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synced 2025-03-27 13:25:47 +07:00
[IMP] runbot_merge: reorganise composition of PR dashboard pic
The previous version worked but was extremely plodding and procedural. Initially I wanted to compose the table in a single pass but that turns out not to really be possible as the goal for #908 is to have a "drawer" for extended information about the current batch: this means different cells of the same row can have different heights, so we can't one-pass the image either vertically (later cells of the current column might be wider) or horizontally (later cells of the current row might be taller). However what can be done is give the entire thing *structure*, essentially defining a very cut down and ad-hoc layout system before committing the layout to raster. This also deduplicates formatting and labelling information which was previously in both the computation first step and the rasterisation second step.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ import hashlib
import io
import io
import json
import json
import logging
import logging
import math
import pathlib
import pathlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
from email.utils import formatdate
from email.utils import formatdate
from enum import Flag, auto
from functools import cached_property
from itertools import chain, product
from itertools import chain, product
from typing import Tuple, cast, Mapping
from math import ceil
from typing import Tuple, cast, Mapping, Optional, List
import markdown
import markdown
import markupsafe
import markupsafe
@ -23,6 +26,8 @@ from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from odoo.http import Controller, route, request
from odoo.http import Controller, route, request
from odoo.tools import file_open
from odoo.tools import file_open
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -204,6 +209,83 @@ def raster_render(pr):
im.save(buffer, 'png', optimize=True)
im.save(buffer, 'png', optimize=True)
return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(buffer.getvalue(), headers=headers)
return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(buffer.getvalue(), headers=headers)
class Decoration(Flag):
class Text:
content: str
font: ImageFont.FreeTypeFont
color: Color
decoration: Decoration = Decoration(0)
def width(self) -> int:
return ceil(self.font.getlength(self.content))
def height(self) -> int:
return sum(self.font.getmetrics())
def draw(self, image: ImageDraw.ImageDraw, left: int, top: int):
image.text((left, top), self.content, fill=self.color, font=self.font)
if Decoration.STRIKETHROUGH in self.decoration:
x1, _, x2, _ = self.font.getbbox(self.content)
_, y1, _, y2 = self.font.getbbox('x')
# put the strikethrough line about 1/3rd down the x (default seems
# to be a bit above halfway down but that's ugly with numbers which
# is most of our stuff)
y = top + y1 + (y2 - y1) / 3
image.line([(left + x1, y), (left + x2, y)], self.color)
class Line:
spans: List[Text]
def width(self) -> int:
return sum(s.width for s in self.spans)
def height(self) -> int:
return max(s.height for s in self.spans) if self.spans else 0
def draw(self, image: ImageDraw.ImageDraw, left: int, top: int):
for span in self.spans:
span.draw(image, left, top)
left += span.width
class Lines:
lines: List[Line]
def width(self) -> int:
return max(l.width for l in self.lines)
def height(self) -> int:
return sum(l.height for l in self.lines)
def draw(self, image: ImageDraw.ImageDraw, left: int, top: int):
for line in self.lines:
line.draw(image, left, top)
top += line.height
class Cell:
content: Lines | Line | Text
background: Color = (255, 255, 255)
attached: bool = True
def width(self) -> int:
return self.content.width + 2 * HORIZONTAL_PADDING
def height(self) -> int:
return self.content.height + 2 * VERTICAL_PADDING
def render_full_table(pr, branches, repos, batches):
def render_full_table(pr, branches, repos, batches):
with file_open('web/static/fonts/google/Open_Sans/Open_Sans-Regular.ttf', 'rb') as f:
with file_open('web/static/fonts/google/Open_Sans/Open_Sans-Regular.ttf', 'rb') as f:
@ -212,106 +294,84 @@ def render_full_table(pr, branches, repos, batches):
supfont = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=13, layout_engine=0)
supfont = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=13, layout_engine=0)
with file_open('web/static/fonts/google/Open_Sans/Open_Sans-Bold.ttf', 'rb') as f:
with file_open('web/static/fonts/google/Open_Sans/Open_Sans-Bold.ttf', 'rb') as f:
bold = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=16, layout_engine=0)
bold = ImageFont.truetype(f, size=16, layout_engine=0)
# getbbox returns (left, top, right, bottom)
rows = {b: font.getbbox(b.name)[3] for b in branches}
rows[None] = max(bold.getbbox(r.name)[3] for r in repos)
columns = {r: bold.getbbox(r.name)[2] for r in repos}
columns[None] = max(font.getbbox(b.name)[2] for b in branches)
for r, b in product(repos, branches):
ps = batches[r, b]
w = h = 0
for p in ps['prs']:
_, _, ww, hh = font.getbbox(f" #{p['number']}")
w += ww + supfont.getbbox(' '.join(filter(None, [
'error' if p['pr'].error else '',
'' if p['checked'] else 'missing statuses',
'' if p['reviewed'] else 'missing r+',
'' if p['attached'] else 'detached',
'staged' if p['pr'].staging_id else 'ready' if p['pr']._ready else '',
h = max(hh, h)
rows[b] = max(rows.get(b, 0), h)
columns[r] = max(columns.get(r, 0), w)
pad_w, pad_h = 20, 5
rowheights = collections.defaultdict(int)
image_height = sum(rows.values()) + 2 * pad_h * len(rows)
colwidths = collections.defaultdict(int)
image_width = sum(columns.values()) + 2 * pad_w * len(columns)
cells = {}
im = Image.new("RGB", (image_width+1, image_height+1), color='white')
for b in chain([None], branches):
for r in chain([None], repos):
opacity = 1.0 if b is None or b.active else 0.5
current_row = b == pr.target
background = BG['info'] if current_row or r == pr.repository else BG[None]
if b is None: # first row
cell = Cell(Text("" if r is None else r.name, bold, TEXT), background)
elif r is None: # first column
cell = Cell(Text(b.name, font, blend(TEXT, opacity, over=background)), background)
ps = batches[r, b]
bgcolor = lighten(BG[ps['state']], by=-0.05) if pr in ps['pr_ids'] else BG[ps['state']]
background = blend(bgcolor, opacity, over=background)
foreground = blend((39, 110, 114), opacity, over=background)
line = []
attached = True
for p in ps['prs']:
decoration=Decoration.STRIKETHROUGH if p['closed'] else Decoration(0),
attached = attached and p['attached']
for attribute in filter(None, [
'error' if p['pr'].error else '',
'' if p['checked'] else 'missing statuses',
'' if p['reviewed'] else 'missing r+',
'' if p['attached'] else 'detached',
'staged' if p['pr'].staging_id else 'ready' if p['pr']._ready else ''
color = SUCCESS if attribute in ('staged', 'ready') else ERROR
line.append(Text(f' {attribute}', supfont, blend(color, opacity, over=background)))
line.append(Text(" ", font, foreground))
cell = Cell(Line(line), background, attached)
cells[r, b] = cell
rowheights[b] = max(rowheights[b], cell.height)
colwidths[r] = max(colwidths[r], cell.width)
im = Image.new("RGB", (sum(colwidths.values()), sum(rowheights.values())), "white")
# no need to set the font here because every text element has its own
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im, 'RGB')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im, 'RGB')
draw.font = font
top = 0
# for reasons of that being more convenient we store the bottom of the
for b in chain([None], branches):
# current row, so getting the top edge requires subtracting h
left = 0
w = left = bottom = 0
for r in chain([None], repos):
for b, r in product(chain([None], branches), chain([None], repos)):
cell = cells[r, b]
left += w
opacity = 1.0 if b is None or b.active else 0.5
# for a given cell, we first print the background, then the text, then
background = BG['info'] if b == pr.target or r == pr.repository else BG[None]
# the borders
w, h = columns[r] + 2 * pad_w, rows[b] + 2 * pad_h
# need to subtract 1 because pillow uses inclusive rect coordinates
right = left + colwidths[r] - 1
bottom = top + rowheights[b] - 1
(left, top, right, bottom),
# draw content adding padding
cell.content.draw(draw, left=left + HORIZONTAL_PADDING, top=top + VERTICAL_PADDING)
# draw bottom-right border
(left, bottom),
(right, bottom),
(right, top),
], fill=(172, 176, 170))
if not cell.attached:
# overdraw previous cell's bottom border
draw.line([(left, top-1), (right-1, top-1)], fill=ERROR)
if r is None: # branch cell in row
left += colwidths[r]
left = 0
top += rowheights[b]
bottom += h
if b:
(left + 1, bottom - h + 1, left + w - 1, bottom - 1),
(left + pad_w, bottom - h + pad_h),
fill=blend(TEXT, opacity, over=background),
elif b is None: # repo cell in top row
draw.rectangle((left + 1, bottom - h + 1, left + w - 1, bottom - 1), background)
draw.text((left + pad_w, bottom - h + pad_h), r.name, fill=TEXT, font=bold)
# draw the bottom-right edges of the cell
(left, bottom), # bottom-left
(left + w, bottom), # bottom-right
(left + w, bottom - h) # top-right
], fill=(172, 176, 170))
if r is None or b is None:
ps = batches[r, b]
bgcolor = BG[ps['state']]
if pr in ps['pr_ids']:
bgcolor = lighten(bgcolor, by=-0.05)
background = blend(bgcolor, opacity, over=background)
draw.rectangle((left + 1, bottom - h + 1, left + w - 1, bottom - 1), background)
top = bottom - h + pad_h
offset = left + pad_w
for p in ps['prs']:
label = f"#{p['number']}"
foreground = blend((39, 110, 114), opacity, over=background)
draw.text((offset, top), label, fill=foreground)
x, _, ww, hh = font.getbbox(label)
if p['closed']:
(offset + x, top + hh - hh / 3),
(offset + x + ww, top + hh - hh / 3),
], fill=foreground)
offset += ww
if not p['attached']:
# overdraw top border to mark the detachment
draw.line([(left, bottom - h), (left + w, bottom - h)], fill=ERROR)
for attribute in filter(None, [
'error' if p['pr'].error else '',
'' if p['checked'] else 'missing statuses',
'' if p['reviewed'] else 'missing r+',
'' if p['attached'] else 'detached',
'staged' if p['pr'].staging_id else 'ready' if p['pr']._ready else ''
color = SUCCESS if attribute in ('staged', 'ready') else ERROR
label = f' {attribute}'
draw.text((offset, top), label,
fill=blend(color, opacity, over=background),
offset += supfont.getbbox(label)[2]
offset += math.ceil(supfont.getlength(" "))
return im
return im
Reference in New Issue
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