The UX around the split of limit and forward port policy (and
especially moving "don't forward port" to the policy) was not really
considered and caused confusion for both me and devs: after having
disabled forward porting, updating the limit would not restore it, but
there would be no indication of such an issue.
This caused odoo/enterprise#68916 to not be forward ported at merge
(despite looking for all the world like it should be), and while
updating the limit post-merge did force a forward-port that
inconsistency was just as jarring (also not helped by being unable to
create an fw batch via the backend UI because reasons, see
Fix this along most axis:
- Notify the user and reset the fw policy if the limit is updated
while `fw=no`.
- Trigger a forward port if the fw policy is updated (from `no`) on a
merged PR, currently only sources.
- Add check & warning to limit update process so it does *not* force a
port (though maybe it should under the assumption that we're
updating the limit anyway? We'll see).
- rather than enumerate states, forward-porting should just check if
the statuses are successful on a PR
- for the same consistency reasons explained in
f97502e503, `skipchecks` should force
the status of a PR to `success`: it very odd that a PR would be
ready without being validated...
Broken (can't run odoo at all):
- In Odoo 17.0, the `pre_init_hook` takes an env, not a cursor, update
- Odoo 17.0 rejects `@attrs` and doesn't say where they are or how to
update them, fun, hunt down `attrs={'invisible': ...` and try to fix
- Odoo 17.0 warns on non-multi creates, update them, most were very
reasonable, one very wasn't.
Test failures:
- Odoo 17.0 deprecates `name_get` and doesn't use it as a *source*
anymore, replace overrides by overrides to `_compute_display_name`.
- Multiple tracking changes:
- `_track_set_author` takes a `Partner` not an id.
- `_message_compute_author` still requires overriding in order to
handle record creation, which in standard doesn't support author
- `mail.tracking.value.field_type` has been removed, the field type
now needs to be retrieved from the `field_id`.
- Some tracking ordering have changed and require adjusting a few
Also added a few flushes before SQL queries which are not (obviously
at least) at the start of a cron or controller, no test failure
observed but better safe than sorry (probably).
Merge errors are logical failures, not technical, it doesn't make
sense to log them out because there's nothing to be done technically,
a PR having consistency issues or a conflict is "normal". As such
those messages are completely useless and just take unnecessary space
in the logs, making their use more difficult.
Instead of sending them to logging, log staging attempts to the PR
itself, and only do normal logging of the operation as an indicative
item. And remove a bunch of `expect_log_errors` which don't stand
While at it, fix a missed issue in forward porting: if the `root.head`
doesn't exist in the repo its `fetch` will immediately fail before
`cat-file` can even run, so the second one is redundant and the first
one needs to be handled properly. Do that. And leave checking
for *that* specific condition as a logged-out error as it should mean
there's something very odd with the repository (how can a pull request
have a head we can't fetch?)
Seems like a good idea to better keep track of the log of an Odoo used
to testing, and avoid silently ignoring logged errors.
- intercept odoo's stderr via a pipe, that way we can still write it
back out and pytest is able to read & buffer it, pytest's capfd
would not work correctly: it breaks output capturing (and printing
on failure); and because of the way it hooks in it's unable to
capture from subprocesses inheriting the standard stream, cf
- update the env fixture to check that the odoo log doesn't have any
exception on failure
- make that check conditional on the `expect_log_errors` marker, this
way we can mark tests for which we expect errors to be logged, and
assert that that does happen
Setting the PR state directly really doesn't work as it doesn't
correctly save (and can get overwritten by any dependency of which
there are many).
This caused setting odoo/odoo#165777 in error to fail, leading to it
being re-staged (and failing) repeatedly, and the PR being spammed
with comments.
- create a more formal helper for preventing directly setting computed
functions (without an actual inverse)
- replace direct state setting by setting the corresponding dependency
e.g. `error` for error and `skipchecks` to force a PR to ready
- add a `skipchecks` inverse to the PR so it can also set itself as
reviewed, and is convenient, might be worth also adding stuff to
Currently webhook secrets are configured per *project* which is an
issue both because different repositories may have different
administrators and thus creates safety concerns, and because multiple
repositories can feed into different projects (e.g. on mergebot,
odoo-dev/odoo is both an ancillary repository to the main RD project,
and the main repository to the minor / legacy master-wowl
project). This means it can be necessary to have multiple projects
share the same secret as well, this then mandates the secret for more
repositories per (1).
This is a pain in the ass, so just detach secrets from projects and
link them *only* to repositories, it's cleaner and easier to manage
and set up progressively.
This requires a lot of changes to the tests, as they all need to
correctly configure the signaling.
For `runbot_merge` there was *some* setup sharing already via the
module-level `repo` fixtures`, those were merged into a conftest-level
fixture which could handle the signaling setup. A few tests which
unnecessarily set up repositories ad-hoc were also moved to the
fixture. But for most of the ad-hoc setup in `runbot_merge`, as well
as `forwardport` where it's all ad-hoc, events sources setup was just
appended as is. This should probably be cleaned up at one point, with
the various requirements collected and organised into a small set of
fixtures doing the job more uniformly.
It's a bit weird and inconsistent to have a PR being staged while
unreviewed or unapproved or w/e. If we compute the state based on
skipchecks then everything is consistent.
Also remove the implicit override of all statuses when explicitly
marking the pr as `ready`, it risks creating difficult to understand
states, and it's unnecessary since `skipchecks` gets set.
Also as with setting skipchecks, sets the current user as reviewer on
all PRs of the batch without a reviewer.
This commit revisits the commands set in order to make it more
regular, and limit inconsistent command-sets, although it includes
pseudo-command aliases for common tasks now removed from the core set.
Hard Errors
The previous iteration of the commands set would ignore any
non-command term in a command line. This has been changed to hard
error (and ignoring the entire thing) if any command is unknown or
This fixes inconsistent / unexpected interpretations where a user
sends a command, then writes a novel on the same line some words of
which happen to *also* be commands, leading to merge states they did
not expect. They should now be told to fuck off.
Priority Restructuring
The numerical priority system was pretty messy in that it confused
"staging priority" (in ways which were not entirely straightforward)
with overrides to other concerns.
This has now being split along all the axis, with separate command
subsets for:
- staging prioritisation, now separated between `default`, `priority`,
and `alone`,
- `default` means PRs are picked by an unspecified order when
creating a staging, if nothing better is available
- `priority` means PRs are picked first when staging, however if
`priority` PRs don't fill the staging the rest will be filled with
`default`, this mode did not previously exist
- `alone` means the PRs are picked first, before splits, and only
`alone` PRs can be part of the staging (which usually matches the
- `skipchecks` overrides both statuses and approval checks, for the
batch, something previously implied in `p=0`, but now
independent. Setting `skipchecks` basically makes the entire batch
For consistency this also sets the reviewer implicitly: since
skipchecks overrides both statuses *and approval*, whoever enables
this mode is essentially the reviewer.
- `cancel` cancels any ongoing staging when the marked PR becomes
ready again, previously this was also implied (in a more restricted
form) by setting `p=0`
FWBot removal
While the "forwardport bot" still exists as an API level (to segregate
access rights between tokens) it has been removed as an interaction
point, as part of the modules merge plan. As a result,
fwbot stops responding
Feedback messages are now always sent by the mergebot, the
forward-porting bot should not send any message or notification
commands moved to the merge bot
- `ignore`/`up to` simply changes bot
- `close` as well
- `skipci` is now a choice / flag of an `fw` command, which denotes
the forward-port policy,
- `fw=default` is the old `ci` and resets the policy to default,
that is wait for the PR to be merged to create forward ports, and
for the required statuses on each forward port to be received
before creating the next
- `fw=skipci` is the old `skipci`, it waits for the merge of the
base PR but then creates all the forward ports immediately (unless
it gets a conflict)
- `fw=skipmerge` immediately creates all the forward ports, without
even waiting for the PR to be merged
This is a completely new mode, and may be rather broken as until
now the 'bot has always assumed the source PR had been merged.
approval rework
Because of the previous section, there is no distinguishing feature
between `mergebot r+` = "merge this PR" and `forwardbot r+` = "merge
this PR and all its parent with different access rights".
As a result, the two have been merged under a single `mergebot r+`
with heuristics attempting to provide the best experience:
- if approving a non-forward port, the behavior does not change
- else, with review rights on the source, all ancestors are approved
- else, as author of the original, approves all ancestors which descend
from a merged PR
- else, approves all ancestors up to and including the oldest ancestor
to which we have review rights
Most notably, the source's author is not delegated on the source or
any of its descendants anymore. This might need to be revisited if it
provides too restrictive.
For the very specialized need of approving a forward-port *and none of
its ancestors*, `review=` can now take a comma (`,`) separated list of
pull request numbers (github numbers, not mergebot ids).
Computed State
The `state` field of pull requests is now computed. Hopefully this
makes the status more consistent and predictable in the long run, and
importantly makes status management more reliable (because reference
datum get updated naturally flowing to the state).
For now however it makes things more complicated as some of the states
have to be separately signaled or updated:
- `closed` and `error` are now separate flags
- `merge_date` is pulled down from forwardport and becomes the
transition signal for ready -> merged
- `reviewed_by` becomes the transition signal for approval (might be a
good idea to rename it...)
- `status` is computed from the head's statuses and overrides, and
*that* becomes the validation state
Ideally, batch-level flags like `skipchecks` should be on, well, the
batch, and `state` should have a dependency on the batch. However
currently the batch is not a durable / permanent member of the system,
so it's a PR-level flag and a messy pile.
On notable change is that *forcing* the state to `ready` now does that
but also sets the reviewer, `skipchecks`, and overrides to ensure the
API-mediated readying does not get rolled back by e.g. the runbot
sending a status.
This is useful for a few types of automated / programmatic PRs
e.g. translation exports, where we set the state programmatically to
limit noise.
recursive dependency hack
Given a sequence of PRs with an override of the source, if one of the
PRs is updated its descendants should not have the override
anymore. However if the updated PR gets overridden, its descendants
should have *that* override.
This requires some unholy manipulations via an override of `modified`,
as the ORM supports recursive fields but not recursive
dependencies (on a different field).
unconditional followup scheduling
Previously scheduling forward-port followup was contigent on the FW
policy, but it's not actually correct if the new PR is *immediately*
validated (which can happen now that the field is computed, if there
are no required statuses *or* all of the required statuses are
overridden by an ancestor) as nothing will trigger the state change
and thus scheduling of the fp followup.
The followup function checks all the properties of the batch to port,
so this should not result on incorrect ports. Although it's a bit more
expensive, and will lead to more spam.
Previously this would not happen because on creation of a PR the
validation task (commit -> PR) would still have to execute.
Misc Changes
- If a PR is marked as overriding / canceling stagings, it now does
so on retry not just when setting initially.
This was not handled at all previously, so a PR in P0 going into
error due to e.g. a non-deterministic bug would be retried and still
p=0, but a current staging would not get cancelled. Same when a PR
in p=0 goes into error because something was failed, then is updated
with a fix.
- Add tracking to a bunch of relevant PR fields.
Post-mortem analysis currently generally requires going through the
text logs to see what happened, which is annoying.
There is a nondeterminism / inconsistency in the tracking which
sometimes leads the admin user to trigger tracking before the bot
does, leading to the staging tracking being attributed to them
during tests, shove under the carpet by ignoring the user to whom
that tracking is attributed.
When multiple users update tracked fields in the same transaction
all the changes are attributed to the first one having triggered
tracking (?), I couldn't find why the admin sometimes takes over.
- added and leveraged support for enum-backed selection fields
- moved variuous fields from forwardport to runbot_merge
- fix a migration which had never worked and which never run (because
I forgot to bump the version on the module)
- remove some unnecessary intermediate de/serialisation
fixes#673, fixes#309, fixes#792, fixes#846 (probably)
The low-level APIs used by the staging process don't do any merge
check, so because of the way Git works it's possible for them to merge
commits with content as empty commits, e.g. if something was merged
then backported and the backport was merged on top. This should
trigger a merge failure as we don't really want to merge newly
empty. This is a feature which some high level commands of git
support, kind-of, e.g. by default `git rebase --interactive` will ask
about newly empty commits.
Take care to allow merging already-empty commits, as these do have a
use for signaling, freezes, ....
Previously the mergebot would only sync the head commit, but synching
more is useful.
Also update the final sanity check on staging:
- as with check, update the message & target branch
- reset PR state and post a message when updating message instead of
doing so silently
Note: maybe only fail the staging if the message is updated *and*
relevant to staging (aka there's a merge method and it's not
The `statuses` field of a staging is always "live" because it's a
computed non-stored field. This is an issue when a staging finishes in
whatever state, then someone gets new statuses sent on one of the head
commits, either by rebuilding (part of) the staging or by just using
the same commit for one of their branches.
This makes the reporting of the main dashboard confusing, as one might
look at a failed staging and see all the required statuses
successful. It also makes post-mortem analysis more complicated as the
logs have to be trawled for what the statuses used to be (and they
don't always tell).
Solve this by storing a snapshot of the statuses the first time a
staging moves away from `pending`, whether it's to success or failure.
New accounts endpoint such that the SSO can push new pre-configured
users / employees directly. This lowers maintenance burden.
Also remove one of the source partners from the merge test, as
ordering seems wonky for unclear reasons leading to random failures of
that test.
Since we have the model fields loaded up, we can just check into that
and assume anything that's not a field is a method.
That avoids having to go through `_call`, making things way less awkward.
Because sometimes github updates are missed (usually because github
never triggers it), it's possible for the mergebot's view of a PR
description to be incorrect. In that case, the PR may get merged with
the wrong merge message entirely, through no fault of the user.
Since we already fetch the PR info when staging it, there's very
little overhead to checking that the PR message we store is correct
then, and update it if it's not. This means the forward-port's
description should also be correct.
While at it, clean the forward port PR's creation a bit:
- there should always be a message since the title is required on
PRs (only the body can be missing), therefore no need to check that
- as we're adding a bunch of pseudo-headers, there always is a body,
no need for the condition
- inline the `pr_data` and `URL`: they were extracted for the support
of draft PRs, since that's been removed it's now unnecessary
Because github materialises every labels change in the
timeline (interspersed with comments), the increasing labels churn
contributes to PRs being difficult to read and review.
This change removes the update of labels on PRs, instead the mergebot
will automatically send a comment to created PRs serving as a
notification that the PR was noticed & providing a link to the
mergebot's dashboard for that PR where users should be able to see the
PR state in detail in case they wonder what's what.
Lots of tests had to be edited to:
- remove any check on the labels of the PR
- add checks on the PR dashboard (to ensure that they're at least on
the correct "view")
- add a helper to handle the comment now added to every PR by the 'bot
- since that helper is needed by both mergebot and forwardbot, the
utils modules were unified and moved out of the odoo modules
Probably relevant note: no test was added for the dashboard
ACL, though since I had to explicitly unset the group on the repo used
for tests for things to work it looks to me like it at least excludes
people just fine.
Convert overridable CI to an m2m from partners, it's significantly
more convenient to manipulate as multiple users can (and likely will)
have access to the same overrides, add a name_search so the override
is easy to find from a partner, and provide a view for the
overrides (with partners as tags).
Also make the repository optional on CI overrides.
Historically PRs to disabled branches were treated like PRs to
un-managed branches: ignored.
However because they cay *already exist* when the branch is disabled,
the effects can be subtly different, and problematically so
e.g. ignoring all PR events on PRs targeting disabled branches means
we can't close them anymore, which is less than great.
So don't ignore events on PRs to disabled branches (creation, sync,
closing, and reopening) but also send feedback on PRs to disabled or
un-managed branches to indicate that they're not merge-able.
Normally opening a PR against a disabled branch is like opening a PR
against a branch which is not configured at all: the PR id ignored
However if the PR already exists then the state of the branch isn't
normally checked when interacting with the branch, and it is possible
to trigger its staging, at which point the staging itself will crash:
on a project the branches are `active_test=False` so they're all
visible in the form, but when repos go search()-ing for the branch
they won't find it and will blow up.
Solution: only try staging on branches which are active. Fixes
odoo/runbot#408. Also do the same for checking stagings.
And while at it, fix#409 by wrapping each checking or staging into a
try/except and a savepoint. This way if a staging blows up it should
move on to the next branch instead of getting stuck.
This is a regression due to the implementation details of
odoo/runbot#376: previously _parse_command would only yield the
commands it had specifically recognised (from a whitelist).
22e18e752b simplified the implementation
and (for convenience when adding new commands) now passes through any
command to the executor instead of skipping the unknown one.
But I forgot to update the executor to ignore unknown commands, so it
treats them as *failed* (since the success flag doesn't get set) and
assumes it's an ACL issue, so notifies the user that they can't do the
thing they never really asked for.
Add an end-case which skips the feedback bit for unrecognized
commands, which restores the old behavior.
Adds an `override` mergebot command. The ability to override is set on
an individual per-context per-repository basis, similar to but
independent from review rights. That is, a given individual may be
able to override the status X on repository A and unable to do so on
repository B.
Overrides are stored in the same format as regular statuses, but
independent from them in order to persist them across builds.
Only PR statuses can be overridden, statuses which are overridable on
PRs would simply not be required on stagings.
An alternative to implementing this feature in the mergebot would be
to add it to individual status-generating tools on a per-need
Pros of that alternative:
* display the correct status on PRs, currently the PR will be failing
status-wise (on github) but correct as far as the mergebot is
* remove complexity from the mergebot
Cons of that alternative:
* each status-generating tool would have to implement some sort of ACL
* each status-generating tool would have to receive & parse PR
* each status-generating tool would have to maintain per-pr state in
order to track overrides
Some sort of helper library / framework ought make that rather easy
though. It could also be linked into the central provisioning system
The logic of the partner merge wizard is to collect all relevant data
from source partners, write them to a destination partner, then remove
the sources.
This... doesn't work when the field in question has a UNIQUE
constraint (like github_login), because it's going to copy the value
from a source onto a dest which will blow the constraint, and so the
copy fails. In that case the user first has to *move over* the unique
field's value then they can use the wizard.
Just fix for the github login: take all sources, remove (and store)
their github logins, then write the login onto the dst.
An alternative would have been to *defer* the constraint, however:
* it only works on unique constraints, not unique indexes
* it requires the constraint to be declared DEFERRABLE