# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import fnmatch import glob import logging import os import pwd import re import shutil import subprocess import time import datetime from ..common import dt2time, fqdn, now, grep, uniq_list, local_pgadmin_cursor, s2human, Commit, dest_reg from ..container import docker_build, docker_stop, docker_is_running, Command from odoo.addons.runbot.models.repo import HashMissingException, ArchiveFailException from odoo import models, fields, api from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools import appdirs from collections import defaultdict from subprocess import CalledProcessError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) result_order = ['ok', 'warn', 'ko', 'skipped', 'killed', 'manually_killed'] state_order = ['pending', 'testing', 'waiting', 'running', 'duplicate', 'done'] def make_selection(array): def format(string): return (string, string.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()) return [format(elem) if isinstance(elem, str) else elem for elem in array] class runbot_build(models.Model): _name = "runbot.build" _order = 'id desc' _rec_name = 'id' branch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', 'Branch', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True) repo_id = fields.Many2one(related='branch_id.repo_id', readonly=True, store=True) name = fields.Char('Revno', required=True) host = fields.Char('Host') port = fields.Integer('Port') dest = fields.Char(compute='_compute_dest', type='char', string='Dest', readonly=1, store=True) domain = fields.Char(compute='_compute_domain', type='char', string='URL') date = fields.Datetime('Commit date') author = fields.Char('Author') author_email = fields.Char('Author Email') committer = fields.Char('Committer') committer_email = fields.Char('Committer Email') subject = fields.Text('Subject') sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence') # state machine global_state = fields.Selection(make_selection(state_order), string='Status', compute='_compute_global_state', store=True) local_state = fields.Selection(make_selection(state_order), string='Build Status', default='pending', required=True, oldname='state', index=True) global_result = fields.Selection(make_selection(result_order), string='Result', compute='_compute_global_result', store=True) local_result = fields.Selection(make_selection(result_order), string='Build Result', oldname='result') triggered_result = fields.Selection(make_selection(result_order), string='Triggered Result') # triggered by db only requested_action = fields.Selection([('wake_up', 'To wake up'), ('deathrow', 'To kill')], string='Action requested', index=True) nb_pending = fields.Integer("Number of pending in queue", default=0) nb_testing = fields.Integer("Number of test slot use", default=0) nb_running = fields.Integer("Number of test slot use", default=0) # should we add a stored field for children results? pid = fields.Integer('Pid') active_step = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.config.step', 'Active step') job = fields.Char('Active step display name', compute='_compute_job') job_start = fields.Datetime('Job start') job_end = fields.Datetime('Job end') build_start = fields.Datetime('Build start') build_end = fields.Datetime('Build end') job_time = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_job_time', string='Job time') build_time = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_build_time', string='Job time') build_age = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_build_age', string='Build age') duplicate_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', 'Corresponding Build', index=True) revdep_build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', 'runbot_rev_dep_builds', column1='rev_dep_id', column2='dependent_id', string='Builds that depends on this build') extra_params = fields.Char('Extra cmd args') coverage = fields.Boolean('Code coverage was computed for this build') coverage_result = fields.Float('Coverage result', digits=(5, 2)) build_type = fields.Selection([('scheduled', 'This build was automatically scheduled'), ('rebuild', 'This build is a rebuild'), ('normal', 'normal build'), ('indirect', 'Automatic rebuild'), ], default='normal', string='Build type') parent_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', 'Parent Build', index=True) # should we add a has children stored boolean? hidden = fields.Boolean("Don't show build on main page", default=False) # index? children_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build', 'parent_id') dependency_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build.dependency', 'build_id') config_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.config', 'Run Config', required=True, default=lambda self: self.env.ref('runbot.runbot_build_config_default', raise_if_not_found=False)) real_build = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', 'Real Build', help="duplicate_id or self", compute='_compute_real_build') log_list = fields.Char('Comma separted list of step_ids names with logs', compute="_compute_log_list", store=True) orphan_result = fields.Boolean('No effect on the parent result', default=False) commit_path_mode = fields.Selection([('rep_sha', 'repo name + sha'), ('soft', 'repo name only'), ], default='soft', string='Source export path mode') build_url = fields.Char('Build url', compute='_compute_build_url', store=False) build_error_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build.error', 'runbot_build_error_ids_runbot_build_rel', string='Errors') keep_running = fields.Boolean('Keep running', help='Keep running') log_counter = fields.Integer('Log Lines counter', default=100) @api.depends('config_id') def _compute_log_list(self): # storing this field because it will be access trhoug repo viewn and keep track of the list at create for build in self: build.log_list = ','.join({step.name for step in build.config_id.step_ids() if step._has_log()}) @api.depends('nb_testing', 'nb_pending', 'local_state', 'duplicate_id.global_state') def _compute_global_state(self): # could we use nb_pending / nb_testing ? not in a compute, but in a update state method for record in self: if record.duplicate_id: record.global_state = record.duplicate_id.global_state else: waiting_score = record._get_state_score('waiting') if record._get_state_score(record.local_state) < waiting_score or record.nb_pending + record.nb_testing == 0: record.global_state = record.local_state else: record.global_state = 'waiting' def _get_youngest_state(self, states): index = min([self._get_state_score(state) for state in states]) return state_order[index] def _get_state_score(self, result): return state_order.index(result) # random note: need to count hidden in pending and testing build displayed in frontend @api.depends('children_ids.global_result', 'local_result', 'duplicate_id.global_result', 'children_ids.orphan_result') def _compute_global_result(self): for record in self: if record.duplicate_id: record.global_result = record.duplicate_id.global_result elif record.local_result and record._get_result_score(record.local_result) >= record._get_result_score('ko'): record.global_result = record.local_result else: children_ids = [child for child in record.children_ids if not child.orphan_result] if children_ids: children_result = record._get_worst_result([child.global_result for child in children_ids], max_res='ko') if record.local_result: record.global_result = record._get_worst_result([record.local_result, children_result]) else: record.global_result = children_result else: record.global_result = record.local_result def _get_worst_result(self, results, max_res=False): results = [result for result in results if result] # filter Falsy values index = max([self._get_result_score(result) for result in results]) if results else 0 if max_res: return result_order[min([index, self._get_result_score(max_res)])] return result_order[index] def _get_result_score(self, result): return result_order.index(result) def _update_nb_children(self, new_state, old_state=None): # could be interresting to update state in batches. tracked_count_list = ['pending', 'testing', 'running'] if (new_state not in tracked_count_list and old_state not in tracked_count_list) or new_state == old_state: return for record in self: values = {} if old_state in tracked_count_list: values['nb_%s' % old_state] = record['nb_%s' % old_state] - 1 if new_state in tracked_count_list: values['nb_%s' % new_state] = record['nb_%s' % new_state] + 1 record.write(values) if record.parent_id: record.parent_id._update_nb_children(new_state, old_state) @api.depends('real_build.active_step') def _compute_job(self): for build in self: build.job = build.real_build.active_step.name @api.depends('duplicate_id') def _compute_real_build(self): for build in self: build.real_build = build.duplicate_id or build def copy(self, values=None): raise UserError("Cannot duplicate build!") def create(self, vals): branch = self.env['runbot.branch'].search([('id', '=', vals.get('branch_id', False))]) # branche 10174? if branch.no_build: return self.env['runbot.build'] vals['config_id'] = vals['config_id'] if 'config_id' in vals else branch.config_id.id build_id = super(runbot_build, self).create(vals) build_id._update_nb_children(build_id.local_state) extra_info = {'sequence': build_id.id if not build_id.sequence else build_id.sequence} context = self.env.context # compute dependencies repo = build_id.repo_id dep_create_vals = [] nb_deps = len(repo.dependency_ids) params = build_id._get_params() build_id._log('create', 'Build created') # mainly usefull to log creation time if not vals.get('dependency_ids'): for extra_repo in repo.dependency_ids: repo_name = extra_repo.short_name last_commit = params['dep'][repo_name] # not name if last_commit: match_type = 'params' build_closest_branch = False message = 'Dependency for repo %s defined in commit message' % (repo_name) else: (build_closest_branch, match_type) = build_id.branch_id._get_closest_branch(extra_repo.id) closest_name = build_closest_branch.name closest_branch_repo = build_closest_branch.repo_id last_commit = closest_branch_repo._git_rev_parse(closest_name) message = 'Dependency for repo %s defined from closest branch %s' % (repo_name, closest_name) try: commit_oneline = extra_repo._git(['show', '--pretty="%H -- %s"', '-s', last_commit]).strip() except CalledProcessError: commit_oneline = 'Commit %s not found on build creation' % last_commit # possible that oneline fail if given from commit message. Do it on build? or keep this information build_id._log('create', '%s: %s' % (message, commit_oneline)) dep_create_vals.append({ 'build_id': build_id.id, 'dependecy_repo_id': extra_repo.id, 'closest_branch_id': build_closest_branch and build_closest_branch.id, 'dependency_hash': last_commit, 'match_type': match_type, }) for dep_vals in dep_create_vals: self.env['runbot.build.dependency'].sudo().create(dep_vals) if not context.get('force_rebuild'): # not vals.get('build_type') == rebuild': could be enough, but some cron on runbot are using this ctx key, to do later # detect duplicate duplicate_id = None domain = [ ('repo_id', 'in', (build_id.repo_id.duplicate_id.id, build_id.repo_id.id)), # before, was only looking in repo.duplicate_id looks a little better to search in both ('id', '!=', build_id.id), ('name', '=', build_id.name), ('duplicate_id', '=', False), # ('build_type', '!=', 'indirect'), # in case of performance issue, this little fix may improve performance a little but less duplicate will be detected when pushing an empty branch on repo with duplicates '|', ('local_result', '=', False), ('local_result', '!=', 'skipped'), # had to reintroduce False posibility for selections ('config_id', '=', build_id.config_id.id), ('extra_params', '=', build_id.extra_params), ] candidates = self.search(domain) if candidates and nb_deps: # check that all depedencies are matching. # Note: We avoid to compare closest_branch_id, because the same hash could be found on # 2 different branches (pr + branch). # But we may want to ensure that the hash is comming from the right repo, we dont want to compare community # hash with enterprise hash. # this is unlikely to happen so branch comparaison is disabled self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT DUPLIDEPS.build_id FROM runbot_build_dependency as DUPLIDEPS JOIN runbot_build_dependency as BUILDDEPS ON BUILDDEPS.dependency_hash = DUPLIDEPS.dependency_hash AND BUILDDEPS.build_id = %s AND DUPLIDEPS.build_id in %s GROUP BY DUPLIDEPS.build_id HAVING COUNT(DUPLIDEPS.*) = %s ORDER BY DUPLIDEPS.build_id -- remove this in case of performance issue, not so usefull LIMIT 1 """, (build_id.id, tuple(candidates.ids), nb_deps)) filtered_candidates_ids = self.env.cr.fetchall() if filtered_candidates_ids: duplicate_id = filtered_candidates_ids[0] else: duplicate_id = candidates[0].id if candidates else False if duplicate_id: extra_info.update({'local_state': 'duplicate', 'duplicate_id': duplicate_id}) # maybe update duplicate priority if needed docker_source_folders = set() for commit in build_id._get_all_commit(): docker_source_folder = build_id._docker_source_folder(commit) if docker_source_folder in docker_source_folders: extra_info['commit_path_mode'] = 'rep_sha' continue docker_source_folders.add(docker_source_folder) build_id.write(extra_info) if build_id.local_state == 'duplicate' and build_id.duplicate_id.global_state in ('running', 'done'): build_id._github_status() return build_id def write(self, values): # some validation to ensure db consistency if 'local_state' in values: build_by_old_values = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['runbot.build']) for record in self: build_by_old_values[record.local_state] += record for local_state, builds in build_by_old_values.items(): builds._update_nb_children(values.get('local_state'), local_state) assert 'state' not in values local_result = values.get('local_result') for build in self: assert not local_result or local_result == self._get_worst_result([build.local_result, local_result]) # dont write ok on a warn/error build res = super(runbot_build, self).write(values) for build in self: assert bool(not build.duplicate_id) ^ (build.local_state == 'duplicate') # don't change duplicate state without removing duplicate id. return res def update_build_end(self): for build in self: build.build_end = now() if build.parent_id and build.parent_id.local_state in ('running', 'done'): build.parent_id.update_build_end() @api.depends('name', 'branch_id.name') def _compute_dest(self): for build in self: if build.name: nickname = build.branch_id.name.split('/')[2] nickname = re.sub(r'"|\'|~|\:', '', nickname) nickname = re.sub(r'_|/|\.', '-', nickname) build.dest = ("%05d-%s-%s" % (build.id, nickname[:32], build.name[:6])).lower() @api.depends('repo_id', 'port', 'dest', 'host', 'duplicate_id.domain') def _compute_domain(self): domain = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('runbot.runbot_domain', fqdn()) for build in self: if build.duplicate_id: build.domain = build.duplicate_id.domain elif build.repo_id.nginx: build.domain = "%s.%s" % (build.dest, build.host) else: build.domain = "%s:%s" % (domain, build.port) def _compute_build_url(self): for build in self: build.build_url = "/runbot/build/%s" % build.id @api.depends('job_start', 'job_end', 'duplicate_id.job_time') def _compute_job_time(self): """Return the time taken by the tests""" for build in self: if build.duplicate_id: build.job_time = build.duplicate_id.job_time elif build.job_end: build.job_time = int(dt2time(build.job_end) - dt2time(build.job_start)) elif build.job_start: build.job_time = int(time.time() - dt2time(build.job_start)) @api.depends('build_start', 'build_end', 'duplicate_id.build_time') def _compute_build_time(self): for build in self: if build.duplicate_id: build.build_time = build.duplicate_id.build_time elif build.build_end and build.global_state != 'waiting': build.build_time = int(dt2time(build.build_end) - dt2time(build.build_start)) elif build.build_start: build.build_time = int(time.time() - dt2time(build.build_start)) @api.depends('job_start', 'duplicate_id.build_age') def _compute_build_age(self): """Return the time between job start and now""" for build in self: if build.duplicate_id: build.build_age = build.duplicate_id.build_age elif build.job_start: build.build_age = int(time.time() - dt2time(build.build_start)) def _get_params(self): message = False try: message = self.repo_id._git(['show', '-s', self.name]) except CalledProcessError: pass # todo remove this try catch and make correct patch for _git params = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str)) if message: regex = re.compile(r'^[\t ]*Runbot-dependency: ([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+):([0-9A-Fa-f\-]*) *(#.*)?$', re.M) # dep:repo:hash #comment for result in re.findall(regex, message): params['dep'][result[0]] = result[1] return params def _copy_dependency_ids(self): return [(0, 0, { 'match_type': dep.match_type, 'closest_branch_id': dep.closest_branch_id and dep.closest_branch_id.id, 'dependency_hash': dep.dependency_hash, 'dependecy_repo_id': dep.dependecy_repo_id.id, }) for dep in self.dependency_ids] def _force(self, message=None, exact=False): """Force a rebuild and return a recordset of forced builds""" forced_builds = self.env['runbot.build'] for build in self: pending_ids = self.search([('local_state', '=', 'pending')], order='id', limit=1) if pending_ids: sequence = pending_ids[0].id else: sequence = self.search([], order='id desc', limit=1)[0].id # Force it now if build.local_state in ['running', 'done', 'duplicate']: values = { 'sequence': sequence, 'branch_id': build.branch_id.id, 'name': build.name, 'date': build.date, 'author': build.author, 'author_email': build.author_email, 'committer': build.committer, 'committer_email': build.committer_email, 'subject': build.subject, 'build_type': 'rebuild', } if exact: values.update({ 'config_id': build.config_id.id, 'extra_params': build.extra_params, 'orphan_result': build.orphan_result, 'dependency_ids': build._copy_dependency_ids(), }) # if replace: ? if build.parent_id: values.update({ 'parent_id': build.parent_id.id, # attach it to parent 'hidden': build.hidden, }) build.orphan_result = True # set result of build as orphan new_build = build.with_context(force_rebuild=True).create(values) forced_builds |= new_build user = request.env.user if request else self.env.user new_build._log('rebuild', 'Rebuild initiated by %s (%s)' % (user.name, 'exact' if exact else 'default')) if message: new_build._log('rebuild', new_build) return forced_builds def _skip(self, reason=None): """Mark builds ids as skipped""" if reason: self._logger('skip %s', reason) self.write({'local_state': 'done', 'local_result': 'skipped', 'duplicate_id': False}) def _local_cleanup(self): if self.pool._init: return _logger.debug('Local cleaning') def cleanup(dest_list, func, max_days, label): dest_by_builds_ids = defaultdict(list) ignored = set() for dest in dest_list: try: if not dest_reg.match(dest): raise Exception dest_by_builds_ids[int(dest.split('-')[0])].append(dest) except: ignored.add(dest) if ignored: _logger.debug('%s (%s) not deleted because not dest format', label, " ".join(list(ignored))) builds = self.browse(dest_by_builds_ids) existing = builds.exists() remaining = (builds - existing) if remaining: dest_list = [dest for sublist in [dest_by_builds_ids[rem_id] for rem_id in remaining.ids] for dest in sublist] _logger.debug('(%s) (%s) not deleted because no corresponding build found' % (label, " ".join(dest_list))) for build in existing: if fields.Datetime.from_string(build.job_end or build.create_date) + datetime.timedelta(days=max_days) < datetime.datetime.now(): if build.local_state == 'done': for db in dest_by_builds_ids[build.id]: func(db) elif build.local_state != 'running': _logger.warning('db (%s) not deleted because state is not done' % " ".join(dest_by_builds_ids[build.id])) icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] max_days = int(icp.get_param('runbot.db_gc_days', default=30)) with local_pgadmin_cursor() as local_cr: local_cr.execute(""" SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE pg_get_userbyid(datdba) = current_user """) existing_db = [d[0] for d in local_cr.fetchall()] cleanup(dest_list=existing_db, func=self._local_pg_dropdb, max_days=max_days, label='db') root = self.env['runbot.repo']._root() build_dir = os.path.join(root, 'build') builds = os.listdir(build_dir) def rm(dest): path = os.path.join(build_dir, dest) if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isabs(path): shutil.rmtree(path) cleanup(dest_list=builds, func=rm, max_days=max_days, label='workspace') def _find_port(self): # currently used port ids = self.search([('local_state', 'not in', ['pending', 'done']), ('host', '=', fqdn())]) ports = set(i['port'] for i in ids.read(['port'])) # starting port icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] port = int(icp.get_param('runbot.runbot_starting_port', default=2000)) # find next free port while port in ports: port += 3 return port def _logger(self, *l): l = list(l) for build in self: l[0] = "%s %s" % (build.dest, l[0]) _logger.debug(*l) def _get_docker_name(self): self.ensure_one() return '%s_%s' % (self.dest, self.active_step.name) def _schedule(self): """schedule the build""" icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] # For retro-compatibility, keep this parameter in seconds for build in self: self.env.cr.commit() # commit between each build to minimise transactionnal errors due to state computations self.invalidate_cache() if build.requested_action == 'deathrow': result = None if build.local_state != 'running' and build.global_result not in ('warn', 'ko'): result = 'manually_killed' build._kill(result=result) continue if build.requested_action == 'wake_up': if docker_is_running(build._get_docker_name()): build.write({'requested_action': False, 'local_state': 'running'}) build._log('wake_up', 'Waking up failed, docker is already running', level='SEPARATOR') elif not os.path.exists(build._path()): build.write({'requested_action': False, 'local_state': 'done'}) build._log('wake_up', 'Impossible to wake-up, build dir does not exists anymore', level='SEPARATOR') else: try: log_path = build._path('logs', 'wake_up.txt') port = self._find_port() build.write({ 'job_start': now(), 'job_end': False, 'active_step': False, 'requested_action': False, 'local_state': 'running', 'port': port, }) build._log('wake_up', 'Waking up build', level='SEPARATOR') self.env['runbot.build.config.step']._run_odoo_run(build, log_path) # reload_nginx will be triggered by _run_odoo_run except Exception: _logger.exception('Failed to wake up build %s', build.dest) build._log('_schedule', 'Failed waking up build', level='ERROR') build.write({'requested_action': False, 'local_state': 'done'}) continue if build.local_state == 'pending': # allocate port and schedule first job port = self._find_port() values = { 'host': fqdn(), # or ip? of false? 'port': port, 'job_start': now(), 'build_start': now(), 'job_end': False, } values.update(build._next_job_values()) build.write(values) if not build.active_step: build._log('_schedule', 'No job in config, doing nothing') continue try: build._log('_schedule', 'Init build environment with config %s ' % build.config_id.name) # notify pending build - avoid confusing users by saying nothing build._github_status() os.makedirs(build._path('logs'), exist_ok=True) build._log('_schedule', 'Building docker image') docker_build(build._path('logs', 'docker_build.txt'), build._path()) except Exception: _logger.exception('Failed initiating build %s', build.dest) build._log('_schedule', 'Failed initiating build') build._kill(result='ko') continue else: # testing/running build if build.local_state == 'testing': # failfast in case of docker error (triggered in database) if build.triggered_result: worst_result = self._get_worst_result([build.triggered_result, build.local_result]) if worst_result != build.local_result: build.local_result = build.triggered_result build._github_status() # failfast # check if current job is finished if docker_is_running(build._get_docker_name()): timeout = min(build.active_step.cpu_limit, int(icp.get_param('runbot.runbot_timeout', default=10000))) if build.local_state != 'running' and build.job_time > timeout: build._log('_schedule', '%s time exceeded (%ss)' % (build.active_step.name if build.active_step else "?", build.job_time)) build._kill(result='killed') continue elif build.active_step._is_docker_step() and build.job_time < 15: _logger.debug('container "%s" seems too take a while to start', build._get_docker_name()) continue # No job running, make result and select nex job build_values = { 'job_end': now(), } # make result of previous job try: results = build.active_step._make_results(build) except: _logger.exception('An error occured while computing results') build._log('_make_results', 'An error occured while computing results', level='ERROR') results = {'local_result': 'ko'} build_values.update(results) # Non running build in notify_end_job = build.active_step.job_type != 'create_build' build_values.update(build._next_job_values()) # find next active_step or set to done ending_build = build.local_state not in ('done', 'running') and build_values.get('local_state') in ('done', 'running') if ending_build: build.update_build_end() step_end_message = 'Step %s finished in %s $$fa-download$$' % (build.job, s2human(build.job_time)) step_end_link = 'http://%s/runbot/static/build/%s/logs/%s-%s.sql.gz' % (build.host, build.dest, build.dest, build.active_step.db_name) build.write(build_values) if ending_build: build._github_status() if not build.local_result: # Set 'ok' result if no result set (no tests job on build) build.local_result = 'ok' build._logger("No result set, setting ok by default") if notify_end_job: build._log('end_job', step_end_message, log_type='link', path=step_end_link) else: build._logger(step_end_message) # run job pid = None if build.local_state != 'done': build._logger('running %s', build.active_step.name) os.makedirs(build._path('logs'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(build._path('datadir'), exist_ok=True) try: pid = build.active_step._run(build) # run should be on build? build.write({'pid': pid}) # no really usefull anymore with dockers except Exception as e: message = '%s failed running step %s:\n %s' % (build.dest, build.job, str(e).replace('\\n', '\n').replace("\\'", "'")) _logger.exception(message) build._log("run", message, level='ERROR') build._kill(result='ko') continue self.env.cr.commit() self.invalidate_cache() def _path(self, *l, **kw): """Return the repo build path""" self.ensure_one() build = self root = self.env['runbot.repo']._root() return os.path.join(root, 'build', build.dest, *l) def _server(self, *path): """Return the absolute path to the direcory containing the server file, adding optional *path""" self.ensure_one() commit = self._get_server_commit() if os.path.exists(commit._source_path('odoo')): return commit._source_path('odoo', *path) return commit._source_path('openerp', *path) def _get_available_modules(self, commit): for manifest_file_name in commit.repo.manifest_files.split(','): # '__manifest__.py' '__openerp__.py' for addons_path in commit.repo.addons_paths.split(','): # '' 'addons' 'odoo/addons' sep = os.path.join(addons_path, '*') for manifest_path in glob.glob(commit._source_path(sep, manifest_file_name)): module = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(manifest_path)) yield (addons_path, module, manifest_file_name) def _docker_source_folder(self, commit): # in case some build have commits with the same repo name (ex: foo/bar, foo-ent/bar) # it can be usefull to uniquify commit export path using hash if self.commit_path_mode == 'rep_sha': return '%s-%s' % (commit.repo._get_repo_name_part(), commit.sha[:8]) else: return commit.repo._get_repo_name_part() def _checkout(self, commits=None): self.ensure_one() # will raise exception if hash not found, we don't want to fail for all build. # checkout branch exports = {} for commit in commits or self._get_all_commit(): build_export_path = self._docker_source_folder(commit) if build_export_path in exports: self._log('_checkout', 'Multiple repo have same export path in build, some source may be missing for %s' % build_export_path, level='ERROR') self._kill(result='ko') try: exports[build_export_path] = commit.export() except HashMissingException: self._log('_checkout', "Commit %s is unreachable. Did you force push the branch since build creation?" % commit, level='ERROR') self._kill(result='ko') except ArchiveFailException: self._log('_checkout', "Archive %s failed. Did you force push the branch since build creation?" % commit, level='ERROR') self._kill(result='ko') return exports def _get_repo_available_modules(self, commits=None): available_modules = [] repo_modules = [] for commit in commits or self._get_all_commit(): for (addons_path, module, manifest_file_name) in self._get_available_modules(commit): if commit.repo == self.repo_id: repo_modules.append(module) if module in available_modules: self._log( 'Building environment', '%s is a duplicated modules (found in "%s")' % (module, commit._source_path(addons_path, module, manifest_file_name)), level='WARNING' ) else: available_modules.append(module) return repo_modules, available_modules def _get_modules_to_test(self, commits=None, modules_patterns=''): self.ensure_one() # will raise exception if hash not found, we don't want to fail for all build. # checkout branch repo_modules, available_modules = self._get_repo_available_modules(commits=commits) patterns_list = [] for pats in [self.repo_id.modules, self.branch_id.modules, modules_patterns]: patterns_list += [p.strip() for p in (pats or '').split(',')] if self.repo_id.modules_auto == 'all': default_repo_modules = available_modules elif self.repo_id.modules_auto == 'repo': default_repo_modules = repo_modules else: default_repo_modules = [] modules_to_install = set(default_repo_modules) for pat in patterns_list: if pat.startswith('-'): pat = pat.strip('- ') modules_to_install -= {mod for mod in modules_to_install if fnmatch.fnmatch(mod, pat)} else: modules_to_install |= {mod for mod in available_modules if fnmatch.fnmatch(mod, pat)} return sorted(modules_to_install) def _local_pg_dropdb(self, dbname): with local_pgadmin_cursor() as local_cr: pid_col = 'pid' if local_cr.connection.server_version >= 90200 else 'procpid' query = 'SELECT pg_terminate_backend({}) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname=%s'.format(pid_col) local_cr.execute(query, [dbname]) local_cr.execute('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "%s"' % dbname) # cleanup filestore datadir = appdirs.user_data_dir() paths = [os.path.join(datadir, pn, 'filestore', dbname) for pn in 'OpenERP Odoo'.split()] cmd = ['rm', '-rf'] + paths _logger.debug(' '.join(cmd)) subprocess.call(cmd) def _local_pg_createdb(self, dbname): self._local_pg_dropdb(dbname) _logger.debug("createdb %s", dbname) with local_pgadmin_cursor() as local_cr: local_cr.execute("""CREATE DATABASE "%s" TEMPLATE template0 LC_COLLATE 'C' ENCODING 'unicode'""" % dbname) def _log(self, func, message, level='INFO', log_type='runbot', path='runbot'): self.ensure_one() _logger.debug("Build %s %s %s", self.id, func, message) self.env['ir.logging'].create({ 'build_id': self.id, 'level': level, 'type': log_type, 'name': 'odoo.runbot', 'message': message, 'path': path, 'func': func, 'line': '0', }) def _reap(self): while True: try: pid, status, rusage = os.wait3(os.WNOHANG) except OSError: break if pid == 0: break _logger.debug('reaping: pid: %s status: %s', pid, status) def _kill(self, result=None): host = fqdn() for build in self: if build.host != host: continue build._log('kill', 'Kill build %s' % build.dest) docker_stop(build._get_docker_name()) v = {'local_state': 'done', 'requested_action': False, 'active_step': False, 'duplicate_id': False, 'job_end': now()} # what if duplicate? state done? if not build.build_end: v['build_end'] = now() if result: v['local_result'] = result build.write(v) self.env.cr.commit() build._github_status() self.invalidate_cache() def _ask_kill(self): # todo xdo, should we kill or skip children builds? it looks like yes, but we need to be carefull if subbuild can be duplicates self.ensure_one() user = request.env.user if request else self.env.user uid = user.id build = self if build.duplicate_id: if build.duplicate_id.branch_id.sticky: build._skip() build._log('_ask_kill', 'Skipping build %s, requested by %s (user #%s)(duplicate of sticky, kill duplicate)' % (build.dest, user.name, uid)) return build = build.duplicate_id # if duplicate is not sticky, most likely a pr, kill other build if build.local_state == 'pending': build._skip() build._log('_ask_kill', 'Skipping build %s, requested by %s (user #%s)' % (build.dest, user.name, uid)) elif build.local_state in ['testing', 'running']: build.requested_action = 'deathrow' build._log('_ask_kill', 'Killing build %s, requested by %s (user #%s)' % (build.dest, user.name, uid)) for child in build.children_ids: # should we filter build that are target of a duplicate_id? if not child.duplicate_id: child._ask_kill() def _wake_up(self): build = self.real_build if build.local_state != 'done': build._log('wake_up', 'Impossibe to wake up, state is not done') else: build.requested_action = 'wake_up' def _get_all_commit(self): return [Commit(self.repo_id, self.name)] + [Commit(dep._get_repo(), dep.dependency_hash) for dep in self.dependency_ids] def _get_server_commit(self, commits=None): """ returns a Commit() of the first repo containing server files found in commits or in build commits the commits param is not used in code base but could be usefull for jobs and crons """ for commit in (commits or self._get_all_commit()): if commit.repo.server_files: return commit raise ValidationError('No repo found with defined server_files') def _get_addons_path(self, commits=None): for commit in (commits or self._get_all_commit()): source_path = self._docker_source_folder(commit) for addons_path in commit.repo.addons_paths.split(','): if os.path.isdir(commit._source_path(addons_path)): yield os.path.join(source_path, addons_path).strip(os.sep) def _get_server_info(self, commit=None): server_dir = False server = False commit = commit or self._get_server_commit() for server_file in commit.repo.server_files.split(','): if os.path.isfile(commit._source_path(server_file)): return (commit, server_file) self._log('server_info', 'No server found in %s' % commit, level='ERROR') raise ValidationError('No server found in %s' % commit) def _cmd(self, python_params=None, py_version=None, local_only=True): """Return a list describing the command to start the build """ self.ensure_one() build = self python_params = python_params or [] py_version = py_version if py_version is not None else build._get_py_version() (server_commit, server_file) = self._get_server_info() server_dir = self._docker_source_folder(server_commit) addons_paths = self._get_addons_path() requirement_path = os.path.join(server_dir, 'requirements.txt') pres = [['sudo', 'pip%s' % py_version, 'install', '-r', '%s' % requirement_path]] # commandline cmd = ['python%s' % py_version] + python_params + [os.path.join(server_dir, server_file), '--addons-path', ",".join(addons_paths)] # options config_path = build._server("tools/config.py") if local_only: if grep(config_path, "--http-interface"): cmd.append("--http-interface=") elif grep(config_path, "--xmlrpc-interface"): cmd.append("--xmlrpc-interface=") if grep(config_path, "no-xmlrpcs"): # move that to configs ? cmd.append("--no-xmlrpcs") if grep(config_path, "no-netrpc"): cmd.append("--no-netrpc") if grep(config_path, "log-db"): logdb_uri = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('runbot.runbot_logdb_uri') logdb = self.env.cr.dbname if logdb_uri and grep(build._server('sql_db.py'), 'allow_uri'): logdb = '%s' % logdb_uri cmd += ["--log-db=%s" % logdb] if grep(build._server('tools/config.py'), 'log-db-level'): cmd += ["--log-db-level", '25'] if grep(config_path, "data-dir"): datadir = build._path('datadir') if not os.path.exists(datadir): os.mkdir(datadir) cmd += ["--data-dir", '/data/build/datadir'] # use the username of the runbot host to connect to the databases cmd += ['-r %s' % pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name] return Command(pres, cmd, []) def _github_status_notify_all(self, status): """Notify each repo with a status""" self.ensure_one() if self.config_id.update_github_state: repos = {b.repo_id for b in self.search([('name', '=', self.name)])} for repo in repos: _logger.debug("github updating %s status %s to %s in repo %s", status['context'], self.name, status['state'], repo.name) try: repo._github('/repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/%s' % self.name, status, ignore_errors=True) except Exception: self._log('_github_status_notify_all', 'Status notification failed for "%s" in repo "%s"' % (self.name, repo.name)) def _github_status(self): """Notify github of failed/successful builds""" for build in self: if build.parent_id: build.parent_id._github_status() elif build.config_id.update_github_state: runbot_domain = self.env['runbot.repo']._domain() desc = "runbot build %s" % (build.dest,) if build.global_result in ('ko', 'warn'): state = 'failure' elif build.global_state == 'testing': state = 'pending' elif build.global_state in ('running', 'done'): state = 'error' if build.global_result == 'ok': state = 'success' else: _logger.debug("skipping github status for build %s ", build.id) continue desc += " (runtime %ss)" % (build.job_time,) status = { "state": state, "target_url": "http://%s/runbot/build/%s" % (runbot_domain, build.id), "description": desc, "context": "ci/runbot" } build._github_status_notify_all(status) def _next_job_values(self): self.ensure_one() step_ids = self.config_id.step_ids() if not step_ids: # no job to do, build is done return {'active_step': False, 'local_state': 'done'} if not self.active_step and self.local_state != 'pending': # means that a step has been run manually without using config return {'active_step': False, 'local_state': 'done'} next_index = step_ids.index(self.active_step) + 1 if self.active_step else 0 if next_index >= len(step_ids): # final job, build is done return {'active_step': False, 'local_state': 'done'} new_step = step_ids[next_index] # job to do, state is job_state (testing or running) return {'active_step': new_step.id, 'local_state': new_step._step_state()} def _get_py_version(self): """return the python name to use from build instance""" (server_commit, server_file) = self._get_server_info() server_path = server_commit._source_path(server_file) with open(server_path, 'r') as f: if f.readline().strip().endswith('python3'): return '3' return '' def _parse_logs(self): """ Parse build logs to classify errors """ BuildError = self.env['runbot.build.error'] # only parse logs from builds in error and not already scanned builds_to_scan = self.search([('id', 'in', self.ids), ('local_result', '=', 'ko'), ('build_error_ids', '=', False)]) ir_logs = self.env['ir.logging'].search([('level', '=', 'ERROR'), ('type', '=', 'server'), ('build_id', 'in', builds_to_scan.ids)]) BuildError._parse_logs(ir_logs) def read_file(self, file, mode='r'): file_path = self._path(file) try: with open(file_path, mode) as f: return f.read() except Exception as e: self._log('readfile', 'exception: %s' % e) return False def write_file(self, file, data, mode='w'): file_path = self._path(file) file_dir = os.path.split(file_path)[0] os.makedirs(file_dir, exist_ok=True) try: with open(file_path, mode) as f: f.write(data) except Exception as e: self._log('write_file', 'exception: %s' % e) return False def make_dirs(self, dir_path): full_path = self._path(dir_path) try: os.makedirs(full_path, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: self._log('make_dirs', 'exception: %s' % e) return False def build_type_label(self): self.ensure_one() return dict(self.fields_get('build_type', 'selection')['build_type']['selection']).get(self.build_type, self.build_type) def get_formated_job_time(self): return s2human(self.job_time) def get_formated_build_time(self): return s2human(self.build_time) def get_formated_build_age(self): return s2human(self.build_age) def sorted_revdep_build_ids(self): return sorted(self.revdep_build_ids, key=lambda build: build.repo_id.name)