from utils import Commit, make_basic, to_pr, seen def test_single_updated(env, config, make_repo): """ Given co-dependent PRs getting merged, one of them being modified should lead to a restart of the merge & forward port process. See test_update_pr for a simpler (single-PR) version """ r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, reponame='repo-1', statuses='default') r2, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, reponame='repo-2', statuses='default') with r1: r1.make_commits('a', Commit('1', tree={'1': '0'}), ref='heads/aref') pr1 = r1.make_pr(target='a', head='aref') r1.post_status('aref', 'success') pr1.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) with r2: r2.make_commits('a', Commit('2', tree={'2': '0'}), ref='heads/aref') pr2 = r2.make_pr(target='a', head='aref') r2.post_status('aref', 'success') pr2.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.a', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.a', 'success') env.run_crons() pr1_id, pr11_id, pr2_id, pr21_id = pr_ids = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([]).sorted('display_name') assert pr1_id.number == pr1.number assert pr2_id.number == pr2.number assert pr1_id.state == pr2_id.state == 'merged' assert pr11_id.parent_id == pr1_id assert == == assert pr21_id.parent_id == pr2_id assert == == assert == == 'b' # don't even bother faking CI failure, straight update pr21_id repo, ref = r2.get_pr(pr21_id.number).branch with repo: repo.make_commits( r2.commit(, Commit('Whops', tree={'2': '1'}), ref='heads/' + ref, make=False ) env.run_crons() assert not pr21_id.parent_id with r1, r2: r1.post_status(pr11_id.head, 'success') r1.get_pr(pr11_id.number).post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) r2.post_status(pr21_id.head, 'success') r2.get_pr(pr21_id.number).post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() prs_again = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([]) assert prs_again == pr_ids,\ "should not have created FP PRs as we're now in a detached (iso new PR) state " \ "(%s)" % prs_again.mapped('display_name') with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.b', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.b', 'success') env.run_crons() new_prs = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([]).sorted('display_name') - pr_ids assert len(new_prs) == 2, "should have created the new FP PRs" pr12_id, pr22_id = new_prs assert pr12_id.source_id == pr1_id assert pr12_id.parent_id == pr11_id assert pr22_id.source_id == pr2_id assert pr22_id.parent_id == pr21_id def test_closing_during_fp(env, config, make_repo, users): """ Closing a PR after it's been ported once should not port it further, but the rest of the batch should carry on """ r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses='default') r2, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses='default') with r1, r2: r1.make_commits('a', Commit('1', tree={'1': '0'}), ref='heads/aref') pr1 = r1.make_pr(target='a', head='aref') r1.post_status('aref', 'success') pr1.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) r2.make_commits('a', Commit('2', tree={'2': '0'}), ref='heads/aref') pr2 = r2.make_pr(target='a', head='aref') r2.post_status('aref', 'success') pr2.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.a', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.a', 'success') env.run_crons() pr1_id = to_pr(env, pr1) [pr1_1_id] = pr1_id.forwardport_ids pr2_id = to_pr(env, pr2) [pr2_1_id] = pr2_id.forwardport_ids with r1: r1.get_pr(pr1_1_id.number).close(config['role_user']['token']) with r2: r2.post_status(pr2_1_id.head, 'success') env.run_crons() assert env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search_count([]) == 5,\ "only one of the forward ports should be ported" assert not env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([('parent_id', '=',]),\ "the closed PR should not be ported" assert env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([('source_id', '=',]) == pr1_1_id,\ "the closed PR should not be ported" r1_b_head = r1.commit("b") with r2: r2.get_pr(pr2_1_id.number).post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() assert not pr2_1_id.blocked assert not pr2_1_id.batch_id.blocked st = pr2_1_id.staging_id assert st with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.b', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.b', 'success') env.run_crons() assert st.state == 'success' assert == r1.commit("b").id, \ "r1:b's head should not have been touched" def test_add_pr_during_fp(env, config, make_repo, users): """ It should be possible to add new PRs to an FP batch """ r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default") r2, fork2 = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default") # needs a "d" branch env['runbot_merge.project'].search([]).write({ 'branch_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'd', 'sequence': 40})], }) with r1, r2: r1.make_ref("heads/d", r1.commit("c").id) r2.make_ref("heads/d", r2.commit("c").id) with r1: r1.make_commits('a', Commit('1', tree={'1': '0'}), ref='heads/aref') pr1_a = r1.make_pr(target='a', head='aref') r1.post_status('aref', 'success') pr1_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.a', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.a', 'success') env.run_crons() pr1_a_id = to_pr(env, pr1_a) [pr1_b_id] = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids with r2, fork2: fork2.make_commits(r2.commit('b').id, Commit('2', tree={'2': '0'}), ref=f'heads/{pr1_b_id.refname}') pr2_b = r2.make_pr(title="B", target='b', head=f'{fork2.owner}:{pr1_b_id.refname}') env.run_crons() pr2_b_id = to_pr(env, pr2_b) assert not pr1_b_id.staging_id assert not pr2_b_id.staging_id assert pr1_b_id.batch_id == pr2_b_id.batch_id assert pr1_b_id.state == "opened",\ "implicit approval from forward port should have been canceled" batch = pr2_b_id.batch_id with r1: r1.post_status(pr1_b_id.head, 'success') r1.get_pr(pr1_b_id.number).post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() assert batch.blocked assert pr1_b_id.blocked with r2: r2.post_status(pr2_b.head, "success") pr2_b.post_comment("hansen r+", config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() assert not batch.blocked assert pr1_b_id.staging_id and pr1_b_id.staging_id == pr2_b_id.staging_id with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.b', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.b', 'success') env.run_crons() def find_child(pr): return env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([ ('parent_id', '=',, ]) pr1_c_id = find_child(pr1_b_id) assert pr1_c_id pr2_c_id = find_child(pr2_b_id) assert pr2_c_id with r1, r2: r1.post_status(pr1_c_id.head, 'success') r2.post_status(pr2_c_id.head, 'success') env.run_crons() assert find_child(pr1_c_id) assert find_child(pr2_c_id) def test_add_to_forward_ported(env, config, make_repo, users): """Add a new branch to an intermediate step of a fw *sequence*, either because skipci or because all the intermediate CI succeeded """ # region setup r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default") r2, fork2 = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default") project = env['runbot_merge.project'].search([]) project.write({ 'branch_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'd', 'sequence': 40})], }) with r1, r2: r1.make_commits('c', Commit('1111', tree={'g': 'a'}), ref='heads/d') r2.make_commits('c', Commit('1111', tree={'g': 'a'}), ref='heads/d') with r1: r1.make_commits('a', Commit('a', tree={'a': 'a'}), ref="heads/pr1") pr1_a = r1.make_pr(target="a", head="pr1") r1.post_status(pr1_a.head, 'success') pr1_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.a', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.a', 'success') env.run_crons() # region port forward pr1_a_id = to_pr(env, pr1_a) for branch in 'bcd': next_pr = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([ ('source_id', '=',, ('', '=', branch), ]) assert next_pr with r1: r1.post_status(next_pr.head, 'success') env.run_crons() # endregion # endregion pr1_b_id, pr1_c_id, pr1_d_id = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids[::-1] # new PR must be in fork for labels to actually match with r2, fork2: # branch in fork has no owner prefix, but HEAD for cross-repo PR does fork2.make_commits(r2.commit("b").id, Commit('b', tree={'b': 'b'}), ref=f'heads/{pr1_b_id.refname}') pr2_b = r2.make_pr(title="b", target="b", head=pr1_b_id.label) env.run_crons() pr2_b_id = to_pr(env, pr2_b) assert pr2_b_id.batch_id == pr1_b_id.batch_id assert len(pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids) == 2, \ "since the batch is already forward ported, the new PR should" \ " immediately be forward ported to match" assert pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids.mapped('label') == (pr1_d_id | pr1_c_id).mapped('label') assert not (b := env['forwardport.batches'].search([])),\ f"there should not be any more forward porting, found {['source', 'pr_id'])}" known_set = pr1_a_id | pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids | pr2_b_id | pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids assert not (p := (env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([]) - known_set)), \ "there should not be any PR outside of the sequences we created, "\ f"found {['source_id', 'parent_id', 'display_name'])}" with r2: for pr_id in pr2_b_id | pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids: r2.post_status(pr_id.head, 'success') with r1, r2: r1.get_pr(pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids[0].number)\ .post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) r2.get_pr(pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids[0].number) \ .post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() with r1, r2: for branch in 'bcd': r1.post_status(f'staging.{branch}', 'success') r2.post_status(f'staging.{branch}', 'success') env.run_crons() assert not env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([]) - known_set, \ "there should not be any PR outside of the sequences we created" def test_add_to_forward_port_conflict(env, config, make_repo, users): """If a PR is added to an existing forward port sequence, and it causes conflicts when forward ported, it should be treated similarly to an *update* causing a conflict: the PR is still created, but it's set in conflict. """ # region setup r1, _ = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default") r2, fork2 = make_basic(env, config, make_repo, statuses="default") project = env['runbot_merge.project'].search([]) with r2: r2.make_commits( "c", Commit("C-onflict", tree={"b": "X"}), ref="heads/c" ) with r1: r1.make_commits('a', Commit('a', tree={'a': 'a'}), ref="heads/pr1") pr1_a = r1.make_pr(target="a", head="pr1") r1.post_status(pr1_a.head, 'success') pr1_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.a', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.a', 'success') env.run_crons() # region port forward pr1_a_id = to_pr(env, pr1_a) pr1_b_id = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids assert pr1_b_id with r1: r1.post_status(pr1_b_id.head, 'success') env.run_crons() pr1_c_id = pr1_a_id.forwardport_ids - pr1_b_id assert pr1_c_id # endregion # endregion # new PR must be in fork for labels to actually match with r2, fork2: # branch in fork has no owner prefix, but HEAD for cross-repo PR does fork2.make_commits(r2.commit("b").id, Commit('b', tree={'b': 'b'}), ref=f'heads/{pr1_b_id.refname}') pr2_b = r2.make_pr(title="b", target="b", head=pr1_b_id.label) r2.post_status(pr2_b.head, 'success') env.run_crons() pr2_b_id = to_pr(env, pr2_b) assert pr2_b_id.batch_id == pr1_b_id.batch_id pr2_c_id = pr2_b_id.forwardport_ids assert len(pr2_c_id) == 1, \ "since the batch is already forward ported, the new PR should" \ " immediately be forward ported to match" assert pr2_c_id.label == pr1_c_id.label assert not pr2_c_id.parent_id, "conflict -> should be detached" assert pr2_c_id.detach_reason pr2_a = r1.get_pr(pr1_b_id.number) with r1, r2: pr2_a.post_comment('hansen r+', config['role_reviewer']['token']) pr2_b.post_comment("hansen r+", config['role_reviewer']['token']) env.run_crons() with r1, r2: r1.post_status('staging.b', 'success') r2.post_status('staging.b', 'success') env.run_crons() assert pr1_b_id.state == 'merged' assert pr2_b_id.state == 'merged' pr2_c = r2.get_pr(pr2_c_id.number) assert pr2_c.comments == [ seen(env, pr2_c, users), # should have conflicts (users['user'], """@{user} cherrypicking of pull request {previous.display_name} failed. stdout: ``` Auto-merging b CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in b ``` Either perform the forward-port manually (and push to this branch, proceeding as usual) or close this PR (maybe?). In the former case, you may want to edit this PR message as well. :warning: after resolving this conflict, you will need to merge it via @{project.github_prefix}. More info at """.format(project=project, previous=pr2_b_id, **users)) ]