"""Completely missed that in 44084e303ccece3cb54128ab29eab399bd4d24e9 I completely changed the semantics and structure of the statuses_cache, so the old caches don't actually work anymore at all. This rewrites all existing caches. """ def migrate(cr, version): cr.execute(""" WITH statuses AS ( SELECT s.id as staging_id, json_object_agg(c.sha, c.statuses::json) as statuses FROM runbot_merge_stagings s LEFT JOIN runbot_merge_stagings_heads h ON (h.staging_id = s.id) LEFT JOIN runbot_merge_commit c ON (h.commit_id = c.id) GROUP BY s.id ) UPDATE runbot_merge_stagings SET statuses_cache = statuses FROM statuses WHERE id = staging_id """)