This commit aims to replace static jobs by fully configurable build config.
Each build has a config (custom or inherited from repo or branch).
Each config has a list of steps.
For now, a step can test/run odoo or create a new child build. A python job is
also available.
The mimic the previous behaviour of runbot, a default config is available with
three steps, an install of base, an install+test of all modules, and a last step
for run.
Multibuilds are replace by a config containing cretaion steps.
The created builds are not displayed in main views, but are available
on parent build log page. The result of a parent takes the result of
all children into account.
This new mechanics will help to create some custom behaviours for specifics
use cases, and latter help to parallelise work.
When searching for new builds by parsing git refs, the new branches are
created as well as the pending builds in the same _find_new_commits
With this commit, this behavior is splitted into two methods, that way,
it's now possible to create missing branches without creating new
builds. The closest_branch detection is enhanced because all the new
branches are created before the builds (separated loops).
The find_new_commits method uses an optimized way to search for
existsing builds. Before this commit, a build search was performed for
each git reference, potentially a huge number.
With this commit, a raw sql query is performed to create a set of tuples
(branch_id, sha) which is enough to decide if a build already exists.
A test was added to verify that new refs leads to pending builds.
Also, a performance test was added but is skipped by default because it
needs an existing repo with 20000 branches in the database so it will
not work with an empty database. This test showed a gain of performance
from 8sec to 2sec when creating builds from new commits.
co-authored by @Xavier-Do
Before this commit, dependencies (i.e. community commit to use when testing enterprise)
were computed at checkout, when the build was going from pending to testing state and
were not stored.
Since the duplicate detection was done at create, the get_closest_branch_name was called
in a loop for each posible duplicate candidate, then a last time at checkout. The main idea of this
pr is to store the build dependecies on build at create, making the duplicate detection
faster (especially when the build name is matching many indirect builds).
The side effect of this change is that the build dependencies won't be affected if a new
commit is pushed between the build creation and the checkout. The build is fully
determined at creation. get_closest_branch is only called once per build
The duplicate detection will also be more precise since we are matching on the commits groups
that were used to run the build, and not only the branch name.
Some work has also been done to rework the closest branch detection in order to manage new corner
cases. Hopefully, everything should work as before (or in a better way).
In a soon future, it will also be possible to use this information to make an "exact rebuild"
or to find corresponding community build.
Pr: #117
When some special builds are scheduled during the night, free slots on
runbot instances are used. Depending on the number of scheduled builds,
all the slots can be used. That prevents people to use the runbot for
normal builds during this time.
To mitigate the problem, the scheduled builds were postponed to the
middle of the night ... the CET night. It means that it could be morning
in India.
With this commit, a build priority is given to normal builds. On the
other hand, scheduled builds are pushed at the end of the queue.
So even if there are plenty of builds during the Belgian night, if
someone pushes a commit in between, it will be built in priority before
the scheduled pending builds.
When using a local git repo, the git name does not have colon, making
the frontend crash.
With this commit, a non-stored computed field 'short_name' is added to
compute a shortest version of the name.
When searching the builds for the frontend the resulting query can last
a very long time (up to 7sec).
With this commit, the search result is strictly limited to 100 builds,
the limit query parameter is removed and the search string length is limited to
60 chars.
The guess_result method is now optimized to guess results for testing
builds only. The others have the same value as the final result.
A few tests were added for this method.
Thanks @KangOl for the optimization code.
When a PR is created in odoo/enterprise but without a corresponding
PR in odoo/community BUT a corresponding branch in odoo-dev/community,
the closest_branch detection fails. Moreover, the duplicate detection
fails too.
As a consequence, the PR build will probably fail because it will be
built with the default target branch that could not be suited for it.
If the branch built succeeds, it leads to inconsistent results.
With this commit, a new case is added on the _get_closests_branch_name
to handle this case.
The serever_match field also reflects the difference as this case will
be marked as 'no PR'.
When a PR also exists in odoo/community, the server_match field will be
'exact PR'. This change should not imply migration.
This commit also adds a bunch of tests to test the closests branch name
detection and the duplicates.
Co-authored by @Xavier-Do
When a runbot build ends without error but with one or more warning,
status are not sent to github. As a result, the PR stays in pending
With this commit, the github status is set to failure when a build ends
in a "warn" result.
When a runbot execute the cron_fetch_and_build method, the repo is
updated only if the webhook time is newer than the last fetch
As the cron is now split into long running crons, the hook_time field is
cached. The runbot instance that sees a new build pending use this
cached value to estimate if the repo update is needed.
With this commit, the repo update is done right before exporting the
repo and only if the commit hash is not found.
As a bonus, the environment is reset in the long running cron of the
runbot builders to update the cached values.
The Runbot Cron is executed on each runbot instance. When the number of
instances scales, the time needed for an instance to obtain the cron
With this commit, the original runbot_cron is removed. Instead, a cron
have to be created to run the _cron_fetch_and_schedule method.
This method will fetch the repo and create pending builds. This cron is
intended to run only on one runbot instance. This method needs a host
parameter to specify which runbot instance will be in charge of this
On the other hand, a dedicated cron have to be manually created for each
runbot instance that will have the build task.
Those cron's only have to call the _cron_fetch_and_build method with the
runbot hostname as a parameter. This method will then self
assign pending builds if there are slots available.
All available build slots are reserved in a single LOCKED SQL query.
Both methods are intended to last a large amount of time, just a few
minutes below the cron timeout to maximize the cron productivity.
The timeout is randomized to avoid deadlocks if the runbot instances are
started at the same time.
So the --limit-time-real parameter have to be set to a minimum of 180
sec (600 or 1200 are probably better targets).
Adapt test for eb7f5de . The mentioned commit fixes an issue that occurs
when updating github status. A test already exists but was assuming that
the build is in 'done' state when reaching the job_29.
With this commit, the build used in test is set to 'testing' state like
in the real cases.
Also, a new test is added to test the job_00_init which also send
github status but with a minimal build.
Finally, the runtime that should appear in status description was
forgotten in the previous commit. Now the runtime is always sent with
the github status.
When a build reach the job30_run method, results from a previous testing
methods are computed.
With the previous commit 8c73e6a901 this
job can now be skipped. In that case, the results are not set.
With this commit, the results are computed in a separate method.
Since 8c73e6a it's possible to skip jobs from a build by using the
job_type field on the branch. If a branch job_type is set to 'none', the
builds are created but they stay in 'pending' state.
With this commit, the build is not even created if the 'job_type' is
Since the runbot_merge module, some branches does not need to be built.
For example the tmp.* branches.
Some other branches does need to be tested but it could be useless to
keep them running. For example the staging branches.
Finally, some builds are generated by server actions during the night.
Those builds does not need to be kept running despite the branch configuration.
For example, the master branch can be configured to create builds with
testing and running but nightly multiple builds can be generated with
testing only.
For that purpose, this commit adds a job_type selection field on the
branch. That way, a branch can be configured by selecting the type of
jobs wanted.
A same kind of job_type was also added on the build that uses the
branch's value if nothing is specified at build creation.
A decorator is used on the job_ methods to specify their job types.
For example, a job method decorated by 'testing' will run if the
branch/build job_type is 'testing' or 'all'.
When a build is created, the --log-db command line argument is built
using the same db and credentials that the one used by the runbot.
With this commit, this argument is built based on a postgress connect
URI given as ir.config_parameter in the settings.
A dedicated role must be created beforehand on the runbot postgresql
server, accordingly to the given URI.
Also, care should be taken to give minimal privileges to this user only
granting "update" on the table ir_logging_id_seq and
"insert,select,udpate" on the table ir_logging.
To test the last resort branch matching when nothing in common can be
found, two PR were used leading to PR's target branch as the default
Also, the test was never run beacause of a bad indentation.
With this commit, the indentation is fixed and the test uses regular