When an fw batch fails, log a message to its chatter (so the reason
for the failure doesn't necessarily have to be hunted down in the
logs, although depending on the quality of the error that might still
be an issue).
Also if a batch keeps failing (fails for more than a day at a retry
every hour -- increased from a previous 30mn), stop retrying it and
flag it in the list view, it's clearly not going to go through.
This is because we hit an issue with a completion fw batch created on
January 27th which kept failing until it was deleted on February
10th. Thankfully it failed on `git push` and git operations apparently
are not rate limited at all, but still it's not great stewartship to
keep trying a forwardport which keeps failing. Retrying in case of
transient failure makes sense, but after 24 attempts over a day it's
either not transient, or it's not working because github is down and
hammering it won't help.
Since b45ecf08f9 forwardport batches
which fail have a delay set in order to avoid spamming. However that
delay was not displayed anywhere, which made things confusing as the
batch would not get run even after creating new triggers.
Show the delay if it's set (to a value later than now), as a relative
delta for clarity (as normally the delay is in minutes so a full blown
date is difficult to read / aprehend), and allow viewing and setting
it in the form view.
- code in the various menus added over time through the UI (queues,
configuration, ...)
- update / improve PR layout a tick
- fix "outstanding forward ports" count on the dashboard
- improve hover title / help on dashboard
- add date of last modification (usually date of success / failure)
- make casing more coherent (everything lowercase)
- add explicit note that UTC date on staged at label is staged at datetime
- rediscover yet again that the staging information is when hovering
on the staging *except the staged at label*
- improve `PullRequest.unstage` to always insert the PR at the start of the
reason when cancelling the staging, for clarity / traceability
Closes#560, closes#609