Execute this test suite using pytest. The default mode is to run tests locally using a mock github.com. See the docstring of remote.py for instructions to run against github "actual" (including remote-specific options) and the end of this file for a sample. Shared properties running tests, regardless of the github implementation: * test should be run from the root of the runbot repository providing the name of this module aka ``pytest runbot_merge`` or ``python -mpytest runbot_merge`` * a database name to use must be provided using ``--db``, the database should not exist beforehand * the addons path must be specified using ``--addons-path``, both "runbot" and the standard addons (odoo/addons) must be provided explicitly See pytest's documentation for other options, I would recommend ``-rXs``, ``-v`` and ``--showlocals``. When running "remote" tests as they take a very long time (hours) ``-x`` (aka ``--maxfail=1``) and ``--ff`` (run previously failed first) is also recommended unless e.g. you run the tests overnight. ``pytest.ini`` sample --------------------- .. code:: ini [github] owner = test-org token = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [role_reviewer] name = Dick Bong user = loginb token = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb [role_self_reviewer] name = Fanny Chmelar user = loginc token = cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc [role_other] name = Harry Baals user = logind token = dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd