import hashlib import hmac import logging import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta import sentry_sdk import werkzeug.exceptions from odoo.http import Controller, request, route from . import dashboard from . import reviewer_provisioning from .. import utils, github _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MergebotController(Controller): @route('/runbot_merge/stagings', auth='none', type='json') def stagings_for_commits(self, commits=None, heads=None): Stagings = request.env(user=1)['runbot_merge.stagings'].sudo() if commits: stagings = Stagings.for_commits(*commits) elif heads: stagings = Stagings.for_heads(*heads) else: raise ValueError('Must receive one of "commits" or "heads" kwarg') return stagings.ids @route('/runbot_merge/stagings/<int:staging>', auth='none', type='json') def prs_for_staging(self, staging): staging = request.env(user=1)['runbot_merge.stagings'].browse(staging) return [ batch.prs.mapped(lambda p: { 'name': p.display_name, 'repository':, 'number': p.number, }) for batch in staging.sudo().batch_ids ] @route('/runbot_merge/stagings/<int:from_staging>/<int:to_staging>', auth='none', type='json') def prs_for_stagings(self, from_staging, to_staging, include_from=True, include_to=True): Stagings = request.env(user=1, context={"active_test": False})['runbot_merge.stagings'] from_staging = Stagings.browse(from_staging) to_staging = Stagings.browse(to_staging) if != raise ValueError(f"Stagings must have the same target branch, found {} and {}") if >= raise ValueError("first staging must be older than second staging") stagings =[ ('target', '=',, ('state', '=', 'success'), ('id', '>=' if include_from else '>',, ('id', '<=' if include_to else '<',, ], order="id asc") return [ { 'staging':, 'prs': [ batch.prs.mapped(lambda p: { 'name': p.display_name, 'repository':, 'number': p.number, }) for batch in staging.batch_ids ] } for staging in stagings ] @route('/runbot_merge/hooks', auth='none', type='json', csrf=False, methods=['POST']) def index(self): req = request.httprequest event = req.headers['X-Github-Event'] with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope: if scope.transaction: # only in 1.8.0 (or at least 1.7.2 if hasattr(scope, 'set_transaction_name'): scope.set_transaction_name(f"webhook {event}") else: # but our servers use 1.4.3 scope.transaction = f"webhook {event}" data = request.get_json_data() repo = data.get('repository', {}).get('full_name') env = request.env(user=1) source = repo and env['runbot_merge.events_sources'].search([('repository', '=', repo)]) if not source: _logger.warning( "Ignored hook %s to unknown source repository %s", req.headers.get("X-Github-Delivery"), repo, ) return werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden() elif secret := source.secret: signature = 'sha256=' +, req.get_data(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() if not hmac.compare_digest(signature, req.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature-256', '')): _logger.warning( "Ignored hook %s with incorrect signature on %s: got %s expected %s, in:\n%s", req.headers.get('X-Github-Delivery'), repo, req.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature-256'), signature, req.headers, ) return werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden() elif req.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature-256'):"No secret for %s but received a signature in:\n%s", repo, req.headers) else:"No secret or signature for %s", repo) c = EVENTS.get(event) if not c: _logger.warning('Unknown event %s', event) return 'Unknown event {}'.format(event) sentry_sdk.set_context('webhook', data) return c(env, data) def _format(self, request): return """{r.method} {r.full_path} {headers} {body} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\ """.format( r=request, headers='\n'.join( '\t%s: %s' % entry for entry in request.headers.items() ), body=request.get_data(as_text=True), ) def handle_pr(env, event): if event['action'] in [ 'assigned', 'unassigned', 'review_requested', 'review_request_removed', 'labeled', 'unlabeled' ]: _logger.debug( 'Ignoring pull_request[%s] on %s#%s', event['action'], event['pull_request']['base']['repo']['full_name'], event['pull_request']['number'], ) return 'Ignoring' pr = event['pull_request'] r = pr['base']['repo']['full_name'] b = pr['base']['ref'] repo = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', r)]) if not repo: _logger.warning("Received a PR for %s but not configured to handle that repo", r) # sadly shit's retarded so odoo json endpoints really mean # jsonrpc and it's LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE TO REPLY WITH # ACTUAL RAW HTTP RESPONSES and thus not possible to # report actual errors to the webhooks listing thing on # github (not that we'd be looking at them but it'd be # useful for tests) return "Not configured to handle {}".format(r) # PRs to unmanaged branches are not necessarily abnormal and # we don't care branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([ ('name', '=', b), ('project_id', '=',, ]) def feedback(**info): return env[''].create({ 'repository':, 'pull_request': pr['number'], **info, }) def find(target): return env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([ ('repository', '=',, ('number', '=', pr['number']), # ('target', '=',, ]) # edition difficulty: pr['base']['ref] is the *new* target, the old one # is at event['change']['base']['ref'] (if the target changed), so edition # handling must occur before the rest of the steps if event['action'] == 'edited': source = event['changes'].get('base', {'ref': {'from': b}})['ref']['from'] source_branch = env['runbot_merge.branch'].with_context(active_test=False).search([ ('name', '=', source), ('project_id', '=',, ]) # retargeting to un-managed => delete if not branch: pr = find(source_branch) pr.unlink() return 'Retargeted {} to un-managed branch {}, deleted'.format(, b) # retargeting from un-managed => create if not source_branch: return handle_pr(env, dict(event, action='opened')) pr_obj = find(source_branch) updates = {} if source_branch != branch: if branch != updates['target'] = updates['squash'] = pr['commits'] == 1 if 'title' in event['changes'] or 'body' in event['changes']: updates['message'] = utils.make_message(pr)"update: %s = %s (by %s)", pr_obj.display_name, updates, event['sender']['login']) if updates: # copy because it updates the `updates` dict internally pr_obj.write(dict(updates)) return 'Updated {}'.format(', '.join(updates)) return "Nothing to update ({})".format(', '.join(event['changes'].keys())) message = None if not branch: message = env.ref('runbot_merge.handle.branch.unmanaged')._format( repository=r, branch=b, event=event, )"Ignoring event %s on PR %s#%d for un-managed branch %s", event['action'], r, pr['number'], b) elif not message = env.ref('runbot_merge.handle.branch.inactive')._format( repository=r, branch=b, event=event, ) if message and event['action'] not in ('synchronize', 'closed'): feedback(message=message) if not branch: return "Not set up to care about {}:{}".format(r, b) headers = request.httprequest.headers if request else {} "%s: %s#%s (%s) (by %s, delivery %s by %s)", event['action'],, pr['number'], pr['title'].strip(), event['sender']['login'], headers.get('X-Github-Delivery'), headers.get('User-Agent'), ) sender = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', event['sender']['login'])], limit=1) if not sender: sender = env['res.partner'].create({'name': event['sender']['login'], 'github_login': event['sender']['login']}) env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._track_set_author(sender, fallback=True) if event['action'] == 'opened': author_name = pr['user']['login'] author = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', author_name)], limit=1) if not author: env['res.partner'].create({'name': author_name, 'github_login': author_name}) pr_obj = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._from_gh(pr) return "Tracking PR as {}".format( pr_obj = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._get_or_schedule(r, pr['number'], closing=event['action'] == 'closed') if not pr_obj:"webhook %s on unknown PR %s#%s, scheduled fetch", event['action'],, pr['number']) return "Unknown PR {}:{}, scheduling fetch".format(, pr['number']) if event['action'] == 'synchronize': if pr_obj.head == pr['head']['sha']: _logger.warning( "PR %s sync %s -> %s => same head", pr_obj.display_name, pr_obj.head, pr['head']['sha'], ) return 'No update to pr head' if pr_obj.state in ('closed', 'merged'): _logger.error("PR %s sync %s -> %s => failure (closed)", pr_obj.display_name, pr_obj.head, pr['head']['sha']) return "It's my understanding that closed/merged PRs don't get sync'd" "PR %s sync %s -> %s by %s => reset to 'open' and squash=%s", pr_obj.display_name, pr_obj.head, pr['head']['sha'], event['sender']['login'], pr['commits'] == 1 ) if pr['base']['ref'] != env['runbot_merge.fetch_job'].create({ 'repository':, 'number': pr_obj.number, 'commits_at': + timedelta(minutes=5), }) pr_obj.write({ 'reviewed_by': False, 'error': False, 'head': pr['head']['sha'], 'squash': pr['commits'] == 1, }) return f'Updated to {pr_obj.head}' if event['action'] == 'ready_for_review': pr_obj.draft = False return f'Updated {pr_obj.display_name} to ready' if event['action'] == 'converted_to_draft': pr_obj.draft = True return f'Updated {pr_obj.display_name} to draft' # don't marked merged PRs as closed (!!!) if event['action'] == 'closed' and pr_obj.state != 'merged': oldstate = pr_obj.state if pr_obj._try_closing(event['sender']['login']): '%s closed %s (state=%s)', event['sender']['login'], pr_obj.display_name, oldstate, ) return 'Closed {}'.format(pr_obj.display_name) '%s tried to close %s (state=%s) but locking failed', event['sender']['login'], pr_obj.display_name, oldstate, ) return 'Ignored: could not lock rows (probably being merged)' if event['action'] == 'reopened' : if pr_obj.merge_date: if pr_obj.state == 'merged': message = env.ref('')._format(event=event) else: message = env.ref('')._format(event=event) feedback(close=True, message=message) elif pr_obj.closed:'%s reopening %s', event['sender']['login'], pr_obj.display_name) pr_obj.write({ 'closed': False, # updating the head triggers a revalidation, and unstages the batch 'head': pr['head']['sha'], 'squash': pr['commits'] == 1, }) return 'Reopened {}'.format(pr_obj.display_name)"Ignoring event %s on PR %s", event['action'], pr['number']) return "Not handling {} yet".format(event['action']) def handle_status(env, event): 'status on %(sha)s %(context)s:%(state)s (%(target_url)s) [%(description)r]', event ) status_value = json.dumps({ event['context']: { 'state': event['state'], 'target_url': event['target_url'], 'description': event['description'], 'updated_at':'seconds'), } }) # create status, or merge update into commit *unless* the update is already # part of the status (dupe status)""" INSERT INTO runbot_merge_commit AS c (sha, to_check, statuses) VALUES (%s, true, %s) ON CONFLICT (sha) DO UPDATE SET to_check = true, statuses = c.statuses::jsonb || EXCLUDED.statuses::jsonb WHERE NOT c.statuses::jsonb @> EXCLUDED.statuses::jsonb """, [event['sha'], status_value], log_exceptions=False) env.ref("runbot_merge.process_updated_commits")._trigger() return 'ok' def handle_comment(env, event): if 'pull_request' not in event['issue']: return "issue comment, ignoring" repo = event['repository']['full_name'] issue = event['issue']['number'] author = event['comment']['user']['login'] comment = event['comment']['body'] if len(comment) > 5000: _logger.warning('comment(%s): %s %s#%s => ignored (%d characters)', event['comment']['html_url'], author, repo, issue, len(comment)) return "ignored: too big"'comment[%s]: %s %s#%s %r', event['action'], author, repo, issue, comment) if event['action'] != 'created': return "Ignored: action (%r) is not 'created'" % event['action'] return _handle_comment(env, repo, issue, event['comment']) def handle_review(env, event): repo = event['repository']['full_name'] pr = event['pull_request']['number'] author = event['review']['user']['login'] comment = event['review']['body'] or '' if len(comment) > 5000: _logger.warning('comment(%s): %s %s#%s => ignored (%d characters)', event['review']['html_url'], author, repo, pr, len(comment)) return "ignored: too big"'review[%s]: %s %s#%s %r', event['action'], author, repo, pr, comment) if event['action'] != 'submitted': return "Ignored: action (%r) is not 'submitted'" % event['action'] return _handle_comment( env, repo, pr, event['review'], target=event['pull_request']['base']['ref']) def handle_ping(env, event):"Got ping! %s", event['zen']) return "pong" EVENTS = { 'pull_request': handle_pr, 'status': handle_status, 'issue_comment': handle_comment, 'pull_request_review': handle_review, 'ping': handle_ping, } def _handle_comment(env, repo, issue, comment, target=None): repository = env['runbot_merge.repository'].search([('name', '=', repo)]) if not repository.project_id._find_commands(comment['body'] or ''): return "No commands, ignoring" pr = env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._get_or_schedule( repo, issue, target=target, commenter=comment['user']['login'], ) if not pr: return "Unknown PR, scheduling fetch" partner = env['res.partner'].search([('github_login', '=', comment['user']['login'])]) return pr._parse_commands(partner, comment, comment['user']['login'])