diff --git a/runbot/models/repo.py b/runbot/models/repo.py
index fff5206a..7fd1d143 100644
--- a/runbot/models/repo.py
+++ b/runbot/models/repo.py
@@ -367,21 +367,7 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
if builds_to_skip:
build_info['sequence'] = builds_to_skip[0].sequence
- new_build = Build.create(build_info)
- # create a reverse dependency build if needed
- if branch.sticky:
- for rev_repo in self.search([('dependency_ids', 'in', self.id), ('no_build', '=', False)]):
- # find the latest build with the same branch name
- latest_rev_build = Build.search([('build_type', '=', 'normal'), ('hidden', '=', False), ('repo_id.id', '=', rev_repo.id), ('branch_id.branch_name', '=', branch.branch_name)], order='id desc', limit=1)
- if latest_rev_build:
- _logger.debug('Reverse dependency build %s forced in repo %s by commit %s', latest_rev_build.dest, rev_repo.name, sha[:6])
- indirect = latest_rev_build._force(message='Rebuild from dependency %s commit %s' % (self.name, sha[:6]))
- if not indirect:
- _logger.exception('Failed to create indirect for %s from %s in repo %s', new_build, latest_rev_build, rev_repo)
- else:
- indirect.build_type = 'indirect'
- new_build.revdep_build_ids += indirect
+ Build.create(build_info)
def _create_pending_builds(self):
""" Find new commits in physical repos"""
diff --git a/runbot/templates/build.xml b/runbot/templates/build.xml
index 0c7615cb..bda3e3d8 100644
--- a/runbot/templates/build.xml
+++ b/runbot/templates/build.xml
@@ -24,22 +24,6 @@
manually killed
- Dep builds:
- 💀
- 🔫