- only remind weekly initially (not daily)
- root reminders on the forward port's creation, not the source's
merge date
- cap reminder interval at 4 weeks (instead of doubling every time)
- track reminders on forward ports, don't share between siblings
- remove `forwardport_updated_before` from the testing system, it's
now possible to just update `reminder_next` to a past date and see
if it gets triggered (it should to nothing on sources, or on forward
port in a state which does not warrant concern)
In case where the last branch (before the branch being frozen) is
disabled, the forwardport inserter screws up, and fails to correctly
create the intermediate forwardports from the new branch.
Also when disabling a branch, if there are FW PRs which target that
branch and have not been forward-ported further, automatically
forward-port them as if the branch had been disabled when they were
created, this should limit data loss and confusion.
Also change the message set on PRs when disabling a branch: because of
user conflicts in test setup, the message about a branch being
disabled would close the PRs, which would then orphan the followup,
leading to unexpected / inconsistent behaviour.
- avoid pinging the author of the fw PR (which is the forward-bot
- instead ping the author and reviewer of the source, and possibly the
reviewer of the PR if any
- might also be a good idea to ping reviewers of intermediate PRs?
This is an important bit of information but it was not visible without
going into the backend.
`user-select-none` doesn't work in BS3 but that way it'll be ready for
an eventual update. Currently when hovering the badge the cursor
switches to text selection, and the text is selectable, which is
Complements 4e235a2 and finishes the fixes for #617
- trying to r+ a detached PR *via the forwardbot* should warn, same as
a non-forwardport PR
- the following sibling of a closed PR should be detached from
it (probably)
- when a closed forward-port PR is reopened, there should be a
notification that it is detached and merged via mergebot
Existing conflict style is the local default ("merge", most
likely). `diff3` is a lot more informative as it provides the common
ancestor's code for the hunk, which helps see how the two branches
diverged and thus resolve the conflict.
Even better would be zdiff3 but that's a bit too recent...
* Adds a changelog page, linked from the main, with content
automatically loaded from the source. To avoid conflicts, each entry
is its own file and entries are grouped by the month during which
the update will (probably) be deployed
* The last group (most likely "last update") doesn't have a title, the
rest do.
* Add changelog entries from the last update so it's not too empty.
* Also update the layout for the alerts a bit: remove bottom margin to
reduce loss of whitespace.