import enum from import Iterator from dataclasses import dataclass, field from functools import partial from operator import contains from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union, Tuple def tokenize(line: str) -> Iterator[str]: cur = '' for c in line: if c == '-' and not cur: yield '-' elif c in ' \t+=,': if cur: yield cur cur = '' if not c.isspace(): yield c else: cur += c if cur: yield cur def normalize(it: Iterator[str]) -> Iterator[str]: """Converts shorthand tokens to expanded version """ for t in it: match t: case 'r': yield 'review' case 'r-': yield 'review' yield '-' case _: yield t @dataclass class Peekable(Iterator[str]): it: Iterator[str] memo: Optional[str] = None def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return self def __next__(self) -> str: if self.memo is not None: v, self.memo = self.memo, None return v return next( def peek(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.memo is None: self.memo = next(, None) return self.memo class CommandError(Exception): pass class Approve: def __init__(self, ids: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None: self.ids = ids def __str__(self) -> str: if self.ids is not None: ids = ','.join(map(str, self.ids)) return f"r={ids}" return 'review+' def __contains__(self, item): if self.ids is None: return True return item in self.ids def fmt(self): return ", ".join(f"#{n:d}" for n in (self.ids or ())) @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "r(eview)+", "approves the PR, if it's a forwardport also approves all non-detached parents" yield "r(eview)=<number>", "only approves the specified parents" class Reject: def __str__(self) -> str: return 'review-' @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "r(eview)-", "removes approval of a previously approved PR, if the PR is staged the staging will be cancelled" class MergeMethod(enum.Enum): SQUASH = 'squash' REBASE_FF = 'rebase-ff' REBASE_MERGE = 'rebase-merge' MERGE = 'merge' def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield str(cls.MERGE), "integrate the PR with a simple merge commit, using the PR description as message" yield str(cls.REBASE_MERGE), "rebases the PR on top of the target branch the integrates with a merge commit, using the PR description as message" yield str(cls.REBASE_FF), "rebases the PR on top of the target branch, then fast-forwards" yield str(cls.SQUASH), "squashes the PR as a single commit on the target branch, using the PR description as message" class Retry: def __str__(self) -> str: return 'retry' @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "retry", 're-tries staging a PR in the "error" state' class Check: def __str__(self) -> str: return 'check' @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "check", "fetches or refreshes PR metadata, resets mergebot state" @dataclass class Override: statuses: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"override={','.join(self.statuses)}" @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "override=<...>", "marks overridable statuses as successful" @dataclass class Delegate: users: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) def __str__(self) -> str: if not self.users: return 'delegate+' return f"delegate={','.join(self.users)}" @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "delegate+", "grants approval rights to the PR author" yield "delegate=<...>", "grants approval rights on this PR to the specified github users" class Priority(enum.Enum): DEFAULT = PRIORITY = ALONE = def __str__(self) -> str: return @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield str(cls.DEFAULT), "stages the PR normally" yield str(cls.PRIORITY), "tries to stage this PR first, then adds `default` PRs if the staging has room" yield str(cls.ALONE), "stages this PR only with other PRs of the same priority" class CancelStaging: def __str__(self) -> str: return "cancel=staging" @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "cancel=staging", "automatically cancels the current staging when this PR becomes ready" class SkipChecks: def __str__(self) -> str: return 'skipchecks' @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "skipchecks", "bypasses both statuses and review" class FW(enum.Enum): DEFAULT = NO = SKIPCI = # SKIPMERGE = def __str__(self) -> str: return f'fw={}' @classmethod def help(cls, is_reviewer: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield str(cls.NO), "does not forward-port this PR" yield str(cls.DEFAULT), "forward-ports this PR normally" if is_reviewer: yield str(cls.SKIPCI), "does not wait for a forward-port's statuses to succeed before creating the next one" @dataclass class Limit: branch: Optional[str] def __str__(self) -> str: if self.branch is None: return 'ignore' return f'up to {self.branch}' @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield "up to <branch>", "only ports this PR forward to the specified branch (included)" class Close: def __str__(self) -> str: return 'close' @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield str(cls()), "closes this forward-port" class Help: def __str__(self) -> str: return 'help' @classmethod def help(cls, _: bool) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: yield str(cls()), "displays this help" Command = Union[ Approve, CancelStaging, Close, Check, Delegate, FW, Help, Limit, MergeMethod, Override, Priority, Reject, Retry, SkipChecks, ] class Parser: def __init__(self, line: str) -> None: = Peekable(normalize(tokenize(line))) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Command]: for token in if token.startswith("NOW"): # any number of ! is allowed if token.startswith("NOW!"): yield Priority.ALONE elif token == "NOW": yield Priority.PRIORITY else: raise CommandError(f"unknown command {token!r}") yield SkipChecks() yield CancelStaging() continue handler = getattr(type(self), f'parse_{token.replace("-", "_")}', None) if handler: yield handler(self) elif '!' in token: raise CommandError("no need to scream") else: raise CommandError(f"unknown command {token!r}") def assert_next(self, val: str) -> None: if (actual := next(, None)) != val: raise CommandError(f"expected {val!r}, got {actual!r}") def check_next(self, val: str) -> bool: if == val: = None # consume peeked value return True return False def parse_review(self) -> Union[Approve, Reject]: t = next(, None) if t == '+': return Approve() if t == '-': return Reject() if t == '=': t = next(, None) if not (t and t.isdecimal()): raise CommandError(f"expected PR ID to approve, found {t!r}") ids = [int(t)] while self.check_next(','): id = next(, None) if id and id.isdecimal(): ids.append(int(id)) else: raise CommandError(f"expected PR ID to approve, found {id!r}") return Approve(ids) raise CommandError(f"unknown review {t!r}") def parse_squash(self) -> MergeMethod: return MergeMethod.SQUASH def parse_rebase_ff(self) -> MergeMethod: return MergeMethod.REBASE_FF def parse_rebase_merge(self) -> MergeMethod: return MergeMethod.REBASE_MERGE def parse_merge(self) -> MergeMethod: return MergeMethod.MERGE def parse_retry(self) -> Retry: return Retry() def parse_check(self) -> Check: return Check() def parse_override(self) -> Override: self.assert_next('=') ci = [next(] while self.check_next(','): ci.append(next( return Override(ci) def parse_delegate(self) -> Delegate: match next(, None): case '+': return Delegate() case '=': delegates = [next('#@')] while self.check_next(','): delegates.append(next('#@')) return Delegate(delegates) case d: raise CommandError(f"unknown delegation {d!r}") def parse_default(self) -> Priority: return Priority.DEFAULT def parse_priority(self) -> Priority: return Priority.PRIORITY def parse_alone(self) -> Priority: return Priority.ALONE def parse_cancel(self) -> CancelStaging: self.assert_next('=') self.assert_next('staging') return CancelStaging() def parse_skipchecks(self) -> SkipChecks: return SkipChecks() def parse_fw(self) -> FW: self.assert_next('=') f = next(, "") try: if f in ('disable', 'disabled'): return FW.NO return FW[f.upper()] except KeyError: raise CommandError(f"unknown fw configuration {f or None!r}") from None def parse_ignore(self) -> Limit: return Limit(None) def parse_up(self) -> Limit: self.assert_next('to') if limit := next(, None): return Limit(limit) else: raise CommandError("please provide a branch to forward-port to") def parse_close(self) -> Close: return Close() def parse_help(self) -> Help: return Help()