diff --git a/forwardport/models/forwardport.py b/forwardport/models/forwardport.py
index 00dac319..75823461 100644
--- a/forwardport/models/forwardport.py
+++ b/forwardport/models/forwardport.py
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import contextlib
import logging
+import re
import uuid
from contextlib import ExitStack
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import requests
import sentry_sdk
from dateutil import relativedelta
@@ -13,6 +16,7 @@ from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.github import GH
# how long a merged PR survives
MERGE_AGE = relativedelta.relativedelta(weeks=2)
+FOOTER = '\nMore info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port\n'
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -66,9 +70,11 @@ class ForwardPortTasks(models.Model, Queue):
source = fields.Selection([
('merge', 'Merge'),
('fp', 'Forward Port Followup'),
- ('insert', 'New branch port')
+ ('insert', 'New branch port'),
+ ('complete', 'Complete ported batches'),
], required=True)
retry_after = fields.Datetime(required=True, default='1900-01-01 01:01:01')
+ pr_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.pull_requests')
def _search_domain(self):
return super()._search_domain() + [
@@ -82,8 +88,11 @@ class ForwardPortTasks(models.Model, Queue):
def _process_item(self):
batch = self.batch_id
sentry_sdk.set_tag('forward-porting', batch.prs.mapped('display_name'))
- newbatch = batch._port_forward()
+ if self.source == 'complete':
+ self._complete_batches()
+ return
+ newbatch = batch._port_forward()
if not newbatch: # reached end of seq (or batch is empty)
# FIXME: or configuration is fucky so doesn't want to FP (maybe should error and retry?)
@@ -114,6 +123,120 @@ class ForwardPortTasks(models.Model, Queue):
if newchild:
newchild.parent_id = pr.id
+ def _complete_batches(self):
+ source = pr = self.pr_id
+ if not pr:
+ _logger.warning(
+ "Unable to complete descendants of %s (%s): no new PR",
+ self.batch_id,
+ self.batch_id.prs.mapped('display_name'),
+ )
+ return
+ _logger.info(
+ "Completing batches for descendants of %s (added %s)",
+ self.batch_id.prs.mapped('display_name'),
+ self.pr_id.display_name,
+ )
+ gh = requests.Session()
+ repository = pr.repository
+ gh.headers['Authorization'] = f'token {repository.project_id.fp_github_token}'
+ PullRequests = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']
+ self.env.cr.execute('LOCK runbot_merge_pull_requests IN SHARE MODE')
+ # TODO: extract complete list of targets from `_find_next_target`
+ # so we can create all the forwardport branches, push them, and
+ # only then create the PR objects
+ # TODO: maybe do that after making forward-port WC-less, so all the
+ # branches can be pushed atomically at once
+ with contextlib.ExitStack() as s:
+ for descendant in self.batch_id.descendants():
+ target = pr._find_next_target()
+ if target is None:
+ _logger.info("Will not forward-port %s: no next target", pr.display_name)
+ return
+ if PullRequests.search_count([
+ ('source_id', '=', source.id),
+ ('target', '=', target.id),
+ ('state', 'not in', ('closed', 'merged')),
+ ]):
+ _logger.warning("Will not forward-port %s: already ported", pr.display_name)
+ return
+ if target != descendant.target:
+ self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests.feedback'].create({
+ 'repository': repository.id,
+ 'pull_request': source.id,
+ 'token_field': 'fp_github_token',
+ 'message': """\
+{pr.ping}unable to port this PR forwards due to inconsistency: goes from \
+{pr.target.name} to {next_target.name} but {batch} ({batch_prs}) targets \
+""".format(pr=pr, next_target=target, batch=descendant, batch_prs=', '.join(descendant.mapped('prs.display_name')))
+ })
+ return
+ ref = descendant.prs[:1].refname
+ # NOTE: ports the new source everywhere instead of porting each
+ # PR to the next step as it does not *stop* on conflict
+ conflict, working_copy = source._create_fp_branch(target, ref, s)
+ working_copy.push('target', ref)
+ remote_target = repository.fp_remote_target
+ owner, _ = remote_target.split('/', 1)
+ message = source.message + f"\n\nForward-Port-Of: {pr.display_name}"
+ title, body = re.match(r'(?P
[^\n]+)\n*(?P.*)', message, flags=re.DOTALL).groups()
+ r = gh.post(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{pr.repository.name}/pulls', json={
+ 'base': target.name,
+ 'head': f'{owner}:{ref}',
+ 'title': '[FW]' + (' ' if title[0] != '[' else '') + title,
+ 'body': body
+ })
+ if not r.ok:
+ _logger.warning("Failed to create forward-port PR for %s, deleting branches", pr.display_name)
+ # delete all the branches this should automatically close the
+ # PRs if we've created any. Using the API here is probably
+ # simpler than going through the working copies
+ d = gh.delete(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{remote_target}/git/refs/heads/{ref}')
+ if d.ok:
+ _logger.info("Deleting %s:%s=success", remote_target, ref)
+ else:
+ _logger.warning("Deleting %s:%s=%s", remote_target, ref, d.text)
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Forwardport failure: {pr.display_name} ({r.text})")
+ new_pr = PullRequests._from_gh(r.json())
+ _logger.info("Created forward-port PR %s", new_pr)
+ new_pr.write({
+ 'batch_id': descendant.id, # should already be set correctly but...
+ 'merge_method': pr.merge_method,
+ 'source_id': source.id,
+ # only link to previous PR of sequence if cherrypick passed
+ # FIXME: apply parenting of siblings? Apply parenting *to* siblings?
+ 'parent_id': pr.id if not conflict else False,
+ 'detach_reason': "{1}\n{2}".format(*conflict).strip() if conflict else None,
+ })
+ if conflict:
+ self.env.ref('runbot_merge.forwardport.failure.conflict')._send(
+ repository=pr.repository,
+ pull_request=pr.number,
+ token_field='fp_github_token',
+ format_args={'source': source, 'pr': pr, 'new': new_pr, 'footer': FOOTER},
+ )
+ new_pr._fp_conflict_feedback(pr, {pr: conflict})
+ labels = ['forwardport']
+ if conflict:
+ labels.append('conflict')
+ self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests.tagging'].create({
+ 'repository': new_pr.repository.id,
+ 'pull_request': new_pr.number,
+ 'tags_add': labels,
+ })
+ pr = new_pr
class UpdateQueue(models.Model, Queue):
_name = 'forwardport.updates'
diff --git a/forwardport/models/project.py b/forwardport/models/project.py
index 9fb62a6e..43379eb1 100644
--- a/forwardport/models/project.py
+++ b/forwardport/models/project.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import json
import logging
import operator
import subprocess
+import sys
import tempfile
import typing
from pathlib import Path
@@ -195,7 +196,19 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
if vals.get('parent_id') and 'source_id' not in vals:
vals['source_id'] = self.browse(vals['parent_id']).root_id.id
- return super().create(vals)
+ pr = super().create(vals)
+ # added a new PR to an already forward-ported batch: port the PR
+ if self.env['runbot_merge.batch'].search_count([
+ ('parent_id', '=', pr.batch_id.id),
+ ]):
+ self.env['forwardport.batches'].create({
+ 'batch_id': pr.batch_id.id,
+ 'source': 'complete',
+ 'pr_id': pr.id,
+ })
+ return pr
def write(self, vals):
# if the PR's head is updated, detach (should split off the FP lines as this is not the original code)
diff --git a/forwardport/tests/test_batches.py b/forwardport/tests/test_batches.py
index 4c72f3da..0ada435c 100644
--- a/forwardport/tests/test_batches.py
+++ b/forwardport/tests/test_batches.py
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-from utils import Commit, make_basic, to_pr
+import re
+import pytest
+from utils import Commit, make_basic, to_pr, seen, re_matches
def test_single_updated(env, config, make_repo):
@@ -133,19 +137,17 @@ def test_closing_during_fp(env, config, make_repo, users):
def test_add_pr_during_fp(env, config, make_repo, users):
""" It should be possible to add new PRs to an FP batch
- r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo)
- r2, fork2 = make_basic(env, config, make_repo)
- repos = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([])
- repos.required_statuses = 'default'
+ r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default")
+ r2, fork2 = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default")
# needs a "d" branch
- repos[0].project_id.write({
+ env['runbot_merge.project'].search([]).write({
'branch_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'd', 'sequence': 40})],
with r1, r2:
r1.make_ref("heads/d", r1.commit("c").id)
r2.make_ref("heads/d", r2.commit("c").id)
- with r1, r2:
+ with r1:
r1.make_commits('a', Commit('1', tree={'1': '0'}), ref='heads/aref')
pr1_a = r1.make_pr(target='a', head='aref')
r1.post_status('aref', 'success')
@@ -211,3 +213,177 @@ def test_add_pr_during_fp(env, config, make_repo, users):
assert find_child(pr1_c_id)
assert find_child(pr2_c_id)
+def test_add_to_forward_ported(env, config, make_repo, users):
+ """Add a new branch to an intermediate step of a fw *sequence*, either
+ because skipci or because all the intermediate CI succeeded
+ """
+ # region setup
+ r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default")
+ r2, fork2 = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default")
+ with r1:
+ r1.make_commits('a', Commit('a', tree={'a': 'a'}), ref="heads/pr1")
+ pr1_a = r1.make_pr(target="a", head="pr1")
+ r1.post_status(pr1_a.head, 'success')
+ pr1_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token'])
+ env.run_crons()
+ with r1, r2:
+ r1.post_status('staging.a', 'success')
+ r2.post_status('staging.a', 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ # region port forward
+ pr1_a_id = to_pr(env, pr1_a)
+ pr1_b_id = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids
+ assert pr1_b_id
+ with r1:
+ r1.post_status(pr1_b_id.head, 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ pr1_c_id = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids - pr1_b_id
+ assert pr1_c_id
+ # endregion
+ # endregion
+ # new PR must be in fork for labels to actually match
+ with r2, fork2:
+ # branch in fork has no owner prefix, but HEAD for cross-repo PR does
+ fork2.make_commits("b", Commit('b', tree={'b': 'b'}), ref=f'heads/{pr1_b_id.refname}')
+ pr2_b = r2.make_pr(title="b", target="b", head=pr1_b_id.label)
+ r2.post_status(pr2_b.head, 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ pr2_b_id = to_pr(env, pr2_b)
+ assert pr2_b_id.batch_id == pr1_b_id.batch_id
+ assert len(pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids) == 1, \
+ "since the batch is already forward ported, the new PR should" \
+ " immediately be forward ported to match"
+ assert pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids.label == pr1_c_id.label
+ pr2_a = r1.get_pr(pr1_b_id.number)
+ with r1, r2:
+ pr2_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token'])
+ pr2_b.post_comment("hansen r+", config['role_reviewer']['token'])
+ env.run_crons()
+ with r1, r2:
+ r1.post_status('staging.b', 'success')
+ r2.post_status('staging.b', 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ assert pr1_b_id.state == 'merged'
+ assert pr2_b_id.state == 'merged'
+ assert len(pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids) == 1,\
+ "verify that pr2_b did not get forward ported again on merge"
+ pr2_c = r2.get_pr(pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids.number)
+ assert pr2_c.comments == [
+ seen(env, pr2_c, users),
+ (users['user'], '''\
+@{user} this PR targets c and is the last of the forward-port chain.
+To merge the full chain, use
+> @hansen r+
+More info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port
+ ]
+def test_add_to_forward_port_conflict(env, config, make_repo, users):
+ """If a PR is added to an existing forward port sequence, and it causes
+ conflicts when forward ported, it should be treated similarly to an *update*
+ causing a conflict: the PR is still created, but it's set in conflict.
+ """
+ # region setup
+ r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default")
+ r2, fork2 = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default")
+ project = env['runbot_merge.project'].search([])
+ with r2:
+ r2.make_commits(
+ "c",
+ Commit("C-onflict", tree={"b": "X"}),
+ ref="heads/c"
+ )
+ with r1:
+ r1.make_commits('a', Commit('a', tree={'a': 'a'}), ref="heads/pr1")
+ pr1_a = r1.make_pr(target="a", head="pr1")
+ r1.post_status(pr1_a.head, 'success')
+ pr1_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token'])
+ env.run_crons()
+ with r1, r2:
+ r1.post_status('staging.a', 'success')
+ r2.post_status('staging.a', 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ # region port forward
+ pr1_a_id = to_pr(env, pr1_a)
+ pr1_b_id = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids
+ assert pr1_b_id
+ with r1:
+ r1.post_status(pr1_b_id.head, 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ pr1_c_id = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids - pr1_b_id
+ assert pr1_c_id
+ # endregion
+ # endregion
+ # new PR must be in fork for labels to actually match
+ with r2, fork2:
+ # branch in fork has no owner prefix, but HEAD for cross-repo PR does
+ fork2.make_commits("b", Commit('b', tree={'b': 'b'}), ref=f'heads/{pr1_b_id.refname}')
+ pr2_b = r2.make_pr(title="b", target="b", head=pr1_b_id.label)
+ r2.post_status(pr2_b.head, 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ pr2_b_id = to_pr(env, pr2_b)
+ assert pr2_b_id.batch_id == pr1_b_id.batch_id
+ pr2_c_id = pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids
+ assert len(pr2_c_id) == 1, \
+ "since the batch is already forward ported, the new PR should" \
+ " immediately be forward ported to match"
+ assert pr2_c_id.label == pr1_c_id.label
+ assert not pr2_c_id.parent_id, "conflict -> should be detached"
+ assert pr2_c_id.detach_reason
+ pr2_a = r1.get_pr(pr1_b_id.number)
+ with r1, r2:
+ pr2_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token'])
+ pr2_b.post_comment("hansen r+", config['role_reviewer']['token'])
+ env.run_crons()
+ with r1, r2:
+ r1.post_status('staging.b', 'success')
+ r2.post_status('staging.b', 'success')
+ env.run_crons()
+ assert pr1_b_id.state == 'merged'
+ assert pr2_b_id.state == 'merged'
+ pr2_c = r2.get_pr(pr2_c_id.number)
+ assert pr2_c.comments == [
+ seen(env, pr2_c, users),
+ # should have conflicts
+ (users['user'], re_matches(r"""@{user} cherrypicking of pull request {previous.display_name} failed\.
+Auto-merging b
+CONFLICT \(add/add\): Merge conflict in b
+Either perform the forward-port manually \(and push to this branch, proceeding as usual\) or close this PR \(maybe\?\)\.
+In the former case, you may want to edit this PR message as well\.
+:warning: after resolving this conflict, you will need to merge it via @{project.github_prefix}\.
+More info at https://github\.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port
+""".format(project=project, previous=pr2_b_id, **users), re.DOTALL))
+ ]
diff --git a/mergebot_test_utils/utils.py b/mergebot_test_utils/utils.py
index f72b286a..b00bf520 100644
--- a/mergebot_test_utils/utils.py
+++ b/mergebot_test_utils/utils.py
@@ -49,8 +49,11 @@ class re_matches:
def __eq__(self, text):
return self._r.match(text)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', self._r.pattern)
def __repr__(self):
- return repr(self._r.pattern)
+ return repr(str(self))
def seen(env, pr, users):
return users['user'], f'[Pull request status dashboard]({to_pr(env, pr).url}).'
diff --git a/runbot_merge/models/batch.py b/runbot_merge/models/batch.py
index e689468b..0a7822d4 100644
--- a/runbot_merge/models/batch.py
+++ b/runbot_merge/models/batch.py
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ class Batch(models.Model):
# in DB both will prefix-match on the literal prefix then apply a
# trivial filter (even though the filter is technically unnecessary for
# the first form), doing it like this means we don't have to `- self`
- # in the `not includ_self` case
+ # in the ``not include_self`` case
if include_self:
pattern = self.parent_path + '%'
pattern = self.parent_path + '_%'
- return self.search([("parent_path", '=like', pattern)])
+ return self.search([("parent_path", '=like', pattern)], order="parent_path")
# also depends on all the descendants of the source or sth
@@ -323,9 +323,10 @@ class Batch(models.Model):
'source_id': source.id,
# only link to previous PR of sequence if cherrypick passed
'parent_id': pr.id if not has_conflicts else False,
- 'detach_reason': "conflicts: {}".format(
- f'\n{conflicts[pr]}\n{conflicts[pr]}'.strip()
- ) if has_conflicts else None,
+ 'detach_reason': "conflicts:\n{}".format('\n\n'.join(
+ f"{out}\n{err}".strip()
+ for _, out, err, _ in filter(None, conflicts.values())
+ )) if has_conflicts else None,
if has_conflicts and pr.parent_id and pr.state not in ('merged', 'closed'):
@@ -336,63 +337,7 @@ class Batch(models.Model):
for pr, new_pr in zip(prs, new_batch):
- (h, out, err, hh) = conflicts.get(pr) or (None, None, None, None)
- if h:
- sout = serr = ''
- if out.strip():
- sout = f"\nstdout:\n```\n{out}\n```\n"
- if err.strip():
- serr = f"\nstderr:\n```\n{err}\n```\n"
- lines = ''
- if len(hh) > 1:
- lines = '\n' + ''.join(
- '* %s%s\n' % (sha, ' <- on this commit' if sha == h else '')
- for sha in hh
- )
- template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.failure'
- format_args = {
- 'pr': new_pr,
- 'commits': lines,
- 'stdout': sout,
- 'stderr': serr,
- 'footer': FOOTER,
- }
- elif has_conflicts:
- template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.linked'
- format_args = {
- 'pr': new_pr,
- 'siblings': ', '.join(p.display_name for p in (new_batch - new_pr)),
- 'footer': FOOTER,
- }
- elif not new_pr._find_next_target():
- ancestors = "".join(
- f"* {p.display_name}\n"
- for p in pr._iter_ancestors()
- if p.parent_id
- if p.state not in ('closed', 'merged')
- if p.target.active
- )
- template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.final'
- format_args = {
- 'pr': new_pr,
- 'containing': ' containing:' if ancestors else '.',
- 'ancestors': ancestors,
- 'footer': FOOTER,
- }
- else:
- template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.intermediate'
- format_args = {
- 'pr': new_pr,
- 'footer': FOOTER,
- }
- self.env.ref(template)._send(
- repository=new_pr.repository,
- pull_request=new_pr.number,
- token_field='fp_github_token',
- format_args=format_args,
- )
+ new_pr._fp_conflict_feedback(pr, conflicts)
labels = ['forwardport']
if has_conflicts:
@@ -409,7 +354,6 @@ class Batch(models.Model):
return new_batch
def _schedule_fp_followup(self):
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__).getChild('forwardport.next')
# if the PR has a parent and is CI-validated, enqueue the next PR
diff --git a/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py b/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py
index ee6b76e5..edbecd18 100644
--- a/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py
+++ b/runbot_merge/models/pull_requests.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from .utils import enum
from .. import github, exceptions, controllers, utils
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+FOOTER = '\nMore info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port\n'
class StatusConfiguration(models.Model):
@@ -1386,6 +1387,64 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
return True
+ def _fp_conflict_feedback(self, previous_pr, conflicts):
+ (h, out, err, hh) = conflicts.get(previous_pr) or (None, None, None, None)
+ if h:
+ sout = serr = ''
+ if out.strip():
+ sout = f"\nstdout:\n```\n{out}\n```\n"
+ if err.strip():
+ serr = f"\nstderr:\n```\n{err}\n```\n"
+ lines = ''
+ if len(hh) > 1:
+ lines = '\n' + ''.join(
+ '* %s%s\n' % (sha, ' <- on this commit' if sha == h else '')
+ for sha in hh
+ )
+ template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.failure'
+ format_args = {
+ 'pr': self,
+ 'commits': lines,
+ 'stdout': sout,
+ 'stderr': serr,
+ 'footer': FOOTER,
+ }
+ elif any(conflicts.values()):
+ template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.linked'
+ format_args = {
+ 'pr': self,
+ 'siblings': ', '.join(p.display_name for p in (self.batch_id - self)),
+ 'footer': FOOTER,
+ }
+ elif not self._find_next_target():
+ ancestors = "".join(
+ f"* {p.display_name}\n"
+ for p in previous_pr._iter_ancestors()
+ if p.parent_id
+ if p.state not in ('closed', 'merged')
+ if p.target.active
+ )
+ template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.final'
+ format_args = {
+ 'pr': self,
+ 'containing': ' containing:' if ancestors else '.',
+ 'ancestors': ancestors,
+ 'footer': FOOTER,
+ }
+ else:
+ template = 'runbot_merge.forwardport.intermediate'
+ format_args = {
+ 'pr': self,
+ 'footer': FOOTER,
+ }
+ self.env.ref(template)._send(
+ repository=self.repository,
+ pull_request=self.number,
+ token_field='fp_github_token',
+ format_args=format_args,
+ )
# ordering is a bit unintuitive because the lowest sequence (and name)
# is the last link of the fp chain, reasoning is a bit more natural the
# other way around (highest object is the last), especially with Python