from operator import itemgetter import requests from utils import Commit, to_pr, seen def test_partner_merge(env): p_src = env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': "xxx", 'github_login': 'xxx' }) # proper login with useful info p_dest = env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'Partner P. Partnersson', 'github_login': '' }) env['base.partner.merge.automatic.wizard'].create({ 'state': 'selection', 'partner_ids': (p_src + p_dest).ids, 'dst_partner_id':, }).action_merge() assert not p_src.exists() assert == 'Partner P. Partnersson' assert p_dest.github_login == 'xxx' def test_name_search(env): """ PRs should be findable by: * number * display_name (`repository#number`) * label This way we can find parents or sources by these informations. """ p = env['runbot_merge.project'].create({ 'name': 'proj', 'github_token': 'no', }) b = env['runbot_merge.branch'].create({ 'name': 'target', 'project_id': }) r = env['runbot_merge.repository'].create({ 'name': 'repo', 'project_id':, }) baseline = {'target':, 'repository':} PRs = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'] prs = PRs.create({**baseline, 'number': 1964, 'label': 'victor:thump', 'head': 'a', 'message': 'x'})\ | PRs.create({**baseline, 'number': 1959, 'label': 'marcus:frankenstein', 'head': 'b', 'message': 'y'})\ | PRs.create({**baseline, 'number': 1969, 'label': 'victor:patch-1', 'head': 'c', 'message': 'z'}) pr0, pr1, pr2 = [[, pr.display_name] for pr in prs] assert PRs.name_search('1964') == [pr0] assert PRs.name_search('1969') == [pr2] assert PRs.name_search('frank') == [pr1] assert PRs.name_search('victor') == [pr2, pr0] assert PRs.name_search('thump') == [pr0] assert PRs.name_search('repo') == [pr2, pr0, pr1] assert PRs.name_search('repo#1959') == [pr1] def test_unreviewer(env, project, port): repo = env['runbot_merge.repository'].create({ 'project_id':, 'name': 'a_test_repo', 'status_ids': [(0, 0, {'context': 'status'})] }) p = env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'George Pearce', 'github_login': 'emubitch', 'review_rights': [(0, 0, {'repository_id':, 'review': True})] }) r ='http://localhost:{port}/runbot_merge/get_reviewers', json={ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': None, 'method': 'call', 'params': {}, }) r.raise_for_status() assert 'error' not in r.json() assert r.json()['result'] == ['emubitch'] r ='http://localhost:{port}/runbot_merge/remove_reviewers', json={ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': None, 'method': 'call', 'params': {'github_logins': ['emubitch']}, }) r.raise_for_status() assert 'error' not in r.json() assert p.review_rights == env[''] def test_staging_post_update(env, repo, users, config): """Because statuses come from commits, it's possible to update the commits of a staging after that staging has completed (one way or the other), either by sending statuses directly (e.g. rebuilding, for non-deterministic errors) or just using the staging's head commit in a branch. This makes post-mortem analysis quite confusing, so stagings should "lock in" their statuses once they complete. """ with repo: [m] = repo.make_commits(None, Commit('initial', tree={'m': 'm'}), ref='heads/master') repo.make_commits(m, Commit('thing', tree={'m': 'c'}), ref='heads/other') pr = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='other') repo.post_status(pr.head, 'success') pr.post_comment('hansen r+ rebase-merge', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() pr_id = to_pr(env, pr) staging_id = pr_id.staging_id assert staging_id staging_head = repo.commit('staging.master') with repo: repo.post_status(staging_head, 'failure') env.run_crons() assert pr_id.state == 'error' assert staging_id.state == 'failure' assert staging_id.statuses == [ [, 'default', 'failure', ''], ] with repo: repo.post_status(staging_head, 'success') env.run_crons() assert staging_id.state == 'failure' assert staging_id.statuses == [ [, 'default', 'failure', ''], ] def test_merge_empty_commits(env, repo, users, config): """The mergebot should allow merging already-empty commits. """ with repo: [m] = repo.make_commits(None, Commit('initial', tree={'m': 'm'}), ref='heads/master') repo.make_commits(m, Commit('thing1', tree={}), ref='heads/other1') pr1 = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='other1') repo.post_status(pr1.head, 'success') pr1.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) repo.make_commits(m, Commit('thing2', tree={}), ref='heads/other2') pr2 = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='other2') repo.post_status(pr2.head, 'success') pr2.post_comment('hansen r+ rebase-ff', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() pr1_id = to_pr(env, pr1) pr2_id = to_pr(env, pr2) assert pr1_id.staging_id and pr2_id.staging_id with repo: repo.post_status('staging.master', 'success') env.run_crons() assert pr1_id.state == pr2_id.state == 'merged' # log is most-recent-first (?) commits = list(repo.log('master')) head = repo.commit(commits[0]['sha']) assert repo.read_tree(head) == {'m': 'm'} assert commits[0]['commit']['message'].startswith('thing2') assert commits[1]['commit']['message'].startswith('thing1') assert commits[2]['commit']['message'] == 'initial' def test_merge_emptying_commits(env, repo, users, config): """The mergebot should *not* allow merging non-empty commits which become empty as part of the staging (rebasing) """ with repo: [m, _] = repo.make_commits( None, Commit('initial', tree={'m': 'm'}), Commit('second', tree={'m': 'c'}), ref='heads/master', ) [c1] = repo.make_commits(m, Commit('thing', tree={'m': 'c'}), ref='heads/branch1') pr1 = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='branch1') repo.post_status(pr1.head, 'success') pr1.post_comment('hansen r+ rebase-ff', config['role_reviewer']['token']) [_, c2] = repo.make_commits( m, Commit('thing1', tree={'c': 'c'}), Commit('thing2', tree={'m': 'c'}), ref='heads/branch2', ) pr2 = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='branch2') repo.post_status(pr2.head, 'success') pr2.post_comment('hansen r+ rebase-ff', config['role_reviewer']['token']) repo.make_commits( m, Commit('thing1', tree={'m': 'x'}), Commit('thing2', tree={'m': 'c'}), ref='heads/branch3', ) pr3 = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='branch3') repo.post_status(pr3.head, 'success') pr3.post_comment('hansen r+ squash', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() ping = f"@{users['user']} @{users['reviewer']}" # check that first / sole commit emptying is caught pr1_id = to_pr(env, pr1) assert not pr1_id.staging_id assert pr1.comments[3:] == [ (users['user'], f"{ping} unable to stage: commit {c1} results in an empty tree when merged, it is likely a duplicate of a merged commit, rebase and remove.") ] assert pr1_id.error assert pr1_id.state == 'error' # check that followup commit emptying is caught pr2_id = to_pr(env, pr2) assert not pr2_id.staging_id assert pr2.comments[3:] == [ (users['user'], f"{ping} unable to stage: commit {c2} results in an empty tree when merged, it is likely a duplicate of a merged commit, rebase and remove.") ] assert pr2_id.error assert pr2_id.state == 'error' # check that emptied squashed pr is caught pr3_id = to_pr(env, pr3) assert not pr3_id.staging_id assert pr3.comments[3:] == [ (users['user'], f"{ping} unable to stage: results in an empty tree when merged, might be the duplicate of a merged PR.") ] assert pr3_id.error assert pr3_id.state == 'error' # ensure the PR does not get re-staged since it's the first of the staging # (it's the only one) env.run_crons() assert pr1.comments[3:] == [ (users['user'], f"{ping} unable to stage: commit {c1} results in an empty tree when merged, it is likely a duplicate of a merged commit, rebase and remove.") ] assert len(pr2.comments) == 4 assert len(pr3.comments) == 4 def test_force_ready(env, repo, config): with repo: [m] = repo.make_commits(None, Commit('initial', tree={'m': 'm'}), ref="heads/master") repo.make_commits(m, Commit('first', tree={'m': 'c1'}), ref="heads/other") pr = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='other') env.run_crons() pr_id = to_pr(env, pr) pr_id.skipchecks = True assert pr_id.state == 'ready' assert pr_id.status == 'pending' reviewer = env['res.users'].browse([env._uid]).partner_id assert pr_id.reviewed_by == reviewer def test_help(env, repo, config, users, partners): with repo: [m] = repo.make_commits(None, Commit('initial', tree={'m': 'm'}), ref="heads/master") repo.make_commits(m, Commit('first', tree={'m': 'c1'}), ref="heads/other") pr = repo.make_pr(target='master', head='other') env.run_crons() for role in ['reviewer', 'self_reviewer', 'user', 'other']: v = config[f'role_{role}'] with repo: pr.post_comment("hansen help", v['token']) with repo: pr.post_comment("hansen r+ help", config['role_reviewer']['token']) assert not partners['reviewer'].user_ids, "the reviewer should not be an internal user" group_internal = env.ref("base.group_user") group_admin = env.ref("runbot_merge.group_admin") env['res.users'].create({ 'partner_id': partners['reviewer'].id, 'login': 'reviewer', 'groups_id': [(4,, 0), (4,, 0)], }) with repo: pr.post_comment("hansen help", config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() assert pr.comments == [ seen(env, pr, users), (users['reviewer'], "hansen help"), (users['self_reviewer'], "hansen help"), (users['user'], "hansen help"), (users['other'], "hansen help"), (users['reviewer'], "hansen r+ help"), (users['reviewer'], "hansen help"), (users['user'], REVIEWER.format(user=users['reviewer'], skip="")), (users['user'], RANDO.format(user=users['self_reviewer'])), (users['user'], AUTHOR.format(user=users['user'])), (users['user'], RANDO.format(user=users['other'])), (users['user'], REVIEWER.format(user=users['reviewer'], skip='') + "\n\nWarning: in invoking help, every other command has been ignored."), (users['user'], REVIEWER.format( user=users['reviewer'], skip='|`skipchecks`|bypasses both statuses and review|\n', )), ] REVIEWER = """\ Currently available commands for @{user}: |command|| |-|-| |`help`|displays this help| |`r(eview)+`|approves the PR, if it's a forwardport also approves all non-detached parents| |`r(eview)=`|only approves the specified parents| |`fw=no`|does not forward-port this PR| |`fw=default`|forward-ports this PR normally| |`fw=skipci`|does not wait for a forward-port's statuses to succeed before creating the next one| |`up to `|only ports this PR forward to the specified branch (included)| |`merge`|integrate the PR with a simple merge commit, using the PR description as message| |`rebase-merge`|rebases the PR on top of the target branch the integrates with a merge commit, using the PR description as message| |`rebase-ff`|rebases the PR on top of the target branch, then fast-forwards| |`squash`|squashes the PR as a single commit on the target branch, using the PR description as message| |`delegate+`|grants approval rights to the PR author| |`delegate=<...>`|grants approval rights on this PR to the specified github users| |`default`|stages the PR normally| |`priority`|tries to stage this PR first, then adds `default` PRs if the staging has room| |`alone`|stages this PR only with other PRs of the same priority| {skip}\ |`cancel=staging`|automatically cancels the current staging when this PR becomes ready| |`check`|fetches or refreshes PR metadata, resets mergebot state| Note: this help text is dynamic and will change with the state of the PR.\ """ AUTHOR = """\ Currently available commands for @{user}: |command|| |-|-| |`help`|displays this help| |`fw=no`|does not forward-port this PR| |`up to `|only ports this PR forward to the specified branch (included)| |`check`|fetches or refreshes PR metadata, resets mergebot state| Note: this help text is dynamic and will change with the state of the PR.\ """ RANDO = """\ Currently available commands for @{user}: |command|| |-|-| |`help`|displays this help| Note: this help text is dynamic and will change with the state of the PR.\ """