In order to stores other things than logs, that could be accessible by
end users, for example screenshots and screencasts, a "tests" directory
is allowed thruough the nginx template in the builds directories.
Also, the "with" context manager is used to open the nginx configuration
to ensure that the file descriptor is released during long running crons.
Multibuild can create generate a lots of checkout, especially for small
and fast jobs, which can overload runbot discs since we are trying not
to clean build immediatly. (To ease bug fix and allow wake up)
This commit proposes to store source on a single place, so that
docker can add them as ro volume in the build directory.
The checkout is also moved to the installs jobs, so that
builds containing only create builds steps won't checkout
the sources.
This change implies to use --addons-path correctly, since odoo
and enterprise addons wont be merged in the same repo anymore.
This will allow to test addons a dev will do, with a closer
command line.
This implies to change the code structure a litle, some changes
where made to remove no-so-usefull fields on build, and some
hard-coded logic (manifest_names and server_names) are now
stored on repo instead.
This changes implies that a build CANNOT write in his sources.
It shouldn't be the case, but it means that runbot cannot be
tested on runbot untill datas are written elsewhere than in static.
Other possibilities are possible, like bind mounting the sources
in the build directory instead of adding ro volumes in docker.
Unfortunately, this needs to give access to mount as sudo for
runbot user and changes docjker config to allow mounts
in volumes which is not the case by default. A plus of this
solution would be to be able to make an overlay mount.
In a create config, a parent result is computed based on children
In some situations, it could be handy to ignore the result of some
Example: the nightly tests are just the children of one nightly build
with a create config. The external tests are failing randomly and as a
consequence, the nightly result is always red. On the other hand,
keeping the test running, just to have logs is a good idea.
With this commit, a config_step of type create can be marked as
orphan_result, that way, the result is not taken into account in the
parent build result.
When the quickconnect button is used, the last running build is
searched in the last 10 builds. If no running build is found, the last
one is rebuilt, even if it's a nightly build.
With this commit, the quickconnect build is choosen only among the ones
with the same config.
As the public user needs to be in runbot user group to display the
frontend, the public user is allowed to kill or rebuild a build.
With this commit, only the logged in users have access to the Rebuil/Kill
menu entry.
This commit aims to replace static jobs by fully configurable build config.
Each build has a config (custom or inherited from repo or branch).
Each config has a list of steps.
For now, a step can test/run odoo or create a new child build. A python job is
also available.
The mimic the previous behaviour of runbot, a default config is available with
three steps, an install of base, an install+test of all modules, and a last step
for run.
Multibuilds are replace by a config containing cretaion steps.
The created builds are not displayed in main views, but are available
on parent build log page. The result of a parent takes the result of
all children into account.
This new mechanics will help to create some custom behaviours for specifics
use cases, and latter help to parallelise work.
Before this commit, dependencies (i.e. community commit to use when testing enterprise)
were computed at checkout, when the build was going from pending to testing state and
were not stored.
Since the duplicate detection was done at create, the get_closest_branch_name was called
in a loop for each posible duplicate candidate, then a last time at checkout. The main idea of this
pr is to store the build dependecies on build at create, making the duplicate detection
faster (especially when the build name is matching many indirect builds).
The side effect of this change is that the build dependencies won't be affected if a new
commit is pushed between the build creation and the checkout. The build is fully
determined at creation. get_closest_branch is only called once per build
The duplicate detection will also be more precise since we are matching on the commits groups
that were used to run the build, and not only the branch name.
Some work has also been done to rework the closest branch detection in order to manage new corner
cases. Hopefully, everything should work as before (or in a better way).
In a soon future, it will also be possible to use this information to make an "exact rebuild"
or to find corresponding community build.
Pr: #117
When using a local git repo, the git name does not have colon, making
the frontend crash.
With this commit, a non-stored computed field 'short_name' is added to
compute a shortest version of the name.
When searching the builds for the frontend the resulting query can last
a very long time (up to 7sec).
With this commit, the search result is strictly limited to 100 builds,
the limit query parameter is removed and the search string length is limited to
60 chars.
The guess_result method is now optimized to guess results for testing
builds only. The others have the same value as the final result.
A few tests were added for this method.
Thanks @KangOl for the optimization code.
When examining a particular build with the build view, one can be
frustrated being forced to navigate the frontend page to ask for a
With this commit, the rebuild menu entry is also visible on the build
page when the build is the last one of the branch.
Also the build host is now visible on the build page for the same
usability reason.
The frontend view shows only the four last builds by branch, which is a
little bit small to explore builds and search for failed builds.
With this commit, a new frontend template displays a paged list of
builds for a specified branch.
Avoids overly generic vhost declaration, and makes config easier to
We only want to allow such hosts:
Where <db_name_extension> is usually "all" or "base".
The unicode icon added in the build subject is not clear for the users.
In that state, it's not easy to add a title on the icon or the subject.
With this commit, a build type field is added to differentiate the
builds and add the appropriate icon and title.
Closes: #24
When someone tries to log in an old runbot build that is not running
anymore, he lands on the runbot instance that was running the build.
Also, all the running builds are allowed on all runbot instances,
leading to the same behavior.
With this commit, only the builds that are running on the runbot
instance can be reached, others are defaulted to a 404.
When the coverage is activated on a branch, the coverage result is not
With this commit, the coverage result will be stored on a build.
The last result will be shown on the frontend for sticky branches.
Also, an extra_parameter field is added on the build model.
When a reverse dependency is in testing, pending or deathrow state, there is no
icon in the depending build box.
This commit adds icons for testing, pending and deathrow states.
Also, icons are now displayed in the repository name order.
closes: #19
When a build fails in a repo that depends on another repo, it's difficult
to figure out from which commit it comes in the depending repo.
If this commit is applied, when a new commit is found in a repo's sticky
branch, the latest build from the same branch name, in the depending
repo will be forced to rebuild.
When a build was a duplicate, the link to the running build instance was
leading to the duplicate instance with the db filter of the current
build. Because of that, the user was then redirected to the database selector.
With this commit, the link button gives the proper database argument.
Thanks @RomainLibert for reporting this issue.
Before this commit, when a clean instance of the runbot is installed,
there was a KeyError on the frontend because there was not builds for
the sticky branches.
Some HTML attributes were missing, and are required to ensure good
compatibility with screen readers.
The following attributes are included:
- `aria-expanded`: this should be present in all dropdown menus
- `aria-label`: this should be present in all links and buttons which
don't show text, but icons or images.
The previous code of runbot and runbot_cla was made for Odoo API version
8.0. This commit makes it work with Odoo API 11.0 and Python 3.
Also, the present refactoring splits the code into multiple files to
make it easier to read (I hope).
The main change due to Python 3 is the job locking mechanism:
Since PEP-446 file descriptors are non-inheritable by default.
A new method (os.set_inheritable) was introduced to explicitely make
fd inheritable. Also, the close_fds parameter of the subprocess.Popen
method is now True by default.
Finally, PEP-3151 changed the exception raised by fcntl.flock from IOError to OSError
(and IOError became an alias of OSError).
As a consequence of all that, the runbot locking mechanism to check if a
job is finished was not working in python3.