from psycopg2.extras import execute_values def migrate(cr, version): # Drop all legacy style "previous failures": this is for PRs # several years old so almost certainly long irrelevant, and it # allows removing the workaround for them. Legacy style has the # `state`, `target`, `description` keys at the toplevel while new # style is like commit statuses, with the contexts at the toplevel # and the status info below. cr.execute(""" UPDATE runbot_merge_pull_requests SET previous_failure = '{}' WHERE previous_failure::jsonb ? 'state' """) cr.execute(""" WITH new_statuses (id, statuses) AS ( SELECT id, json_object_agg( key, CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(value) = 'string' THEN jsonb_build_object('state', value, 'target_url', null, 'description', null) ELSE value END ) AS statuses FROM runbot_merge_commit CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_each(statuses::jsonb) s WHERE jsonb_path_match(statuses::jsonb, '$.*.type() != "object"') GROUP BY id ) UPDATE runbot_merge_commit SET statuses = new_statuses.statuses FROM new_statuses WHERE = """)