Xavier Morel 0e087e7433 [ADD] mergebot, forwardbot: changelog
* Adds a changelog page, linked from the main, with content
  automatically loaded from the source. To avoid conflicts, each entry
  is its own file and entries are grouped by the month during which
  the update will (probably) be deployed
* The last group (most likely "last update") doesn't have a title, the
  rest do.
* Add changelog entries from the last update so it's not too empty.
* Also update the layout for the alerts a bit: remove bottom margin to
  reduce loss of whitespace.
2021-10-20 15:16:48 +02:00

82 lines
3.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import collections
import json
import pathlib
import markdown
import markupsafe
import werkzeug.exceptions
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import ElementMaker
from odoo.http import Controller, route, request
A = ElementMaker(namespace="")
LIMIT = 20
class MergebotDashboard(Controller):
@route('/runbot_merge', auth="public", type="http", website=True)
def dashboard(self):
return request.render('runbot_merge.dashboard', {
'projects': request.env['runbot_merge.project'].with_context(active_test=False).sudo().search([]),
@route('/runbot_merge/<int:branch_id>', auth='public', type='http', website=True)
def stagings(self, branch_id, until=None):
stagings = request.env['runbot_merge.stagings'].with_context(active_test=False).sudo().search([
('target', '=', branch_id),
('staged_at', '<=', until) if until else (True, '=', True),
], order='staged_at desc', limit=LIMIT+1)
return request.render('runbot_merge.branch_stagings', {
'branch': request.env['runbot_merge.branch'].browse(branch_id).sudo(),
'stagings': stagings[:LIMIT],
'next': stagings[-1].staged_at if len(stagings) > LIMIT else None,
def _entries(self):
changelog = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'changelog'
if changelog.is_dir():
return [
(, [f.read_text(encoding='utf-8') for f in d.iterdir() if f.is_file()])
for d in changelog.iterdir()
return []
def entries(self, item_converter):
entries = collections.OrderedDict()
for key, items in sorted(self._entries(), reverse=True):
entries.setdefault(key, []).extend(map(item_converter, items))
return entries
@route('/runbot_merge/changelog', auth='public', type='http', website=True)
def changelog(self):
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['nl2br'], output_format='html5')
entries = self.entries(lambda t: markupsafe.Markup(md.convert(t)))
return request.render('runbot_merge.changelog', {
'entries': entries,
@route('/<org>/<repo>/pull/<int(min=1):pr>', auth='public', type='http', website=True)
def pr(self, org, repo, pr):
pr_id = request.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].sudo().search([
('', '=', f'{org}/{repo}'),
('number', '=', int(pr)),
if not pr_id:
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
if not pr_id.repository.group_id <= request.env.user.groups_id:
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
st = {}
if pr_id.statuses:
# normalise `statuses` to map to a dict
st = {
k: {'state': v} if isinstance(v, str) else v
for k, v in json.loads(pr_id.statuses_full).items()
return request.render('runbot_merge.view_pull_request', {
'pr': pr_id,
'merged_head': json.loads(pr_id.commits_map).get(''),
'statuses': st