mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 13:25:47 +07:00
[DEL] runbot: remove old upgrade scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def migrate(cr, version):
WITH bad(id) AS (
SELECT split_part(dbname, '-', 1)::integer
FROM ir_logging
WHERE dbname ~ '^\d+-.+'
FROM runbot_build
DELETE FROM ir_logging
WHERE dbname ~ (SELECT CONCAT('^(', string_agg(id::text, '|'::text), ')-.+') FROM bad);
UPDATE ir_logging
SET build_id = split_part(dbname, '-', 1)::integer
WHERE build_id IS NULL
AND dbname ~ '^\d+-.+';
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def migrate(cr, version):
def ref(xmlid):
cr.execute("SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE module=%s AND name=%s", xmlid.split('.'))
return cr.fetchone()
# fill config_id Many2one with the default config
cr.execute('UPDATE runbot_build SET config_id = %s', ref('runbot.runbot_build_config_default'))
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE runbot_build ALTER COLUMN config_id SET NOT NULL')
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_repo SET repo_config_id = %s", ref('runbot.runbot_build_config_default'))
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_branch SET branch_config_id = %s WHERE job_type = 'testing'", ref('runbot.runbot_build_config_default_no_run'))
# set no_build on tmp branches
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_branch SET no_build = 't' WHERE job_type = 'none'")
# set config to Default_no_ run when branch is testing
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_branch SET branch_config_id = %s WHERE job_type = 'testing'" % ref('runbot.runbot_build_config_default_no_run'))
# set build_start/_end
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET build_start = job_start")
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET build_end = job_end")
# set cron minutes to seconds and multiply by 10
cr.execute("UPDATE ir_cron SET interval_type='seconds', interval_number=interval_number*10 WHERE interval_type='minutes'")
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def migrate(cr, version):
# delete oldies
old_models = tuple([
'ir.qweb.widget', 'ir.qweb.widget.monetary', 'base.module.import',
'res.currency.rate.type', 'website.converter.test.sub',
'website.converter.test', 'runbot.config.settings',
'report.abstract_report', 'base.action.rule.lead.test',
cr.execute("DELETE FROM ir_model WHERE model IN %s", [old_models])
# pre-create the log_list column
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ADD COLUMN log_list character varying")
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET log_list='base,all,run' WHERE job_type = 'all' or job_type is null")
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET log_list='base,all' WHERE job_type = 'testing'")
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET log_list='all,run' WHERE job_type = 'running'")
# pre-create config_id column
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE runbot_build ADD COLUMN config_id integer')
# pre-fill global result column for old builds
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ADD COLUMN global_result character varying")
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ADD COLUMN global_state character varying")
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET global_result=result, global_state=state WHERE duplicate_id is null")
# set correct values on duplicates too
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build AS updated_build SET global_result = fb.global_result, global_state = fb.global_state FROM runbot_build AS fb WHERE updated_build.duplicate_id = fb.id")
# pre-fill nb_ fields to avoid a huge recompute
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ADD COLUMN nb_pending INTEGER DEFAULT 0")
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ADD COLUMN nb_testing INTEGER DEFAULT 0")
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ADD COLUMN nb_running INTEGER DEFAULT 0")
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ALTER COLUMN nb_pending DROP DEFAULT")
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ALTER COLUMN nb_testing DROP DEFAULT")
cr.execute("ALTER TABLE runbot_build ALTER COLUMN nb_running DROP DEFAULT")
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def migrate(cr, version):
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET requested_action='deathrow', local_state='testing' WHERE local_state = 'deathrow'")
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def migrate(cr, version):
repo_modules = '-auth_ldap,-document_ftp,-base_gengo,-website_gengo,-website_instantclick,-pad,-pad_bundle,-note_pad,-pos_cache,-pos_blackbox_be,-hw_*,-theme_*,-l10n_*,'
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_repo SET modules = CONCAT(%s, modules) WHERE modules_auto = 'all' or modules_auto = 'repo';", (repo_modules,))
# ceux qui n'ont pas d'étoile on prefix par '-*,'
cr.execute("SELECT id,install_modules FROM runbot_build_config_step")
for step_id, install_modules in cr.fetchall():
install_modules_list = [mod.strip() for mod in (install_modules or '').split(',') if mod.strip()]
if '*' in install_modules_list:
install_modules = ', '.join(install_modules_list)
elif install_modules_list:
install_modules = '-*,%s' % install_modules
install_modules = '-*'
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build_config_step SET install_modules = %s WHERE id=%s", (install_modules, step_id))
@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo.api import Environment
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID
import logging
import progressbar
from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
def _bar(total):
b = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=total, \
widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()])
return b
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RunbotMigrationException(Exception):
def migrate(cr, version):
env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
# monkey patch github to raise an exception during migration to avoid problems
def _github():
raise RunbotMigrationException('_github call')
env['runbot.remote']._github = _github
# some checks:
for keyword in ('real_build', 'duplicate_id', '_get_all_commit', '_get_repo', '_copy_dependency_ids', 'Commit', '_get_repo_available_modules'):
matches = env['runbot.build.config.step'].search([('python_code', 'like', keyword)])
if matches:
_logger.warning('Some python steps found with %s ref: %s', keyword, matches)
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM runbot_repo WHERE nginx = true')
if cr.fetchone():
cr.execute("""INSERT INTO ir_config_parameter (KEY, value) VALUES ('runbot_nginx', 'True')""")
# Repo, remotes, triggers and projects
visited = set()
owner_to_remote = {}
repos_infos = {}
triggers = {}
triggers_by_project = defaultdict(list)
deleted_repos_ids = set()
RD_project = env.ref('runbot.main_project')
security_project = env['runbot.project'].create({
'name': 'Security'
# create a master bundle for security (master was discovered after saas-14)
'name': 'master',
'is_base': True,
'project_id': security_project.id
project_matching = { # some hardcoded info
'odoo': RD_project,
'enterprise': RD_project,
'upgrade': RD_project,
'design-themes': RD_project,
'odoo-security': security_project,
'enterprise-security': security_project,
# remove the SET NULL on runbot_build.repo_id when the repo is deleted.
# Otherwise we will not be able to create commits later
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE runbot_build DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS runbot_build_repo_id_fkey1;')
id, name, duplicate_id, modules, modules_auto, server_files, manifest_files, addons_paths, mode, token, repo_config_id
FROM runbot_repo order by id
for id, name, duplicate_id, modules, modules_auto, server_files, manifest_files, addons_paths, mode, token, repo_config_id in cr.fetchall():
cr.execute(""" SELECT res_groups_id FROM res_groups_runbot_repo_rel WHERE runbot_repo_id = %s""", (id,))
group_ids = [r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()]
repo_name = name.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', '')
owner = name.split(':')[-1].split('/')[0]
if duplicate_id in visited:
repo = env['runbot.repo'].browse(duplicate_id)
repo = env['runbot.repo'].browse(id)
cr.execute('ALTER SEQUENCE runbot_remote_id_seq RESTART WITH %s', (id, ))
remote = env['runbot.remote'].create({
'name': name,
'repo_id': repo.id if duplicate_id not in visited else duplicate_id,
'sequence': repo.sequence,
'fetch_pull': mode != 'disabled',
'fetch_heads': mode != 'disabled',
'token': token,
assert remote.id == id
# Move repo_id to remote_id
# Implies to ensure that remote id's will be the same as the old repo
# repo_id is set to null to avoid the cascading delete when the repo will be removed
cr.execute('UPDATE runbot_branch SET remote_id=repo_id, repo_id=NULL WHERE repo_id = %s', (id,))
owner_to_remote[(owner, repo.id)] = remote.id
repo_infos = {
'name': repo_name,
'modules': modules,
'group_ids': group_ids,
'server_files': server_files,
'manifest_files': manifest_files,
'addons_paths': addons_paths,
if duplicate_id in visited:
cr.execute('DELETE FROM runbot_repo WHERE id = %s', (id, ))
if repos_infos[duplicate_id] != repo_infos:
_logger.warning('deleting duplicate with different values:\nexisting->%s\ndeleted->%s', repos_infos[duplicate_id], repo_infos)
repos_infos[id] = repo_infos
repo.name = repo_name
repo.main_remote = remote
# if not, we need to give information on how to group repos: odoo+enterprise+upgarde+design-theme/se/runbot
# this mean that we will need to group build too. Could be nice but maybe a little difficult.
if repo_name in project_matching:
project = project_matching[repo_name]
project = env['runbot.project'].create({
'name': repo_name,
# also create a master budle, just in case
'name': 'master',
'is_base': True,
'project_id': project.id
repo.project_id = project.id
cr.execute(""" SELECT dependency_id FROM runbot_repo_dep_rel WHERE dependant_id = %s""", (id,))
dependency_ids = [r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()]
trigger = env['runbot.trigger'].create({
'name': repo_name,
'project_id': project.id,
'repo_ids': [(4, id)],
'dependency_ids': [(4, dependency_id) for dependency_id in dependency_ids],
'config_id': repo_config_id if repo_config_id else env.ref('runbot.runbot_build_config_default').id,
triggers[id] = trigger
# Branches
cr.execute('UPDATE runbot_branch SET name=branch_name')
# no build, config, ...
dummy_bundle = env.ref('runbot.bundle_dummy')
# Bundles
_logger.info('Creating bundles')
branches = env['runbot.branch'].search([], order='id')
bundles = {('master', RD_project.id): env.ref('runbot.bundle_master')}
branch_to_bundle = {}
branch_to_version = {}
progress = _bar(len(branches))
env.cr.execute("""SELECT id FROM runbot_branch WHERE sticky='t'""")
sticky_ids = [rec[0] for rec in env.cr.fetchall()]
for i, branch in enumerate(branches):
repo = branch.remote_id.repo_id
if branch.target_branch_name and branch.pull_head_name:
# 1. update source_repo: do not call github and use a naive approach:
# pull_head_name contains odoo-dev and a repo in group starts with odoo-dev -> this is a known repo.
owner = branch.pull_head_name.split(':')[0]
pull_head_remote_id = owner_to_remote.get((owner, repo.id))
if pull_head_remote_id:
branch.pull_head_remote_id = pull_head_remote_id
project_id = repo.project_id.id
name = branch.reference_name
key = (name, project_id)
if key not in bundles:
bundle = env['runbot.bundle'].create({
'name': name,
'project_id': project_id,
'sticky': branch.id in sticky_ids,
'is_base': branch.id in sticky_ids,
bundles[key] = bundle
bundle = bundles[key]
if branch.is_pr:
if bundle.is_base:
_logger.warning('Trying to add pr %s (%s) to base bundle (%s)', branch.name, branch.id, bundle.name)
bundle = dummy_bundle
elif ':' in name:
# handle external PR's
base_name = name.split(':')[1].split('-')[0]
defined_base_key = (base_name, project_id)
if defined_base_key in bundles:
bundle.defined_base_id = bundles[defined_base_key]
branch.bundle_id = bundle
branch_to_bundle[branch.id] = bundle
branch_to_version[branch.id] = bundle.version_id.id
batch_size = 100000
sha_commits = {}
sha_repo_commits = {}
branch_heads = {}
commit_link_ids = defaultdict(dict)
cr.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM runbot_build")
nb_build = cr.fetchone()[0]
_logger.info('Creating main commits')
counter = 0
progress = _bar(nb_build)
cross_project_duplicate_ids = []
for offset in range(0, nb_build, batch_size):
repo_id, name, author, author_email, committer, committer_email, subject, date, duplicate_id, branch_id
FROM runbot_build ORDER BY id asc LIMIT %s OFFSET %s""", (batch_size, offset))
for id, repo_id, name, author, author_email, committer, committer_email, subject, date, duplicate_id, branch_id in cr.fetchall():
remote_id = env['runbot.remote'].browse(repo_id)
#assert remote_id.exists()
if not repo_id:
_logger.warning('No repo_id for build %s, skipping', id)
key = (name, remote_id.repo_id.id)
if key in sha_repo_commits:
commit = sha_repo_commits[key]
if duplicate_id and remote_id.repo_id.project_id.id != RD_project.id:
elif duplicate_id:
_logger.warning('Problem: duplicate: %s,%s', id, duplicate_id)
commit = env['runbot.commit'].create({
'name': name,
'repo_id': remote_id.repo_id.id, # now that the repo_id on the build correspond to a remote_id
'author': author,
'author_email': author_email,
'committer': committer,
'committer_email': committer_email,
'subject': subject,
'date': date
sha_repo_commits[key] = commit
sha_commits[name] = commit
branch_heads[branch_id] = commit.id
counter += 1
commit_link_ids[id][commit.repo_id.id] = commit.id
if cross_project_duplicate_ids:
_logger.info('Cleaning cross project duplicates')
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET local_state='done', duplicate_id=NULL WHERE id IN %s", (tuple(cross_project_duplicate_ids), ))
_logger.info('Creating params')
counter = 0
cr.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM runbot_build WHERE duplicate_id IS NULL")
nb_real_build = cr.fetchone()[0]
progress = _bar(nb_real_build)
# monkey patch to avoid search
original = env['runbot.build.params']._find_existing
existing = {}
def _find_existing(fingerprint):
return existing.get(fingerprint, env['runbot.build.params'])
param = env['runbot.build.params']
param._find_existing = _find_existing
builds_deps = defaultdict(list)
def get_deps(bid):
if bid < get_deps.start or bid > get_deps.stop:
get_deps.start = bid
get_deps.stop = bid+batch_size
cr.execute('SELECT build_id, dependency_hash, dependecy_repo_id, closest_branch_id, match_type FROM runbot_build_dependency WHERE build_id>=%s and build_id<=%s', (get_deps.start, get_deps.stop))
for build_id, dependency_hash, dependecy_repo_id, closest_branch_id, match_type in cr.fetchall():
builds_deps[build_id].append((dependency_hash, dependecy_repo_id, closest_branch_id, match_type))
return builds_deps[bid]
get_deps.start = 0
get_deps.stop = 0
def update_build_params(params_id, id):
cr.execute('UPDATE runbot_build SET params_id=%s WHERE id=%s OR duplicate_id = %s', (params_id, id, id))
build_ids_to_recompute = []
for offset in range(0, nb_real_build, batch_size):
id, branch_id, repo_id, extra_params, config_id, config_data
FROM runbot_build WHERE duplicate_id IS NULL ORDER BY id asc LIMIT %s OFFSET %s""", (batch_size, offset))
for id, branch_id, repo_id, extra_params, config_id, config_data in cr.fetchall():
counter += 1
remote_id = env['runbot.remote'].browse(repo_id)
commit_link_ids_create_values = [
{'commit_id': commit_link_ids[id][remote_id.repo_id.id], 'match_type':'base_head'}]
for dependency_hash, dependecy_repo_id, closest_branch_id, match_type in get_deps(id):
dependency_remote_id = env['runbot.remote'].browse(dependecy_repo_id)
key = (dependency_hash, dependency_remote_id.id)
commit = sha_repo_commits.get(key) or sha_commits.get(dependency_hash)
if not commit:
# -> most of the time, commit in exists but with wrong repo. Info can be found on other commit.
_logger.warning('Missing commit %s created', dependency_hash)
commit = env['runbot.commit'].create({
'name': dependency_hash,
'repo_id': dependency_remote_id.repo_id.id,
sha_repo_commits[key] = commit
sha_commits[dependency_hash] = commit
commit_link_ids[id][dependency_remote_id.id] = commit.id
match_type = 'base_head' if match_type in ('pr_target', 'prefix', 'default') else 'head'
commit_link_ids_create_values.append({'commit_id': commit.id, 'match_type':match_type, 'branch_id': closest_branch_id})
params = param.create({
'version_id': branch_to_version[branch_id],
'extra_params': extra_params,
'config_id': config_id,
'project_id': env['runbot.repo'].browse(remote_id.repo_id.id).project_id,
'trigger_id': triggers[remote_id.repo_id.id].id,
'config_data': config_data,
'commit_link_ids': [(0, 0, values) for values in commit_link_ids_create_values]
existing[params.fingerprint] = params
update_build_params(params.id, id)
env['runbot.build.params']._find_existing = original
# update dest
_logger.info('Updating build dests')
counter = 0
progress = _bar(nb_real_build)
for offset in range(0, len(build_ids_to_recompute), batch_size):
builds = env['runbot.build'].browse(build_ids_to_recompute[offset:offset+batch_size])
for branch, head in branch_heads.items():
cr.execute('UPDATE runbot_branch SET head=%s WHERE id=%s', (head, branch))
del branch_heads
# adapt build commits
_logger.info('Creating batchs')
# Bundle batch
cr.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM runbot_build WHERE parent_id IS NOT NULL")
nb_root_build = cr.fetchone()[0]
counter = 0
progress = _bar(nb_root_build)
previous_batch = {}
for offset in range(0, nb_root_build, batch_size):
id, duplicate_id, repo_id, branch_id, create_date, build_type, config_id, params_id
FROM runbot_build WHERE parent_id IS NULL order by id asc
LIMIT %s OFFSET %s""", (batch_size, offset))
for id, duplicate_id, repo_id, branch_id, create_date, build_type, config_id, params_id in cr.fetchall():
counter += 1
if repo_id is None:
_logger.warning('Skipping %s: no repo', id)
bundle = branch_to_bundle[branch_id]
# try to merge build in same batch
# not temporal notion in this case, only hash consistency
batch = False
build_id = duplicate_id or id
build_commits = commit_link_ids[build_id]
batch_repos_ids = []
# check if this build can be added to last_batch
if bundle.last_batch:
if create_date - bundle.last_batch.last_update < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5):
if duplicate_id and build_id in bundle.last_batch.slot_ids.mapped('build_id').ids:
# to fix: nightly will be in the same batch of the previous normal one. If config_id is diffrent, create batch?
# possible fix: max create_date diff
batch = bundle.last_batch
batch_commits = batch.commit_ids
batch_repos_ids = batch_commits.mapped('repo_id').ids
for commit in batch_commits:
if commit.repo_id.id in build_commits:
if commit.id != build_commits[commit.repo_id.id]:
batch = False
batch_repos_ids = []
missing_commits = [commit_id for repo_id, commit_id in build_commits.items() if repo_id not in batch_repos_ids]
if not batch:
batch = env['runbot.batch'].create({
'create_date': create_date,
'last_update': create_date,
'state': 'ready',
'bundle_id': bundle.id
#if bundle.last_batch:
# previous = previous_batch.get(bundle.last_batch.id)
# if previous:
# previous_build_by_trigger = {slot.trigger_id.id: slot.build_id.id for slot in previous.slot_ids}
# else:
# previous_build_by_trigger = {}
# batch_slot_triggers = bundle.last_batch.slot_ids.mapped('trigger_id').ids
# missing_trigger_ids = [trigger for trigger in triggers_by_project[bundle.project_id.id] if trigger.id not in batch_slot_triggers]
# for trigger in missing_trigger_ids:
# env['runbot.batch.slot'].create({
# 'trigger_id': trigger.id,
# 'batch_id': bundle.last_batch.id,
# 'build_id': previous_build_by_trigger.get(trigger.id), # may be None, if we want to create empty slots. Else, iter on slot instead
# 'link_type': 'matched',
# 'active': True,
# })
previous_batch[batch.id] = bundle.last_batch
bundle.last_batch = batch
batch.last_update = create_date
real_repo_id = env['runbot.remote'].browse(repo_id).repo_id.id
'params_id': params_id,
'trigger_id': triggers[real_repo_id].id,
'batch_id': batch.id,
'build_id': build_id,
'link_type': 'rebuild' if build_type == 'rebuild' else 'matched' if duplicate_id else 'created',
'active': True,
commit_links_values = []
for missing_commit in missing_commits:
'commit_id': missing_commit,
'match_type': 'new',
batch.commit_link_ids = [(0, 0, values) for values in commit_links_values]
if batch.state == 'ready' and all(slot.build_id.global_state in (False, 'running', 'done') for slot in batch.slot_ids):
batch.state = 'done'
#Build of type rebuild may point to same params as rebbuild?
# Cleaning (performances)
# 1. avoid UPDATE "runbot_build" SET "commit_path_mode"=NULL WHERE "commit_path_mode"='soft'
cr.execute('alter table runbot_build alter column commit_path_mode drop not null')
cr.execute("delete from runbot_build where local_state='duplicate'") # what about duplicate childrens?
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def migrate(cr, version):
# dependency is not correct since it will be all commits. This also free the name for a build dependant on another build params
# those indexes are improving the branches deletion
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ON runbot_branch (defined_sticky);')
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ON runbot_build_dependency (closest_branch_id);')
# Fix duplicate problems
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET duplicate_id = null WHERE duplicate_id > id")
cr.execute("UPDATE runbot_build SET local_state='done' WHERE duplicate_id IS NULL AND local_state = 'duplicate';")
# Remove builds without a repo
cr.execute("DELETE FROM runbot_build WHERE repo_id IS NULL")
cr.execute("DELETE FROM ir_ui_view WHERE id IN (SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE name = 'inherits_branch_in_menu' AND module = 'runbot')")
# Fix branches
cr.execute("""DELETE FROM runbot_branch WHERE name SIMILAR TO 'refs/heads/\d+' RETURNING id,name;""") # Remove old bad branches named like PR
for branch_id, name in cr.fetchall():
_logger.warning('Deleting branch id %s with name "%s"', branch_id, name)
cr.execute("""SELECT branch_name,repo_id, count(*) AS nb FROM runbot_branch GROUP BY branch_name,repo_id HAVING count(*) > 1;""") # Branches with duplicate branch_name in same repo
for branch_name, repo_id, nb in cr.fetchall():
cr.execute("""DELETE FROM runbot_branch WHERE (sticky='f' OR sticky IS NULL) AND branch_name=%s and repo_id=%s and name ~ 'refs/heads/.+/.+' RETURNING id,branch_name;""", (branch_name, repo_id))
for branch_id, branch_name in cr.fetchall():
_logger.warning('Deleting branch id %s with branch_name "%s"', branch_id, branch_name)
# Raise in case of buggy PR's
cr.execute("SELECT id,name FROM runbot_branch WHERE name LIKE 'refs/pull/%' AND pull_head_name is null")
bad_prs = cr.fetchall()
if bad_prs:
for pr in bad_prs:
_logger.warning('PR with NULL pull_head_name found: %s (%s)', pr[1], pr[0])
raise RuntimeError("Migration error", "Found %s PR's without pull_head_name" % len(bad_prs))
# avoid recompute of branch._comput_bundle_id otherwise, it cannot find xml data
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE runbot_branch ADD COLUMN bundle_id INTEGER;')
# avoid recompute of pull_head_name wich is emptied during the recompute
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE runbot_branch ADD COLUMN pull_head_remote_id INTEGER;')
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE runbot_branch ADD COLUMN is_pr BOOLEAN;')
cr.execute("""UPDATE runbot_branch SET is_pr = CASE WHEN name like 'refs/pull/%' THEN true ELSE false END;""")
# delete runbot.repo inehrited views
cr.execute("DELETE FROM ir_ui_view WHERE inherit_id IN (SELECT id from ir_ui_view WHERE name = 'runbot.repo');")
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def migrate(cr, _version):
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE runbot_branch ADD COLUMN draft BOOLEAN')
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp.modules.registry import RegistryManager
def get_legacy_name(original_name, version):
return 'legacy_%s_%s' % (version.replace('.', '_'), original_name)
def m2o_to_x2m(cr, model, table, field, source_field):
cr.execute('SELECT id, %(field)s '
'FROM %(table)s '
'WHERE %(field)s is not null' % {
'table': table,
'field': source_field,
for row in cr.fetchall():
model.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, row[0], {field: [(4, row[1])]})
def migrate(cr, version):
if not version:
registry = RegistryManager.get(cr.dbname)
get_legacy_name('fallback_id', version),
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp import release
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('upgrade')
def get_legacy_name(original_name, version):
return 'legacy_%s_%s' % (version.replace('.', '_'), original_name)
def rename_columns(cr, column_spec, version):
for table, renames in column_spec.iteritems():
for old, new in renames:
if new is None:
new = get_legacy_name(old, version)
logger.info("table %s, column %s: renaming to %s",
table, old, new)
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "%s" RENAME "%s" TO "%s"'
% (table, old, new,))
cr.execute('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "%s_%s_index"'
% (table, old))
column_renames = {
'runbot_repo': [
('fallback_id', None)
def migrate(cr, version):
if not version:
rename_columns(cr, column_renames, version)
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def migrate(cr, version):
cr.execute("""SELECT 1
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name='runbot_branch'
AND column_name='pull_head_name'
if not cr.rowcount:
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "runbot_branch" ADD COLUMN "pull_head_name" varchar')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user