When a docker fails to build, the output is logged in the chatter
leading to a lot of noise and a not so readable output. Moreover, the
output tries to format markdown and don't render line break correctly.
This commit proposes to introduce a model to store this output, as well
as some other info like the image identifier, build time, ...
This will help to compare images versions between hosts and should be
useful later to have multiple version of the same image with variant
once the docker registry is introduced.
Git gc can last a few minutes, it's not a big deal since it's executed
once a day but the transaction is kept idele during this time wich is
not useful. This commit should help to avoid this.
- clean thread username
- allow to write on params for debug (was mainly usefull to forbid it
at the beginning)
- imrpove some guidelines about method and actions naming/ ordering
- move some code for a cleaner organisation.
- remove some useless request.env.user (not useful anymore)
Pausing a host can be usefull in some case, mainly when testing new code
The loop will have no effect avoiding to break some build wainting for
Profile will help to identify potential performance flows during the
Currently, the addons_path is intuited from the location of the script, with the assumption that the only custom addons path will be runbot itself.
This commit introduces an addons_path parameter to support custom deployments. If the parameter is not set, the existing behaviour is unchanged.
At this moment it's difficult to monitor a build cpu and memory usage.
This must be done from outside the container to avoid to kill the cat by
opening the box.
This commit adds a daemonic thread launched by the builder. This thread
will read the memory and cpu stats of the running dockers and report
their stats in a log file into the logs directory of the builds.
The log file format is made to be easily mixed with the build logs and
spot memory leaks or cpu overload during builds.
On the actual runbot deployments, the `git gc` command is handled by a
unix cron. From time to time, some repositories get corrupted and we
suspect that some concurrent action may be involved as stated in
documentation [0].
For those reasons, with this commit, the `git gc` will be run by the
runbot clients themselves in order to avoid concurrent operations.
By default, the first gc will occur a few minutes after the start of the
client and the next gc are scheduled a two hours and a few minutes later.
Also, this commit ensures that the git config is written regularly in
case of change.
[0] https://git-scm.com/docs/git-gc
As for the builder, this give the ability to run the discovery of new
commits and all related logic in a separate process.
This will mainly be usefull to restart frontend without waiting for cron
or restart "leader" without stoping the frontend. This will also be
usefull for optimisation purpose.