import collections import functools import logging import pprint import requests from odoo.exceptions import UserError from . import exceptions _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GH(object): def __init__(self, token, repo): self._url = '' self._repo = repo session = self._session = requests.Session() session.headers['Authorization'] = f'token {token}' def __call__(self, method, path, json=None, check=True): """ :type check: bool | dict[int:Exception] """ r = self._session.request( method, f'{self._url}/repos/{self._repo}/{path}', json=json ) if check: if isinstance(check, collections.Mapping): exc = check.get(r.status_code) if exc: raise exc(r.content) r.raise_for_status() return r def head(self, branch): d = self('get', f'git/refs/heads/{branch}').json() assert d['ref'] == f'refs/heads/{branch}' assert d['object']['type'] == 'commit' return d['object']['sha'] def commit(self, sha): return self('GET', f'git/commits/{sha}').json() def comment(self, pr, message): self('POST', f'issues/{pr}/comments', json={'body': message}) def close(self, pr, message): self.comment(pr, message) self('PATCH', f'pulls/{pr}', json={'state': 'closed'}) def fast_forward(self, branch, sha): try: self('patch', f'git/refs/heads/{branch}', json={'sha': sha}) except requests.HTTPError: raise exceptions.FastForwardError() def set_ref(self, branch, sha): # force-update ref r = self('patch', f'git/refs/heads/{branch}', json={ 'sha': sha, 'force': True, }, check=False) if r.status_code == 200: return if r.status_code == 404: # fallback: create ref r = self('post', 'git/refs', json={ 'ref': f'refs/heads/{branch}', 'sha': sha, }, check=False) if r.status_code == 201: return r.raise_for_status() def merge(self, sha, dest, message, squash=False, author=None): if not squash: r = self('post', 'merges', json={ 'base': dest, 'head': sha, 'commit_message': message, }, check={409: exceptions.MergeError}) r = r.json() return dict(r['commit'], sha=r['sha']) current_head = self.head(dest) tree = self.merge(sha, dest, "temp")['tree']['sha'] c = self('post', 'git/commits', json={ 'message': message, 'tree': tree, 'parents': [current_head], 'author': author, }, check={409: exceptions.MergeError}).json() self.set_ref(dest, c['sha']) return c # -- def prs(self): cursor = None owner, name = self._repo.split('/') while True: response ='{self._url}/graphql', json={ 'query': PR_QUERY, 'variables': { 'owner': owner, 'name': name, 'cursor': cursor, } }).json() result = response['data']['repository']['pullRequests'] for pr in result['nodes']: statuses = into(pr, '') or [] author = into(pr, 'author.login') or into(pr, 'headRepositoryOwner.login') source = into(pr, 'headRepositoryOwner.login') or into(pr, 'author.login') label = source and f"{source}:{pr['headRefName']}" yield { 'number': pr['number'], 'title': pr['title'], 'body': pr['body'], 'head': { 'ref': pr['headRefName'], 'sha': pr['headRefOid'], # headRef may be null if the pr branch was ?deleted? # (mostly closed PR concerns?) 'statuses': { c['context']: c['state'] for c in statuses }, 'label': label, }, 'state': pr['state'].lower(), 'user': {'login': author}, 'base': { 'ref': pr['baseRefName'], 'repo': { 'full_name': pr['repository']['nameWithOwner'], } }, 'commits': pr['commits']['totalCount'], } if result['pageInfo']['hasPreviousPage']: cursor = result['pageInfo']['startCursor'] else: break def into(d, path): return functools.reduce( lambda v, segment: v and v.get(segment), path.split('.'), d ) PR_QUERY = """ query($owner: String!, $name: String!, $cursor: String) { rateLimit { remaining } repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) { pullRequests(last: 100, before: $cursor) { pageInfo { startCursor hasPreviousPage } nodes { author { # optional login } number title body state repository { nameWithOwner } baseRefName headRefOid headRepositoryOwner { # optional login } headRefName headRef { # optional target { ... on Commit { status { contexts { context state } } } } } commits { totalCount } #comments(last: 100) { # nodes { # author { # login # } # body # bodyText # } #} } } } } """