import logging from os import environ import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import LoggingIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.wsgi import SentryWsgiMiddleware from odoo import http from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_cron import ir_cron from odoo.http import WebRequest from .exceptions import FastForwardError, MergeError, Unmergeable def delegate(self, attr): return getattr(, attr) SentryWsgiMiddleware.__getattr__ = delegate def enable_sentry(): logger = logging.getLogger('runbot_merge') dsn = environ.get('SENTRY_DSN') if not dsn:"No DSN found, skipping sentry...") return try: setup_sentry(dsn) except Exception: logger.exception("DSN found, failed to enable sentry...") else:"DSN found, sentry enabled...") def setup_sentry(dsn): sentry_sdk.init( dsn, auto_session_tracking=False, # traces_sample_rate=1.0, integrations=[ # note: if the colorformatter is enabled, sentry gets lost # and classifies everything as errors because it fails to # properly classify levels as the colorformatter injects # the ANSI color codes right into LogRecord.levelname LoggingIntegration(level=logging.INFO, event_level=logging.WARNING), ], before_send=event_filter, # apparently not in my version of the sdk # functions_to_trace = [] ) http.root = SentryWsgiMiddleware(http.root) instrument_odoo() def instrument_odoo(): """Monkeypatches odoo core to copy odoo metadata into sentry for more informative events """ # add user to wsgi request context old_call_function = WebRequest._call_function def _call_function(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.uid: sentry_sdk.set_user({ 'id': self.uid, 'email':, 'username': self.env.user.login, }) else: sentry_sdk.set_user({'username': '<public>'}) return old_call_function(self, *args, **kwargs) WebRequest._call_function = _call_function # create transaction for tracking crons, add user to that old_callback = ir_cron._callback def _callback(self, cron_name, server_action_id, job_id): sentry_sdk.start_transaction(name=f"cron {cron_name}") sentry_sdk.set_user({ 'id':, 'email':, 'username': self.env.user.login, }) return old_callback(self, cron_name, server_action_id, job_id) ir_cron._callback = _callback dummy_record = logging.LogRecord(name="", level=logging.NOTSET, pathname='', lineno=0, msg='', args=(), exc_info=None) # mapping of exception types to predicates, if the predicate returns `True` the # exception event should be suppressed SUPPRESS_EXCEPTION = { # Someone else deciding to push directly to the branch (which is generally # what leads to this error) is not really actionable. # # Other possibilities are more structural and thus we probably want to know: # - other 422 Unprocessable github errors (likely config issues): # - reference does not exist # - object does not exist # - object is not a commit # - branch protection issue # - timeout on ref update (github probably dying) # - other HTTP error (also github probably dying) # # might be worth using richer exceptions to make this clearer, and easier to classify FastForwardError: lambda e: 'not a fast forward' in str(e.__cause__), # Git conflict when merging (or non-json response which is weird), # notified on PR MergeError: lambda _: True, # Failed preconditions on merging, notified on PR Unmergeable: lambda _: True, } def event_filter(event, hint): # event['level'], event['logger'], event['logentry'], event['exception'] # known hints: log_record: LogRecord, exc_info: (type, BaseExeption, Traceback) | None exc_info = hint.get('exc_info') or hint.get('log_record', dummy_record).exc_info if exc_info: etype, exc, _ = exc_info if SUPPRESS_EXCEPTION.get(etype, lambda _: False)(exc): return None