mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 15:35:46 +07:00
[IMP] forwardport: allow updating the fw limit after merging the source
Currently, once a source PR has been merged it's not possible to set or update a limit, which can be inconvenient (e.g. people might have forgotten to set it, or realise after the fact that setting one is not useful, or might realise after the fact that they should *unset* it). This PR relaxes that constraint (which is not just a relaxation as it requires a bunch of additional work and validation), it should now be possible to: - update the limit to any target, as long as that target is at or above the current forwardport tip's - with the exception of a tip being forward ported, as that can't be cancelled - resume a forward port stopped by a previously set limit (just increase it to whatever) - set a limit from any forward-port PR - set a limit from a source, post-merge The process should also provide pretty chatty feedback: - feedback on the source and closest root - feedback about adjustments if any (e.g. setting the limit to B but there's already a forward port to C, the 'bot should set the limit to C and tell you that it happened and why) Fixes #506
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,20 @@ class Queue:
raise NotImplementedError
def _process(self):
for b in self.search(self._search_domain(), order='create_date, id', limit=self.limit):
skip = 0
from_clause, where_clause, params = self._search(self._search_domain(), order='create_date, id', limit=1).get_sql()
for _ in range(self.limit):
SELECT id FROM {from_clause}
WHERE {where_clause or "true"}
ORDER BY create_date, id
""", [*params, skip])
b = self.browse(self.env.cr.fetchone())
if not b:
with sentry_sdk.start_span(description=self._name):
@ -33,11 +46,12 @@ class Queue:
except Exception:
_logger.exception("Error while processing %s, skipping", b)
if b._on_failure():
skip += 1
def _on_failure(self):
return True
def _search_domain(self):
return []
@ -48,7 +62,7 @@ class ForwardPortTasks(models.Model, Queue):
limit = 10
batch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.batch', required=True)
batch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.batch', required=True, index=True)
source = fields.Selection([
('merge', 'Merge'),
('fp', 'Forward Port Followup'),
@ -24,21 +24,26 @@ import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import typing
from functools import reduce
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
import dateutil.relativedelta
import psycopg2.errors
import requests
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tools.misc import topological_sort, groupby
from odoo.tools.misc import topological_sort, groupby, Reverse
from odoo.tools.sql import reverse_order
from odoo.tools.appdirs import user_cache_dir
from odoo.addons.base.models.res_partner import Partner
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge import git, utils
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.models.pull_requests import RPLUS
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.models.pull_requests import RPLUS, Branch
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.models.stagings_create import Message
footer = '\nMore info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port\n'
DEFAULT_DELTA = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=3)
@ -48,6 +53,8 @@ _logger = logging.getLogger('odoo.addons.forwardport')
class Project(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.project'
id: int
github_prefix: str
fp_github_token = fields.Char()
fp_github_name = fields.Char(store=True, compute="_compute_git_identity")
fp_github_email = fields.Char(store=True, compute="_compute_git_identity")
@ -217,11 +224,25 @@ class Project(models.Model):
class Repository(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.repository'
id: int
project_id: Project
name: str
branch_filter: str
fp_remote_target = fields.Char(help="where FP branches get pushed")
class PullRequests(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.pull_requests'
id: int
display_name: str
number: int
repository: Repository
target: Branch
reviewed_by: Partner
head: str
state: str
statuses = fields.Text(recursive=True)
limit_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', help="Up to which branch should this PR be forward-ported")
@ -230,6 +251,7 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
'runbot_merge.pull_requests', index=True,
help="a PR with a parent is an automatic forward port"
root_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.pull_requests', compute='_compute_root', recursive=True)
source_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.pull_requests', index=True, help="the original source of this FP even if parents were detached along the way")
forwardport_ids = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.pull_requests', 'source_id')
reminder_backoff_factor = fields.Integer(default=-4, group_operator=None)
@ -273,6 +295,10 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
pr.ping = s and (s + ' ')
def _compute_root(self):
for p in self:
p.root_id = reduce(lambda _, p: p, self._iter_ancestors())
def create(self, vals):
@ -291,7 +317,7 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
ast.literal_eval(repo.branch_filter or '[]')
if vals.get('parent_id') and 'source_id' not in vals:
vals['source_id'] = self.browse(vals['parent_id'])._get_root().id
vals['source_id'] = self.browse(vals['parent_id']).root_id.id
if vals.get('state') == 'merged':
vals['merge_date'] = fields.Datetime.now()
return super().create(vals)
@ -317,12 +343,12 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
# updating children
if self.search_count([('parent_id', '=', self.id)]):
'original_root': self._get_root().id,
'original_root': self.root_id.id,
'new_root': self.id
if vals.get('parent_id') and 'source_id' not in vals:
vals['source_id'] = self.browse(vals['parent_id'])._get_root().id
vals['source_id'] = self.browse(vals['parent_id']).root_id.id
if vals.get('state') == 'merged':
vals['merge_date'] = fields.Datetime.now()
r = super().write(vals)
@ -444,28 +470,7 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
elif not limit:
msg = "please provide a branch to forward-port to."
limit_id = self.env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('project_id', '=', self.repository.project_id.id),
('name', '=', limit),
if self.source_id:
msg = "forward-port limit can only be set on " \
f"an origin PR ({self.source_id.display_name} " \
"here) before it's merged and forward-ported."
elif self.state in ['merged', 'closed']:
msg = "forward-port limit can only be set before the PR is merged."
elif not limit_id:
msg = "there is no branch %r, it can't be used as a forward port target." % limit
elif limit_id == self.target:
ping = False
msg = "Forward-port disabled."
self.limit_id = limit_id
elif not limit_id.active:
msg = "branch %r is disabled, it can't be used as a forward port target." % limit_id.name
ping = False
msg = "Forward-porting to %r." % limit_id.name
self.limit_id = limit_id
ping, msg = self._maybe_update_limit(limit)
if msg or close:
if msg:
@ -480,6 +485,98 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
'token_field': 'fp_github_token',
def _maybe_update_limit(self, limit: str) -> typing.Tuple[bool, str]:
limit_id = self.env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('project_id', '=', self.repository.project_id.id),
('name', '=', limit),
if not limit_id:
return True, f"there is no branch {limit!r}, it can't be used as a forward port target."
if limit_id != self.target and not limit_id.active:
return True, f"branch {limit_id.name!r} is disabled, it can't be used as a forward port target."
# not forward ported yet, just acknowledge the request
if not self.source_id and self.state != 'merged':
self.limit_id = limit_id
if branch_key(limit_id) <= branch_key(self.target):
return False, "Forward-port disabled."
return False, f"Forward-porting to {limit_id.name!r}."
# if the PR has been forwardported
prs = (self | self.forwardport_ids | self.source_id | self.source_id.forwardport_ids)
tip = max(prs, key=pr_key)
# if the fp tip was closed it's fine
if tip.state == 'closed':
return True, f"{tip.display_name} is closed, no forward porting is going on"
prs.limit_id = limit_id
real_limit = max(limit_id, tip.target, key=branch_key)
addendum = ''
# check if tip was queued for forward porting, try to cancel if we're
# supposed to stop here
if real_limit == tip.target and (task := self.env['forwardport.batches'].search([('batch_id', 'in', tip.batch_ids.ids)])):
with self.env.cr.savepoint():
"SELECT FROM forwardport_batches "
except psycopg2.errors.LockNotAvailable:
# row locked = port occurring and probably going to succeed,
# so next(real_limit) likely a done deal already
return True, (
f"Forward port of {tip.display_name} likely already "
f"ongoing, unable to cancel, close next forward port "
f"when it completes.")
self.env.cr.execute("DELETE FROM forwardport_batches WHERE id = %s", [task.id])
if real_limit != tip.target:
# forward porting was previously stopped at tip, and we want it to
# resume
if tip.state == 'merged':
'batch_id': tip.batch_ids.sorted('id')[-1].id,
'source': 'fp' if tip.parent_id else 'merge',
resumed = tip
# reactivate batch
tip.batch_ids.sorted('id')[-1].active = True
resumed = tip._schedule_fp_followup()
if resumed:
addendum += f', resuming forward-port stopped at {tip.display_name}'
if real_limit != limit_id:
addendum += f' (instead of the requested {limit_id.name!r} because {tip.display_name} already exists)'
# get a "stable" root rather than self's to avoid divertences between
# PRs across a root divide (where one post-root would point to the root,
# and one pre-root would point to the source, or a previous root)
root = tip.root_id
# reference the root being forward ported unless we are the root
root_ref = '' if root == self else f' {root.display_name}'
msg = f"Forward-porting{root_ref} to {real_limit.name!r}{addendum}."
# send a message to the source & root except for self, if they exist
root_msg = f'Forward-porting to {real_limit.name!r} (from {self.display_name}).'
'repository': p.repository.id,
'pull_request': p.number,
'message': root_msg,
'token_field': 'fp_github_token',
# send messages to source and root unless root is self (as it
# already gets the normal message)
for p in (self.source_id | root) - self
return False, msg
def _notify_ci_failed(self, ci):
# only care about FP PRs which are not staged / merged yet
# NB: probably ignore approved PRs as normal message will handle them?
@ -501,6 +598,7 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
def _schedule_fp_followup(self):
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__).getChild('forwardport.next')
# if the PR has a parent and is CI-validated, enqueue the next PR
scheduled = self.browse(())
for pr in self:
_logger.info('Checking if forward-port %s (%s)', pr.display_name, pr)
if not pr.parent_id:
@ -548,6 +646,8 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
'batch_id': batch.id,
'source': 'fp',
scheduled |= pr
return scheduled
def _find_next_target(self, reference):
""" Finds the branch between target and limit_id which follows
@ -600,14 +700,15 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
return sorted(commits, key=lambda c: idx[c['sha']])
def _iter_ancestors(self):
while self:
yield self
self = self.parent_id
def _iter_descendants(self):
pr = self
while True:
pr = self.search([('parent_id', '=', pr.id)])
if pr:
yield pr
while pr := self.search([('parent_id', '=', pr.id)]):
yield pr
def _compute_statuses(self):
@ -619,17 +720,6 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
return p
def _iter_ancestors(self):
while self:
yield self
self = self.parent_id
def _get_root(self):
root = self
while root.parent_id:
root = root.parent_id
return root
def _port_forward(self):
if not self:
@ -720,7 +810,7 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
for pr in self:
owner, _ = pr.repository.fp_remote_target.split('/', 1)
source = pr.source_id or pr
root = pr._get_root()
root = pr.root_id
message = source.message + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(
"Forward-Port-Of: %s" % p.display_name
@ -872,7 +962,7 @@ class PullRequests(models.Model):
:rtype: (None | (str, str, str, list[commit]), Repo)
logger = _logger.getChild(str(self.id))
root = self._get_root()
root = self.root_id
"Forward-porting %s (%s) to %s",
self.display_name, root.display_name, target_branch.name
@ -1063,7 +1153,7 @@ stderr:
# ensures all reviewers in the review path are on the PR in order:
# original reviewer, then last conflict reviewer, then current PR
reviewers = (self | self._get_root() | self.source_id)\
reviewers = (self | self.root_id | self.source_id)\
sobs = msg.headers.getlist('signed-off-by')
@ -1127,6 +1217,19 @@ stderr:
# ordering is a bit unintuitive because the lowest sequence (and name)
# is the last link of the fp chain, reasoning is a bit more natural the
# other way around (highest object is the last), especially with Python
# not really having lazy sorts in the stdlib
def branch_key(b: Branch, /, _key=itemgetter('sequence', 'name')):
return Reverse(_key(b))
def pr_key(p: PullRequests, /):
return branch_key(p.target)
class Stagings(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.stagings'
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import pytest
from utils import seen, Commit, make_basic, to_pr
@ -120,13 +121,11 @@ def test_disable(env, config, make_repo, users):
seen(env, pr, users),
def test_limit_after_merge(env, config, make_repo, users):
""" If attempting to set a limit (<up to>) on a PR which is merged
(already forward-ported or not), or is a forward-port PR, fwbot should
just feedback that it won't do it
prod, other = make_basic(env, config, make_repo)
reviewer = config['role_reviewer']['token']
branch_b = env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([('name', '=', 'b')])
branch_c = env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([('name', '=', 'c')])
bot_name = env['runbot_merge.project'].search([]).fp_github_name
with prod:
@ -150,13 +149,13 @@ def test_limit_after_merge(env, config, make_repo, users):
pr2.post_comment(bot_name + ' up to b', reviewer)
assert p1.limit_id == p2.limit_id == branch_c, \
"check that limit was not updated"
assert p1.limit_id == p2.limit_id == branch_b
assert pr1.comments == [
(users['reviewer'], "hansen r+"),
seen(env, pr1, users),
(users['reviewer'], bot_name + ' up to b'),
(users['user'], "@%s forward-port limit can only be set before the PR is merged." % users['reviewer']),
(users['reviewer'], f'{bot_name} up to b'),
(users['user'], "Forward-porting to 'b'."),
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting to 'b' (from {p2.display_name})."),
assert pr2.comments == [
seen(env, pr2, users),
@ -165,12 +164,8 @@ This PR targets b and is part of the forward-port chain. Further PRs will be cre
More info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port
(users['reviewer'], bot_name + ' up to b'),
(users['user'], "@%s forward-port limit can only be set on an origin PR"
" (%s here) before it's merged and forward-ported." % (
(users['reviewer'], f'{bot_name} up to b'),
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting {p1.display_name} to 'b'."),
# update pr2 to detach it from pr1
@ -186,7 +181,7 @@ More info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port
assert p2.source_id == p1
with prod:
pr2.post_comment(bot_name + ' up to b', reviewer)
pr2.post_comment(f'{bot_name} up to c', reviewer)
assert pr2.comments[4:] == [
@ -195,9 +190,268 @@ More info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port
users['user'], users['reviewer'],
(users['reviewer'], bot_name + ' up to b'),
(users['user'], f"@{users['reviewer']} forward-port limit can only be "
f"set on an origin PR ({p1.display_name} here) before "
f"it's merged and forward-ported."
(users['reviewer'], f'{bot_name} up to c'),
(users['user'], "Forward-porting to 'c'."),
with prod:
prod.post_status(p2.head, 'success', 'legal/cla')
prod.post_status(p2.head, 'success', 'ci/runbot')
pr2.post_comment('hansen r+', reviewer)
with prod:
prod.post_status('staging.b', 'success', 'legal/cla')
prod.post_status('staging.b', 'success', 'ci/runbot')
_, _, p3 = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([], order='number')
assert p3
pr3 = prod.get_pr(p3.number)
with prod:
pr3.post_comment(f"{bot_name} up to c", reviewer)
assert pr3.comments == [
seen(env, pr3, users),
(users['user'], f"""\
@{users['user']} @{users['reviewer']} this PR targets c and is the last of the forward-port chain.
To merge the full chain, use
> @{p1.repository.project_id.fp_github_name} r+
More info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port
(users['reviewer'], f"{bot_name} up to c"),
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting {p2.display_name} to 'c'."),
# 7 of previous check, plus r+
assert pr2.comments[8:] == [
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting to 'c' (from {p3.display_name}).")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("update_from", [
pytest.param(lambda source: [('id', '=', source)], id='source'),
pytest.param(lambda source: [('source_id', '=', source), ('target', '=', '2')], id='child'),
pytest.param(lambda source: [('source_id', '=', source), ('target', '=', '3')], id='root'),
pytest.param(lambda source: [('source_id', '=', source), ('target', '=', '4')], id='parent'),
pytest.param(lambda source: [('source_id', '=', source), ('target', '=', '5')], id='current'),
# pytest.param(id='tip'), # doesn't exist
@pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", range(1, 6+1))
def test_post_merge(
env, post_merge, users, config, branches,
update_from: callable,
limit: int,
PRs = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']
project, prod, _ = post_merge
reviewer = config['role_reviewer']['token']
# fetch source PR
[source] = PRs.search([('source_id', '=', False)])
# validate the forward ports for "child", "root", and "parent" so "current"
# exists and we have one more target
for branch in map(str, range(2, 4+1)):
setci(source=source, repo=prod, target=branch)
# update 3 to make it into a root
root = PRs.search([('source_id', '=', source.id), ('target.name', '=', '3')])
root.write({'parent_id': False, 'detach_reason': 'testing'})
# send detach messages so they're not part of the limit stuff batch
# cheat: we know PR numbers are assigned sequentially
prs = list(map(prod.get_pr, range(1, 6)))
before = {p.number: len(p.comments) for p in prs}
from_id = PRs.search(update_from(source.id))
from_ = prod.get_pr(from_id.number)
with prod:
from_.post_comment(f'{project.fp_github_name} up to {limit}', reviewer)
# there should always be a comment on the source and root indicating how
# far we port
# the PR we post on should have a comment indicating the correction
current_id = PRs.search([('number', '=', '5')])
actual_limit = max(limit, 5)
for p in prs:
# case for the PR on which we posted the comment
if p.number == from_.number:
root_opt = '' if p.number == root.number else f' {root.display_name}'
trailer = '' if actual_limit == limit else f" (instead of the requested '{limit}' because {current_id.display_name} already exists)"
assert p.comments[before[p.number] + 1:] == [
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting{root_opt} to '{actual_limit}'{trailer}.")
# case for reference PRs source and root (which get their own notifications)
elif p.number in (source.number, root.number):
assert p.comments[before[p.number]:] == [
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting to '{actual_limit}' (from {from_id.display_name}).")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', [
# last forward port should fail ci, and only be validated after target bump
# last forward port should fail ci, then be validated, then target bump
# last forward port should be merged before bump
# every forward port should be merged before bump
def test_resume_fw(env, post_merge, users, config, branches, mode):
"""Singleton version of test_post_merge: completes the forward porting
including validation then tries to increase the limit, which should resume
forward porting
PRs = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']
project, prod, _ = post_merge
reviewer = config['role_reviewer']['token']
# fetch source PR
[source] = PRs.search([('source_id', '=', False)])
with prod:
prod.get_pr(source.number).post_comment(f'{project.fp_github_name} up to 5', reviewer)
# validate the forward ports for "child", "root", and "parent" so "current"
# exists and we have one more target
for branch in map(str, range(2, 5+1)):
source=source, repo=prod, target=branch,
status='failure' if branch == '5' and mode in ('failbump', 'failsucceed') else 'success'
# cheat: we know PR numbers are assigned sequentially
prs = list(map(prod.get_pr, range(1, 6)))
before = {p.number: len(p.comments) for p in prs}
if mode == 'failsucceed':
setci(source=source, repo=prod, target=5)
# sees the success, limit is still 5, considers the porting finished
if mode and mode.startswith('merge'):
numbers = range(5 if mode == 'mergetip' else 2, 5 + 1)
with prod:
for number in numbers:
prod.get_pr(number).post_comment(f'{project.github_prefix} r+', reviewer)
with prod:
for target in numbers:
pr = PRs.search([('target.name', '=', str(target))])
print(pr.display_name, pr.state, pr.staging_id)
prod.post_status(f'staging.{target}', 'success')
for number in numbers:
assert PRs.search([('number', '=', number)]).state == 'merged'
from_ = prod.get_pr(source.number)
with prod:
from_.post_comment(f'{project.fp_github_name} up to 6', reviewer)
if mode == 'failbump':
setci(source=source, repo=prod, target=5)
# setci moved the PR from opened to validated, so *now* it can be
# forward-ported, but that still needs to actually happen
# since PR5 CI succeeded and we've increased the limit there should be a
# new PR
assert PRs.search([('source_id', '=', source.id), ('target.name', '=', 6)])
pr5_id = PRs.search([('source_id', '=', source.id), ('target.name', '=', 5)])
if mode == 'failbump':
# because the initial forward porting was never finished as the PR CI
# failed until *after* we bumped the limit, so it's not *resuming* per se.
assert prs[0].comments[before[1]+1:] == [
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting to '6'.")
assert prs[0].comments[before[1]+1:] == [
(users['user'], f"Forward-porting to '6', resuming forward-port stopped at {pr5_id.display_name}.")
def setci(*, source, repo, target, status='success'):
"""Validates (CI success) the descendant of ``source`` targeting ``target``
in ``repo``.
pr = source.search([('source_id', '=', source.id), ('target.name', '=', str(target))])
with repo:
repo.post_status(pr.head, status)
def branches():
"""Need enough branches to make space for:
- a source
- an ancestor (before and separated from the root, but not the source)
- a root (break in the parent chain
- a parent (between "current" and root)
- "current"
- the tip branch
return range(1, 6 + 1)
def post_merge(env, config, users, make_repo, branches):
"""Create a setup for the post-merge limits test which is both simpler and
more complicated than the standard test setup(s): it doesn't need more
variety in code, but it needs a lot more "depth" in terms of number of
branches it supports. Branches are fixture-ed to make it easier to share
between this fixture and the actual test.
All the branches are set to the same commit because that basically
shouldn't matter.
prod = make_repo("post-merge-test")
with prod:
[c] = prod.make_commits(None, Commit('base', tree={'f': ''}))
for i in branches:
prod.make_ref(f'heads/{i}', c)
dev = prod.fork()
proj = env['runbot_merge.project'].create({
'name': prod.name,
'github_token': config['github']['token'],
'github_prefix': 'hansen',
'fp_github_token': config['github']['token'],
'fp_github_name': 'herbert',
'fp_github_email': 'hb@example.com',
'branch_ids': [
(0, 0, {'name': str(i), 'sequence': 1000 - (i * 10)})
for i in branches
'repo_ids': [
(0, 0, {
'name': prod.name,
'required_statuses': 'default',
'fp_remote_target': dev.name,
('github_login', '=', config['role_reviewer']['user'])
'review_rights': [(0, 0, {'repository_id': proj.repo_ids.id, 'review': True})]
mbot = proj.github_prefix
reviewer = config['role_reviewer']['token']
# merge the source PR
source_target = str(branches[0])
with prod:
[c] = prod.make_commits(source_target, Commit('my pr', tree={'x': ''}), ref='heads/mypr')
pr1 = prod.make_pr(target=source_target, head=c, title="a title")
prod.post_status(c, 'success')
pr1.post_comment(f'{mbot} r+', reviewer)
with prod:
prod.post_status(f'staging.{source_target}', 'success')
return proj, prod, dev
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
IMP: allow setting forward-port limits after the source pull request has been merged
Should now be possible to both extend and retract the forward port limit
afterwards, though obviously no shorter than the current tip of the forward
port sequence. One limitation is that forward ports being created can't be
stopped so there might be some windows where trying to set the limit to the
current tip will fail (because it's in the process of being forward-ported to
the next branch).
Reference in New Issue
Block a user