def move_fields(cr, *names): cr.execute(""" UPDATE ir_model_data SET module = 'runbot_merge' WHERE module = 'forwardport' AND model = 'runbot_merge_pull_requests' AND name IN %s """, [names]) def migrate(cr, version): # cleanup some old crap cr.execute(""" ALTER TABLE runbot_merge_project_freeze DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS release_label, DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS bump_label """) # fw constraint moved to mergebot, alongside all the fields it constrains cr.execute(""" UPDATE ir_model_data SET module = 'runbot_merge' WHERE module = 'forwardport' AND model = 'ir.model.constraint' AND name = 'constraint_runbot_merge_pull_requests_fw_constraint' """) move_fields( cr, 'merge_date', 'refname', 'limit_id', 'source_id', 'parent_id', 'root_id', 'forwardport_ids', 'detach_reason', 'fw_policy') # view depends on pr.state, which prevents changing the state column's type # we can just drop the view and it'll be recreated by the db update cr.execute("DROP VIEW runbot_merge_freeze_labels") # convert a few data types cr.execute(""" CREATE TYPE runbot_merge_pull_requests_priority_type AS ENUM ('default', 'priority', 'alone'); CREATE TYPE runbot_merge_pull_requests_state_type AS ENUM ('opened', 'closed', 'validated', 'approved', 'ready', 'merged', 'error'); CREATE TYPE runbot_merge_pull_requests_merge_method_type AS ENUM ('merge', 'rebase-merge', 'rebase-ff', 'squash'); CREATE TYPE runbot_merge_pull_requests_status_type AS ENUM ('pending', 'failure', 'success'); ALTER TABLE runbot_merge_pull_requests ALTER COLUMN priority TYPE runbot_merge_pull_requests_priority_type USING CASE WHEN priority = 0 THEN 'alone' ELSE 'default' END::runbot_merge_pull_requests_priority_type, ALTER COLUMN state TYPE runbot_merge_pull_requests_state_type USING state::runbot_merge_pull_requests_state_type, ALTER COLUMN merge_method TYPE runbot_merge_pull_requests_merge_method_type USING merge_method::runbot_merge_pull_requests_merge_method_type; """) cr.execute(""" ALTER TABLE runbot_merge_pull_requests ADD COLUMN closed boolean not null default 'false', ADD COLUMN error boolean not null default 'false', ADD COLUMN skipchecks boolean not null default 'false', ADD COLUMN cancel_staging boolean not null default 'false', ADD COLUMN statuses text not null default '{}', ADD COLUMN statuses_full text not null default '{}', ADD COLUMN status runbot_merge_pull_requests_status_type not null default 'pending' """) # first pass: update all the new unconditional (or simple) fields cr.execute(""" UPDATE runbot_merge_pull_requests p SET closed = state = 'closed', error = state = 'error', skipchecks = priority = 'alone', cancel_staging = priority = 'alone', fw_policy = CASE fw_policy WHEN 'ci' THEN 'default' ELSE fw_policy END, reviewed_by = CASE state -- old version did not reset reviewer on PR update WHEN 'opened' THEN NULL WHEN 'validated' THEN NULL -- if a PR predates the reviewed_by field, assign odoobot as reviewer WHEN 'merged' THEN coalesce(reviewed_by, 2) ELSE reviewed_by END, status = CASE state WHEN 'validated' THEN 'success' WHEN 'ready' THEN 'success' WHEN 'merged' THEN 'success' ELSE 'pending' END::runbot_merge_pull_requests_status_type """) # the rest only gets updated if we have a matching commit which is not # always the case cr.execute(""" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE parents ( id INTEGER not null, overrides jsonb not null ); WITH RECURSIVE parent_chain AS ( SELECT id, overrides::jsonb FROM runbot_merge_pull_requests WHERE parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT, coalesce(pc.overrides || p.overrides::jsonb, pc.overrides, p.overrides::jsonb) as overrides FROM runbot_merge_pull_requests p JOIN parent_chain pc ON p.parent_id = ) INSERT INTO parents SELECT * FROM parent_chain; CREATE INDEX ON parents (id); UPDATE runbot_merge_pull_requests p SET statuses = jsonb_pretty(c.statuses::jsonb)::text, statuses_full = jsonb_pretty( c.statuses::jsonb || coalesce((select overrides from parents where id = p.parent_id), '{}') || overrides::jsonb )::text FROM runbot_merge_commit c WHERE p.head = c.sha """)