When calling a step from a python step, it is impossible to alter some parameter, the only solution is to copy all step code.
With this change, python step are now able to override docker_run parameter of another step by modifying the dict returned by run_* steps
and assigning the result to "docker_params".
This will mainly be used to set the correct docker_image for migration pre and post test. This can also be used to alter a command,
like removing the pip install or adding extra pre/post operation on the command.
Currently, runbot is using a single Dockerfile maintained in a data file
in the source code. This situation is not convenient for testing Odoo in
different environments.
With this commit, a Dockerfile Odoo model is used to allow usage of
multiple Docker containers.
This model comes with a pre-defined Dockerfile that can be used to build
the current Odoo supported versions (12.0 up to 14.0).
Runbot initial architechture was working for a single odoo repo, and was
adapted to build enterprise. Addition of upgrade repo and test began
to make result less intuitive revealing more weakness of the system.
Adding to the oddities of duplicate detection and branch matching,
there was some room for improvement in the runbot models.
This (small) commit introduce the runbot v5.0, designed for a closer
match of odoo's development flows, and hopefully improving devs
experience and making runbot configuration more flexible.
**Remotes:** remote intoduction helps to detect duplicate between odoo and
odoo-dev repos: a commit is now on a repo, a repo having multiple remote.
If a hash is in odoo-dev, we consider that it is the same in odoo.
Note: github seems to manage commit kind of the same way. It is possible
to send a status on a commit on odoo when the commit only exists in
This change also allows to remove some repo duplicate configuration
between a repo and his dev corresponding repo.
(modules, server files, manifests, ...)
**Trigger:** before v5.0, only one build per repo was created, making it
difficult to tweak what test to execute in what case. The example use
case was for upgrade. We want to test upgrade to master when pushing on
odoo. But we also want to test upgrade the same way when pushing on
upgrade. We introduce a build that should be ran on pushing on either
repo when each repo already have specific tests.
The trigger allows to specify a build to create with a specific config.
The trigger is executed when any repo of the trigger repo is pushed.
The trigger can define depedencies: only build enterprise when pushing
enterprise, but enterprise needs odoo. Test upgrade to master when pushing
either odoo or upgrade.
Trigger will also allows to extract some build like cla that where
executed on both enterprise and odoo, and hidden in a subbuild.
**Bundle:** Cross repo branches/pr branches matching was hidden in build
creation and can be confusing. A build can be detected as a duplicate
of a pr, but not always if naming is wrong or traget is invalid/changes.
This was mainly because of how a community ref will be found. This was
making ci on pr undeterministic if duplicate matching fails. This was
also creating two build, with one pointing to the other when duplicate
detection was working, but the visual result can be confusing.
Associtaions of remotes and bundles fix this by adding all pr and
related branches from all repo in a bundle. First of all this helps to
visualise what the runbot consider has branch matching and that should
be considered as part of the same task, giving a place where to warn
devs of some possible inconsistencies. Associate whith repo/remote, we
can consider branches in the same repo in a bundle as expected to have
the same head. Only one build is created since trigger considers repo,
not remotes.
**Batch:** A batch is a group of build, a batch on a bundle can be
compared to a build on a branch in previous version. When a branch
is pushed, the corresponding bundle creates a new batch, and wait for
new commit. Once no new update are detected in the batch for 60 seconds,
All the trigger are executed if elligible. The created build are added
to the batch in a batch_slot. It is also possible that an corresponding
build exists (duplicate) and is added to the slot instead of creating a
new build.
Co-authored-by d-fence <moc@odoo.com>
Docker container names are derived from the dest and step name. The dest
is itself derived from the branch name.
In some rare cases, it happens that a character not allowed by Docker
appears in the container name computed by the runbot.
With this commit, a sanitize_container_name function is used to remove
unallowed characters at the container utility level.
When coverage is computed, a post command is used to generate the HTML
report. In order to use the coverage result locally the HTML report is
not enough.
With this commit, an XML report is also generated. It's a single xml
file, downloadable from the build result web page.
The _post_install_command method is renamed into its plural form because
it was useless to return only one command.
If a docker is killed from outside, the start file will still be there but
not the end file. (when restarting docker service for instance)
This commits add a docker_state specific to non running docker
with start a file, that should be handled like unknow state:
This state is acceptable for a while, but build should be killed
if this state remains for to long.
As the Odoo requirements were recently updated, the last RUN entry in
the Docker image was rebuilt on our runbot instances.
Since that moment the coverage builds are failing with an import error.
After investigation, it appears that the latest coverage version modifies the sys.path.
A bug report was written for coverage: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/919
For that reason, this commit freeze the coverage version until this bug
is fixed.
Also, the os import problem in conatainer.py is fiexed.
docker_is_running is ambiguous since we dont know if it was started once.
This new feature tries to add tools to know if a docker was started or not.
The main reason of this is that sometimes docker_run may take more than 15 seconds
creating unpredictable errors on build when the second step is launched and
the previous one is still running. Hopefully this fix will help to solve this
issue and detect late docker run.
When creating an .odoorc file to store configuration that are proper for
the runbot, the command line options were used as key.
The problem is that the Odoo config file use undescore instead of dash
for options keys.
Also, the Command object was not recreated with the config_tuples
parameter. Because of that, when adding a command in the list, the
config_tuples were losts.
As a consequence, on the Odoo runbot instance, the data dir was created
in the default dir and thus, not included in the zip file of the dump,
causing some runbot steps to fail.
A lot of things have to be mocked during runbot tests, as a consequence,
a lot of patch decorators accumulate in a big stack uppon some tests
Also, a lot of mocks are used multiple times among tests.
With this commit, a new RunbotClass is added that comes with patches
ready to be started. A start_patcher helper method is available to start
a patch and add the appropriate stop in a cleanup.
Also, when a build is created in the tests, the _get_params method is
always called, resulting in an annoying git warning.
With this commit, a create_build method is added on the test class, that
way the _get_params is always mocked when a build is created.
When starting an odoo instance with Docker, a very long command line is
computed and appears in the logs.
With this commit, an .odoorc configuration file is written ind the build
dir and mounted in the Docker container.
Previously, the runbot .odoorc/.openerprc file was mounted to share some
parameters. Now, if that file exsists, its content is merged with build
Since 81fefee, the container.py CLI does not work as expected.
With this commit, the CLI is working, a new arg was added to test
flamegraphs and the dump is adapted to mimic the runbot.
Also, a small issue is fixed in the zip file creation. Before the zip
creation, the directory is changed, if the directory change fails, the
zip is created from the current directory which is removed by zip at the
end of the process. That could lead to the deletion of the build dir.
Dump a db at the end of a build, using a new 'finals' cmd part
added in order to execute dump even if build fails.
Add a link in last step log to download dump.
In different situations, a docker container may stay alive even if the
build global_state is done. This can lead to a build failure when a
build wants to go in running state and tries to expose the same ports as
the left over build.
The requirements path and python version where defined from
server in cmd. Since in coverage we add a 'python' before server,
it is difficult to define which element of the cmd is the server.
A solution here is simply to define requirements install and
python version when building cmd since we have access to all
build/source informations. We also add python part in every
cases, and coverage params are now a _cmd python_params.
The _cmd method now returns a Command object instead of a
list, which behave has a list for the cmd part but also contains
a pres and posts list.
pres are requirement install, preparation, ...
cmd is the original cmd list, element can be append or added, this
will allow to keep existing python job without to much changes.
posts are post cmd commands, like coverage result making.
This commit also fix issue with create_job dependencies.
Multibuild can create generate a lots of checkout, especially for small
and fast jobs, which can overload runbot discs since we are trying not
to clean build immediatly. (To ease bug fix and allow wake up)
This commit proposes to store source on a single place, so that
docker can add them as ro volume in the build directory.
The checkout is also moved to the installs jobs, so that
builds containing only create builds steps won't checkout
the sources.
This change implies to use --addons-path correctly, since odoo
and enterprise addons wont be merged in the same repo anymore.
This will allow to test addons a dev will do, with a closer
command line.
This implies to change the code structure a litle, some changes
where made to remove no-so-usefull fields on build, and some
hard-coded logic (manifest_names and server_names) are now
stored on repo instead.
This changes implies that a build CANNOT write in his sources.
It shouldn't be the case, but it means that runbot cannot be
tested on runbot untill datas are written elsewhere than in static.
Other possibilities are possible, like bind mounting the sources
in the build directory instead of adding ro volumes in docker.
Unfortunately, this needs to give access to mount as sudo for
runbot user and changes docjker config to allow mounts
in volumes which is not the case by default. A plus of this
solution would be to be able to make an overlay mount.
This commit aims to replace static jobs by fully configurable build config.
Each build has a config (custom or inherited from repo or branch).
Each config has a list of steps.
For now, a step can test/run odoo or create a new child build. A python job is
also available.
The mimic the previous behaviour of runbot, a default config is available with
three steps, an install of base, an install+test of all modules, and a last step
for run.
Multibuilds are replace by a config containing cretaion steps.
The created builds are not displayed in main views, but are available
on parent build log page. The result of a parent takes the result of
all children into account.
This new mechanics will help to create some custom behaviours for specifics
use cases, and latter help to parallelise work.
When the docker_run function is called, the odoo command is decorated
with a pip command to install required packages.
This pollute the docker_run function if a runbot job_ method wants to
use docker for something else that starting an odoo instance (like
pg_dump) for example.
With this commit, command modification is made in an optional helper
function named build_odoo_cmd.
the docker_run function now needs the command to run as a string instead
of a list of odoo cmd and its parameters.
When a build is running, the stmp is the localhost.
Since Docker builds, the localhost is the container which does not catch
port 25 smtp. Mails are lost in the limbo.
With this commit, the default gateway of the Docker network is used as
smtp host for the builds. It's the responsability of the runbot host to
catch smtp traffic from the container.
This bridge interface exists by default on a system where Docker is
running. However, Docker is affected by this issue:
The first time the Docker daemon is installed, the Gateway is not
defined on the bridge interface. When the Docker daemon is restarted,
the gateway is correctly defined. Pay attention that restarting the
Docker daemon will kill all the running/testing builds.
When starting a container, the .odoorc|.openerp_serverrc file is not
used by the build.
With this commit, if a .odoorc or .openerp_serverrc file is found in the
home directory of the runbot user, this file is mounted read-only in the
container, allowing some customization.
When building Odoo, the instance is started on the same host as the
runbot. It means that all the required python packages have to be
installed on each runbot hosts with the same versions. Also there is no
real separation between builds. Finally, from a security point of view,
arbitrary code could be executed on the runbot host.
With this commit, the runbot uses Docker containers to build Odoo.
During the tests, Odoo http ports are not exposed to the outside,
meaning that nobody could interact with that instance.
The Docker image used for containers is valid for Odoo branches 10.0,
11.0, 12.0 and master.
When building, right before starting the Odoo tests, the tested branch's
requirements.txt is now taken into account to adapt the container.
On a runbot host, the "docker ps -a" command can be used to have the
list of the current builds. The containers are named using the build
dest field and the current running job. For example:
Docker have to be installed on the runbot hosts and the user that runs
the runbot should be able to use Docker. Typically, the runbot user have
to be added to the docker unix group.
On the first build, the Docker image will be built from scratch. It
can last several minutes locking the runbot cron during this time.
It means that on a multi-runbot configuration, this process will be
repeated for each runbot and during this time there will be no builds.
To avoid such a situation, the Docker image can be built from the
command line. The container.py file can be started like this:
python3 container.py build /tmp/build_dir
The /tmp/build_dir directory will be created to store the Dockerfile.
When the process is done, the "docker images" command should show an
image tagged runbot_tests in the odoo repository. At that time, the
runbot instance can be started, it will use this image for the builds.
Api change:
The 'job_*' methods signature has changed, the lock_path is not needed anymore.
Docker image informations:
Currently, the Docker image is built based on Ubuntu bionic to
benefit of the python 3.6 version.
Chrome and phantomjs are both installed.
The latest wkhtmltopdf (0.12.5) is installed as recommended on our wiki: