6 +1418,11 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
if gh_name:
self.reviewed_by.name = gh_name
+ # update pr message in case an update was missed
+ msg = f'{prdict["title"]}\n\n{prdict.get("body") or ""}'.strip()
+ if self.message != msg:
+ self.message = msg
# NOTE: lost merge v merge/copy distinction (head being
# a merge commit reused instead of being re-merged)
return method, getattr(self, '_stage_' + method.replace('-', '_'))(
diff --git a/runbot_merge/tests/test_oddities.py b/runbot_merge/tests/test_oddities.py
index b2b2f984..5514563e 100644
--- a/runbot_merge/tests/test_oddities.py
+++ b/runbot_merge/tests/test_oddities.py
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+from utils import Commit, to_pr
def test_partner_merge(env):
p_src = env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'kfhsf',
@@ -60,3 +63,37 @@ def test_name_search(env):
assert PRs.name_search('repo') == [pr2, pr0, pr1]
assert PRs.name_search('repo#1959') == [pr1]
+def test_message_desync(env, project, make_repo, users, setreviewers, config):
+ """If the PR message gets desync'd (github misses sending an update), the
+ merge message should still match what's on github rather than what's in the
+ db
+ """
+ repo = make_repo('repo')
+ env['runbot_merge.repository'].create({
+ 'project_id': project.id,
+ 'name': repo.name,
+ 'status_ids': [(0, 0, {'context': 'status'})]
+ })
+ setreviewers(*project.repo_ids)
+ with repo:
+ [m] = repo.make_commits(None, Commit('root', tree={'a': '1'}), ref='heads/master')
+ [c] = repo.make_commits('master', Commit('whee', tree={'b': '2'}))
+ pr = repo.make_pr(title='title', body='body', target='master', head=c)
+ repo.post_status(c, 'success', 'status')
+ env.run_crons()
+ pr_id = to_pr(env, pr)
+ assert pr_id.message == 'title\n\nbody'
+ pr_id.message = "xxx"
+ with repo:
+ pr.post_comment('hansen merge r+', config['role_reviewer']['token'])
+ env.run_crons()
+ st = repo.commit('staging.master')
+ assert st.message.startswith('title\n\nbody'),\
+ "the stored PR message should have been ignored when staging"
+ assert st.parents == [m, c], "check the staging's ancestry is the right one"