mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 23:45:44 +07:00
[IMP] runbot: share sources between builds
Multibuild can create generate a lots of checkout, especially for small and fast jobs, which can overload runbot discs since we are trying not to clean build immediatly. (To ease bug fix and allow wake up) This commit proposes to store source on a single place, so that docker can add them as ro volume in the build directory. The checkout is also moved to the installs jobs, so that builds containing only create builds steps won't checkout the sources. This change implies to use --addons-path correctly, since odoo and enterprise addons wont be merged in the same repo anymore. This will allow to test addons a dev will do, with a closer command line. This implies to change the code structure a litle, some changes where made to remove no-so-usefull fields on build, and some hard-coded logic (manifest_names and server_names) are now stored on repo instead. This changes implies that a build CANNOT write in his sources. It shouldn't be the case, but it means that runbot cannot be tested on runbot untill datas are written elsewhere than in static. Other possibilities are possible, like bind mounting the sources in the build directory instead of adding ro volumes in docker. Unfortunately, this needs to give access to mount as sudo for runbot user and changes docjker config to allow mounts in volumes which is not the case by default. A plus of this solution would be to be able to make an overlay mount.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
# runbot work files
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
'author': "Odoo SA",
'website': "http://runbot.odoo.com",
'category': 'Website',
'version': '4.2',
'version': '4.3',
'depends': ['website', 'base'],
'data': [
@ -17,6 +17,20 @@ from odoo.tools.misc import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Commit():
def __init__(self, repo, sha):
self.repo = repo
self.sha = sha
def _source_path(self, *path):
return self.repo._source_path(self.sha, *path)
def export(self):
return self.repo._git_export(self.sha)
def __str__(self):
return '%s:%s' % (self.repo.short_name, self.sha)
def fqdn():
return socket.getfqdn()
@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ def build_odoo_cmd(odoo_cmd):
# build cmd
cmd_chain = []
cmd_chain.append('cd /data/build')
cmd_chain.append('head -1 odoo-bin | grep -q python3 && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt || sudo pip install -r requirements.txt')
server_path = odoo_cmd[0]
requirement_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(server_path), 'requirements.txt')
cmd_chain.append('head -1 %s | grep -q python3 && sudo pip3 install -r %s || sudo pip install -r %s' % (server_path, requirement_path, requirement_path))
cmd_chain.append(' '.join(odoo_cmd))
return ' && '.join(cmd_chain)
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ def docker_build(log_path, build_dir):
dbuild = subprocess.Popen(['docker', 'build', '--tag', 'odoo:runbot_tests', '.'], stdout=logs, stderr=logs, cwd=docker_dir)
def docker_run(run_cmd, log_path, build_dir, container_name, exposed_ports=None, cpu_limit=None, preexec_fn=None):
def docker_run(run_cmd, log_path, build_dir, container_name, exposed_ports=None, cpu_limit=None, preexec_fn=None, ro_volumes=None):
"""Run tests in a docker container
:param run_cmd: command string to run in container
:param log_path: path to the logfile that will contain odoo stdout and stderr
@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ def docker_run(run_cmd, log_path, build_dir, container_name, exposed_ports=None,
This directory is shared as a volume with the container
:param container_name: used to give a name to the container for later reference
:param exposed_ports: if not None, starting at 8069, ports will be exposed as exposed_ports numbers
:params ro_volumes: dict of dest:source volumes to mount readonly in builddir
_logger.debug('Docker run command: %s', run_cmd)
logs = open(log_path, 'w')
@ -81,13 +84,18 @@ def docker_run(run_cmd, log_path, build_dir, container_name, exposed_ports=None,
if ro_volumes:
for dest, source in ro_volumes.items():
logs.write("Adding readonly volume '%s' pointing to %s \n" % (dest, source))
docker_command.append('--volume=%s:/data/build/%s:ro' % (source, dest))
serverrc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.openerp_serverrc')
odoorc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.odoorc')
final_rc = odoorc_path if os.path.exists(odoorc_path) else serverrc_path if os.path.exists(serverrc_path) else None
if final_rc:
docker_command.extend(['--volume=%s:/home/odoo/.odoorc:ro' % final_rc])
if exposed_ports:
for dp,hp in enumerate(exposed_ports, start=8069):
for dp, hp in enumerate(exposed_ports, start=8069):
docker_command.extend(['-p', '' % (hp, dp)])
if cpu_limit:
docker_command.extend(['--ulimit', 'cpu=%s' % int(cpu_limit)])
@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import datetime
from ..common import dt2time, fqdn, now, grep, uniq_list, local_pgadmin_cursor, s2human
from ..common import dt2time, fqdn, now, grep, uniq_list, local_pgadmin_cursor, s2human, Commit
from ..container import docker_build, docker_stop, docker_is_running
from odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo import HashMissingException
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import appdirs
from collections import defaultdict
@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
committer_email = fields.Char('Committer Email')
subject = fields.Text('Subject')
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
modules = fields.Char("Modules to Install")
# state machine
@ -73,10 +73,6 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
build_time = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_build_time', string='Job time')
build_age = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_build_age', string='Build age')
duplicate_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', 'Corresponding Build', index=True)
server_match = fields.Selection([('builtin', 'This branch includes Odoo server'),
('match', 'This branch includes Odoo server'),
('default', 'No match found - defaults to master')],
string='Server branch matching')
revdep_build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', 'runbot_rev_dep_builds',
column1='rev_dep_id', column2='dependent_id',
string='Builds that depends on this build')
@ -101,6 +97,11 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
log_list = fields.Char('Comma separted list of step_ids names with logs', compute="_compute_log_list", store=True)
orphan_result = fields.Boolean('No effect on the parent result', default=False)
commit_path_mode = fields.Selection([('rep_sha', 'repo name + sha'),
('soft', 'repo name only'),
string='Source export path mode')
def _compute_log_list(self): # storing this field because it will be access trhoug repo viewn and keep track of the list at create
for build in self:
@ -281,6 +282,14 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
extra_info.update({'local_state': 'duplicate', 'duplicate_id': duplicate_id})
# maybe update duplicate priority if needed
docker_source_folders = set()
for commit in build_id.get_all_commit():
docker_source_folder = build_id._docker_source_folder(commit)
if docker_source_folder in docker_source_folders:
extra_info['commit_path_mode'] = 'rep_sha'
if build_id.local_state == 'duplicate' and build_id.duplicate_id.global_state in ('running', 'done'): # and not build_id.parent_id:
@ -396,7 +405,6 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
'committer': build.committer,
'committer_email': build.committer_email,
'subject': build.subject,
'modules': build.modules,
'build_type': 'rebuild',
if exact:
@ -410,7 +418,6 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
'config_id': build.config_id.id,
'extra_params': build.extra_params,
'server_match': build.server_match,
'orphan_result': build.orphan_result,
#if replace: ?
@ -436,6 +443,8 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
self.write({'local_state': 'done', 'local_result': 'skipped', 'duplicate_id': False})
def _local_cleanup(self):
if self.pool._init:
_logger.debug('Local cleaning')
@ -457,8 +466,7 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
existing = builds.exists()
remaining = (builds - existing)
if remaining:
dest_list = [dest for sublist in [dest_by_builds_ids[rem_id] for rem_id in remaining] for dest in sublist]
#dest_list = [dest for dest in dest_by_builds_ids[rem_id] for rem_id in remaining]
dest_list = [dest for sublist in [dest_by_builds_ids[rem_id] for rem_id in remaining.ids] for dest in sublist]
_logger.debug('(%s) (%s) not deleted because no corresponding build found' % (label, " ".join(dest_list)))
for build in existing:
if fields.Datetime.from_string(build.create_date) + datetime.timedelta(days=max_days) < datetime.datetime.now():
@ -546,7 +554,7 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
build._log('_schedule', 'Init build environment with config %s ' % build.config_id.name)
# notify pending build - avoid confusing users by saying nothing
os.makedirs(build._path('logs'), exist_ok=True)
build._log('_schedule', 'Building docker image')
docker_build(build._path('logs', 'docker_build.txt'), build._path())
except Exception:
@ -632,128 +640,102 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
root = self.env['runbot.repo']._root()
return os.path.join(root, 'build', build.dest, *l)
def _server(self, *l, **kw): # not really build related, specific to odoo version, could be a data
"""Return the build server path"""
def _server(self, *path):
"""Return the absolute path to the direcory containing the server file, adding optional *path"""
build = self
if os.path.exists(build._path('odoo')):
return build._path('odoo', *l)
return build._path('openerp', *l)
commit = self.get_server_commit()
if os.path.exists(commit._source_path('odoo')):
return commit._source_path('odoo', *path)
return commit._source_path('openerp', *path)
def _filter_modules(self, modules, available_modules, explicit_modules):
# TODO add blacklist_modules and blacklist prefixes as data on repo
blacklist_modules = set(['auth_ldap', 'document_ftp', 'base_gengo',
'website_gengo', 'website_instantclick',
'pad', 'pad_project', 'note_pad',
'pos_cache', 'pos_blackbox_be'])
mod_filter = lambda m: (
m in available_modules and
(m in explicit_modules or (not m.startswith(('hw_', 'theme_', 'l10n_')) and
m not in blacklist_modules))
return uniq_list(filter(mod_filter, modules))
def mod_filter(module):
if module not in available_modules:
return False
if module in explicit_modules:
return True
if module.startswith(('hw_', 'theme_', 'l10n_')):
return False
if module in blacklist_modules:
return False
return True
def _checkout(self):
return uniq_list([module for module in modules if mod_filter(module)])
def _get_available_modules(self, commit):
for manifest_file_name in commit.repo.manifest_files.split(','): # '__manifest__.py' '__openerp__.py'
for addons_path in commit.repo.addons_paths.split(','): # '' 'addons' 'odoo/addons'
sep = os.path.join(addons_path, '*')
for manifest_path in glob.glob(commit._source_path(sep, manifest_file_name)):
module = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(manifest_path))
yield (addons_path, module, manifest_file_name)
def _docker_source_folder(self, commit):
# in case some build have commits with the same repo name (ex: foo/bar, foo-ent/bar)
# it can be usefull to uniquify commit export path using hash
if self.commit_path_mode == 'rep_sha':
return '%s-%s' % (commit.repo._get_repo_name_part(), commit.sha[:8])
return commit.repo._get_repo_name_part()
def _checkout(self, commits=None):
self.ensure_one() # will raise exception if hash not found, we don't want to fail for all build.
# starts from scratch
build = self
if os.path.isdir(build._path()):
# runbot log path
os.makedirs(build._path("logs"), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(build._server('addons'), exist_ok=True)
# update repo if needed
if not build.repo_id._hash_exists(build.name):
# checkout branch
build.branch_id.repo_id._git_export(build.name, build._path())
exports = {}
for commit in commits or self.get_all_commit():
build_export_path = self._docker_source_folder(commit)
if build_export_path in exports:
self.log('_checkout', 'Multiple repo have same export path in build, some source may be missing for %s' % build_export_path, level='ERROR')
exports[build_export_path] = commit.export()
except HashMissingException:
self._log('_checkout', "Commit %s is unreachable. Did you force push the branch since build creation?" % commit, level='ERROR')
return exports
has_server = os.path.isfile(build._server('__init__.py'))
server_match = 'builtin'
# build complete set of modules to install
modules_to_move = []
modules_to_test = ((build.branch_id.modules or '') + ',' +
(build.repo_id.modules or ''))
modules_to_test = list(filter(None, modules_to_test.split(','))) # ???
explicit_modules = set(modules_to_test)
_logger.debug("manual modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
if not has_server:
if build.repo_id.modules_auto == 'repo':
modules_to_test += [
for a in (glob.glob(build._path('*/__openerp__.py')) +
_logger.debug("local modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
# todo make it backward compatible, or create migration script?
for build_dependency in build.dependency_ids:
closest_branch = build_dependency.closest_branch_id
latest_commit = build_dependency.dependency_hash
repo = closest_branch.repo_id or build_dependency.repo_id
closest_name = closest_branch.name or 'no_branch'
if build_dependency.match_type == 'default':
server_match = 'default'
elif server_match != 'default':
server_match = 'match'
'_checkout', 'Checkouting %s from %s' % (closest_name, repo.name)
if not repo._hash_exists(latest_commit):
if not repo._hash_exists(latest_commit):
repo._git(['fetch', 'origin', latest_commit])
if not repo._hash_exists(latest_commit):
build._log('_checkout', "Dependency commit %s in repo %s is unreachable. Did you force push the branch since build creation?" % (latest_commit, repo.name))
raise Exception
repo._git_export(latest_commit, build._path())
# Finally mark all addons to move to openerp/addons
modules_to_move += [
for module in (glob.glob(build._path('*/__openerp__.py')) +
# move all addons to server addons path
for module in uniq_list(glob.glob(build._path('addons/*')) + modules_to_move):
basename = os.path.basename(module)
addon_path = build._server('addons', basename)
if os.path.exists(addon_path):
'Building environment',
'You have duplicate modules in your branches "%s"' % basename
if os.path.islink(addon_path) or os.path.isfile(addon_path):
def _get_modules_to_test(self, commits=None):
self.ensure_one() # will raise exception if hash not found, we don't want to fail for all build.
# checkout branch
repo_modules = []
available_modules = []
for commit in commits or self.get_all_commit():
for (addons_path, module, manifest_file_name) in self._get_available_modules(commit):
if commit.repo == self.repo_id:
if module in available_modules:
'Building environment',
'%s is a duplicated modules (found in "%s")' % (module, commit._source_path(addons_path, module, manifest_file_name)),
shutil.move(module, build._server('addons'))
explicit_modules = uniq_list([module for module in (self.branch_id.modules or '').split(',') + (self.repo_id.modules or '').split(',') if module])
available_modules = [
for a in (glob.glob(build._server('addons/*/__openerp__.py')) +
if build.repo_id.modules_auto == 'all' or (build.repo_id.modules_auto != 'none' and has_server):
modules_to_test += available_modules
if explicit_modules:
_logger.debug("explicit modules_to_test for build %s: %s", self.dest, explicit_modules)
modules_to_test = self._filter_modules(modules_to_test,
set(available_modules), explicit_modules)
_logger.debug("modules_to_test for build %s: %s", build.dest, modules_to_test)
build.write({'server_match': server_match,
'modules': ','.join(modules_to_test)})
if set(explicit_modules) - set(available_modules):
self.log('checkout', 'Some explicit modules (branch or repo defined) are not in available module list.', level='WARNING')
if self.repo_id.modules_auto == 'all':
modules_to_test = available_modules
elif self.repo_id.modules_auto == 'repo':
modules_to_test = explicit_modules + repo_modules
_logger.debug("local modules_to_test for build %s: %s", self.dest, modules_to_test)
modules_to_test = explicit_modules
modules_to_test = self._filter_modules(modules_to_test, available_modules, explicit_modules)
_logger.debug("modules_to_test for build %s: %s", self.dest, modules_to_test)
return modules_to_test
def _local_pg_dropdb(self, dbname):
with local_pgadmin_cursor() as local_cr:
@ -837,25 +819,48 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
if not child.duplicate_id:
def _cmd(self): # why not remove build.modules output ?
def get_all_commit(self):
return [Commit(self.repo_id, self.name)] + [Commit(dep.get_repo(), dep.dependency_hash) for dep in self.dependency_ids]
def get_server_commit(self, commits=None):
returns a Commit() of the first repo containing server files found in commits or in build commits
the commits param is not used in code base but could be usefull for jobs and crons
for commit in (commits or self.get_all_commit()):
if commit.repo.server_files:
return commit
raise ValidationError('No repo found with defined server_files')
def get_addons_path(self, commits=None):
for commit in (commits or self.get_all_commit()):
source_path = self._docker_source_folder(commit)
for addons_path in commit.repo.addons_paths.split(','):
if os.path.isdir(commit._source_path(addons_path)):
yield os.path.join(source_path, addons_path).strip(os.sep)
def get_server_info(self, commit=None):
server_dir = False
server = False
commit = commit or self.get_server_commit()
for server_file in commit.repo.server_files.split(','):
if os.path.isfile(commit._source_path(server_file)):
return (self._docker_source_folder(commit), server_file)
self._log('server_info', 'No server found in %s' % commit, level='ERROR')
raise ValidationError('No server found in %s' % commit)
def _cmd(self):
"""Return a tuple describing the command to start the build
First part is list with the command and parameters
Second part is a list of Odoo modules
build = self
bins = [
'odoo-bin', # >= 10.0
'openerp-server', # 9.0, 8.0
'openerp-server.py', # 7.0
'bin/openerp-server.py', # < 7.0
for odoo_bin in bins:
if os.path.isfile(build._path(odoo_bin)):
(server_dir, server_file) = self.get_server_info()
addons_paths = self.get_addons_path()
# commandline
cmd = [ os.path.join('/data/build', odoo_bin), ]
cmd = [os.path.join('/data/build', server_dir, server_file), '--addons-path', ",".join(addons_paths)]
# options
if grep(build._server("tools/config.py"), "no-xmlrpcs"): # move that to configs ?
@ -879,7 +884,7 @@ class runbot_build(models.Model):
# use the username of the runbot host to connect to the databases
cmd += ['-r %s' % pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name]
return cmd, build.modules
return cmd
def _github_status_notify_all(self, status):
"""Notify each repo with a status"""
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import os
import re
import shlex
import time
from ..common import now, grep, get_py_version, time2str, rfind
from ..common import now, grep, get_py_version, time2str, rfind, Commit
from ..container import docker_run, docker_get_gateway_ip, build_odoo_cmd
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ _re_warning = r'^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d{3} \d+ WARNING '
PYTHON_DEFAULT = "# type python code here\n\n\n\n\n\n"
class Config(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.build.config"
_inherit = "mail.thread"
@ -212,7 +213,6 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
'committer': build.committer,
'committer_email': build.committer_email,
'subject': build.subject,
'modules': build.modules,
'hidden': self.hide_build,
'orphan_result': self.make_orphan,
@ -239,11 +239,13 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
return safe_eval(self.sudo().python_code.strip(), eval_ctx, mode="exec", nocopy=True)
def _run_odoo_run(self, build, log_path):
exports = build._checkout()
# adjust job_end to record an accurate job_20 job_time
build._log('run', 'Start running build %s' % build.dest)
# run server
cmd, _ = build._cmd()
if os.path.exists(build._server('addons/im_livechat')):
cmd = build._cmd()
server = build._server()
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(server, 'addons/im_livechat')):
cmd += ["--workers", "2"]
cmd += ["--longpolling-port", "8070"]
cmd += ["--max-cron-threads", "1"]
@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
# we need to have at least one job of type install_odoo to run odoo, take the last one for db_name.
cmd += ['-d', '%s-%s' % (build.dest, db_name)]
if grep(build._server("tools/config.py"), "db-filter"):
if grep(os.path.join(server, "tools/config.py"), "db-filter"):
if build.repo_id.nginx:
cmd += ['--db-filter', '%d.*$']
@ -269,10 +271,11 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
build_port = build.port
self.env.cr.commit() # commit before docker run to be 100% sure that db state is consistent with dockers
return docker_run(build_odoo_cmd(cmd), log_path, build_path, docker_name, exposed_ports=[build_port, build_port + 1])
return docker_run(build_odoo_cmd(cmd), log_path, build_path, docker_name, exposed_ports=[build_port, build_port + 1], ro_volumes=exports)
def _run_odoo_install(self, build, log_path):
cmd, _ = build._cmd()
exports = build._checkout()
cmd = build._cmd()
# create db if needed
db_name = "%s-%s" % (build.dest, self.db_name)
if self.create_db:
@ -308,13 +311,13 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
max_timeout = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('runbot.runbot_timeout', default=10000))
timeout = min(self.cpu_limit, max_timeout)
return docker_run(build_odoo_cmd(cmd), log_path, build._path(), build._get_docker_name(), cpu_limit=timeout)
return docker_run(build_odoo_cmd(cmd), log_path, build._path(), build._get_docker_name(), cpu_limit=timeout, ro_volumes=exports)
def _modules_to_install(self, build):
modules_to_install = set([mod.strip() for mod in self.install_modules.split(',')])
if '*' in modules_to_install:
default_mod = set([mod.strip() for mod in build.modules.split(',')])
default_mod = set(build._get_modules_to_test())
modules_to_install = default_mod | modules_to_install
# todo add without support
return modules_to_install
@ -329,13 +332,18 @@ class ConfigStep(models.Model):
return []
def _coverage_params(self, build, modules_to_install):
available_modules = [ # todo extract this to build method
for a in (glob.glob(build._server('addons/*/__openerp__.py')) +
module_to_omit = set(available_modules) - modules_to_install
return ['--omit', ','.join('*addons/%s/*' % m for m in module_to_omit) + ',*__manifest__.py']
pattern_to_omit = set()
for commit in self.get_all_commit:
docker_source_folder = build._docker_source_folder(commit)
for manifest_file in commit.repo.manifest_files.split(','):
pattern_to_omit.add('*%s' % manifest_file)
for (addons_path, module, manifest_file_name) in build._get_available_modules(commit):
module = os.path.basename(module_path)
if module not in modules_to_install:
# we want to omit docker_source_folder/[addons/path/]module/*
module_path_in_docker = os.path.join(docker_source_folder, addons_path, module)
pattern_to_omit.add('%s/*' % (module_path_in_docker))
return ['--omit', ','.join(pattern_to_omit)]
def _make_results(self, build):
build_values = {}
@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ class RunbotBuildDependency(models.Model):
dependency_hash = fields.Char('Name of commit', index=True)
closest_branch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', 'Branch', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
match_type = fields.Char('Match Type')
def get_repo(self):
return self.closest_branch_id.repo_id or self.dependecy_repo_id
@ -11,14 +11,17 @@ import signal
import subprocess
import time
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.tools.misc import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.modules.module import get_module_resource
from odoo.tools import config
from ..common import fqdn, dt2time
from ..common import fqdn, dt2time, Commit
from psycopg2.extensions import TransactionRollbackError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HashMissingException(Exception):
class runbot_repo(models.Model):
@ -55,6 +58,10 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
repo_config_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.config', 'Run Config')
config_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.config', 'Run Config', compute='_compute_config_id', inverse='_inverse_config_id')
server_files = fields.Char('Server files', help='Comma separated list of possible server files') # odoo-bin,openerp-server,openerp-server.py
manifest_files = fields.Char('Addons files', help='Comma separated list of possible addons files', default='__manifest__.py,__openerp__.py')
addons_paths = fields.Char('Addons files', help='Comma separated list of possible addons path', default='')
def _compute_config_id(self):
for repo in self:
if repo.repo_config_id:
@ -71,15 +78,25 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
default = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static')
return os.path.abspath(default)
def _source_path(self, sha, *path):
returns the absolute path to the source folder of the repo (adding option *path)
return os.path.join(self._root(), 'sources', self._get_repo_name_part(), sha, *path)
def _get_path(self):
"""compute the server path of repo from the name"""
root = self._root()
for repo in self:
name = repo.name
for i in '@:/':
name = name.replace(i, '_')
repo.path = os.path.join(root, 'repo', name)
repo.path = os.path.join(root, 'repo', repo._sanitized_name(repo.name))
def _sanitized_name(self, name):
for i in '@:/':
name = name.replace(i, '_')
return name
def _get_base_url(self):
@ -95,24 +112,48 @@ class runbot_repo(models.Model):
for repo in self:
repo.short_name = '/'.join(repo.base.split('/')[-2:])
def _get_repo_name_part(self):
return self._sanitized_name(self.name.split('/')[-1])
def _git(self, cmd):
"""Execute a git command 'cmd'"""
for repo in self:
cmd = ['git', '--git-dir=%s' % repo.path] + cmd
_logger.debug("git command: %s", ' '.join(cmd))
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
cmd = ['git', '--git-dir=%s' % self.path] + cmd
_logger.debug("git command: %s", ' '.join(cmd))
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
def _git_rev_parse(self, branch_name):
return self._git(['rev-parse', branch_name]).strip()
def _git_export(self, treeish, dest):
"""Export a git repo to dest"""
def _git_export(self, sha):
"""Export a git repo into a sources"""
# TODO add automated tests
_logger.debug('checkout %s %s %s', self.name, treeish, dest)
p1 = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir=%s' % self.path, 'archive', treeish], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(['tar', '-xmC', dest], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
export_path = self._source_path(sha)
if os.path.isdir(export_path):
_logger.info('git export: checkouting to %s (already exists)' % export_path)
return export_path
if not self._hash_exists(sha):
if not self._hash_exists(sha):
self._git(['fetch', 'origin', sha])
if not self._hash_exists(sha):
raise HashMissingException()
_logger.info('git export: checkouting to %s (new)' % export_path)
p1 = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir=%s' % self.path, 'archive', sha], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(['tar', '-xmC', export_path], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p1.stdout.close() # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
# TODO get result and fallback on cleaing in case of problem
return export_path
def _hash_exists(self, commit_hash):
""" Verify that a commit hash exists in the repo """
@ -21,10 +21,7 @@
<t t-if="bu.global_result=='killed'"><i class="text-danger fa fa-times"/> killed</t>
<t t-if="bu.global_result=='manually_killed'"><i class="text-danger fa fa-times"/> manually killed</t>
<t t-if="bu.real_build.server_match == 'default'">
<i class="text-warning fa fa-question-circle fa-fw"
title="Server branch cannot be determined exactly. Please use naming convention '12.0-my-branch' to build with '12.0' server branch."/>
<t t-if="bu.revdep_build_ids">
<small class="pull-right">Dep builds:
<t t-foreach="bu.sorted_revdep_build_ids()" t-as="rbu">
@ -4,12 +4,21 @@ from odoo.tools.config import configmanager
from odoo.tests import common
def rev_parse(repo, branch_name):
simulate a rev parse by returning a fake hash of form
should be overwitten if a pr head should match a branch head
head_hash = 'rp_%s_%s_head' % (repo.name.split(':')[1], branch_name.split('/')[-1])
return head_hash
class Test_Build(common.TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(Test_Build, self).setUp()
self.Repo = self.env['runbot.repo']
self.repo = self.Repo.create({'name': 'bla@example.com:foo/bar'})
self.repo = self.Repo.create({'name': 'bla@example.com:foo/bar', 'server_files': 'server.py', 'addons_paths': 'addons,core/addons'})
self.Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
self.branch = self.Branch.create({
'repo_id': self.repo.id,
@ -62,10 +71,12 @@ class Test_Build(common.TransactionCase):
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
builds.write({'local_state': 'duplicate'})
def test_build_cmd_log_db(self, mock_grep, mock_mkdir):
def test_build_cmd_log_db(self, mock_grep, mock_mkdir, mock_is_file):
""" test that the logdb connection URI is taken from the .odoorc file """
mock_is_file.return_value = True
uri = 'postgres://someone:pass@somewhere.com/db'
self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param("runbot.runbot_logdb_uri", uri)
build = self.Build.create({
@ -73,9 +84,121 @@ class Test_Build(common.TransactionCase):
'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
'port': '1234',
cmd = build._cmd()[0]
cmd = build._cmd()
self.assertIn('--log-db=%s' % uri, cmd)
def test_build_cmd_server_path_no_dep(self, mock_grep, mock_mkdir, mock_is_file, mock_is_dir):
""" test that the server path and addons path """
mock_is_file.return_value = True
mock_is_dir.return_value = True
build = self.Build.create({
'branch_id': self.branch.id,
'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
'port': '1234',
cmd = build._cmd()
self.assertEqual('/data/build/bar/server.py', cmd[0])
self.assertIn('--addons-path', cmd)
addons_path_pos = cmd.index('--addons-path') + 1
self.assertEqual(cmd[addons_path_pos], 'bar/addons,bar/core/addons')
def test_build_cmd_server_path_with_dep(self, mock_grep, mock_mkdir, mock_is_file, mock_is_dir, mock_is_on_remote):
""" test that the server path and addons path """
def is_file(file):
self.assertIn('sources/bar/dfdfcfcf0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff/server.py', file)
return True
def is_dir(file):
paths = [
self.assertTrue(any([path in file for path in paths])) # checking that addons path existence check looks ok
return True
mock_is_file.side_effect = is_file
mock_is_dir.side_effect = is_dir
mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
repo_ent = self.env['runbot.repo'].create({
'name': 'bla@example.com:foo/bar-ent',
'server_files': '',
repo_ent.dependency_ids = self.repo
enterprise_branch = self.env['runbot.branch'].create({
'repo_id': repo_ent.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/master'
def rev_parse(repo, branch_name):
self.assertEqual(repo, self.repo)
self.assertEqual(branch_name, 'refs/heads/master')
return 'dfdfcfcf0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'
with patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._git_rev_parse', new=rev_parse):
build = self.Build.create({
'branch_id': enterprise_branch.id,
'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
'port': '1234',
cmd = build._cmd()
self.assertIn('--addons-path', cmd)
addons_path_pos = cmd.index('--addons-path') + 1
self.assertEqual(cmd[addons_path_pos], 'bar-ent,bar/addons,bar/core/addons')
self.assertEqual('/data/build/bar/server.py', cmd[0])
def test_build_cmd_server_path_with_dep_collision(self, mock_grep, mock_mkdir, mock_is_file, mock_is_dir, mock_is_on_remote):
""" test that the server path and addons path """
def is_file(file):
self.assertIn('sources/bar/dfdfcfcf0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff/server.py', file)
return True
mock_is_file.side_effect = is_file
mock_is_dir.return_value = True
mock_is_on_remote.return_value = True
repo_ent = self.env['runbot.repo'].create({
'name': 'bla@example.com:foo-ent/bar',
'server_files': '',
repo_ent.dependency_ids = self.repo
enterprise_branch = self.env['runbot.branch'].create({
'repo_id': repo_ent.id,
'name': 'refs/heads/master'
def rev_parse(repo, branch_name):
self.assertEqual(repo, self.repo)
self.assertEqual(branch_name, 'refs/heads/master')
return 'dfdfcfcf0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'
with patch('odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo.runbot_repo._git_rev_parse', new=rev_parse):
build = self.Build.create({
'branch_id': enterprise_branch.id,
'name': 'd0d0caca0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
'port': '1234',
cmd = build._cmd()
self.assertIn('--addons-path', cmd)
addons_path_pos = cmd.index('--addons-path') + 1
self.assertEqual(cmd[addons_path_pos], 'bar-d0d0caca,bar-dfdfcfcf/addons,bar-dfdfcfcf/core/addons')
self.assertEqual('/data/build/bar-dfdfcfcf/server.py', cmd[0])
def test_build_config_from_branch_default(self):
"""test build config_id is computed from branch default config_id"""
build = self.Build.create({
@ -266,16 +389,6 @@ class Test_Build(common.TransactionCase):
self.assertEqual(build_parent.nb_testing, 0)
self.assertEqual(build_parent.global_state, 'done')
def rev_parse(repo, branch_name):
simulate a rev parse by returning a fake hash of form
should be overwitten if a pr head should match a branch head
head_hash = 'rp_%s_%s_head' % (repo.name.split(':')[1], branch_name.split('/')[-1])
return head_hash
class TestClosestBranch(common.TransactionCase):
def branch_description(self, branch):
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ class TestSchedule(common.TransactionCase):
build_ids = self.Build.search(domain_host + [('local_state', 'in', ['testing', 'running', 'deathrow'])])
mock_running.return_value = False
self.assertEqual(build.local_state, 'testing')
build_ids._schedule() # too fast, docker not started
self.assertEqual(build.local_state, 'testing')
build_ids.write({'job_start': datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=20)}) # job is now a little older
self.assertEqual(build.local_state, 'done')
self.assertEqual(build.local_result, 'ok')
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
<field name="build_time"/>
<field name="build_age"/>
<field name="duplicate_id"/>
<field name="modules"/>
<field name="build_type" groups="base.group_no_one"/>
<field name="config_id" readonly="1"/>
<field name="config_id" groups="base.group_no_one"/>
@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
<field name="group_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="hook_time"/>
<field name="config_id"/>
<field name="server_files"/>
<field name="manifest_files"/>
<field name="addons_paths"/>
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ class Step(models.Model):
return super(Step, self)._run_step(build, log_path)
def _runbot_cla_check(self, build, log_path):
cla_glob = glob.glob(build._path("doc/cla/*/*.md"))
cla_glob = glob.glob(build.get_server_commit()._source_path("doc/cla/*/*.md"))
if cla_glob:
description = "%s Odoo CLA signature check" % build.author
mo = re.search('[^ <@]+@[^ @>]+', build.author_email or '')
Reference in New Issue
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