""" Implements direct (unstaged) patching. Useful for massive data changes which are a pain to merge normally but very unlikely to break things (e.g. i18n), fixes so urgent staging is an unacceptable overhead, or FBI backdoors oh wait forget about that last one. """ from __future__ import annotations import collections import contextlib import logging import pathlib import re import subprocess import tarfile import tempfile from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import timedelta from email import message_from_string, policy from email.utils import parseaddr from typing import Union from markupsafe import Markup from odoo import models, fields, api from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.tools.mail import plaintext2html from .pull_requests import Branch from .. import git _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FILE_PATTERN = re.compile(r""" # paths with spaces don't work well as the path can be followed by a timestamp # (in an unspecified format?) ---\x20(?Pa/)?(?P\S+)(:?\s.*)?\n \+\+\+\x20(?Pb/)?(?P\S+)(:?\s.*)?\n @@\x20-(\d+(,\d+)?)\x20\+(\d+(,\d+)?)\x20@@ # trailing garbage """, re.VERBOSE) Authorship = Union[None, tuple[str, str], tuple[str, str, str]] @dataclass class ParseResult: kind: str author: Authorship committer: Authorship message: str patch: str def expect(line: str, starts_with: str, message: str) -> str: if not line.startswith(starts_with): raise ValidationError(message) return line def parse_show(p: Patch) -> ParseResult: # headers are Author, Date or Author, AuthorDate, Commit, CommitDate # commit message is indented 4 spaces lines = (l + '\n' for l in p.patch.splitlines(keepends=False)) if not next(lines, '').startswith("commit "): raise ValidationError("Invalid patch") name, email = parseaddr( expect(next(lines, ''), "Author:", "Missing author") .split(maxsplit=1)[1]) date: str = next(lines, '') header, date = date.split(maxsplit=1) author = (name, email, date) if header.startswith("Date:"): committer = author elif header.startswith("AuthorDate:"): commit = expect(next(lines, ''), "Commit:", "Missing committer") commit_date = expect(next(lines, ''), "CommitDate:", "Missing commit date") name, email = parseaddr(commit.split(maxsplit=1)[1]) committer = (name, email, commit_date.split(maxsplit=1)[1]) else: raise ValidationError( "Invalid patch: expected 'Date:' or 'AuthorDate:' pseudo-header, " f"found {header}.\nOnly 'medium' and 'fuller' formats are supported") # skip possible extra headers before the message while not next(lines, ' ').isspace(): continue body = [] while (l := next(lines, '')) and l.startswith(' '): body.append(l.removeprefix(' ')) # remainder should be the patch patch = "".join( line for line in lines if not line.startswith("git --diff ") if not line.startswith("index ") ) return ParseResult(kind="show", author=author, committer=committer, message="".join(body).rstrip(), patch=patch) def parse_format_patch(p: Patch) -> ParseResult: m = message_from_string(p.patch, policy=policy.default) if m.is_multipart(): raise ValidationError("multipart patches are not supported.") name, email = parseaddr(m['from']) author = (name, email, m['date']) msg = re.sub(r'^\[PATCH( \d+/\d+)?\] ', '', m['subject']) body, _, rest = m.get_payload().partition('---\n') if body: msg += '\n\n' + body.replace('\r\n', '\n') # split off the signature, per RFC 3676 ยง 4.3. # leave the diffstat in as it *should* not confuse tooling? patch, _, _ = rest.partition("-- \n") # git (diff, show, format-patch) adds command and index headers to every # file header, which patch(1) chokes on, strip them... but maybe this should # extract the udiff sections instead? patch = re.sub( "^(git --diff .*|index .*)\n", "", patch, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) return ParseResult(kind="format-patch", author=author, committer=author, message=msg, patch=patch) class PatchFailure(Exception): pass class PatchFile(models.TransientModel): _name = "runbot_merge.patch.file" _description = "metadata for single file to patch" _order = "create_date desc" name = fields.Char() class Patch(models.Model): _name = "runbot_merge.patch" _inherit = ['mail.thread'] _description = "Unstaged direct-application patch" active = fields.Boolean(default=True, tracking=True) repository = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', required=True, tracking=True) target = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', required=True, tracking=True) commit = fields.Char(size=40, string="commit to cherry-pick, must be in-network", tracking=True) patch = fields.Text(string="unified diff to apply", tracking=True) format = fields.Selection([ ("format-patch", "format-patch"), ("show", "show"), ], compute="_compute_patch_meta") author = fields.Char(compute="_compute_patch_meta") # TODO: should be a datetime, parse date authordate = fields.Char(compute="_compute_patch_meta") committer = fields.Char(compute="_compute_patch_meta") # TODO: should be a datetime, parse date commitdate = fields.Char(compute="_compute_patch_meta") file_ids = fields.One2many( "runbot_merge.patch.file", compute="_compute_patch_meta", ) message = fields.Text(compute="_compute_patch_meta") _sql_constraints = [ ('patch_contents_either', 'check ((commit is null) != (patch is null))', 'Either the commit or patch must be set, and not both.'), ] @api.depends("patch") def _compute_patch_meta(self) -> None: File = self.env['runbot_merge.patch.file'] for p in self: if r := p._parse_patch(): p.format = r.kind match r.author: case [name, email]: p.author = f"{name} <{email}>" case [name, email, date]: p.author = f"{name} <{email}>" p.authordate = date match r.committer: case [name, email]: p.committer = f"{name} <{email}>" case [name, email, date]: p.committer = f"{name} <{email}>" p.commitdate = date p.file_ids = File.concat(*( File.new({'name': m['file_to']}) for m in FILE_PATTERN.finditer(p.patch) )) p.message = r.message else: p.update({ 'format': False, 'author': False, 'authordate': False, 'committer': False, 'commitdate': False, 'file_ids': False, 'message': False, }) def _parse_patch(self) -> ParseResult | None: if not self.patch: return None if self.patch.startswith("commit "): return parse_show(self) elif self.patch.startswith("From "): return parse_format_patch(self) else: raise ValidationError("Only `git show` and `git format-patch` formats are supported") def _auto_init(self): super()._auto_init() self.env.cr.execute(""" CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS runbot_merge_patch_active ON runbot_merge_patch (target) WHERE active """) @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): if any(vals.get('active') is not False for vals in vals_list): self.env.ref("runbot_merge.staging_cron")._trigger() return super().create(vals_list) def write(self, vals): if vals.get("active") is not False: self.env.ref("runbot_merge.staging_cron")._trigger() return super().write(vals) @api.constrains('patch') def _validate_patch(self): for p in self: patch = p._parse_patch() if not patch: continue has_files = False for m in FILE_PATTERN.finditer(patch.patch): has_files = True if m['file_from'] != m['file_to'] and m['file_from'] != '/dev/null': raise ValidationError("Only patches updating a file in place are supported, not creation, removal, or renaming.") if not has_files: raise ValidationError("Patches should have files they patch, found none.") def _notify(self, subject: str | None, body: str, r: subprocess.CompletedProcess[str]) -> None: self.message_post( subject=subject, body=Markup("\n").join(filter(None, [ Markup("


").format(body), r.stdout and Markup("


").format(r.stdout), r.stderr and Markup("


").format(r.stderr), ])), ) def _apply_patches(self, target: Branch) -> bool: patches = self.search([('target', '=', target.id)], order='id asc') selected = len(patches) if not selected: return True repo_info = { r: { 'local': git.get_local(r).check(True).with_config(encoding="utf-8"), 'with_commit': self.browse(), 'target_head': None, } for r in patches.repository } for p in patches.filtered('commit'): repo_info[p.repository]['with_commit'] |= p for repo, info in repo_info.items(): r = info['local'] remote = git.source_url(repo) if r.check(False).fetch( remote, f"+refs/heads/{target.name}:refs/heads/{target.name}", *info['with_commit'].mapped('commit'), no_tags=True, ).returncode: r.fetch(remote, f"+refs/heads/{target.name}:refs/heads/{target.name}", no_tags=True) for p in info['with_commit']: if (res := r.check(False).fetch(remote, p.commit, no_tags=True)).returncode: patches -= p p._notify(None, f"Commit {p.commit} not found", res) info['target_head'] = r.stdout().rev_list('-1', target.name).stdout.strip() # if some of the commits are not available (yet) schedule a new staging # in case this is a low traffic period (so there might not be staging # triggers every other minute if len(patches) < selected: self.env.ref('runbot_merge.staging_cron')._trigger(fields.Datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=30)) for patch in patches: patch.active = False info = repo_info[patch.repository] r = info['local'] sha = info['target_head'] _logger.info( "Applying %s to %s:%r (%s@%s)", patch, patch.repository.name, patch.target.display_name, patch.repository.name, sha, ) # this tree should be available locally since we got `sha` from the # local commit t = r.get_tree(sha) try: if patch.commit: c = patch._apply_commit(r, sha) else: c = patch._apply_patch(r, sha) if t == r.get_tree(c): raise PatchFailure(Markup( "Patch results in an empty commit when applied, " "it is likely a duplicate of a merged commit." )) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, PatchFailure): subject = "Unable to apply patch" else: subject = "Unknown error while trying to apply patch" _logger.error("%s:\n%s", subject, str(e)) patch.message_post( subject=subject, # hack in order to get a formatted message from line 320 but # a pre from git # TODO: do better body=e.args[0] if isinstance(e.args[0], Markup) else Markup("
").format(e), ) continue # push patch by patch, avoids sync issues and in most cases we have 0~1 patches res = r.check(False).stdout()\ .with_config(encoding="utf-8")\ .push( git.source_url(patch.repository), f"{c}:{target.name}", f"--force-with-lease={target.name}:{sha}", ) ## one of the repos is out of consistency, loop around to new staging? if res.returncode: patch._notify(None, f"Unable to push result ({c})", res) _logger.warning( "Unable to push result of %s (%s)\nout:\n%s\nerr:\n%s", patch, c, res.stdout, res.stderr, ) else: info['target_head'] = c return True def _apply_commit(self, r: git.Repo, parent: str) -> str: r = r.check(True).stdout().with_config(encoding="utf-8") target = r.show('--no-patch', '--pretty=%an%n%ae%n%ai%n%cn%n%ce%n%ci%n%B', self.commit) # retrieve metadata of cherrypicked commit author_name, author_email, author_date, committer_name, committer_email, committer_date, body =\ target.stdout.strip().split("\n", 6) res = r.check(False).merge_tree(parent, self.commit) if res.returncode: _conflict_info, _, informational = res.stdout.partition('\n\n') raise PatchFailure(informational) return r.commit_tree( tree=res.stdout.strip(), parents=[parent], message=body.strip(), author=(author_name, author_email, author_date), committer=(committer_name, committer_email, committer_date), ).stdout.strip() def _apply_patch(self, r: git.Repo, parent: str) -> str: p = self._parse_patch() def reader(_r, f): return pathlib.Path(tmpdir, f).read_text(encoding="utf-8") prefix = 0 read = set() patched = {} for m in FILE_PATTERN.finditer(p.patch): if not prefix and (m['prefix_a'] or m['file_from'] == '/dev/null') and m['prefix_b']: prefix = 1 if m['file_from'] != '/dev/null': read.add(m['file_from']) patched[m['file_to']] = reader archiver = r.stdout(True).with_config(encoding=None) # if the parent is checked then we can't get rid of the kwarg and popen doesn't support it archiver._config.pop('check', None) archiver.runner = subprocess.Popen with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack,\ tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # if there's no file to *update*, `archive` will extract the entire # tree which is unnecessary if read: out = stack.enter_context(archiver.archive(parent, *read)) tf = stack.enter_context(tarfile.open(fileobj=out.stdout, mode='r|')) tf.extraction_filter = getattr(tarfile, 'data_filter', None) tf.extractall(tmpdir) patch = subprocess.run( ['patch', f'-p{prefix}', '--directory', tmpdir, '--verbose'], input=p.patch, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8', ) if patch.returncode: raise PatchFailure("\n---------\n".join(filter(None, [p.patch, patch.stdout.strip(), patch.stderr.strip()]))) new_tree = r.update_tree(self.target.name, patched) return r.commit_tree( tree=new_tree, parents=[parent], message=p.message, author=p.author, committer=p.committer, ).stdout.strip()