diff --git a/runbot/__manifest__.py b/runbot/__manifest__.py
index 17562504..b27a51ea 100644
--- a/runbot/__manifest__.py
+++ b/runbot/__manifest__.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
'author': "Odoo SA",
'website': "http://runbot.odoo.com",
'category': 'Website',
- 'version': '3.0',
+ 'version': '3.1',
'depends': ['website', 'base'],
'data': [
diff --git a/runbot/models/__init__.py b/runbot/models/__init__.py
index f334bd9b..6e299960 100644
--- a/runbot/models/__init__.py
+++ b/runbot/models/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from . import repo, branch, build, event
+from . import repo, branch, build, event, build_dependency
from . import res_config_settings
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runbot/models/branch.py b/runbot/models/branch.py
index 9686c000..eb94b5d8 100644
--- a/runbot/models/branch.py
+++ b/runbot/models/branch.py
@@ -101,17 +101,15 @@ class runbot_branch(models.Model):
last_build = branch._get_last_coverage_build()
branch.coverage_result = last_build.coverage_result or 0.0
- def _get_closest_branch_name(self, target_repo_id):
- """Return (repo, branch name) of the closest common branch between build's branch and
- any branch of target_repo or its duplicated repos.
- to prevent the above rules to mistakenly link PR of different repos together.
+ def _get_closest_branch(self, target_repo_id):
+ """
+ Return branch id of the closest branch based on name or pr informations.
Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
- branch, repo = self, self.repo_id
- name = branch.pull_head_name or branch.branch_name
- target_branch = branch.target_branch_name or 'master'
+ repo = self.repo_id
+ name = self.pull_head_name or self.branch_name
target_repo = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(target_repo_id)
@@ -125,72 +123,106 @@ class runbot_branch(models.Model):
_logger.debug('Search closest of %s (%s) in repos %r', name, repo.name, target_repo_ids)
- sort_by_repo = lambda d: (not d['sticky'], # sticky first
- target_repo_ids.index(d['repo_id'][0]),
- -1 * len(d.get('branch_name', '')),
- -1 * d['id'])
- result_for = lambda d, match='exact': (d['repo_id'][0], d['name'], match)
- fields = ['name', 'repo_id', 'sticky']
+ def sort_by_repo(branch):
+ return (
+ not branch.sticky, # sticky first
+ target_repo_ids.index(branch.repo_id[0].id),
+ -1 * len(branch.branch_name), # little change of logic here, was only sorted on branch_name in prefix matching case before
+ -1 * branch.id
+ )
# 1. same name, not a PR
- domain = [
- ('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids),
- ('branch_name', '=', name),
- ('name', '=like', 'refs/heads/%'),
- ]
- targets = Branch.search_read(domain, fields, order='id DESC')
- targets = sorted(targets, key=sort_by_repo)
- if targets and self._branch_exists(targets[0]['id']):
- return result_for(targets[0])
+ if not self.pull_head_name: # not a pr
+ domain = [
+ ('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids),
+ ('branch_name', '=', self.branch_name),
+ ('name', '=like', 'refs/heads/%'),
+ ]
+ targets = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
+ targets = sorted(targets, key=sort_by_repo)
+ if targets and targets[0]._is_on_remote():
+ return (targets[0], 'exact')
# 2. PR with head name equals
- domain = [
- ('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids),
- ('pull_head_name', '=', name),
- ('name', '=like', 'refs/pull/%'),
- ]
- pulls = Branch.search_read(domain, fields, order='id DESC')
- pulls = sorted(pulls, key=sort_by_repo)
- for pull in Branch.browse([pu['id'] for pu in pulls]):
- pi = pull._get_pull_info()
- if pi.get('state') == 'open':
- if ':' in name: # we assume that branch exists if we got pull info
- pr_branch_name = name.split(':')[1]
- return (pull.repo_id.duplicate_id.id, 'refs/heads/%s' % pr_branch_name, 'exact PR')
- else:
- return (pull.repo_id.id, pull.name, 'exact PR')
- # 3. Match a branch which is the dashed-prefix of current branch name
- branches = Branch.search_read(
- [('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), ('name', '=like', 'refs/heads/%')],
- fields + ['branch_name'], order='id DESC',
- )
- branches = sorted(branches, key=sort_by_repo)
- for branch in branches:
- if name.startswith(branch['branch_name'] + '-') and self._branch_exists(branch['id']):
- return result_for(branch, 'prefix')
+ if self.pull_head_name:
+ domain = [
+ ('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids),
+ ('pull_head_name', '=', self.pull_head_name),
+ ('name', '=like', 'refs/pull/%'),
+ ]
+ pulls = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
+ pulls = sorted(pulls, key=sort_by_repo)
+ for pull in Branch.browse([pu['id'] for pu in pulls]):
+ pi = pull._get_pull_info()
+ if pi.get('state') == 'open':
+ if ':' in self.pull_head_name:
+ (repo_name, pr_branch_name) = self.pull_head_name.split(':')
+ repo = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(target_repo_ids).filtered(lambda r: ':%s/' % repo_name in r.name)
+ # most of the time repo will be pull.repo_id.duplicate_id, but it is still possible to have a pr pointing the same repo
+ if repo:
+ pr_branch_ref = 'refs/heads/%s' % pr_branch_name
+ pr_branch = self._get_or_create_branch(repo.id, pr_branch_ref)
+ # use _get_or_create_branch in case a pr is scanned before pull_head_name branch.
+ return (pr_branch, 'exact PR')
+ return (pull, 'exact PR')
# 4.Match a PR in enterprise without community PR
- if self.name.startswith('refs/pull') and ':' in name:
- pr_branch_name = name.split(':')[1]
- duplicate_branch_name = 'refs/heads/%s' % pr_branch_name
- domain = [
- ('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), # target_repo_ids should contain the target duplicate repo
- ('branch_name', '=', pr_branch_name),
- ('pull_head_name', '=', False),
- ]
- targets = Branch.search_read(domain, fields, order='id DESC')
- targets = sorted(targets, key=sort_by_repo)
- if targets and self._branch_exists(targets[0]['id']):
- return result_for(targets[0], 'no PR')
+ # Moved before 3 because it makes more sense
+ if self.pull_head_name:
+ if self.name.startswith('refs/pull'):
+ if ':' in self.pull_head_name:
+ (repo_name, pr_branch_name) = self.pull_head_name.split(':')
+ repos = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(target_repo_ids).filtered(lambda r: ':%s/' % repo_name in r.name)
+ else:
+ pr_branch_name = self.pull_head_name
+ repos = target_repo
+ if repos:
+ duplicate_branch_name = 'refs/heads/%s' % pr_branch_name
+ domain = [
+ ('repo_id', 'in', tuple(repos.ids)),
+ ('branch_name', '=', pr_branch_name),
+ ('pull_head_name', '=', False),
+ ]
+ targets = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
+ targets = sorted(targets, key=sort_by_repo)
+ if targets and targets[0]._is_on_remote():
+ return (targets[0], 'no PR')
+ # 3. Match a branch which is the dashed-prefix of current branch name
+ if not self.pull_head_name:
+ if '-' in self.branch_name:
+ name_start = 'refs/heads/%s' % self.branch_name.split('-')[0]
+ domain = [('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), ('name', '=like', '%s%%' % name_start)]
+ branches = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
+ branches = sorted(branches, key=sort_by_repo)
+ for branch in branches:
+ if self.branch_name.startswith('%s-' % branch.branch_name) and branch._is_on_remote():
+ return (branch, 'prefix')
# 5. last-resort value
- return target_repo_id, 'refs/heads/%s' % target_branch, 'default'
+ if self.target_branch_name:
+ default_target_ref = 'refs/heads/%s' % self.target_branch_name
+ default_branch = self.search([('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), ('name', '=', default_target_ref)], limit=1)
+ if default_branch:
+ return (default_branch, 'pr_target')
+ default_target_ref = 'refs/heads/master'
+ default_branch = self.search([('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), ('name', '=', default_target_ref)], limit=1)
+ # we assume that master will always exists
+ return (default_branch, 'default')
def _branch_exists(self, branch_id):
Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
branch = Branch.search([('id', '=', branch_id)])
if branch and branch[0]._is_on_remote():
return True
- return False
\ No newline at end of file
+ return False
+ def _get_or_create_branch(self, repo_id, name):
+ res = self.search([('repo_id', '=', repo_id), ('name', '=', name)], limit=1)
+ if res:
+ return res
+ _logger.warning('creating missing branch %s', name)
+ Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
+ branch = Branch.create({'repo_id': repo_id, 'name': name})
+ return branch
diff --git a/runbot/models/build.py b/runbot/models/build.py
index aa18b340..c54ed811 100644
--- a/runbot/models/build.py
+++ b/runbot/models/build.py
@@ -69,11 +69,7 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
job_age = fields.Integer(compute='_get_age', string='Job age')
duplicate_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', 'Corresponding Build')
server_match = fields.Selection([('builtin', 'This branch includes Odoo server'),
- ('exact', 'branch/PR exact name'),
- ('prefix', 'branch whose name is a prefix of current one'),
- ('fuzzy', 'Fuzzy - common ancestor found'),
- ('exact PR', 'Exact match between two PR'),
- ('no PR', 'PR matching a branch without PR'),
+ ('match', 'This branch includes Odoo server'),
('default', 'No match found - defaults to master')],
string='Server branch matching')
revdep_build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', 'runbot_rev_dep_builds',
@@ -94,8 +90,8 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
('running', 'Running job only'),
('all', 'All jobs'),
('none', 'Do not execute jobs'),
- ],
- )
+ ])
+ dependency_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build.dependency', 'build_id')
def copy(self, values=None):
raise UserError("Cannot duplicate build!")
@@ -104,33 +100,75 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
branch = self.env['runbot.branch'].search([('id', '=', vals.get('branch_id', False))])
if branch.job_type == 'none' or vals.get('job_type', '') == 'none':
return self.env['runbot.build']
+ vals['job_type'] = vals['job_type'] if 'job_type' in vals else branch.job_type
build_id = super(runbot_build, self).create(vals)
extra_info = {'sequence': build_id.id if not build_id.sequence else build_id.sequence}
- job_type = vals['job_type'] if 'job_type' in vals else build_id.branch_id.job_type
- extra_info.update({'job_type': job_type})
context = self.env.context
- if not context.get('force_rebuild'):
+ # compute dependencies
+ repo = build_id.repo_id
+ dep_create_vals = []
+ nb_deps = len(repo.dependency_ids)
+ for extra_repo in repo.dependency_ids:
+ (build_closets_branch, match_type) = build_id.branch_id._get_closest_branch(extra_repo.id)
+ closest_name = build_closets_branch.name
+ closest_branch_repo = build_closets_branch.repo_id
+ last_commit = closest_branch_repo._git_rev_parse(closest_name)
+ dep_create_vals.append({
+ 'build_id': build_id.id,
+ 'dependecy_repo_id': extra_repo.id,
+ 'closest_branch_id': build_closets_branch.id,
+ 'dependency_hash': last_commit,
+ 'match_type': match_type,
+ })
+ for dep_vals in dep_create_vals:
+ self.env['runbot.build.dependency'].sudo().create(dep_vals)
+ if not context.get('force_rebuild'): # not vals.get('build_type') == rebuild': could be enough, but some cron on runbot are using this ctx key, to do later
# detect duplicate
duplicate_id = None
domain = [
- ('repo_id', '=', build_id.repo_id.duplicate_id.id),
+ ('repo_id', 'in', (build_id.repo_id.duplicate_id.id, build_id.repo_id.id)), # before, was only looking in repo.duplicate_id looks a little better to search in both
+ ('id', '!=', build_id.id),
('name', '=', build_id.name),
('duplicate_id', '=', False),
- '|', ('result', '=', False), ('result', '!=', 'skipped')
+ # ('build_type', '!=', 'indirect'), # in case of performance issue, this little fix may improve performance a little but less duplicate will be detected when pushing an empty branch on repo with duplicates
+ ('result', '!=', 'skipped'),
+ ('job_type', '=', build_id.job_type),
+ candidates = self.search(domain)
+ if candidates and nb_deps:
+ # check that all depedencies are matching.
- for duplicate in self.search(domain, limit=10):
- duplicate_id = duplicate.id
- # Consider the duplicate if its closest branches are the same than the current build closest branches.
- for extra_repo in build_id.repo_id.dependency_ids:
- build_closest_name = build_id._get_closest_branch_name(extra_repo.id)[1]
- duplicate_closest_name = duplicate._get_closest_branch_name(extra_repo.id)[1]
- if build_closest_name != duplicate_closest_name:
- duplicate_id = None
- if duplicate_id:
- extra_info.update({'state': 'duplicate', 'duplicate_id': duplicate_id})
- break
+ # Note: We avoid to compare closest_branch_id, because the same hash could be found on
+ # 2 different branches (pr + branch).
+ # But we may want to ensure that the hash is comming from the right repo, we dont want to compare community
+ # hash with enterprise hash.
+ # this is unlikely to happen so branch comparaison is disabled
+ self.env.cr.execute("""
+ FROM runbot_build_dependency as DUPLIDEPS
+ JOIN runbot_build_dependency as BUILDDEPS
+ ON BUILDDEPS.dependency_hash = DUPLIDEPS.dependency_hash
+ --AND BUILDDEPS.closest_branch_id = DUPLIDEPS.closest_branch_id -- only usefull if we are affraid of hash collision in different branches
+ AND BUILDDEPS.build_id = %s
+ AND DUPLIDEPS.build_id in %s
+ ORDER BY DUPLIDEPS.build_id -- remove this in case of performance issue, not so usefull
+ """, (build_id.id, tuple(candidates.ids), nb_deps))
+ filtered_candidates_ids = self.env.cr.fetchall()
+ if filtered_candidates_ids:
+ duplicate_id = filtered_candidates_ids[0]
+ else:
+ duplicate_id = candidates[0].id if candidates else False
+ if duplicate_id:
+ extra_info.update({'state': 'duplicate', 'duplicate_id': duplicate_id})
+ # maybe update duplicate priority if needed
if build_id.state == 'duplicate' and build_id.duplicate_id.state in ('running', 'done'):
@@ -140,21 +178,6 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
def _reset(self):
self.write({'state': 'pending'})
- def _get_closest_branch_name(self, target_repo_id):
- """Return (repo, branch name) of the closest common branch between build's branch and
- any branch of target_repo or its duplicated repos.
- Rules priority for choosing the branch from the other repo is:
- 1. Same branch name
- 2. A PR whose head name match
- 3. Match a branch which is the dashed-prefix of current branch name
- 4. Common ancestors (git merge-base)
- Note that PR numbers are replaced by the branch name of the PR target
- to prevent the above rules to mistakenly link PR of different repos together.
- """
- self.ensure_one()
- return self.branch_id._get_closest_branch_name(target_repo_id)
@api.depends('name', 'branch_id.name')
def _get_dest(self):
for build in self:
@@ -436,96 +459,108 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
return uniq_list(filter(mod_filter, modules))
def _checkout(self):
- for build in self:
- # starts from scratch
- if os.path.isdir(build._path()):
- shutil.rmtree(build._path())
+ self.ensure_one() # will raise exception if hash not found, we don't want to fail for all build.
+ # starts from scratch
+ build = self
+ if os.path.isdir(build._path()):
+ shutil.rmtree(build._path())
- # runbot log path
- os.makedirs(build._path("logs"), exist_ok=True)
- os.makedirs(build._server('addons'), exist_ok=True)
+ # runbot log path
+ os.makedirs(build._path("logs"), exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(build._server('addons'), exist_ok=True)
- # update repo if needed
- if not build.repo_id._hash_exists(build.name):
- build.repo_id._update(build.repo_id)
+ # update repo if needed
+ if not build.repo_id._hash_exists(build.name):
+ build.repo_id._update(build.repo_id)
- # checkout branch
- build.branch_id.repo_id._git_export(build.name, build._path())
+ # checkout branch
+ build.branch_id.repo_id._git_export(build.name, build._path())
- has_server = os.path.isfile(build._server('__init__.py'))
- server_match = 'builtin'
+ has_server = os.path.isfile(build._server('__init__.py'))
+ server_match = 'builtin'
- # build complete set of modules to install
- modules_to_move = []
- modules_to_test = ((build.branch_id.modules or '') + ',' +
- (build.repo_id.modules or ''))
- modules_to_test = list(filter(None, modules_to_test.split(','))) # ???
- explicit_modules = set(modules_to_test)
- _logger.debug("manual modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
+ # build complete set of modules to install
+ modules_to_move = []
+ modules_to_test = ((build.branch_id.modules or '') + ',' +
+ (build.repo_id.modules or ''))
+ modules_to_test = list(filter(None, modules_to_test.split(','))) # ???
+ explicit_modules = set(modules_to_test)
+ _logger.debug("manual modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
- if not has_server:
- if build.repo_id.modules_auto == 'repo':
- modules_to_test += [
- os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(a))
- for a in (glob.glob(build._path('*/__openerp__.py')) +
- glob.glob(build._path('*/__manifest__.py')))
- ]
- _logger.debug("local modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
- for extra_repo in build.repo_id.dependency_ids:
- repo_id, closest_name, server_match = build._get_closest_branch_name(extra_repo.id)
- repo = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(repo_id)
- _logger.debug('branch %s of %s: %s match branch %s of %s',
- build.branch_id.name, build.repo_id.name,
- server_match, closest_name, repo.name)
- build._log(
- 'Building environment',
- '%s match branch %s of %s' % (server_match, closest_name, repo.name)
- )
- repo._update_git(force=True)
- latest_commit = repo._git(['rev-parse', closest_name]).strip()
- commit_oneline = repo._git(['show', '--pretty="%H -- %s"', '-s', latest_commit]).strip()
- build._log(
- 'Building environment',
- 'Server built based on commit %s from %s' % (commit_oneline, closest_name)
- )
- repo._git_export(closest_name, build._path())
- # Finally mark all addons to move to openerp/addons
- modules_to_move += [
- os.path.dirname(module)
- for module in (glob.glob(build._path('*/__openerp__.py')) +
- glob.glob(build._path('*/__manifest__.py')))
+ if not has_server:
+ if build.repo_id.modules_auto == 'repo':
+ modules_to_test += [
+ os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(a))
+ for a in (glob.glob(build._path('*/__openerp__.py')) +
+ glob.glob(build._path('*/__manifest__.py')))
+ _logger.debug("local modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
- # move all addons to server addons path
- for module in uniq_list(glob.glob(build._path('addons/*')) + modules_to_move):
- basename = os.path.basename(module)
- addon_path = build._server('addons', basename)
- if os.path.exists(addon_path):
- build._log(
- 'Building environment',
- 'You have duplicate modules in your branches "%s"' % basename
- )
- if os.path.islink(addon_path) or os.path.isfile(addon_path):
- os.remove(addon_path)
- else:
- shutil.rmtree(addon_path)
- shutil.move(module, build._server('addons'))
+ # todo make it backward compatible, or create migration script?
+ for build_dependency in build.dependency_ids:
+ closest_branch = build_dependency.closest_branch_id
+ latest_commit = build_dependency.dependency_hash
+ repo = closest_branch.repo_id
+ closest_name = closest_branch.name
+ if build_dependency.match_type == 'default':
+ server_match = 'default'
+ elif server_match != 'default':
+ server_match = 'match'
- available_modules = [
- os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(a))
- for a in (glob.glob(build._server('addons/*/__openerp__.py')) +
- glob.glob(build._server('addons/*/__manifest__.py')))
+ build._log(
+ 'Building environment',
+ '%s match branch %s of %s' % (build_dependency.match_type, closest_name, repo.name)
+ )
+ if not repo._hash_exists(latest_commit):
+ repo._update(force=True)
+ if not repo._hash_exists(latest_commit):
+ repo._git(['fetch', 'origin', latest_commit])
+ if not repo._hash_exists(latest_commit):
+ build._log('_checkout',"Dependency commit %s in repo %s is unreachable" % (latest_commit, repo.name))
+ raise Exception
+ commit_oneline = repo._git(['show', '--pretty="%H -- %s"', '-s', latest_commit]).strip()
+ build._log(
+ 'Building environment',
+ 'Server built based on commit %s from %s' % (commit_oneline, closest_name)
+ )
+ repo._git_export(latest_commit, build._path())
+ # Finally mark all addons to move to openerp/addons
+ modules_to_move += [
+ os.path.dirname(module)
+ for module in (glob.glob(build._path('*/__openerp__.py')) +
+ glob.glob(build._path('*/__manifest__.py')))
- if build.repo_id.modules_auto == 'all' or (build.repo_id.modules_auto != 'none' and has_server):
- modules_to_test += available_modules
- modules_to_test = self._filter_modules(modules_to_test,
- set(available_modules), explicit_modules)
- _logger.debug("modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
- build.write({'server_match': server_match,
- 'modules': ','.join(modules_to_test)})
+ # move all addons to server addons path
+ for module in uniq_list(glob.glob(build._path('addons/*')) + modules_to_move):
+ basename = os.path.basename(module)
+ addon_path = build._server('addons', basename)
+ if os.path.exists(addon_path):
+ build._log(
+ 'Building environment',
+ 'You have duplicate modules in your branches "%s"' % basename
+ )
+ if os.path.islink(addon_path) or os.path.isfile(addon_path):
+ os.remove(addon_path)
+ else:
+ shutil.rmtree(addon_path)
+ shutil.move(module, build._server('addons'))
+ available_modules = [
+ os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(a))
+ for a in (glob.glob(build._server('addons/*/__openerp__.py')) +
+ glob.glob(build._server('addons/*/__manifest__.py')))
+ ]
+ if build.repo_id.modules_auto == 'all' or (build.repo_id.modules_auto != 'none' and has_server):
+ modules_to_test += available_modules
+ modules_to_test = self._filter_modules(modules_to_test,
+ set(available_modules), explicit_modules)
+ _logger.debug("modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
+ build.write({'server_match': server_match,
+ 'modules': ','.join(modules_to_test)})
def _local_pg_dropdb(self, dbname):
with local_pgadmin_cursor() as local_cr:
diff --git a/runbot/models/build_dependency.py b/runbot/models/build_dependency.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..179ce2be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runbot/models/build_dependency.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from odoo import models, fields
+class RunbotBuildDependency(models.Model):
+ _name = "runbot.build.dependency"
+ build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', 'Build', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True)
+ dependecy_repo_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.repo', 'Dependency repo', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
+ dependency_hash = fields.Char('Name of commit', index=True)
+ closest_branch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', 'Branch', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
+ match_type = fields.Char('Match Type')
diff --git a/runbot/models/repo.py b/runbot/models/repo.py
index 575f216e..1d7b8a8a 100644
--- a/runbot/models/repo.py
+++ b/runbot/models/repo.py
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
_logger.info("git command: %s", ' '.join(cmd))
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
+ def _git_rev_parse(self, branch_name):
+ return self._git(['rev-parse', branch_name]).strip()
def _git_export(self, treeish, dest):
"""Export a git repo to dest"""
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
- def _find_new_commits(self, repo):
+ def _find_new_commits(self):
""" Find new commits in bare repo """
Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
fields = ['refname', 'objectname', 'committerdate:iso8601', 'authorname', 'authoremail', 'subject', 'committername', 'committeremail']
fmt = "%00".join(["%(" + field + ")" for field in fields])
- git_refs = repo._git(['for-each-ref', '--format', fmt, '--sort=-committerdate', 'refs/heads', 'refs/pull'])
+ git_refs = self._git(['for-each-ref', '--format', fmt, '--sort=-committerdate', 'refs/heads', 'refs/pull'])
git_refs = git_refs.strip()
refs = [[field for field in line.split('\x00')] for line in git_refs.split('\n')]
@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
SELECT t.branch, b.id
FROM t LEFT JOIN runbot_branch b ON (b.name = t.branch)
WHERE b.repo_id = %s;
- """, ([r[0] for r in refs], repo.id))
+ """, ([r[0] for r in refs], self.id))
ref_branches = {r[0]: r[1] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()}
for name, sha, date, author, author_email, subject, committer, committer_email in refs:
@@ -158,8 +161,8 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
if ref_branches.get(name):
branch_id = ref_branches[name]
- _logger.debug('repo %s found new branch %s', repo.name, name)
- branch_id = Branch.create({'repo_id': repo.id, 'name': name}).id
+ _logger.debug('repo %s found new branch %s', self.name, name)
+ branch_id = Branch.create({'repo_id': self.id, 'name': name}).id
branch = Branch.browse([branch_id])[0]
# skip the build for old branches (Could be checked before creating the branch in DB ?)
@@ -208,10 +211,10 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
if latest_rev_build:
_logger.debug('Reverse dependency build %s forced in repo %s by commit %s', latest_rev_build.dest, rev_repo.name, sha[:6])
latest_rev_build.build_type = 'indirect'
- new_build.revdep_build_ids += latest_rev_build._force(message='Rebuild from dependency %s commit %s' % (repo.name, sha[:6]))
+ new_build.revdep_build_ids += latest_rev_build._force(message='Rebuild from dependency %s commit %s' % (self.name, sha[:6]))
# skip old builds (if their sequence number is too low, they will not ever be built)
- skippable_domain = [('repo_id', '=', repo.id), ('state', '=', 'pending')]
+ skippable_domain = [('repo_id', '=', self.id), ('state', '=', 'pending')]
icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter']
running_max = int(icp.get_param('runbot.runbot_running_max', default=75))
builds_to_be_skipped = Build.search(skippable_domain, order='sequence desc', offset=running_max)
@@ -221,7 +224,7 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
""" Find new commits in physical repos"""
for repo in repos:
- repo._find_new_commits(repo)
+ repo._find_new_commits()
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Fail to find new commits in repo %s', repo.name)
@@ -388,6 +391,7 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
repos = self.search([('mode', '!=', 'disabled')])
self._update(repos, force=False)
diff --git a/runbot/security/ir.model.access.csv b/runbot/security/ir.model.access.csv
index d6eebd3a..7cfdb245 100644
--- a/runbot/security/ir.model.access.csv
+++ b/runbot/security/ir.model.access.csv
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ id,name,model_id:id,group_id:id,perm_read,perm_write,perm_create,perm_unlink
access_irlogging,log by runbot users,base.model_ir_logging,group_user,0,0,1,0
diff --git a/runbot/templates/build.xml b/runbot/templates/build.xml
index 90894fa6..45b07c60 100644
--- a/runbot/templates/build.xml
+++ b/runbot/templates/build.xml
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
manually killed
+ title="Server branch cannot be determined exactly. Please use naming convention '12.0-my-branch' to build with '12.0' server branch."/>
Dep builds:
diff --git a/runbot/tests/test_build.py b/runbot/tests/test_build.py
index 3004c0f7..8b349fa1 100644
--- a/runbot/tests/test_build.py
+++ b/runbot/tests/test_build.py
@@ -158,6 +158,35 @@ class Test_Build(common.TransactionCase):
log_first_part = '%s skip %%s' % (other_build.dest)
mock_logger.debug.assert_called_with(log_first_part, 'A good reason')
+ def test_ask_kill_duplicate(self):
+ """ Test that the _ask_kill method works on duplicate"""
+ #mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
+ build1 = self.Build.create({
+ 'branch_id': self.branch_10.id,
+ 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
+ })
+ build2 = self.Build.create({
+ 'branch_id': self.branch_10.id,
+ 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
+ })
+ build2.write({'state': 'duplicate', 'duplicate_id': build1.id}) # this may not be usefull if we detect duplicate in same repo.
+ self.assertEqual(build1.state, 'pending')
+ build2._ask_kill()
+ self.assertEqual(build1.state, 'done', 'A killed pending duplicate build should mark the real build as done')
+ self.assertEqual(build1.result, 'skipped', 'A killed pending duplicate build should mark the real build as skipped')
+def rev_parse(repo, branch_name):
+ """
+ simulate a rev parse by returning a fake hash of form
+ 'rp_odoo-dev/enterprise_saas-12.2__head'
+ should be overwitten if a pr head should match a branch head
+ """
+ head_hash = 'rp_%s_%s_head' % (repo.name.split(':')[1], branch_name.split('/')[-1])
+ return head_hash
class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
@@ -165,16 +194,15 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
branch_type = 'pull' if 'pull' in branch.name else 'branch'
return '%s %s:%s' % (branch_type, branch.repo_id.name.split(':')[-1], branch.name.split('/')[-1])
- def assertClosest(self, build, closest):
- extra_repo = build.repo_id.dependency_ids[0]
- self.assertEqual(closest, build._get_closest_branch_name(extra_repo.id), "build on %s didn't had the extected closest branch" % self.branch_description(build.branch_id))
+ def assertClosest(self, branch, closest):
+ extra_repo = branch.repo_id.dependency_ids[0]
+ self.assertEqual(closest, branch._get_closest_branch(extra_repo.id), "build on %s didn't had the extected closest branch" % self.branch_description(branch))
- def assertDuplicate(self, branch1, branch2, b1_closest=None, b2_closest=None):
+ def assertDuplicate(self, branch1, branch2, b1_closest=None, b2_closest=None, noDuplicate=False):
Test that the creation of a build on branch1 and branch2 detects duplicate, no matter the order.
Also test that build on branch1 closest_branch_name result is b1_closest if given
Also test that build on branch2 closest_branch_name result is b2_closest if given
- Test that the _ask_kill method works on duplicate
closest = {
branch1: b1_closest,
@@ -188,7 +216,7 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
if b1_closest:
- self.assertClosest(build1, closest[b1])
+ self.assertClosest(b1, closest[b1])
build2 = self.Build.create({
'branch_id': b2.id,
@@ -196,15 +224,16 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
if b2_closest:
- self.assertClosest(build2, closest[b2])
+ self.assertClosest(b2, closest[b2])
+ if noDuplicate:
+ self.assertNotEqual(build2.state, 'duplicate')
+ self.assertFalse(build2.duplicate_id, "build on %s was detected as duplicate of build %s" % (self.branch_description(b2), build2.duplicate_id))
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(build2.duplicate_id.id, build1.id, "build on %s wasn't detected as duplicate of build on %s" % (self.branch_description(b2), self.branch_description(b1)))
+ self.assertEqual(build2.state, 'duplicate')
- self.assertEqual(build2.duplicate_id.id, build1.id, "build on %s wasn't detected as duplicate of build on %s" % (self.branch_description(b2), self.branch_description(b1)))
- self.assertEqual(build2.state, 'duplicate')
- self.assertEqual(build1.state, 'pending')
- build2._ask_kill()
- self.assertEqual(build1.state, 'done', 'A killed pending duplicate build should mark the real build as done')
- self.assertEqual(build1.result, 'skipped', 'A killed pending duplicate build should mark the real build as skipped')
+ def assertNoDuplicate(self, branch1, branch2, b1_closest=None, b2_closest=None):
+ self.assertDuplicate(branch1, branch2, b1_closest=b1_closest, b2_closest=b2_closest, noDuplicate=True)
def setUp(self):
""" Setup repositories that mimick the Odoo repos """
@@ -229,28 +258,34 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
self.Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
self.branch_odoo_master = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.community_repo.id,
- 'name': 'refs/heads/master'
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/master',
+ 'sticky': True,
self.branch_odoo_10 = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.community_repo.id,
- 'name': 'refs/heads/10.0'
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/10.0',
+ 'sticky': True,
self.branch_odoo_11 = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.community_repo.id,
- 'name': 'refs/heads/11.0'
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/11.0',
+ 'sticky': True,
self.branch_enterprise_master = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
- 'name': 'refs/heads/master'
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/master',
+ 'sticky': True,
self.branch_enterprise_10 = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
- 'name': 'refs/heads/10.0'
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/10.0',
+ 'sticky': True,
self.branch_enterprise_11 = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
- 'name': 'refs/heads/11.0'
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/11.0',
+ 'sticky': True,
self.Build = self.env['runbot.build']
@@ -279,6 +314,7 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
def test_closest_branch_01(self, mock_is_on_remote):
""" test find a matching branch in a target repo based on branch name """
mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
'repo_id': self.community_dev_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/10.0-fix-thing-moc'
@@ -287,14 +323,12 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
'repo_id': self.enterprise_dev_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/10.0-fix-thing-moc'
- addons_build = self.Build.create({
- 'branch_id': addons_branch.id,
- 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
- })
- self.assertEqual((self.enterprise_dev_repo.id, addons_branch.name, 'exact'), addons_build._get_closest_branch_name(self.enterprise_dev_repo.id))
+ self.assertEqual((addons_branch, 'exact'), addons_branch._get_closest_branch(self.enterprise_dev_repo.id))
def test_closest_branch_02(self, mock_github):
""" test find two matching PR having the same head name """
mock_github.return_value = {
# "head label" is the repo:branch where the PR comes from
@@ -322,21 +356,17 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/pull/789101'
- enterprise_build = self.Build.create({
- 'branch_id': enterprise_pr.id,
- 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
- })
- self.assertEqual((self.community_dev_repo.id, 'refs/heads/bar_branch', 'exact PR'), enterprise_build._get_closest_branch_name(self.community_repo.id))
+ self.assertEqual((community_branch, 'exact PR'), enterprise_pr._get_closest_branch(self.community_repo.id))
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._branch_exists')
- def test_closest_branch_02_improved(self, mock_branch_exists, mock_github):
+ @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._is_on_remote')
+ def test_closest_branch_02_improved(self, mock_is_on_remote, mock_github):
""" test that a PR in enterprise with a matching PR in Community
uses the matching one"""
- mock_branch_exists.return_value = True
- self.Branch.create({
+ mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
+ com_dev_branch = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.community_dev_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-blabla'
@@ -375,34 +405,30 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
'repo_id': self.community_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/pull/32156'
+ with patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._git_rev_parse', new=rev_parse):
+ self.assertDuplicate(
+ ent_dev_branch,
+ ent_pr,
+ (com_dev_branch, 'exact'),
+ (com_dev_branch, 'exact PR')
+ )
- self.assertDuplicate(
- ent_dev_branch,
- ent_pr,
- (self.community_dev_repo.id, 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-blabla', 'exact'),
- (self.community_dev_repo.id, 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-blabla', 'exact PR')
- )
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._branch_exists')
- def test_closest_branch_03(self, mock_branch_exists):
+ @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._is_on_remote')
+ def test_closest_branch_03(self, mock_is_on_remote):
""" test find a branch based on dashed prefix"""
- mock_branch_exists.return_value = True
+ mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
addons_branch = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.enterprise_dev_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/10.0-fix-blah-blah-moc'
- addons_build = self.Build.create({
- 'branch_id': addons_branch.id,
- 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
- })
- self.assertEqual((self.community_repo.id, 'refs/heads/10.0', 'prefix'), addons_build._get_closest_branch_name(self.community_repo.id))
+ self.assertEqual((self.branch_odoo_10, 'prefix'), addons_branch._get_closest_branch(self.community_repo.id))
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._branch_exists')
- def test_closest_branch_03_05(self, mock_branch_exists, mock_github):
+ @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._is_on_remote')
+ def test_closest_branch_03_05(self, mock_is_on_remote, mock_github):
""" test that a PR in enterprise without a matching PR in Community
and no branch in community"""
- mock_branch_exists.return_value = True
+ mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
# comm_repo = self.repo
# self.repo.write({'token': 1})
@@ -429,7 +455,7 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
mock_github.side_effect = github_side_effect
- self.Branch.create({
+ com_branch = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.community_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/saas-12.2'
@@ -438,22 +464,22 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/pull/3721'
- self.assertDuplicate(
- ent_pr,
- ent_dev_branch,
- (self.community_repo.id, 'refs/heads/saas-12.2', 'default'),
- (self.community_repo.id, 'refs/heads/saas-12.2', 'prefix'),
- )
+ with patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._git_rev_parse', new=rev_parse):
+ self.assertDuplicate(
+ ent_pr,
+ ent_dev_branch,
+ (com_branch, 'pr_target'),
+ (com_branch, 'prefix'),
+ )
- @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._branch_exists')
- def test_closest_branch_04(self, mock_branch_exists, mock_github):
+ @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._is_on_remote')
+ def test_closest_branch_04(self, mock_is_on_remote, mock_github):
""" test that a PR in enterprise without a matching PR in Community
uses the corresponding exact branch in community"""
- mock_branch_exists.return_value = True
+ mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
- self.Branch.create({
+ com_dev_branch = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.community_dev_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-blabla'
@@ -465,7 +491,7 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
def github_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
return {
- 'head': {'label': 'ent-dev:saas-12.2-blabla'},
+ 'head': {'label': 'odoo-dev:saas-12.2-blabla'},
'base': {'ref': 'saas-12.2'},
'state': 'open'
@@ -476,13 +502,13 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/pull/3721'
- self.assertDuplicate(
- ent_dev_branch,
- ent_pr,
- (self.community_dev_repo.id, 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-blabla', 'exact'),
- (self.community_dev_repo.id, 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-blabla', 'no PR')
- )
+ with patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._git_rev_parse', new=rev_parse):
+ self.assertDuplicate(
+ ent_dev_branch,
+ ent_pr,
+ (com_dev_branch, 'exact'),
+ (com_dev_branch, 'no PR')
+ )
def test_closest_branch_05(self, mock_github):
@@ -506,11 +532,7 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/pull/789101'
- addons_build = self.Build.create({
- 'branch_id': addons_pr.id,
- 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
- })
- self.assertEqual((self.community_repo.id, 'refs/heads/%s' % server_pr.target_branch_name, 'default'), addons_build._get_closest_branch_name(self.community_repo.id))
+ self.assertEqual((self.branch_odoo_10, 'pr_target'), addons_pr._get_closest_branch(self.community_repo.id))
def test_closest_branch_05_master(self):
""" test last resort value when nothing common can be found"""
@@ -519,9 +541,86 @@ class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
'repo_id': self.enterprise_dev_repo.id,
'name': 'refs/head/badref-fix-foo'
- addons_build = self.Build.create({
- 'branch_id': addons_branch.id,
- 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
- })
+ self.assertEqual((self.branch_odoo_master, 'default'), addons_branch._get_closest_branch(self.community_repo.id))
- self.assertEqual((self.community_repo.id, 'refs/heads/master', 'default'), addons_build._get_closest_branch_name(self.community_repo.id))
+ @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.branch.runbot_branch._is_on_remote')
+ def test_no_duplicate_update(self, mock_is_on_remote):
+ """push a dev branch in enterprise with same head as sticky, but with a matching branch in community"""
+ mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
+ community_sticky_branch = self.Branch.create({
+ 'repo_id': self.community_repo.id,
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/saas-12.2',
+ 'sticky': True,
+ })
+ community_dev_branch = self.Branch.create({
+ 'repo_id': self.community_dev_repo.id,
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-dev1',
+ })
+ enterprise_sticky_branch = self.Branch.create({
+ 'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/saas-12.2',
+ 'sticky': True,
+ })
+ enterprise_dev_branch = self.Branch.create({
+ 'repo_id': self.enterprise_dev_repo.id,
+ 'name': 'refs/heads/saas-12.2-dev1'
+ })
+ # we shouldn't have duplicate since community_dev_branch exists
+ with patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._git_rev_parse', new=rev_parse):
+ # lets create an old enterprise build
+ self.Build.create({
+ 'branch_id': enterprise_sticky_branch.id,
+ 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
+ })
+ self.assertNoDuplicate(
+ enterprise_sticky_branch,
+ enterprise_dev_branch,
+ (community_sticky_branch, 'exact'),
+ (community_dev_branch, 'exact'),
+ )
+ @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._github')
+ def test_external_pr_closest_branch(self, mock_github):
+ """ test last resort value target_name"""
+ mock_github.return_value = {
+ 'head': {'label': 'external_repo:11.0-fix'},
+ 'base': {'ref': '11.0'},
+ 'state': 'open'
+ }
+ enterprise_pr = self.Branch.create({
+ 'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
+ 'name': 'refs/pull/123456'
+ })
+ dependency_repo = self.enterprise_repo.dependency_ids[0]
+ closest_branch = enterprise_pr._get_closest_branch(dependency_repo.id)
+ self.assertEqual(enterprise_pr._get_closest_branch(dependency_repo.id), (self.branch_odoo_11, 'pr_target'))
+ @patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._github')
+ def test_external_pr_with_comunity_pr_closest_branch(self, mock_github):
+ """ test matching external pr """
+ mock_github.return_value = {
+ 'head': {'label': 'external_dev_repo:11.0-fix'},
+ 'base': {'ref': '11.0'},
+ 'state': 'open'
+ }
+ community_pr = self.Branch.create({
+ 'repo_id': self.community_repo.id,
+ 'name': 'refs/pull/123456'
+ })
+ mock_github.return_value = {
+ 'head': {'label': 'external_dev_repo:11.0-fix'}, # if repo doenst match, it wont work, maybe a fix to do here?
+ 'base': {'ref': '11.0'},
+ 'state': 'open'
+ }
+ enterprise_pr = self.Branch.create({
+ 'repo_id': self.enterprise_repo.id,
+ 'name': 'refs/pull/123'
+ })
+ with patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._git_rev_parse', new=rev_parse):
+ build = self.Build.create({
+ 'branch_id': enterprise_pr.id,
+ 'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
+ })
+ dependency_repo = build.repo_id.dependency_ids[0]
+ self.assertEqual(build.branch_id._get_closest_branch(dependency_repo.id), (community_pr, 'exact PR'))
+ # this is working here because pull_head_name is set, but on runbot pull_head_name is empty for external pr. why?
diff --git a/runbot/tests/test_frontend.py b/runbot/tests/test_frontend.py
index 05535f0e..01e69ed5 100644
--- a/runbot/tests/test_frontend.py
+++ b/runbot/tests/test_frontend.py
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ class Test_Frontend(common.HttpCase):
names = ['deadbeef', 'd0d0caca', 'deadface', 'cacafeed']
# create 5 builds in each branch
for i, state, branch, name in zip(range(10), cycle(states), cycle(branches), cycle(names)):
- self.Build.create({
+ name = '%s%s' % (name, i)
+ build = self.Build.create({
'branch_id': branch.id,
'name': '%s0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' % name,
'port': '1234',