Using `modified` seems safer than just blowing the cache with respect
to stored computed fields depending on PR state (not sure there are
any but it's likely).
When the linux logrotate system rename the runbot logfile used by the
new builder script, the script continue to write in the reotated file.
With this commit, the WatchedFileHandler is used. This handler is
specialy crafted to handle this situation, it detects the file renaming
and automatically changes to the new file that have the old filename.
When trying to remove test_tags on a build_error, the validation fails
because it tries to iterate on False. Also, the ValidationError
exception was not properly imported.
With this commit, the validation is fixed and a test is added.
* If an excpetion occurs during the main loop, the builder crashes. With
this commit, the main_loop is in a try/catch.
* remove unused imports
* move the first log after the Odoo import because Odoo changes the
process timezone to UTC
When a repo is set to "no_build", there is no way to force a branch to
build from the backend.
With this commit, a button is added on a branch form to ask rebuild of the
branch, even when the repo is set to "no_build".
Migration tests comming on runbot, it will be usefull to have quick
way to obtain branches related to current build.
This commit adds a field for the colsest sticky branch, previous version
and intermediates stickies.
Example when last sticky is saas-13.2:
branch_name: master-test-tri
closest_sticky: master
previous_version: 13.0
intermediate_stickies: saas-13.1, saas-13.2
This is not super useful and causes issues with runbot as it uses
commit dates to decide how "old" branches are, and ignores (doesn't
create when it scans them) branches more than a month old.
So the forwardport branches will be completely ignored (not considered
let alone tested) if we happen to forward-port a PR last updated more
than a month ago. Which is somewhat inconvenient.
Actually, when deploying multiple instances of runbot, a full odoo
installation is needed.
With this commit, a single standalone (sort of) can be used to start a
runbot builder. It uses the same database as the runbot scheduler.
This script just reserve pending builds for himself and starts to build.
This is just a proof of concept. It should work alongside with a
standard runbot installation.
This commit add the possibility to add custom checks to python steps,
as well as ignoring triggered result if log of level error/warning
is not considered as a problem.
As the --upgrade-paths options does not work as expected in Odoo, a
symbolic link has to be created in odoo/addons/base/maintenance pointing
to the migration scripts.
The runbot uses Docker read-only volumes to access the sources that are
shared between builds, preventing the creation of such a link.
With this commit, a symbolic link is created right after the export of a
commit only when the repo is a "server" repo.
This link is broken outside of the Docker volumes but uses the mount
points of the sources inside the container.
Two ir.config_parameter's are used to enable and configure this feature:
* runbot_migration_ln: the relative path where the link should be placed
(typically odoo/addons/base/maintenance)
* runbot_migration_repo_id: the id of the migration scripts repo, used
to determine the name of the mount point inside the Docker container
A change is also made in the "reverse dependcy build" to avoid the
creation of a build in the migration repo for each push in its
dependency. Simply set the no_build field on this migration repo.
`getmtime` will return a 6 digit float when postgress will only store 5.
Depending on rounding, _get_refs have 1/2 chance to make an update
when it shouldn't. Rounding below psql precision before comparing and
storing should fix this.
Sometimes, sheduler may have a hard time to create build.
The transaction can be verry long when there are many repo and
a lot of new commits. Writing get_ref_time on repo will fail
due to concurrent update rollbacking the whole transaction.
This is supposedly because of hook occuring during the transaction.
With this new model, hook will only perform an insert, and shouldn't
interfer with ref_times.
docker_is_running is ambiguous since we dont know if it was started once.
This new feature tries to add tools to know if a docker was started or not.
The main reason of this is that sometimes docker_run may take more than 15 seconds
creating unpredictable errors on build when the second step is launched and
the previous one is still running. Hopefully this fix will help to solve this
issue and detect late docker run.
When rebuilding a build/subbuild, the last commit of the branch
won't have the same sha of the branch last commit. find_new_commit
will kill the running builds in the branch and create a new one,
that may be a duplicate of one of the killed commits.
This fix only take normal builds into account when checking for
existing builds.
This commit was initially there for tests, when no repo exist, but
get_param will also crash if commit does not exist, wich may be
a problem on user rebuild.
A build can sometimes fail and be stuck in a running state
without corresponding sources. In this case, source are not gc anymore
This commit fixes that by always applying gc even when an inconsistency
is detected.