[IMP] runbot: execute flamegraph in case of failure and log dl link

This commit is contained in:
Xavier-Do 2019-10-22 13:36:07 +02:00 committed by Christophe Monniez
parent 8284c7270d
commit c874f4a046
2 changed files with 32 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -634,29 +634,21 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
results = {'local_result': 'ko'}
# Non running build in
notify_end_job = build.active_step.job_type != 'create_build'
build_values.update(build._next_job_values()) # find next active_step or set to done
ending_build = build.local_state not in ('done', 'running') and build_values.get('local_state') in ('done', 'running')
if ending_build:
step_end_message = 'Step %s finished in %s $$fa-download$$' % (build.job, s2human(build.job_time))
step_end_link = 'http://%s/runbot/static/build/%s/logs/%s-%s.sql.gz' % (build.host, build.dest, build.dest, build.active_step.db_name)
if ending_build:
if not build.local_result: # Set 'ok' result if no result set (no tests job on build)
build.local_result = 'ok'
build._logger("No result set, setting ok by default")
if notify_end_job:
build._log('end_job', step_end_message, log_type='link', path=step_end_link)
# run job
pid = None
if build.local_state != 'done':
@ -683,6 +675,9 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
root = self.env['runbot.repo']._root()
return os.path.join(root, 'build', build.dest, *l)
def http_log_url(self):
return 'http://%s/runbot/static/build/%s/logs/' % (self.host, self.dest)
def _server(self, *path):
"""Return the absolute path to the direcory containing the server file, adding optional *path"""

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import os
import re
import shlex
import time
from ..common import now, grep, time2str, rfind, Commit
from ..common import now, grep, time2str, rfind, Commit, s2human
from ..container import docker_run, docker_get_gateway_ip, Command
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
@ -339,10 +339,31 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
cmd.finals.append(['pg_dump', db_name, '|', 'gzip', '>', '/data/build/logs/%s.sql.gz' % db_name])
if self.flamegraph:
cmd.finals.append(['flamegraph.pl', '--title', 'Flamegraph %s for build %s' % (self.name, build.id), self._perfs_data_path(), '>', self._perfs_data_path(ext='svg')])
cmd.finals.append(['gzip', '-f', self._perfs_data_path()]) # keep data but gz them to save disc space
max_timeout = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('runbot.runbot_timeout', default=10000))
timeout = min(self.cpu_limit, max_timeout)
return docker_run(cmd.build(), log_path, build._path(), build._get_docker_name(), cpu_limit=timeout, ro_volumes=exports)
def log_end(self, build):
if self.job_type == 'create_build':
build._logger('Step %s finished in %s' % (self.name, s2human(build.job_time)))
message = 'Step %s finished in %s $$fa-download$$' % (self.name, s2human(build.job_time))
link = '%s%s-%s.sql.gz' % (build.http_log_url(), build.dest, self.db_name)
build._log('end_job', message, log_type='link', path=link)
if self.flamegraph:
link = self._perf_data_url(build, 'log.gz')
message = 'Flamegraph data: $$fa-download$$'
build._log('end_job', message, log_type='link', path=link)
link = self._perf_data_url(build, 'svg')
message = 'Flamegraph svg: $$fa-download$$'
build._log('end_job', message, log_type='link', path=link)
def _modules_to_install(self, build):
return set(build._get_modules_to_test(modules_patterns=self.install_modules))
@ -353,12 +374,13 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
cov_path = build._path('coverage')
os.makedirs(cov_path, exist_ok=True)
return ['python%s' % py_version, "-m", "coverage", "html", "-d", "/data/build/coverage", "--ignore-errors"]
elif self.flamegraph:
return ['flamegraph.pl', '--title', 'Flamegraph %s for build %s' % (self.name, build.id), self._perfs_data_path(), '>', self._perfs_data_path(prefix='flame', ext='svg')]
return []
def _perfs_data_path(self, prefix='perf', ext='log'):
return '/data/build/logs/%s_%s.%s' % (prefix, self.name, ext)
def _perfs_data_path(self, ext='log'):
return '/data/build/logs/flame_%s.%s' % (self.name, ext)
def _perf_data_url(self, build, ext='log'):
return '%sflame_%s.%s' % (build.http_log_url(), self.name, ext)
def _coverage_params(self, build, modules_to_install):
pattern_to_omit = set()