import import itertools import json import logging import logging.handlers import os import pathlib import pprint import time import unicodedata from typing import Iterable, List, TypedDict, Literal import requests import werkzeug.urls import odoo.netsvc from import topological_sort, config from . import exceptions, utils class MergeError(Exception): ... def _is_json(r): return r and r.headers.get('content-type', '').startswith(('application/json', 'application/javascript')) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _gh = logging.getLogger('github_requests') def _init_gh_logger(): """ Log all GH requests / responses so we have full tracking, but put them in a separate file if we're logging to a file """ if not config['logfile']: return original = pathlib.Path(config['logfile']) new = original.with_name('github_requests')\ .with_suffix(original.suffix) if == 'posix': handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(str(new)) else: handler = logging.FileHandler(str(new)) handler.setFormatter(odoo.netsvc.DBFormatter( '%(asctime)s %(pid)s %(levelname)s %(dbname)s %(name)s: %(message)s' )) _gh.addHandler(handler) _gh.propagate = False if odoo.netsvc._logger_init: _init_gh_logger() SimpleUser = TypedDict('SimpleUser', { 'login': str, 'url': str, 'type': Literal['User', 'Organization'], }) Authorship = TypedDict('Authorship', { 'name': str, 'email': str, }) Commit = TypedDict('Commit', { 'tree': str, 'url': str, 'message': str, # optional when creating a commit 'author': Authorship, 'committer': Authorship, 'comments_count': int, }) CommitLink = TypedDict('CommitLink', { 'html_url': str, 'sha': str, 'url': str, }) PrCommit = TypedDict('PrCommit', { 'url': str, 'sha': str, 'commit': Commit, # optional when creating a commit (in which case it uses the current user) 'author': SimpleUser, 'committer': SimpleUser, 'parents': List[CommitLink], # not actually true but we're smuggling stuff via that key 'new_tree': str, }) GH_LOG_PATTERN = """=> {method} {path}{qs}{body} <= {r.status_code} {r.reason} {headers} {body2} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ """ class GH(object): def __init__(self, token, repo): self._url = '' self._repo = repo self._last_update = 0 session = self._session = requests.Session() session.headers['Authorization'] = 'token {}'.format(token) session.headers['Accept'] = 'application/vnd.github.symmetra-preview+json' def _log_gh(self, logger: logging.Logger, response: requests.Response, level: int = logging.INFO, extra=None): """ Logs a pair of request / response to github, to the specified logger, at the specified level. Tries to format all the information (including request / response bodies, at least in part) so we have as much information as possible for post-mortems. """ req = response.request url = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(req.url) if url.netloc != '': return body = '' if not req.body else ('\n' + pprint.pformat(json.loads(req.body.decode()), indent=4)) body2 = '' if response.content: if _is_json(response): body2 = pprint.pformat(response.json(), depth=4) elif response.encoding is not None: body2 = response.text else: # fallback: universal decoding & replace nonprintables body2 = ''.join( '\N{REPLACEMENT CHARACTER}' if unicodedata.category(c) == 'Cc' else c for c in response.content.decode('iso-8859-1') ) logger.log(level, GH_LOG_PATTERN.format( # requests data method=req.method, path=url.path, qs=url.query, body=body, # response data r=response, headers='\n'.join( '\t%s: %s' % (h, v) for h, v in response.headers.items() ), body2=utils.shorten(body2.strip(), 400) ), extra=extra) def __call__(self, method, path, params=None, json=None, check=True): """ :type check: bool | dict[int:Exception] """ if method.casefold() != 'get': to_sleep = 1. - (time.time() - self._last_update) if to_sleep > 0: time.sleep(to_sleep) path = f'/repos/{self._repo}/{path}' r = self._session.request(method, self._url + path, params=params, json=json) if method.casefold() != 'get': self._last_update = time.time() + int(r.headers.get('Retry-After', 0)) self._log_gh(_gh, r) if check: try: if isinstance(check, exc = check.get(r.status_code) if exc: raise exc(r.text) if r.status_code >= 400: raise requests.HTTPError(r.text, response=r) except Exception: self._log_gh(_logger, r, level=logging.ERROR, extra={ 'github-request-id': r.headers.get('x-github-request-id'), }) raise return r def user(self, username): r = self._session.get("{}/users/{}".format(self._url, username)) r.raise_for_status() return r.json() def head(self, branch: str) -> str: d = utils.backoff( lambda: self('get', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch)).json(), exc=requests.HTTPError ) assert d['ref'] == 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch) assert d['object']['type'] == 'commit' _logger.debug("head(%s, %s) -> %s", self._repo, branch, d['object']['sha']) return d['object']['sha'] def commit(self, sha): c = self('GET', 'git/commits/{}'.format(sha)).json() _logger.debug('commit(%s, %s) -> %s', self._repo, sha, shorten(c['message'])) return c def comment(self, pr, message): # if the mergebot user has been blocked by the PR author, this will # fail, but we don't want the closing of the PR to fail, or for the # feedback cron to get stuck try: self('POST', 'issues/{}/comments'.format(pr), json={'body': message}) except requests.HTTPError as r: if _is_json(r.response): body = r.response.json() if any(e.message == 'User is blocked' for e in (body.get('errors') or [])): _logger.warning("comment(%s#%s) failed: user likely blocked", self._repo, pr) return raise _logger.debug('comment(%s, %s, %s)', self._repo, pr, shorten(message)) def close(self, pr): self('PATCH', 'pulls/{}'.format(pr), json={'state': 'closed'}) def change_tags(self, pr, remove, add): labels_endpoint = 'issues/{}/labels'.format(pr) tags_before = {label['name'] for label in self('GET', labels_endpoint).json()} tags_after = (tags_before - remove) | add # replace labels entirely self('PUT', labels_endpoint, json={'labels': list(tags_after)}) _logger.debug('change_tags(%s, %s, from=%s, to=%s)', self._repo, pr, tags_before, tags_after) def _check_updated(self, branch, to): """ :return: nothing if successful, the incorrect HEAD otherwise """ r = self('get', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), check=False) if r.status_code == 200: head = r.json()['object']['sha'] else: head = '' % (r.status_code, r.text) if head == to: _logger.debug("Sanity check ref update of %s to %s: ok", branch, to) return _logger.warning( "Sanity check ref update of %s, expected %s got %s (response-id %s)", branch, to, head, r.headers.get('x-github-request-id') ) return head def fast_forward(self, branch, sha): try: self('patch', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), json={'sha': sha}) _logger.debug('fast_forward(%s, %s, %s) -> OK', self._repo, branch, sha) @utils.backoff(exc=exceptions.FastForwardError) def _wait_for_update(): if not self._check_updated(branch, sha): return raise exceptions.FastForwardError(self._repo) \ from Exception("timeout: never saw %s" % sha) except requests.HTTPError as e: _logger.debug('fast_forward(%s, %s, %s) -> ERROR', self._repo, branch, sha, exc_info=True) if e.response.status_code == 422: try: r = e.response.json() except Exception: pass else: if isinstance(r, dict) and 'message' in r: e = Exception(r['message'].lower()) raise exceptions.FastForwardError(self._repo) from e def set_ref(self, branch, sha): # force-update ref r = self('patch', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), json={ 'sha': sha, 'force': True, }, check=False) status0 = r.status_code _logger.debug( 'set_ref(%s, %s, %s -> %s (%s)', self._repo, branch, sha, status0, 'OK' if status0 == 200 else r.text or r.reason ) if status0 == 200: @utils.backoff(exc=AssertionError) def _wait_for_update(): head = self._check_updated(branch, sha) assert not head, "Sanity check ref update of %s, expected %s got %s" % ( branch, sha, head ) return # 422 makes no sense but that's what github returns, leaving 404 just # in case if status0 in (404, 422): # fallback: create ref status1 = self.create_ref(branch, sha) if status1 == 201: return else: status1 = None raise AssertionError("set_ref failed(%s, %s)" % (status0, status1)) def create_ref(self, branch, sha): r = self('post', 'git/refs', json={ 'ref': 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), 'sha': sha, }, check=False) status = r.status_code _logger.debug( 'ref_create(%s, %s, %s) -> %s (%s)', self._repo, branch, sha, status, 'OK' if status == 201 else r.text or r.reason ) if status == 201: @utils.backoff(exc=AssertionError) def _wait_for_update(): head = self._check_updated(branch, sha) assert not head, \ f"Sanity check ref update of {branch}, expected {sha} got {head}" return status def merge(self, sha, dest, message): r = self('post', 'merges', json={ 'base': dest, 'head': sha, 'commit_message': message, }, check={409: MergeError}) try: r = r.json() except Exception: raise MergeError("got non-JSON reponse from github: %s %s (%s)" % (r.status_code, r.reason, r.text)) _logger.debug( "merge(%s, %s (%s), %s) -> %s", self._repo, dest, r['parents'][0]['sha'], shorten(message), r['sha'] ) return dict(r['commit'], sha=r['sha'], parents=r['parents']) def rebase(self, pr, dest, reset=False, commits=None): """ Rebase pr's commits on top of dest, updates dest unless ``reset`` is set. Returns the hash of the rebased head and a map of all PR commits (to the PR they were rebased to) """ logger = _logger.getChild('rebase') original_head = self.head(dest) if commits is None: commits = self.commits(pr) logger.debug("rebasing %s, %s on %s (reset=%s, commits=%s)", self._repo, pr, dest, reset, len(commits)) if not commits: raise MergeError("PR has no commits") prev = original_head for original in commits: if len(original['parents']) != 1: raise MergeError( "commits with multiple parents ({sha}) can not be rebased, " "either fix the branch to remove merges or merge without " "rebasing".format_map( original )) tmp_msg = 'temp rebasing PR %s (%s)' % (pr, original['sha']) merged = self.merge(original['sha'], dest, tmp_msg) # whichever parent is not original['sha'] should be what dest # deref'd to, and we want to check that matches the "left parent" we # expect (either original_head or the previously merged commit) [base_commit] = (parent['sha'] for parent in merged['parents'] if parent['sha'] != original['sha']) if prev != base_commit: raise MergeError( f"Inconsistent view of branch {dest} while rebasing " f"PR {pr} expected commit {prev} but the other parent of " f"merge commit {merged['sha']} is {base_commit}.\n\n" f"The branch may be getting concurrently modified." ) prev = merged['sha'] original['new_tree'] = merged['tree']['sha'] prev = original_head mapping = {} for c in commits: committer = c['commit']['committer'] committer.pop('date') copy = self('post', 'git/commits', json={ 'message': c['commit']['message'], 'tree': c['new_tree'], 'parents': [prev], 'author': c['commit']['author'], 'committer': committer, }, check={409: MergeError}).json() logger.debug('copied %s to %s (parent: %s)', c['sha'], copy['sha'], prev) prev = mapping[c['sha']] = copy['sha'] if reset: self.set_ref(dest, original_head) else: self.set_ref(dest, prev) logger.debug('rebased %s, %s on %s (reset=%s, commits=%s) -> %s', self._repo, pr, dest, reset, len(commits), prev) # prev is updated after each copy so it's the rebased PR head return prev, mapping # fetch various bits of issues / prs to load them def pr(self, number): return ( self('get', 'issues/{}'.format(number)).json(), self('get', 'pulls/{}'.format(number)).json() ) def comments(self, number): for page in itertools.count(1): r = self('get', 'issues/{}/comments'.format(number), params={'page': page}) yield from r.json() if not r.links.get('next'): return def reviews(self, number): for page in itertools.count(1): r = self('get', 'pulls/{}/reviews'.format(number), params={'page': page}) yield from r.json() if not r.links.get('next'): return def commits_lazy(self, pr: int) -> Iterable[PrCommit]: for page in itertools.count(1): r = self('get', f'pulls/{pr}/commits', params={'page': page}) yield from r.json() if not r.links.get('next'): return def commits(self, pr: int) -> List[PrCommit]: """ Returns a PR's commits oldest first (that's what GH does & is what we want) """ commits = list(self.commits_lazy(pr)) # map shas to the position the commit *should* have idx = { c: i for i, c in enumerate(topological_sort({ c['sha']: [p['sha'] for p in c['parents']] for c in commits })) } return sorted(commits, key=lambda c: idx[c['sha']]) def statuses(self, h): r = self('get', 'commits/{}/status'.format(h)).json() return [{ 'sha': r['sha'], **s, } for s in r['statuses']] def shorten(s): if not s: return s line1 = s.split('\n', 1)[0] if len(line1) < 50: return line1 return line1[:47] + '...'